The Noble Family of Testaferrata,
described as living in Vittoriosa, Malta, one line being Patricians of Rome, the other being Hereditary Knights of the Holy Roman Empire, described as claiming descent from the Capo di Ferro family of Rome.
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The Testaferrata family of Malta.
Copyright belongs to The Most Noble Count Sant Fournier Archives.
Last update; 18-01-2025.
de Lucia; has moved.
This family is listed as a noble family in “Descrittione di Malta” (1647). Moreover the Grand Masters also bestowed this family the titles of Barone di Gomerino (1710) and Illustrissimi e Nobili (1725, 3 grants). The King of Naples bestowed the title of San Vincenzo Ferreri (1716) and the Duke of Savoy (King of Sicily) another title of Marchese (1717). This family was also invested in the Baronia di Cicciano (1695) and in the title of Barone della Tabria (1784). The title of Patrician of Messina granted to Mariano Testaferrata in 1553 (not mentioned by Abela) was reinstated and granted anew in 1792 in favour of 4 branches of this family. 
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Note: Not all descendants are listed.

 “Se la presente Famiglia, ch’ e’ stata in una linea, con la sua posterita’ aggregata alle Patritie di Roma, ed ammessa nell’ Ordine Senatorio di quell’ Alma Citta’, e dalla Maesta’ Cesarea in un altro ramo con I discendenti assunta allo stato de’ Nobili Militari del Sac. Rom. Imperio, sia discesa dalla nobile Romana CAPO DI FERRO son sappiamo fin ora, anzi bensi, che l’arme di quella vien appunto portata da questa simigliantemente; Ella si annovera tra’ le principali, e ricche di Malta, possedendovi hoggi, piu’ di quattro mila scudi d’entrata in beni stabili, non essendo diramata n diverse case come altre d’un medesimo cognome senza vincolo di parentela, ma unitamente ompresa ne’ gradi congiunti de conanguinei; il che ci addita non esser molto antica in quest’ isola, si come veramente non la ritroviamo nelel scritture, e particolarmente negli’ atti di Gonsalvo Canciur mentovata, prima dell’ anno 1503, over leggiamo farsi mentione di Giacomo Testaferrata, e della moglie Margherita per conto di certo predio, ch’ allora possedevano; questi furono genitori di Mariano (uscito alla luce nel medesimo tempo), di Tomaso, e di Simone; passo’ di vita il primo nel 1571 dopo haver fatto il suo testamento, nel quale vien chiamato Nobilis Marianus Testaferrata civis Victoriosa Civitatis , lasciando come nell’istesso si dice, da Donna Margherita sua moglie(ch’ era ia morta) tre figli maschi, e tre femmine, I nomi di quelli furono, Giacomo, Antonio, e Pietro, e di queste Agata, Girolama, e Giovanella, I quali tre fratelli esercitarano, mentre visisero il negotio, e traffico, facendo navigare ne’ propi vasselli le loro mercatantie, come fece il Padre, e l’Avolo ancora, con l’occasione del corso, e degli’ armamenti (non men allora di quello si faccia al presente) cupidamente frequentati. Istitui Mariano eredi universali, Antonio e Pietro, posciache Giacomo, il maggior di tutti, si ritrovava in quel tempo ammogliato con Vincenza figliuola di Manfredo Pace, e d’Imperia sorella del famoso, e saggio Dottor Agostino Cumbo, ed in possesso de’ beni assgnatili dal-Padre, per sua porione, in risguardo della quale fu’ egli fino alla morte, che segui nel 1588 ascritto al servigio militare della Cavalleria. Sopravissero al secondo Giacomo (oltre le femmine) due figli maschi, cioe’ a dire Don Mariano Sacerdote, e Gio Tomaso marito d’Elena figliuola del Capitan Giacomo de Robertis. Nacque costui in Bologna d’Italia intorno al 1543, suo padre fu’ Guio Lorenzo, humo d’arme uno della compagnia de’ cavalileggieri di quell’ Inclita Citta’, figliuol di Giacomo di Robertia; la madre hebbe il nome Camilla, di cui fu’ padre Lorenzo, figiluol d’aldrovandino degli’ Aldrovandini nobile famiglia di Ravena; della medesima Camilla e’ stato fratello un altro Aldrovaldino, marito di Caterina di Lelio Piattesi. Pervenuto all’ eta’ giovenile, bramoso di seguir le vestigia del genitore, si parti’ dalla patria per andar in Francia, come fece alle uerre, ch’ allora si facevano contro Ugonotti, apprendendo in esse, anco l’esperienza di maneggiar l’artiglierie, e di far fuochi artificiali, nel che riusci’ peritissimo, come lo testifico Giacomo Bosio nell’ Istorie. Quindi ritornato in Italia, per dimostrar il suo valore, abraccio volentieri l’invito fattogli d’applicarsi a’ servigi di questa Sacra Religionepercioche l’anno 1567, mandato dal Commendator Fra’ Gioseffo Cambiano, allora Ambasciatore in Roma, con undici scelti artiglierie se ne venne in Malta, minacciata piu’ che maid al Turco in quel tempo, con armata, non meno potente di quello fusse stata l’altra del 1565. Fu subito impiegato nelle fattioni di mare, indi in terra, con la honervolissima carica di Capoartigliere di tutta la Compagnia di S. Barbara. S’ammoglio’ nel 1583 copn Marietta Abela, da cui benche’ generasse figliuoli, I maschi pero’ tutti morirono, come anche doppo, fece lui nel 1608 havendo egregiamente servitor la medesima sacra Militia, per lo spatio di quarant’ anni in diverse occorrenza di molto rilievo, a lei sempre mai grato, e caro come huomo giuditioso, e di raro ingegno nella sua professione; lascio’ due figlie femmine cioe’ Camilla moglie del Tesoriere (che fu’ lungo tempo di questa Universita’) Paolo Burgio, padre del Canonico D. Paolo Antonio Dottor di leggi, e d’altre scienze professore, ed Elena sopradetta, le quali con pieta’ filiale, ossequiose circa la memoria del genitore curarano, che sopea il suo sepolcro nella Chiesa di S. Barbara si ponesse l’Epitafio seguente: D.O.M. Capit Iacobo de Robertis Bononiensi. Viro bombardis tractandis peritissimo, Qui an MDLXVII cum II selectis in Urbe viris, Ad Sac. Huius Militia obsequia ductus, Ob praeclara terra, mariq; facinora, Supremus bombardaum Prothomagistur electus; Nunqam tamen ocia passus Naupactea insigni victoria intersuit. Navarrinea expeditioni non desuit. Tripolitan. Arcem ad intercipien, exploravit, Alibiq; bellica virtutis, ac fidei sgna dedit, Quibus media Crucis insigne, gratis adeptus est Potremo’ Sac. Ord. carus dierum, meritorumq; plenus In pace quievit, An. MDCVIII. Ma ritorniamo ai Testaferrati poiche costretti non men dall’ affetto, che dall’ obbligo verso la persona d’un tal Affine, ci siamo traportati a’ questa digressione; la cui notitia potra’ per avventura sodisfar a’ qualche curioso, ed esser in tempo d’avvenire a’ suoi posteri profittevole, massimamente usando eglino co’ l proprio cognome della casa nel presente ramo, accoppiar anco quello de’ Roberti. Da Elena dunque di lui figliuola, e da Gio Tomaso Testaferrata (ch’ esercito molt’ anni il carico di Giurato, e per il tempo solito quello di Sindaco dell’ Universita’ di Malta nel Regno di Sicilia, & altri honorevoli officij del publico) nacquero tre figliuoli, Giacomo Dottor di leggi, che’ fu’ Capitano della Citta’ Notabile, poscia Giudice della medesima nelle cause civili per piu’ anni, consorte di Teodora Bonnici, il Dottor Don Eugenio prima Canonico della Cattedrale di Siracusa, indi Arcidiacono di questa Melivetana, Frat’ Aldrovandino Cavaliere del Signor Gran Maestro per autorita’ (suprema nella eligione) del Capitolo Generale. Antonio, o’ Antonino figliuol secondo di Mariano, fu’ parimente Giurato nell’ 1577 s’accaso con Bernardina Abela sorella del Vescovo di Sidonia, e fu’ padre degl’ infrascritti. Paolo Dottor di leggi, che dal Sacro Senato di Roma fu’ fatto Cittadino, e Patrizio Romano con tutti I suoi discendenti, procreo’ della prima sua moglie Marietta di Paolo Cumbo, Fabritio marito di Caterinuzza Cassar, e della seconda Donna Anziona figliuola di Don Pietro Guevara, non hebbe pasterita’ alcuna. Il Dottor Don Gio Domenico Avvocato Fiscale per molt’ anni del S. Officio dell’ Inquisitione, di cui e’ stata sempre questa casa benemerita, e percio’ continuamente honorata de’ primi carichi di quel Tribunale, essendo stato il sopradetto Paolo altresi Avvocato Fiscale, poscia Assessore, e diversi altri Depositarij. Bartolomeo, dalla moglie Maria Falsone, hebbe due figliuoli, Pietro e Bartolomeo, questo marito di Teresa Cassar, e quello di Veronica Testaferrata con dispensatione Apostolica. Giovanni sposo di Cleria Gauci, fu’ padre del Sacerdote F. Gio Battista professo in questa Sacra Religione nella Lingua d’Italia, di Lorenzo Carlo, e Vincenzo. Pietro fratello di Giacomo, e d’Antonio lascio a Imperia Busuttil un sol figlio maschio di nome Pasquale, padre del Canonico D. Antonino, del Dott. Col’ Antonio, di Policarpo, e d’altre femmine. Fu’ Pietro di tanto credito, e stima presso al Sig. G. Maestro Garzes Principe nostro, per le sue virtuose, ed ottime qualita’, che ne volle far scelta, per purgar queste Citta’ di vagobondi, e d’atre persone malvagie, nocive al publico, con tale, e si ampia autorita’, che essendo stata insolita, & a’ pochi conceduta in questo dominio, massimamente a’ Vassalli, habbiamo giudicato convenevole inferior in questo luogo la patente per honorevolezza non men sua, che della Casa, come si vede registrata negl’ atti di Canceleria in questa forma. F. MARTINUS GARZES Dei gratia, &c  Magnifico Petro Testaferrata Vassallo nostro nobis dilecto salutem, & c Cum in his Insulis nostris Melita, & Gaudisii, & c Confidentes de tua diligentia, cura, susscientia, fidulitate, & in rebus agendas dexteritate, & probitate te Magnificum Petrum Testaferrata praesentem, & onus hutusmodi humisliter suscipiente, omni meliori via, modo, iure, & forma, quibus possumus, & delicimus, Patrem pupillorum exorbatorum, sive orphanorum, viduarum, & miserabilium personarum facimus, & auctoritatem, et facultatem tibi, & c contra malefactors, latrines, lanones, & laenos, vagabundus, perversos, & perversas, malos & malas, & tenaces ad tua correctionem, et ordinem, ac mandata absolute’, et statim prout tibi benevisum fuerit, et casus evenerit procedas, et in carceribus publicis detrude mandes, usque ad fustigaionem vos punias, et si necess’ fuerit in exilium praedictarum nostrarum Insularum eitcias, et releges (facto tamen prius nobis verbo) et siti videbitur, quod aliqui sint apti ad laborandum personaliter in structura, sive fabricate fabricis publicis Religionis nostra, statim destines. Praecipientis Castellano nostra Magae Curiae Castellaniae, Capitaneo Virga Curiae Capitaealis Civitatis nostrae Notabilis, Gubernatori nostrae Unsula Gaudisii, et quibuslibet officialibus dictarum Curiarum, ut quotiescuno; a’ te, et pro parte tua requisiti fuerint, omnem opem, auxilium, et favorem tibi praestent, et praestare faciant. Taliter igitur in praemissis teg eras, quatenus imprimis Deo sit satis factum, et opnio, qua’ de te concepimus, nos minime fallat. In cuius rei, etc. Bulla nostra Magistralis in caera negra, etc. Dat. Melitae, etc, die penultima mensis Augusti 1596.” Ripigliamo hora il filo per accennar la discendenza deg’ altri figli del primo Giacomo fratelli di Mariano, cioe; di Tomaso, e Simone; il primo de’ quali ammogliandosi con Imperia Gallo della Notabile fu’ padre d’Alfonso, il quale benche poscia generasse altri due figli maschi di nome Tomaso, e Pietro, non rimane’ pero’ di loro; ne d’Alfonso altra successione, che di femmine; Simone poi fu’ padre di Salvadore, il quale esercito l’officio di Mastro’ di Sanita’ nel 1581 ch’ e’ cessato da alcuni anni in qua’ ne secolari, continuando nientedimeno la carica loro I due Cavalieri Commissarij di quel magistrate, come pur allora si costumava. Figliuoli di Salvadore, furono Gaspare, e Gioseffo ambidue concorsi, et eletti al carico di Giurato della Valletta; la successione loro nella linea mascolina continua in quella di Gioseffo. Finalmente le tre figliuole di Mariano (dalle quali hoggi discendono alcune delle primarie nostre famiglie) si maritaggiono, le due in vita del padre, cioe’ Agata con Matteo Vassallo Segreto di Malta di cui, e di lei furono figliuoli il Canonio Don Francesco Vassallo, Aurelio Dottor di leggi, Imperia moglie d’Ambrogio Falsone della Notabile, e Dianora el Dottor Gio Maria Mamo. Girolama l’altra sorella con Giovanni Pace, dal quale matrimonio nacquero molti figliuoli, ma tutti morirono prima de’ loro genitori, senza lasciar alcuna prole. La minore Giovanella con Antonino Vassallo fratello di Matteo, ne meno da questi rimase successione.” (From Abela’s “Della Descrittione di Malta del Commendatore Abela” (1647))


Origin in Rome with the Capodiferro family]

 Milite Arfio Niccolo Capodiferro, appointed 1479 Commander of the Garrison of Malta by King Ferdinand II of Aragon, Naples and Sicily, Count of Malta [1] [Ancestry]married c. 1440 to Nobile Costanza Montalto dei Baroni di Milocca, with issue. 
1. Milite Angaraldo Capo di Ferro (Testaferrata), married c. 1470 to Nobile Margherita Montalto dei Baroni di Milocca, Prato e Arcimusa, with issue
1.1. El Magnifico Giacomo I Testaferrata, viv. 1503 (“esercitarano, mentre visisero il negotio, e traffico, facendo navigare ne’ propi vasselli le loro mercatantie, …………….., con l’occasione del corso, e degli’ armamenti (non men allora di quello si faccia al presente) cupidamente frequentati”. In an Testament of his son, Tommaso 1581 by Notary Enrico Zarb, noted Giacomo as “El Magnifico”.,  married c. 1500 to Nobile Margherita de Vaccaro, with issue.
1.1.1. Nobile Simone Testaferrata, married to Nobile Maddalena de La Barba, with issue Nobile Salvatore Testaferrata, (“esercito l’officio di Mastro’ di Sanita’ nel 1581 ch’ e’ cessato da alcuni anni in qua’ ne secolari, continuando nientedimeno la carica loro I due Cavalieri Commissarij di quel magistrate, come pur allora si costumava.”), married to Nobile Laura Cilia, with issue Nobile Gasparo Testaferrata, (1566-), (“furono Gaspare, e Gioseffo ambidue concorsi, et eletti al carico di Giurato della Valletta “)  married Paolina Tabone, with issue Nobile Eleanora Testaferrata, married 1625 to Angelo Bonnici Nobile Grazia Testaferrata, married 1631 Valletta to Gio Paolo Borg of Naxxar. Nobile Grazio Testaferrata, married (1) 1629 Valletta to Maria Pace, married (2) 1632 Axiak to Maria Bonavia. Nobile Gio Simone Testaferrata, married 1647 Senglea to Lucrezia Buttigieg, with issue. Nobile Antonia Testaferrata, married 1654 Gudja to Geronimo Camilleri. Nobile Scolastica Testaferrata, married 1664 Vittoriosa to Notary Pietro Paolo Pace. (illegitimate with N. Farrugia) Orsola de Farrugia, married 1668 Valletta to Tomaso Pensa. (illegitimate) Maria, Orpheline, married 1670 Valletta to Antonio Borg, (see below). (illegitimate with Maria Agius) Maddalena de Agius, elevee par Notary Paolo Allegritto, married 1671 Mdina to Paolo Gambin. Nobile Sebastiano Testaferrata, married 1653 Senglea to Onorata Burlo. Nobile Baldassare Testaferrata, married 1638 Axiak to Giovanna Bonnici, with issue. Nobile Giuseppe Testaferrata, married 1667 Valletta to Nobile Maria Cumbo. Nobile Argentine Testaferrata, married 1585 to Dr Niccolo Cilia MD. Nobile Imperia Testaferra, married 1589 to Bartolomeo Tabone, Nobile Gioseffo Testaferrata, (1567-) (“furono Gaspare, e Gioseffo ambidue concorsi, et eletti al carico di Giurato della Valletta “) (Illegitimate) Vittoria Testaferrata, (1585-) Nobile Bartolomea Gioannella Testaferrata, married 1558 Vittoriosa to Alfonso Galea Nobile Giuseppe Testaferrata, married to Geronima N, with issue. Nobile Vittoria Testaferrata, married 1581 Vittoriosa to Mro Damiano Gatto. Nobile Blasio Testaferrata, married 1588 Qormi to Gioanella Casha, with issue. Nobile Mariano Testaferrata, ‘Abbott’, dunm. Nobile Grazia Testaferrata, married 1619 Valletta to Nobile Antonio Lo Jacomo. Nobile Maria Testaferrata, ‘Nun’.
1.1.2. Nobile Pietro Paolo Capo di Ferro sives Testaferrata, married 1551 Vittoriosa to Giacoba Malatesta, with issue. Nobile Agata Vincenza Testaferrata, married 1579 Vittoriosa to Girolamo Francesco Ardito of Sicily, with issue. Nobile Clara Ardito, married 1632 Valletta to Bartolomeo Vial of France, with issue. Settimina Vial Testaferrata, married 1669 Valletta to Mro Domenico Borg Maria Vial Testaferrata, married 1649 Valletta to Stefano Lifurno of Paris, France. Anna Vial Testaferrata, married 1653 Valletta to Salvatore Grech. Geronima Vial Testaferrata, married 1657 Valletta to Mro Antonio Vella. Margherita Vial Testaferrata, married (1) 1662 Valletta to Gio Battista Vella, married (2) 1676 Valletta to Giovanni Bringhau. Maria Ardito, married 1614 Valletta to Battista Vella, with issue. Angelica Vella, married 1637 Cospicua to Padron Gio Domenico Sacco. Agnese Ardito, married 1617 Cospicua to Pasquale Garagas, with issue. Vittoriosa Garagas, married 1637 Cospicua to Emmanuele de Candia. Demetrio Garagas, married 1642 Cospicua to Prudenza Xiriha. Tomaso Garagas, married 1650 Cospicua to Innocenza Parnis. Bernardino Garagas, married 1654 Senglea to Isabella Mizzi. Margherita Ardito, married 1621 Cospicua to Nicola Mamo, with issue. Francesco Mamo, married 1653 Cospicua to Lucrezia Marmara, with issue. Maddalena Mamo, married 1688 Cospicua to Giovanni de Lucca. Bartolomea Mamo, married 1686 Cospicua to Ottavio Mangion. Margherita Mamo, married 1677 Cospicua to Gio Luca Magro. Giovanni Mamo, married 1691 Valletta to Orsolica Chifo. Antonio Mamo, married 1700 Cospicua to Teresa Borg, with issue. Maria Mamo, married 1728 Cospicua to Giovanni Tonna. Teresa Mamo, married 1724 Cospicua to Nicola Fenech. Maria Mamo, married 1672 Cospicua to Pierre Lombard of France. Battista Mamo, married 1668 Zabbar to Antonia N, former wife of Ignazio Barbara. Francesca Mamo, married 1631 Cospicua to Giorgio de Paris, married (2) 1674 Cospicua to Stefano di Giorgio, with issue. (First marriage) Guidonia de Paris, married 1649 Cospicua to Francesco Nonelle of Venice. Domenica Ardito, married 1645 Naxxar to Silvestro Borg.
1.1.3. Nobile Mariano Testaferrata, [2, 3] (1503-71), Patrican of Messina. created 1553, Depositario of the Inquisition, (“Nobilis Marianus Testaferrata civis Victoriosa Civitatis”), married to Maddalena Coremasco Cassia, with issue. Nobile Antonio Testaferrata, (indicated by Abela as the second son but see footnote below), Patrizio Messina, married 1570 to Nobile Bernardina Abela, (“sorella del Vescovo di Sidonia”), with issue Paolo Testaferrata, Patrician of Rome 1590, [4, 5, 60, 52] (“Dottor di leggi, che dal Sacro Senato di Roma fu’ fatto Cittadino, e Patrizio Romano con tutti I suoi discendenti,”), married firstly 1596 to Nobile Marietta Cumbo, married secondly 1606 to Enziona Guevara, with issue. (First mariage) Fabritio Testaferrata (c 1598-1674), Patrizio Messina e Roma, married 1655 to Speranza Xara Cagliares(Abela (page 535) gives Fabrizio’s wife as Caterinuzza Cassar but Cassar Desain (page 102) shows that in fact Fabritio was married to Speranza daughter of Pietro Xara and Antonia Cagliares (sister of the Bishop of Malta, Baldassare Cagliares) from whom he had issue Paolo Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, (1656-1714 [NOT 1713]), married 1674 to Beatrice Cassia, 9th Baroness of Castel Cicciano , Both Jointly Created Baron and Baroness of Gomerino in 1710 [7, 8], Beatrice was later granted the title of Most Illustrious and Noble, with issue (see following notes establishing correct annotation of issue). For different sources’ conflicting claims about Paolo’s death in 1713 and 1714, [6]; [59]; [54], [53]. Nobile Fabrizio Testaferrata,  Patrizio Messina e Roma10th Barone of Castel Cicciano, also noted as 2nd Barone of Gomerino, [57],  married 1704 to Antonia Cassar-Falsone (died 1711), with issue. Nobile Pietr’Antonio Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, Baroncino di Castel Cicciano e Gomerino,  (died 1730), married to Nobile Pulcra Testaferrata, (See below), with issue. Nobile Elisabetta Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, (1727-36), d.inf. (illegitimate with Housemaid) Rosalba Alunna di Pier’Antonio Testaferrata, married 1755 Valletta to Francesco Alunno di Colin Erskine, Painter in Rome and Italian women. (illegitimate with Housemaid)  Maria Alunna di Pier’Antonio Testaferrata, married 1764 Qormi to Giuseppe de PodecaAlunno di Graf Friedrich August Rutowsky. Clara Testaferrata, 11th Baroness of Castel CiccianoPatrizia Messina e Roma, married 1729 to Nobile Michele Sceberras. Nobile Ercole Martino Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, (1684-1748), 2nd Baron of Gomerino (succeeded Beatrice 1737 as per Grand Master’s Decree of 1737)  (cr. 1 May 1737), ALSO 3rd Baron of Gomerino (succeeding Fabrizio in 1744, as per court judgment of 1882), [58]  married 1735 to Nobile Veneranda Abela, with issue. Nobile Paolo Testaferrata Abela, Patrizio Messina e Roma, (1736-60),  3rd Barone of Gomerino, married 1752 to Nobile Vincenza Matilda Perdicomati Bologna dei Conti della Catena, with issue Nobile Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela, Patrizio Messina e Roma, 4th Baron of Gomerino,   He and his descendants were reinstated as Patrician of Messina 28 August 1792, [56]Appointed Lord Lieutenant of Malta (1815-1827: died in office) as “Baron Pietro Paolo Testaferrata” . Held the command of the veteran battalion. Appointed Major, Royal Malta Fencible Regiment, February 25, 1815, Retired on reduction of establishment, February 25, 1817 – The Maltese Corps of the British Army 1798-1895, by Major A.G. Chesney), Married (1) 1781 to Nobile Maria Manduca Piscopo Macedonia dei Conti di Montalto(her father Felice was according to the 1878 Commission the last holder of the title of Count of Mont’ Alto in Parma and Piacenza as per rescript dated 9 March 1725: she died dsp), married Secondly 1786 to Contessa Laudonia Moroni (her father Michele was Senator of Rome and Count of Ponte Curone 22-12-1534), married Thirdly 1803 to Contessa Teresa Buzi Ranieri di Velletri, (her father Ciariaco was ennobled as Count 24-11-1770), with further issue. (Second Marriage) Nobile Giuseppe Testaferrata Abela Moroni, Patrizio Messina e Roma, (1792-1869), Baroncino of Gomerino,  [9, 10, 11, 12] married 1826 to Nobile Vincenza dei Baroni Gauci Ducoss , Hereditary Nobile of Hungary, Dowager Marchesa di Ghajn Qajjed, with issue. Nobile Dr Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela Moroni, LLDPatrizio Messina e Roma,  (1830-82), [Claimant to the Barony of Gomerino]. married 1863 to Marchesa Maria Angelica Testaferrata Viani dei Baroni di Tabria, (See below), with issue. Nobile Salvatore Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizio Messina e Roma,  (1866-1911), [Claimant to the Barony di Gomerino e Barony di Tabria], married 1886 to Marchesa Caroline Barbaro Sant di San Giorgio, with issue. Nobile Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizio Messina e Roma, (1886-1954), [Claimant to the Barony di Gomerino e Barony di Tabria],, married 1922 to Carmela Cremona, with issue. Nobile Salvatore Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizio Messina e Roma, (1930-2017), Honorary Consul General of the Republic of San Marino in Malta, [Claimant to the Barony di Gomerino e Barony di Tabria],, married 1962 to Monika Ammerman of Germany, with issue. Nobile Chevalier Christopher Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizio Messina e Roma,  (1964- ,  Knight EMCOSG, [Most senior Testaferrata Male descendant of Arfio Niccolo Capo di Ferro in Malta], [Claimant to the Barony di Gomerino e Barony di Tabria],, married 1991 to Daniela Vinci, with issue Nobile Chevalier Stephen Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizio Messina e Roma,  (2018) Medal of SMCOSG, (2020) Knight EOHSJ, (1994-, married 2024 Mdina Cathedral to Donna Naomi Lorefice. Nobile Petra Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizia Messina e Roma, (1992-, married 2023 Paola, Malta to Steve Aldo John Portera. Nobile Dr Martin Testaferrata Moroni Viani LLDPatrizio Messina e Roma,  (1969-., Honorary Consul General of the Republic of San Marino in Malta, married 2004 to Marchesa Stephanie Apap Bologna Sceberras d’Amico Inguanez dei Marchesi di Gnien is-Sultan e Baroni di Djar il-Bniet e BuqanHereditary Noble of Hungary., with issue. Nobile Nicholas Henry Testaferrata Moroni Viani., Patrizio Messina e Roma, (2005-. Nobile Martina Josefa Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizia Messina e Roma, (2007-. Nobile Sophia Maria Pilar Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizia Messina e Roma, (2007-. Nobile Carmen Petra Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizia Messina e Roma, (1963-66), dunm. Nobile Mario Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizio Messina e Roma, (1932-2007),  married 1957 to Jane Borg Hampton, with issue. Nobile Peter Paul Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizio Messina e Roma, (1960-, married 1985 to Theresia Vincenti Kind, with issue Nobile Sarah Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizia Messina e Roma,  (1986-. Nobile Mark Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizio Messina e Roma,  (1988- . Nobile Peter Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizio Messina e Roma,  (1994-, married 2020 Valletta to Sarah Schembri Wismayer Busuttil Nobile Paul Stephen Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizio Messina e Roma, (1965-, married 1990 to Clara Galea, with issue Nobile Luke Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizio Messina e Roma,  (1992- Nobile Diana Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizia Messina e Roma, (1994- Nobile Caroline Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizia Messina e Roma,  (1958-, married Gerald Zammit, (His late Brother married to Nobile Maria Galea-Testaferrata)., with issue. Matthew Zammit Testaferrata Moroni Viani. Amanda Jane Zammit Testaferrata Moroni Viani. Nobile Maria Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizia Messina e Roma,  (1923-99), married 1948 to Marchese Lino Testaferrata Bonici, Barone di Qlejjgha, (See below). Nobile Beatrice Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizia Messina e Roma, (1927-2007), dunm. Nobile Maria Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizia Messina e Roma,  (1893-1954), married 1921 to Victor Denaro Nobile Beatrice Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizia Messina e Roma,  married to Salvatore Cremona. Nobile Suor Inez Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizia Messina e Roma,  (Nun), dunm. Nobile Elvira Testaferrrata Moroni Viani, Patrizia Messina e Roma,  (1891-1962), married 1919 Paola to Carmelo Meme Scicluna, OBE, (1887-1952). Nobile Laura Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizia Messina e Roma, married to George Bryon, with issue. Inez Bryon, (1933-2021), married Frank Calleja, with issue. Pierre Calleja, married to Gaye N, with issue. Peter Calleja. Anna Calleja, married to Reno Agius, with issue. Ranier Agius. Neville Agius, married to Silvia N, with issue. Damian Agius. Mary Bryon,  married to Giovanni Paolini, with issue. Edith Bryon,  married Thomas Zerafa, with issue. Eileen Bryon,  married Alfred Fsadni, with issue. Dr Ivan Fsadni. Nobile Rosario Testaferrata Moroni Viani, Patrizia Messina e RomaHereditary Nobile of Hungary, 7th Barone di Tabria, (1871-1935), married 1895 Valletta to Maria Mizzi, with issue. Nobile Mary Violet Testaferrata Moroni Viani Patrizia Messina e RomaBaronessa di TabriaHereditary Nobile of Hungary, married 1921 to Marchese John Scicluna. (Marchese Scicluna and Barons of Tabria line). Nobile Maria Testaferrata Abela Moronim Patrizia Messina e Roma, married 1816 to Aloiseo Lazzarini., with issue. Cav. Col. James Lazzarini CMG (1882), married 1851 Valletta to Caroline Carleton, with issue. Nobile Vincenzo Testaferrata Abela Moroni, Patrizia Messina e Roma, dunm. Nobile Laura Testaferrata Abela Moroni, Patrizia Messina e Roma, dunm. (Third marriage) Nobile Francesco Testaferrata Abela, Patrizio Messina e Roma, 5th Barone di Gomerino, married 1882 Zabbar to Lorenza Schembri, dsp.l. (illegitimate with Housemaid) Anselmo de Muscat, (died b4 1867), edeque pa Francesco Muscat et Maria Attard, married (1) 1855 Birkirkara to Teresa Borg, married (2) 1857 Cospicua to Carmela Zahra. (illegitimate with Housemaid) Maria Concetta de Burlo, elevee par Pietro Paolo Burlo e Maria Dolores, married 1855 Cospicua to Gregorio Spiteri. Nobile Chevalier Ettore Testaferrata Abela, Patrizio Messina e RomaKM, married (1) to Maria Ramsay Anderson, married (2) 1884 Valletta to Giovanna Sammut Balbi, with issue. (First marriage) Nobile Beatrice Testaferrata Abela, (d. 1896), Patrizia Messina e Roma, married 1878 to Colonel R.C. Goff. , [Wiki]; with issue. (Goff-Testaferrata). Francis Goff Testaferrata, (d. 1891). (illegitimate with Housemaid) Vittoria de Attard, eduque par Maria Attard, married 1857 Cospicua to Rosario Negroponte. (illegitimate with Housemaid) Luigi de Ellul, Alunno, married 1854 Kirkop to Maria Agius. Nobile Augusto Testaferrata Abela, CMG., Patrizio Messina e Roma, (1823-1885), – 6th Barone di Gomerino, [Times of Malta]; married 1850 Valletta  to Angelica Tagliaferro, with issue Nobile Ugo Testaferrata Abela, (1851-1914), Patrizio Messina e Roma, – 7th Barone di Gomerinomarried 1905 to Louisa Borg Cardona, with issue. Nobile Pietro Paolo Testaferrata AbelaPatrizio Messina e Roma, (1906-59), – 8th Barone di Gomerinodunm. Nobile Adriana Maria Testaferrata Abela, Patrizia Messina e Roma, (1907-2002), – 9th Baronessa di Gomerino, dunm Nobile Maria Stella Testaferrata Abela, (1909-1991) Patrizia Messina e Roma, , married 1942 to Dr Frank Callus, M.D., with issue. Nobile Myriam Callus Testaferrata Abela, (1943-, 10th Baronessa di Gomerino married 1973, to Alan Chemel, with issue Nobile Elizabeth Chemel Testaferrata Abela, (1975-, Baronessina di Gomerino, married 2006 to John Manche., with issue. Nobile Francesco Giovanni Manche Testaferrata Abela, (2007-. Nobile John Albert Manche, (2010-. Nobile Jane Manche, (2014-. Nobile Victoria Callus, (1949-, married 1971 to Anthony George Tabone, (d. 2015), with issue. Peter Tabone, (1977-, married to Francesca Farrugia. Paula Tabone, (1972-, married to Sandro Micallef, with issue Julia Micallef, (2001-. Francesca Tabone, (1979-., married 2013 to James Ellul, B.Com, ACCA. Nobile Sister Pia Maria Testaferrata Abela, Patrizia Messina e RomaSister of the Order of Mary, Help of Christians, (1911-76), dunm. Nobile Aurea Maria Testaferrata Abela, Patrizia Messina e Roma, (1912-). (illegitimate with Marianna Gauci) Antonio de Gauci, married 1896 Rabat, Gozo to Carmela Attard. Nobile Hector Testaferrata Abela, Patrizio Messina e Roma, (1854-1904), married 1884 Valletta to Giovanna Sammut Balbi, with issue Nobile Augusto Testaferrata Abela, Patrizio Messina e Roma, (1885-), married to Carmela Magri Schembri. Nobile Ettore Testaferrata Abela, Patrizio Messina e Roma, (1888-), married Pia Sammut Inglott, with issue Nobile Giovanni Ercole Testaferrata Abela., Patrizio Messina e Roma, married Veronica .. Nobile Julian Testaferrata Abela, Patrizio Messina e Roma, (1970- Nobile Angela Testaferrata Abela, Patrizia Messina e Roma, (1886-..) Nobile Maria Testaferrata Abela, Patrizia Messina e Roma, (1895-..) Nobile Inez Testaferrata Abela, Patrizia Messina e Roma, (1895-.) Nobile Teresa Testaferrata Abela, Patrizia Messina e Roma, (1852-1928), married Sir Philip Sceberras. Kt.Bach., with issue. Nobile Olimpia Testaferrata Abela, Patrizia Messina e Roma, (1866-1915), married 1890 to Philip Kirton, with issue. Hugh Alfred Kirton, (1891-1969), married to Virginia Mae Williams, with issue (other issue). Philip Cooper Kirton, (1924-1993), dunm. Godfrey Francis Kirton, (1898-1985), married to Helen Meyer Dietrick, dsp. Henry Kirton, (1892-1893), d.inf. Maria Kirton, (1894-1895), d.inf. Emily Kirton, (1895-1897), d.inf Nobile Stella Testaferrata Abela, Patrizia Messina e Roma, (1868-..), married 1885 to Joseph Ricardo dei Marchesi Bugeja, with issue. Nobile Beatrice Testaferrata Abela, Patrizia Messina e Roma, (1858-70), dunm. Nobile Adelaide Testaferrata Abela, Patrizia Messina e Roma, married to Conte Lazzaro Sant Fournier Nobile Maria Testaferrata Abela, Patrizia Messina e Roma, married to Marchese Vincenzo De Piro Nobile Pier Giacomo Testaferrata Cassia, Patrizio Messina e Roma, Prelate of the Order of Saint John within the German Langue. He was also on the recommendation of Emperor Leopold I despatched by Grand Master Zondadari to hold the commandery of Saint Peter in Carniola with power to “godere qualunque bene dell’ Ordine Gerosolimitano in Germania, come fosse nativo” , Noble and Patrician of Citta’ del’ Castello (1739), [55], dunm.l (reputed son (foundling) son of unknown Slovenian lady) Peter Pawl Glavar, (1721 – 1784), Priest and renowned apiculturist, held commanderyof Saint Peter in Carniola, bought the estate and castle of Lansprez, dunm. Nobile Eugenia Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, married Ignazio Bonnici, Barone della Qlejjgha Nobile Giovanna Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, married to Conte Pietro Gaetano Perdicomati Bologna, with issue. Leonora Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma married to Carlo Falzone, with issue (Eleonora and Carlo were granted the right to be styled “Most Illustrious and Noble” – See below) Nobile Bartolomeo Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina, married 1613 to Nobile Maria Falsone, with issue Nobile Pietro Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina, married 1646 to Nobile Veronica Testaferrata (“con dispensatione Apostolica”) (See Below), with issue Nobile Bernardina Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married 1677 to Dr Paolo Antonio Saliba JUD. Nobile Bartolomeo Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina, married 1642 to Teresa Cassar, with issue Nobile Maria Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married 1664 to Dr Gio Paolo Sceberras, with issue. Nobile Leonardo Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina. Nobile Giovanni Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina, married 1611 Vittoriosa to Clerica Gauci, with issue. Nobile Sacerdote Fr. Gio Batta Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina, (“professo in questa Sacra Religione nella Lingua d’Italia”). Nobile Lorenzo Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina, married 1651 to Vincenza Testaferrata de Robertis, (See Below). Nobile Carlo Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina. Nobile Vincenzo Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina, married Polixemia Bonici. Nobile Sapienza Testaferratam Patrizia Messina, married 1643 Vittoriosa to Domenico Bonanno. Nobile Dott. Gio Domenico Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina, (“Il Dottor Don Gio Domenico Avvocato Fiscale per molt’ anni del S. Officio dell’ Inquisitione, di cui e’ stata sempre questa casa benemerita, e percio’ continuamente honorata de’ primi carichi di quel Tribunale”) Nobile Elena Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married to Clemenzo Tabone. Nobile Pietro Testaferrata,  Patrizio Messina, (“Fu’ Pietro di tanto credito, e stima presso al Sig. G. Maestro Garzes Principe nostro, per le sue virtuose, ed ottime qualita’, che ne volle far scelta, per purgar queste Citta’ di vagobondi, e d’atre persone malvagie, nocive al publico, con tale, e si ampia autorita’”)  married 1572 Imperia Busutil, with issue Nobile Dr Pasquale Testaferrata, JUD,  Patrizio Messina, married 1608 to Antonia Muscat Nobile Canonico Don. Antonio (Antonino) Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina, ‘Sacerdote‘, dunm. Nobile Dott. Col’ Antonio (Nicola Antonio) Testaferrata, Patrizio Messinadunm.l. (illegitimate) Francesco de Borg, Adopted by Mro Grazio Borg and Maria, married 1659 Siggiewi to Angelica Appolonia Borg, with issue. Antonio Borg, married 1670 Valletta to Maria Orpeline di Nobile Gio Simone Testaferrata, (see above), with issue. Vincenzo Borg, married 1692 Valletta to Leonora Pace. Rosalia Borg, married 1703 Mqabba to Bartolomeo Borg, Gio Maria Borg, married 1684 Siggiewi to Paolica Pace. (illegitimate) Lucrezia de Peyron, Adopted by Michele Peyron, married 1670 Cospicua to Pietro di Giovanni, with issue. Gio Maria di Giovanni, married 1701 Valletta to Anna Mangion. Maria di Giovanni, married 1686 Luqa to Giuseppe Molino. Caterina di Giovanni, married 1691 Mdina to Domenico Balzano. (illegitimate) Clemenza di Farrugia, Elevee par Baldassare Farrugia, married 1668 Valletta to Antonio Mizzi. Nobile Policarpo Testaferrata, married Lauria Cassia, Patrizio Messina.  Nobile Veronica Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married Pietro Testaferrata (see above for descendants) Nobile Domenica Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married 1629 Valletta to Pasquale Caruana, with issue. Pauline Caruana Testaferrata, married 1656 Tarxiem to Bartolomeo Bondi. Antonia Caruana Testaferrata, married 1663 Tarxiem to Tomaso Zammit, with issue. Evangelista Zammit, married 1687 Cospicua to Don Bartolomeo de Mingardi. Maria Caruana Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married 1676 Tarxiem to Giuseppe Attard. Nobile Cecilia Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina, Nun”, dunm. Nobile Bonaventura Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, ‘Nun‘, dunm Nobile Maria Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married 1660 Vittoriosa to Vincenzo Bonnici. Nobile Caterina Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married 1638 to Dr. Michele Sceberras. Nobile Lucrezia Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married 1600 to Guiseppe Ebejer Nobile Maddalena Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married 1604 to  Gio Simone Falsone. Nobile Agata Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married 1614 to Dr Bartolomeo Mifsud JUD, with issue  Nobile Angelica Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married 1606 to Giovanni Camenzuli, with issue Nobile Petronilla Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, ‘Nun’, dunm. Nobile Augustino Testaferrata, (1577-), Patrizio Messina. (Illegitimate) Nobile Lucia Testaferrata, (1580-), Patrizia Messina. (Illegitimate) Nobile Domenica Testaferrata, (1582-), Patrizia Messina. (Illegitimate) Nobile Marco Testaferrata, (1583-), Patrizio Messina. (Illegitimate) Nobile Britio Testaferrata, (1586-), Patrizio Messina. (Illegitimate) Nobile Gioanne Testaferrata, (1587-), Patrizio Messina. (Illegitimate) Nobile Cecilia (Sives Alessandra) Testaferrata, (1590-), Patrizio Messina, married 1619 Valletta to Crispino Limiero. Nobile Giacomo II Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina, (“ascritto al servigio militare della Cavalleria.”), died 1588, married 1560 to Nobile Vincenza Pace Cumbo, with issue Nobile Gian-Tomaso Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina, (ch’ esercito molt’ anni il carico di Giurato, e per il tempo solito quello di Sindaco dell’ Universita’ di Malta nel Regno di Sicilia, & altri honorevoli officij del publico) married 1608 to Nobile Elena de Robertis, with issue. Nobile Giacomo Testaferrata de Robertis –  Patrizio Messina, Capitano della Verga of Malta-1636-37, (“fu’ Capitano della Citta’ Notabile, poscia Giudice della medesima nelle cause civili per piu’ anni”) Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, [14] married Teodora Bonnici, with issue  Nobile Mario Testaferrata de Robertis, (1654-1747),   Patrizio Messina e  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, [15] created Roman Patrican 1674, 1st Marquis of San Vincenzo Ferreri, (Cr: 1716), 1st Marchese Testaferrata. [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25] (1717), “Most Illustrious and Noble”, married Firstly 1677 to Anna de Noto Cumbo, with issue, married Secondly 1697 to Elisabetta Castelletti, with issue, Married thirdly 1727 to Alticunda Vassallo Castelletti, with issue. Marchese Enrico Testaferrata de Noto, 2nd Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri e Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman EmpireMarried 1730 to Felicita Cassar Desain, with issue. Marchesa Saveria Testaferrata., Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, d.inf Marchese Gregorio Testaferrata., Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, d.inf Marchese Daniele Testaferrata, 3rd Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri e Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire,  cr: Patrician of Messina 1792, married 1781 to Contessa Maria Sant, with issue. Marchese Gregorio Augusto Testaferrata, 4th Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri e Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(died 1828), married 1817 to Maria Testaferrata Viani, with issue. Marchese Daniele Maria Testaferrata, (1819-63), 5th Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri e Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1840 to Nobile Eugenia Bonici dei Baroni di Qlejjgha, with issue. Marchese Emmanuele Testaferrata Bonici Ghaxaq, (1843-1903),  5th Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri e Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire,  (CLAIMANT TO THE TITLE OF Marchese Testaferrata (SEE FOOTNOTES BELOW) Married 1874 to Dona Filomena de Piro, with issue. Marchese Antonio Testaferrata Bonici, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1879- ob.Inf.) Marchese Daniele Testaferrata Bonici Ghaxaq,  5th Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri e Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1880-1945), married 1910 to Agnese Galea Testaferrata, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, with issue Marchese Alfio Testaferrata Bonici Ghaxaq, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, Hereditary Noble of Hungary(1911-88), 8th Marquis of San Vincenzo Ferreri e Testaferrata, dunm. Marchese Lino Testaferrata Bonici, Barone di Qlejjgha,  Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, Hereditary Noble of Hungary(1917-82),  married 1948 to Maria Testaferrata Moroni Viani, (see above), with (female) issue Marchesa Agnese Testaferrata Bonnici Ghaxaq, Baroness di Qlejjgha,  Patrizia Messina e Roma, e  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married 1973 to Chevalier Alfred Gera de Petri, B.Pharm Marchesa Caren Testaferrata Bonnici.Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, (1952-, married 1978 to Dr Josef John Preziosi MRCS, Conte Preziosi.  Marchesa Anna Maria Testaferrata Bonnici., Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, (1961-., married 1984 to John Spiteri-Debono., with issue. Dr Michela Consiglia Spiteri-Debono LLD., (1985-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married 2018 Mdina to Jeffrey Thurgood. Jean-Paul Spiteri Debono, (1991-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Marchesa Helen Testaferrata Bonnici, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, (1915-2004), married 1949 to F/Lt. Arthur Malcolm Miles., dsp. Marchesa Florence Testaferrata Bonnici, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, Hereditary Noble of Hungary,(1919-1978), married 1949 to Capt. Colin Davidson-Jenson, with issue. Nicholas Jenson Testaferrata., B.Sc Hons (RUM), MSc (Soton), L.R.A.M., (1954-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Irene Jenson Testaferrata, (1950-2022), Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married 1985 to Capt John Hamilton Bache, with issue. Colin-David John Bache, (1986-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married 2019 Mdina to Lara Buttigieg. Marchesa Esther Testaferrata Bonici, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empiremarried to 6th Count Fournier, with issue. Marchesa Agata Testaferrata Bonici, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empiremarried 1905 to her cousin (See below) Philip Testaferrata Bonici, with issue. Marchese Ignazio Testaferrata Bonici, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1848-1928), (CLAIMANT TO THE TITLE OF Marchese Testaferrata (SEE FOOTNOTES BELOW) married 1877 to Marchesa Maria Carmela Testaferrata, with issue. Marchese Philip Testaferrata Bonici, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1878-1933), married to Marchesa Agata Testaferrata Bonici (See above.), with issue. Marchese Dr Victor Emmanuele Testaferrata Bonici, MD., Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1907-1976), married 1950 to Victoria Zammit Maempel, with issue. Marchese Joseph Phillip Testaferrata Bonici, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (present-day senior most male-to-male descendant of the Marchese Mario Testaferrata)9th Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri e Testaferrata. Marchesa Rita Testaferrata Bonici, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1952- Marchesa Marie Testaferrata Bonici, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1954- , married 1986 to Nicholas Bianchi, with issue. Marchesa Maria Testaferrata Bonici, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1909- Marchesa Beatrice Testaferrata Bonici, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1911-, married Joseph Amato Gauci Marchesa Josephine Testaferrata Bonici, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1913- Marchesa Lucy Testaferrata Bonici, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1916 – 2013), Married 1941 to Alfred Bencini. Marchesa Eugenia Testaferrata Bonici, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1892- 1963), married to Joseph Charles Degiorgio. Marchesa Carmela Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1841-), married Nicola Maria dei Conti Caruana Gatto. Marchese Fr. Giovanni Francesco Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empiredunm. Marchese Arfio Filippo Testaferrata, (1823-77)., Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empiredunm. Marchese Publio Testaferrata, (1821-…), Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empiremarried to Regina Galizia, with issue. Marchese Augusto Gregorio Testaferrata, (1850- , Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empiremarried 1886 to Maria Testaferrata (See Above)., with issue. Marchese Emmanuele Testaferrata, (1888 -), Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empiredunm. Marchese Mario Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1891-), married to Marchesa Antoinette Alessi, with issue. (Italy) heirs to the Marchesi titles. Marchesa Stefania Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1894 -), dunm. Marchesa Mary Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1897 -), dunm. Marchese Tes’Attilio Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1852-, married 1881 to Marchesa Yolanda Fontani,with issue. Marchese Publio Maria Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1885 -), dunm. Marchese Niccolo Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1879 to Marchesa Nathalie Fontaniwith issue. Marchesa Nicola Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1901 -), married to Leopoldo Giappone. Marchese Luigi Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1863- , CLAIMANT TO THE TITLE OF Marchese Testaferrata (SEE FOOTNOTES BELOW)  married 1880 to Agnese Fontaniwith issue. Marchesa Regina Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1882 -), married 1915 to Maximiliano Said y Sedono. Marchesa Aloisea Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1885 -), married 1915 to Enrico Said y Sedono. Marchesa Carmela Augusta Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1844-, CLAIMANT TO THE TITLE OF Marchese Testaferrata (SEE FOOTNOTES BELOW)  married 1877 Birkirkara to Vincenzo Cassar. Marchesa Giulia Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1860- , married 1895 to Enrico Farrugia. Marchesa Asteria Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empiremarried 1843 Valletta to Major Giuseppe Cavarra, with issue. Irene Cavarra, married Dr. Alfonso d’Armenia, LL.D, with issue. Marchese Raffaele Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empiremarried 1840 Cospicua to Maria Spiteri, with issue. Marchese Daniele Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empiremarried 1888 Cairo, Egypt to Marchesa Georgiana Alessiwith issue. Marchesa Maria Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empiremarried 1886 to Augusto Gregorio Testaferrata. (See Below). Marchesa Anna Marie Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empiremarried Barone Ignazio Bonnici Marchesa Angelica Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empiremarried Marchese Gio Antonio Apap Marchesa Asteria Testaferrata., Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empiremarried 1803 at Valletta to Capt Augusto Bonnici-Gualtieri. (illegitimate with mistress, Teresa de Tonna, Manumessa) Nicola de Tonna, married 1801 Siggiewi to Maria Caruana. (illegitimate with Mistress, Teresa de Tonna, Manumessa) Ugolina, Orphelina di Marchese Enrico Testaferrata de Noto, married 1752 Zebbug to Giuseppe Grech. Pandolfo Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1736-1816), fourth (4th) son by the first marriage (Anna de Noto) of the 1st “Marquis of San Vincenzo Ferreri” and 1st Marchese Testaferrata. Pandolfo and his descendants were reinstated as Patrician of Messina 28 August 1792, (In 1883, Pandolfo was deemed to be the “1st Marquis Testaferrata Olivier” with date of creation to be taken as 1745), married Firstly 1762 to Rosina Olivier de Puget Ducoss, with issue (see below) married Secondly to Rosalia Mallia Tabone, with further issue. (First marriage) Marchese Giuseppe Enrico Testaferrata Olivier,(1763-1839), (In 1883, deemed to be the “2nd Marquis Testaferrata Olivier” with date of creation to be taken as the year 1745) Patrizio Messina e Roma,  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married Firstly to Ursula Sceberras Testaferrata dei Baroni Baroni di Castel Cicciano, with issue. Married Secondly 1796 to Maria Antonia dei Marchesi Testaferrata -of the Cassar Desain Line on this page., with issue. (First Marriage) Marchesa Angelica Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizia Messina e Roma,  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., married 3rd Count Sant, with issue. (Second Marriage) Marchese Dr Men’Andrea Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (1810-50), 3rd Marquis Testaferrata Olivier, dunm. Marchese Gio Paolo Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (1812-88), 4th Marquis Testaferrata Olivier, married 1844 to Maria Casolani, with issue. Marchese Louis Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (1855-1912), 5th Marquis Testaferrata Olivier, married 1882 to Elise Casolani, with issue. Marchesa Camille Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (1883-1952), married 1900 St Ignatius College Chapel, St Julians to Lt.Col. Charles Barnard Bonham, D.S.O, with issue. Charles Olivier Bonham, O.M. (1901- 1987), married 1928 Cannes, France to Ingeborg Bruusgard, with issue. Lt Cdr Henry Thomas Robert Bonham, (19035-1940) , married 1935 Brompton Oratory, Knightsbridge, London, to Winifred Georgina Walter Pipe, with issue. Charles Bonham, (1938-. Elaine Marie Claire Bonham, (1903-1989 Canterbury, Kent), dunm. Katherine Enid Bonham, (1905-, married to Capt Spencer Hargreaves, with issue. Henry Thomas Robert Bonham RN, (1904 – 1943 during WWII,  He died at sea aged 36 on Jun 8 1940 aboard M.M.S. Fleetwood. It is not clear how he died but what is known is that during June 1940 H.M.S. Fleetwood was deployed of the Norwegian coast and in the North Sea under the command of Cdr. Andrew Nichol Grey, R.N.), Lieutenant Royal Navy. He joined the Fleet Air Arm 1in 1937 and was killed on Fort Sant’Angelo in the defence of Malta, 3 May 1943, married 2935 Brompton Oratory, Knightsbridge, London to Winifred Georgina Pipe, nee Walter, dsp Marchesa Marguerite Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (1884-..), dunm. Marchese Henri Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (1886-1950), 6th Marquis Testaferrata Olivier, dunm Marchesa Ida Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (1887-1978), married 1916 to Major Leonard Stafford Northcote, with issue. Henry James Stafford, (1922-, married 1949 (Div 1961) to Sheila Manahan. Marchese Jean Paul Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (1888-1968), 7th Marquis Testaferrata Olivier, married Mary Thelma Barrick, with issue. Marchese Paul Thomas Olivier Jr, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (1929-2021), 8th Marquis Testaferrata Olivier, married 1951 to Ruth Marie Baxter, (d. 2005), with issue. Marchese Mark Thomas Olivier, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., 9th Marquis Testaferrata Olivier(1955-, married 1984 to Karen Anne Bedard. Marchesa Lynn Marie Olivier, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (1960-, married 1987 to Benny Joe Cunningham, with issue. Justin Joe Olivier, (1990- . Alexandra Marie Cunningham, (1993-, married 2018 to Daniel White, with issue. Natalee White. Logan White. Marchese Robert Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (1898-1980), married 1940 to Frances Sewell, with issue. Marchese Jean Paul Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (1942-, Marchesino Testaferrata Olivier, married 1979 to Caroline Anne Fisher, with issue. Marchese Jean Paul Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., married 2009 Western Australia to Bernadette Faulkner, with issue. Marchesa Madeleine Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizia Messina e Roma e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. Marchesa Alice Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizia Messina e Roma e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. Marchese Dominic Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizio Messina e Roma e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire Marchese Robert Testaferrata Olivier,  Patrizio Messina e Roma,  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (1984-. Marchesa Gabriella Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (1982-. Marchesa Marguerite Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (1986-, married 2024 Perth, Australia to Michael Richardson. Marchese Robert Henry Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (1948 -, married 1968 to Lyndell Marie Taylor, with issue. Marchesa Michelle Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire Marchese James Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. Marchesa Camilla Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., married 1876 to Nicole Galea Feriol, Baroncino di San Marciano. Marchesa Maria Antonia Testaferrata Olivier, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., married to Emmanuele Gauci.  Marchese Salvatore Testaferrata, changed his name when inheriting the ‘Primogenitura Cassar Desain’ to Cassar DesainPatrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, Married Firstly to Dona Maria Teresa de Piro Gourgion, with issue., married Secondly to Maria Lodins Claudi, with further issue. (First Marriage) Marchese Giovanni Battista Cassar Desain, Patrizio Messina e Roma,  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1806 to Antonia Assenza, with issue.  Marchese Salvatore Cassar Desain, (Died 1846), Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1826 Valletta to Marianna Scifo and dsp.l. (illegitimate with Housemaid) Joseph de Abela, eduque pa Francesco e Maria Anna Abela, married 1857 Cospicua to Maria Tabone. (illegitimate with Vincenza Testaferrata Cassar, later she adopted her son) Vincenzo de Cassar, married 1866 Cospicua to Maria Carmela Falzon, with issue. Francesco Cassar, married 1899 Zabbar to Maria Anna Cassar, with issue. Espedito Cassar, (1905 Tarxien/Paola -1969 Pieta), married 1929 Birzebbuga to Antonia Axiak, with issue. Francesca Cassar, (1932 Tarxien -2016 Msida), married 1957 Paola to Antonio Scerri.  Marchesa Maria Teresa Cassar Desain, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1822 to Marchese Lorenzo Antonio Testaferrata, with issue.  Marchesa Giovanna Cassar Desain, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1835 Valletta to Giuseppe Gatt.  Marchesa Francesca Cassar Desain, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1825 Valletta to Dr Emmanuele Caruana, JUD. Marchese Gaetano Testaferrata, (1790-..), Patrizio Messina e Roma,  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, Married 1821 to Vincenza Buttigieg, with issue. Marchesa Virginia Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1851 to Paolo Borg, with issue. Marchesa Carmela Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, dunm. Marchese Ruggiero Testaferrata Desain., Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married Maria Abraham, with issue. Marchese Gaetano Testaferrata Desain, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, dunm.  Marchese Antonio Testaferrata Desain, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (died 1943)., married 1898 Vittoriosa to Carmela Camilleri, (died 1972) with issue. Marchese Ruggiero Testaferrata Desain, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1901- 1943), dunm.  Marchesa Mary Testaferrata Desain, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1903-1996 Malta), married to Vincenzo Scerri, with issue. Joseph Scerri, (1923-2006), dunm. Carmelina Scerri, (1925-2017), dunm. Anthony Scerri, (1927-. Fr John Scerri SJ, (1928-. Oscar Scerri, (1931-1977), dunm. Francis Scerri, (1933-., married 1972 London UK to Elizabeth Scicluna, with issue. Marie Scerri, (1973 London UK -., married 2005 Cape Town South Africa to Benson Bosman. Christine Scerri, (1974 London UK-., married 2002 Malta to Adrian Dominic Attard, with issue. Franky Attard, (2002 Attard -. Josephine Scerri, (1976 London UK -. Fr Tommy Scerri, SJ, (1935 Malta -. Louis Scerri, (1936 Malta -. Godfrey Scerri, (1937 Malta -. Tarcisio Scerri, (1939 Malta -. Marchesa Ester Testaferrata Desain. Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1904-1994), dunm. Marchesa Oreste Testaferrata Desain, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1905-1975), dunm. Marchesa Ines Testaferrata Desain, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1918-1938), dunm. Marchesa Josephine (Guza) Testaferrata Desain, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire.  Marchese Gugliemo Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire.  Marchesa Annunicata Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1818 to Dr Bartolomeo Grech Delicata JUD dei Baroni di Budaq.  Marchesa Antonia Cassar Desain, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, dum.l. (illegitimate with Rear Admiral Lord Adolphus FitzClarence 1802-1856, illegitimate son of King William IV of Great Britain and Dorothy Jordan) Antonio de Ellul, eduque par elevee par Aloisio and Rosa Ellul, married 1840 Cospicua to Maria Mieli, with issue. (illegitimate with Antonia CashaEmanuele Casha, (1881 Floriana -), married to Carmela Mamo, with issue. Beatrice Casha, (1913-2006), married to Giuseppe Salafia. Francis Casha. Giuseppe Casha. (Second Marriage) Marchese Rocco Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire,, married 1831 Attard to Marianna Consolat  Marchese Antonio Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1832 Valletta to Giovanna Enriquez.  Marchese Nicolo Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1824 to Anna Barbara, with issue  Marchesa Rosa Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., married 1851 Valletta to Samuele Caruana  Marchesa Liberta Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1853 Birkirkara to Salvatore Mallia (Second marriage) Marchese Niccolo Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1778-1858), [Times of Malta]; married 1811 to Marchesa Vincenza Testaferrata Viani, (See below), with issue.  Marchese Federico Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (died 1862), married 1841 to Rosa Bonici, with issue  Marchese Niccolo Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (died 1916), Married Firstly 1864 Ghaxaq to Margherita Mifsud, (died 1870), married (2) 1870 Gudja to Francesca Borg, (Died 1897), Married (3) 1898 to Carmela Dalli, with issue from all marriages. (First Marriage) Marchesa Maria Carmela Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1885 Ghaxaq to Francesco Busuttil. (Second Marriage) Marchese Federico Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. (1871-1935), married (1) 1892 to Antonia Borg, (died 1908), married (2) 1916 Balzan to Aloisia Attard (d. 1975), with issue from both marriages. (First Marriage) Marchese Francesco Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire,  (1898-1939), dunm.  Marchesa Giuseppina Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (died 1949), married 1927 Xewkija Gozo to Giuseppe Bajada.  Marchesa Benedetta Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. (1905 Xewkija, Gozo – 1966), dunm.  Marchesa Vincenza Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. (1903 Zejtun – 1974), dunm. (Second Marriage) Marchese Vincenzo Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (died 1971), married 1945 to Maria Tabone, with issue  Marchese John Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire.  Marchese Frederick Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire.  Marchese Martin Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire.  Marchese Emmanuele Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. (1927-2003) married 1949 to Paolina Calleja (d. 2013), with issue  Marchese Jesmond Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 2001 to Audrey De Micoli Orland, BE&A (Hons.), A&CE, M.Sc.  Marchesa Francesca Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. (2002-  Marchesa Asteria Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., married 2003 to Mario Debattista., with issue. Mattea Manuela Debattista, (2004-. Nicholai Emmanuele Debattista, (2006-.  Marchesa Marianna Testaferrata de Noto, (1950-2024, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, dunm. Marchesa Mother Maria Adeodata Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. OSB.  Marchesa Louise Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., married to John Holland.  Marchesa Elizabeth Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., married Carlo Belviso.  Marchesa Nathalie Testaferrata de Noto, (1961-2020), Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., married Raymond Vella, with issue. James Vella, married to Daphne N, with issue. Ian Vella.   Marchesa Mary Carmela Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (1926-88), married 1951 to Paul Balzan. (Third Marriage) Marchese Vincenzo Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., married 1923 Zejtun to Carmela Mifsud, with issue  Marchese Joseph Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (died 1981), married Rita N., with issue.  Marchesa Anita C.A. Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizao Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., married 1981 to Gorden W. Stansfield, with issue. Darren Testaferrata de Noto Stansfield, (1981-. Joseph Testaferrata de Noto Stansfield, (1982-. Gary Testaferrata de Noto Stansfield, (1985-. Sarah M. Testaferrata de Noto Stansfield, (1988-. Jessica T. Testaferrata de Noto Stansfield, (1992-. Marchesa Frances Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. Marchesa Mary Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. Marchesa Vera Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1954 to Arthur Victor Thorne, with issue. Rita Carrie Ethel Testaferrata de Noto Thorne, (1954-, married 1973 to John Macendoe Sleeth, with issue. Scott Vincent Testaferrata de Noto Sleeth, (1973-, married 2006 to Michelle Lisa Sleeth, with issue. Connor Scott Testaferrata de Noto Sleeth, (1996-. Jack Antony Testaferrata de Noto Sleeth, (2004-. Lily Amber Testaferrata de Noto Sleeth, (2012-. Rita Jacqueline Testaferrata de Noto Sleeth, (1974-. (issue from Scott Walmsley) Samantha Jessica Testaferrata de Noto Walmsley, (1995-. (issue from Scott Walmsley) Anne-Marie Testaferrata de Noto Sleeth, (1996-. (issue from Scott Walmsley) Joshua John Testaferrata de Noto Sleeth, (1999-. (issue from Lindsey N) Blake Arthur Macindoe Testaferrata de Noto Sleeth, (2003-. (issue from Huw Wright) Owen Huw Testaferrata de Noto Wright, (2005-. (issue from Jamie Baldwin) Phoebe Lauren Testaferrata de Noto Baldwin, (2009-. Veronica Testaferrata de Noto Sleeth, (1983-. (issue from Andrew Shaw) Kai Charlie Arthur Testaferrata de Noto Sleeth, (2003-. Byron Arthur Rene Testaferrata de Noto Thorne, (1957-, married 2000 to Karen Elizabeth N, with issue. Matthew Roy Testaferrata de Noto Thorne, (1998-. Audrey Vera Yvonne Testaferrata de Noto Thorne, (1958-, married 1976 to Steve Ashton, with issue. Susan Testaferrata de Noto Ashton, (1977-. Purdey Testaferrata de Noto Ashton, (1979-, married 1998 to Adam John Devine, with issue. Marcus Testaferrata de Noto Devine, (2001-. Joseph Testaferrata de Noto Devine, (2001-. Brendan Arthur Testaferrata de Noto Devine. Dona Testaferrata de Noto Ashton, (1981-. (issue from Robert Youll) Liam Benjamin Testaferrata de Noto Youll, (2000-. (issue from Robert Youll) Jenna Mai Testaferrata de Noto Youll, (2002-. (issue from Robert Youll) Alfie Jake Testaferrata de Noto Youll, (2007-. (issue from Ben Collier) Benny-Joe Testaferrata de Noto Collier, (2011-. Sonia Francis Olga Testaferrata de Noto Thorne, (1961-. (issue from Robert Edwards) Elizabeth Anne Testaferrata de Noto Thorne, (1979-. (issue from Shane Gengler) Courtney Louise Testaferrata de Noto Thorne, (1999-. (issue from Robert Edwards) Robert Lloyd Vincent Testaferrata de Noto Thorne, (1981-. (issue from Robert Edwards) Louise Veronica Testaferrata de Noto Thorne, (1982-. (issue from Graham Lawson) Bradley Arthur Brian Testaferrata de Noto Lawson, (2001-. (issue from Graham Lawson) Jake Graham Testaferrata de Noto Lawson, (2004-), d.inf. (issue from Graham Lawson) Alethea Louise Testaferrata de Noto Lawson, (2005-. (issue from Graham Lawson) Grace Veronica Testaferrata de Noto Lawson, (2007-. (issue from Philip Gabb) Victoria Angelica Mary Testaferrata de Noto Thorne, (1986-. (issue from Vahied Ahmed Chaudhry) Tanaya Testaferrata de Noto Chaudhry, (2008-. (issue from Vahied Ahmed Chaudhry) Zain Hassan Testaferrata de Noto Chaudhry, (2010-. (issue from Vahied Ahmed Chaudhry) Niyah Testaferrata de Noto Chaudhry, (2012-. (issue from Vahied Ahmed Chaudhry) Alaya Testaferrata de Noto Chaudhry, (2014-. (issue from Vahied Ahmed Chaudhry) Zeedan Testaferrata de Noto Chaudhry, (2015-. (issue from Philip Gabb) Kurt Arthur Testaferrata de
Noto Thorne, (1992-. Karen Mary Rita Testaferrata de Noto Thorne, (1961-, married 1988 to Michael Colin Connor, with issue. Joe Michael Testaferrata de Noto Connor, (1989-. Rachel Louise Testaferrata de Noto Connor, (1991-. Edward Vincent Byron Testaferrata de Noto Thorne, (1964-, married (Div) to Angela Thorne, with issue. Leanne Elizabeth Testaferrata de Noto Thorne, (1993-. Michelle Sonia Karen Testaferrata de Noto Thorne, (1967-. Sharelley Michelle Karen Testaferrata de Noto Thorne, (1970-, married 1996 to Philip Trevor Pointon, with issue. Shavon Testaferrata de Noto Pointon, (1990-. (issue from Craig Hillock) Lola Skye Testaferrata de Noto Hillock, (2010-. (issue from Craig Hillock) Oskar Thomas Testaferrata de Noto Hillock, (2012-. (issue from Craig Hillock) Dexter James Testaferrata de Noto Hillock, (2014-. Charlotte Charmaine Testaferrata de Noto Pointon, (1992-. (issue from Steve Fallon) Poppy Rose Testaferrata de Noto Fallon, (2013-. (issue from Steve Fallon) Teddy James Testaferrata de Noto Fallon, (2016-. James Edward Testaferrata de Noto Pointon, (2000-. Tamara Louise Testaferrata de Noto Pointon, (1998-. Marchesa Olga Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., married 1962 to Bernard Lawrence McPherson, with issue. Leslie Testaferrata de Noto McPherson, (1956 -. Dawn Testaferrata de Noto McPherson, (1962 -. Yvette Testaferrata de Noto McPherson, (1964 -. Ricardo Christopher Testaferrata de Noto McPherson, (1965 -, married to Mariella Sammut, with issue. John Lawrence Testaferrata de Noto McPherson, (1987 -. Jamie Testaferrata de Noto McPherson, (1990 -. Debbie Testaferrata de Noto McPherson, (1965 -. Leah Testaferrata de Noto McPherson, (1977 -, married to Jon Scott Stansfield, with issue. Aiden Testaferrata de Noto Stansfield, (1999-. Brook Testaferrata de Noto Stansfield, (2002 -. Marchesa Yvonne Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire..  Marchese Emmanuele Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (died 1975), married 1932 to Enni Zahra, (died 2000), with issue  Marchese Evaristo Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., married to Josephine Sacco, with issue. Marchesa Marcelle Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married to Raymond Calleja, with issue. Glenn Calleja. Claudia Maria Calleja Testaferrata de Noto. Miriana Calleja Testaferrata de Noto.  Marchese Nicholas Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina
 e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., married Salvina…  Marchesa Irene Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., married to Phillip…  Marchesa Winnie Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., married Peter…  Marchesa Marianna Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., married 1873 to Paolo Farrugia, with issue. Filippo Farrugia, married 1924 Vittoriosa to Giuseppa Ritchel.  Marchesa Eugenia Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire.  Marchesa Paolina Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire.  Marchesa Emilia Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire.  Marchesa Laura Testaferrata de Noto, (d. 1912 England), Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., married Teodoro Attard de Cristoforo  Marchesa Caterina Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., married Capt. William Calmady Noel, RN, with issue. Catherina Nowell, (1847 Valletta -), married to Edward Storey Peach, with issue. Alec Peach, (1876 -1960), married to Madeleine White, with issue. Enid Peach. Alfred Peach, married to Pauline Ward, with issue. Caroline Peach, married to Martin Bean, with issue. Nicholas Bean, married to Abigail N. Victoria Bean, married to Matthew Hoarty. Michael Peach, married to Lia Ettinger, with issue. Tamar Peach. Tal Peach. Judith Hamilton Peach, married to Hugh Patrick Duxbury, with issue. Proteus Duxbury, married to Ellen Louise Macdonald. Elizabeth Peach, married to Mark Dzwonnik, with issue. Jozef Dzwonnik. Rebecca Dzwonnik. Sarah Dzwonnik. Patricia Peach, married (1) to Colin Ivan Cooper, married (2) to Nick Groves, with issue. Frederick Groves. Constance Groves. Noel Peach. Mollie Peach. Eleanore Peach, (1877-), married to Alfred Paul White. Rose Sybilla Peach, (1885 -). Rosamira Nowell, (1841 -). Mary Elizabeth Nowell, (1853 -). Amelia Nowell, (1856 -). Alice Lavina Nowell, (1858 -). Fanny Nowell, (1860 -). William Henry George Nowell, (1845 -), married to Jessie N, with issue. Thomas Nowell, (1887 -). Margorie Nowell, (1891 -).  Marchese Antonio Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., married 1849 Cospicua to Giovanna Grech, and dsp.l. (illegitimate with Housemaid) Joseph de Baldacchino, eduque pa Lorenzo et Paolo Pace of Zabbar, married 1858 Cospicua to Maria Concetta Camilleri.  Marchese Emidio Emmanuele Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., dunm.  Marchese Marianna Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., dunm.l. (illegitimate with Rear Admiral Lord Adolphus FitzClarence 1802-1856, illegitimate son of King William IV of Great Britain and Dorothy Jordan) Carmelo de Spitieride parents inconnus, married 1841 Cospicua to Concetta Failla.  Marchesa Giovanna Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., dunm.  Marchesa Elizabeth Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., dunm.  Marchese Sir Giuseppe Testaferrata de Noto, KCMGPatrizio Messina e Roma,  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (died 1877), Appointed Lord Lieutenant of Malta (1815-1839: office abolished) as “Giuseppe Vincenzo dei Marchesi Testaferrata”, later as “Sir Giuseppe Vincenzo Testaferrata” , married 1819 to Letterina Testaferrata Viani, with issue. Also sired a child by Antonia Moscati de Piro. Marchesa Rosalea Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma,  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (died 1899), married 1840 to Marchese Luigi Apap. Marchese Giuseppe Apap Testaferrata, Created Marquis Apap Testaferrata 1889 by the Papacy, married 1874 to Donna Rosina dei Principe Sabatini, dsp. (illegitimate issue of Sir Giuseppe and Antonia Moscati de Piro– adopted to Gaetano and Caterina Sammut) Mary Sammut, married 1840 Naxxar to Giuseppe Cilia of Rabat, Malta, with issue. (illegitimate with Housemaid) Paolo de Axach, elevee pa Salvatore Axach et Annunziata Grima, married 1859 Zabbar to Maria Pace. Marchesa Felicita Testaferrata de Noto, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., married to Capt. P.P. Gauci Ducoss dei Baroni Gauci, with issue. (illegitimate with Bernarda, Houseslave from Egypt) Maria de Spiteri, Alunna, married 1786 Valletta to Giuseppe Cini. Marchesa Asteria Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empiremarried to Gio Francesco d’Amico Castelletti Fiott Farrugia Inguanez, with issue. (illegitimate) Giuseppe de Vella, Alunno, married 1748 Siggiewi to Rosa Muscat, with issue. Lazzaro Vella, married 1770 Mdina to Angelica Attard. Salvatore Vella, married 1779 Attard to Maria Portelli, with issue. Giuseppe Vella, married 1812 Cospicua to Angela Galea, with issue. Salvatore Vella, married 1845 Zabbar to Anna Bonnici. Paolo Vella, married 1847 Zabbar to Maria Vella. Antonio Vella, married 1851 Cospicua to Grazia de Giorgio. Concetta Vella, married (1) 1837 Cospicua to Serafino Azzpardi, married (2) 1850 Cospicua to Pietro Boffa. Maria Vella, married 1845 Cospicua to Angelo Xuereb. Michele Angelo Vella, married 1774 Xaghra, Gozo to Caterina Buhagiar. Liberato Vella, married 1778 Valletta to Rosa Azzopardi, with issue. Francesco Vella, married 1808 Zabbar to Speranza Buhagiar, with issue. Liberato Vella, married 1838 Zabbar to Giovanna Gusman, with issue. Carmelo Vella, married 1861 Zabbar to Filomena Farrugia, with issue. Calcedonio Vella, married 1897 Cospicua to Teresa Saliba. Francesco Vella, married 1870 Cospicua to Caterina Griscti. Giuseppe Vella, married 1845 Zabbar to Grazia Casha. Rosa Vella, married 1848 Zabbar to Gio Maria Borg. Aloisio Vella, married 1814 Luqa to Maria Sultana, with issue. Rosa Vella, married 1838 Valletta to Giovanni Muscat. Ferdinando Publius Annetus Vella, (1827 -1878 Bone, Algeria), married 1854 Bone, Algeria to Anna Marie Axisa, with issue. Joseph Vella, (1858 Bone, Algeria -), married 1880 Bone, Algeria to Marie Carmela Axisa. Carmelo Vella, (1864 Duzerville, Algeria -), married 1891 Bone, Algeria to Josepha Giglio, with issue. Anna Vella, (1892 Bone, Algeria -1991 La Valette-du-Var, France), married 1914 Bone, Algeria to Joseph Antoine Donato. Paul Vella, (1894 Bone, Algeria -). Josephine Vella, (1897 Bone, Algeria -), married 1921 Bone, Algeria to Salvator Zigna. Jean Baptiste Vella, (1899 Bone, Algeria -1953 Bone, Algeria ), married (1) 1927 Bone, Algeria to Marie Louise Germaine Duffaut, married (2) 1942 Bone, Algeria to Josephine Tomasi. Catherine Vella, (1901 Bone, Algeria -1962 Perpignan, France), married 1922 Bone, Algeria to Leon Tuccillo. Georges Vella, (1871 Bone, Algeria -), married 1898 Bone, Algeria to Marie Louise Melis, with issue. Reine Josephine Vella, (1899 Bone, Algeria -1948 Bizerte, Tunisia), married 1920 Bone, Algeria to Pierre Joseph Jean Vella. Marcelle Noelie Vella, (1900 Bone, Algeria -1963 Toulon, France), married 1932 Tunisa to Jacques Via. Julie Anna Vella, (1902-1903), d.inf Angelo Vella, (1873 Bone, Algeria -), married 1898 Bone, Algeria to Maria Joanna Ambrosino, with issue. Yvonne Berthe Vella, (1899-1900), d.inf. Robert Paul Vella, (1900-1945 Bone, Algeria). Marcel Jerome Vella, (1902 Bone, Algeria -), married 1925 Bone, Algeria to Josephine Philippe Ceppi. Pascal Laurent Andre Vella, (1830 Floriana -1878 Bone, Algeria), married 1855 Bone, Algeria to Annunziata Gallo, with issue. Theresa Vella, (1861 Bone, Algeria -), married 1880 Bone, Algeria to Philippe Baldacchino, with issue. Rosa Nunziata Baldacchino, (1887 Philippeville, Algeria -), married 1907 Bone, Algeria to Clement Farrugia. Carmena Vella, (1862 Bone, Algeria -), married 1879 Bone, Algeria to Angelin Francois Said. Consolata Vella, married (1) 1814 Valletta to Michele Buttigieg, married (2) 1818 Valletta to Giuseppe Psaila. Maria Vella, married 1809 Valletta to Rosario Formosa. (Second marriage) Marchese Gilberto Testaferrata Castelletti, Patrizio Messina e Roma,  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1703-74), eldest son by the second marriage (Elisabetta Castelletti) of the 1st ‘Marquis of San Vincenzo Ferreri” and 1st Marchese Testaferrata. (In 1883, Gilberto was deemed to be the “1st Marquis ‘Cassar Desain’” with date of creation to be taken as 1749- See below), married 1734 to Teodora Vella Abela, with issue.  Marchese Mario Testaferrata Castelletti, Patrizio Messina e Roma,  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1737-1813), Patrician of Messina (In 1883, deemed to be the 2nd Marquis Cassar Desain with date of creation to be taken as the year 1749- See below),  [Times of Malta]; married 1762 to Anna Viani dei Baroni della Tabria, with issue Marchese Giuseppe Testaferrata Viani, Patrizio Messina e Roma,
  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1767-1837), (invested as 3rd Baron of Tabria: 22 October 1784 in succession to his maternal grandfather Gio Batta Viani) Appointed Lord Lieutenant of Malta (1815-1834: resigned in favour of son) as “Marquis Giuseppe Testaferrata Viani”) married 1791 to Rosa Maria Galea Feriol D’Amico Inguanez dei Baroni di San Marciano, with issue. Marchese Gilberto Testaferrata Viani,Patrizio Messina e Roma,  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (born 1801-1867), (eldest son), 4th Barone of Tabria, Lord Lieutenant of Malta (1834-1839: office abolished) as “Marquis Gilberto Testaferrata Viani” married 1826 to Nobile Aloisea Sceberras Bologna dei Conti della Catena, with issue. Marchese Giuseppe Testaferrata Viani, (1837-1892), Patrizio Messina e Roma,  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (recognized by Royal Commission, 1878 as 5th Baron of Tabria following succession through Anna wife of Mario Testaferrata, considered by Commission to have been 3rd Baroness), married to Nobile Rosa Maria Carmela Galea Feriol dei Baroni di San MarcianoHereditary Noble of Hungary, dsp. Marchesa Orade Rafaella Testaferrata Viani, (1828-) (eldest daughter), Baronessina di TabriaPatrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. (illegitimate with Don Duca Ferdinando Capece Minutolo) Romulado Minutolo sives Testaferrata Viani (acknowledged by Orade as her illegitimate son. He died before Orade), married 1848 Valletta to Carmela Portelli. (illegitimate with Housemaid) Carmela de Spiteri, Eduque pa Pietro et Maria Chetcuti), married 1850 Birkirkara to Francesco Buttigieg, with issue. Regina Buttigieg, married 1870 Birkirkara to Giuseppe Borg. (illegitimate with Housemaid) Teresa de Spiteri, elevee pa Pietro Colicchia e Giuseppa Laudacina, married 1858 Valletta to Mario Calicchia. (illegitimate with Don Duca Ferdinando Capce Minutolo) Giovanna Minutolo sives Testaferrata Viani sive Farrugia, married 1859 Qrendi to Raimondo Psaila, with issue. Maria Psaila, married 1881 Qrendi to Giovanni Ellul. Marchesa Maria Angela Testaferrata Viani, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (born 24 September 1833-1867), married 1863 to Baron Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela Moroni, LL.D, (See above), with issue. Marchesa Rosina Testaferrata Viani, (1835- ), Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, dsp Marchesa Maria Teresa, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1838 – 14-8-1867), married to Count Pietro Paolo Teuma Castelletti , dsp. (He later married Maria Teresa Mallia Tabone Marchesa Maria Testaferrata Viani, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1817 to the Marchese Gregorio Augusto Testaferrata, (See on this page), with issue. Marchesa Margherita Testaferrata Viani, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1807 to Gaetano Giappone Marchesa Vincenza Testaferrata Viani, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1811 to Nicolo Testaferrata de Noto, (See on this page), with issue. Marchesa Lettrina Testaferrata Viani, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1819 to Marchese Sir Giuseppe Testaferrata de Noto, KCMG, (See on this page). Marchese Mario Testaferrata Viani, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, dspStyled as Barone della Tabria, dunm.l. (illegitimate with Housemaid) Maria Dolores de Spiteri, Alunna a l’Hopital, married 1851 Valletta to Giovanni Abela de Leonardo.   Marchese Lorenzo Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1770-..), (second son of Mario Testaferrata Castelletti), married 1811 Valletta to Angela Attard, with issue.  Marchese Mario Filippo Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1811-74), married to Marchesa Vincenza Testaferrata dei Marchesi Cassar Desain -( See Below), with issue  Marchesa Maria Carmela Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma,  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1861-.), married to Marchese Ignazio Testaferrata Bonici, (See on this page).  Marchese Constantine Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married Teresa Maria Galea., with issue. (Tunisia)  Marchese Guglielmo Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married Natalizia Galea., with issue. (Tunisia)  Marchese Lorenzo Testaferrata (1852-.), Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married (1)  Marguerite Galea., married (2) 1894 to Helen Camilleri, with issue. (Tunisia).  Marchese Luigi Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married to Marianna Scicluna., with issue. (Tunisia). (illegitimate with Housemaid) Federico de Cassar, educato elevee pa Giuseppe Cassar et Teresa Desain, married 1851 Zabbar to Marianna Allegritto, (d/o Maximo and Caterina Cassar)  Marchese Emmanuele Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1811-..), married Cecilia Galea., with issue. (Tunisia).  Marchese Fr. Giuseppe Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1821-..), dunm.  Marchese Costantine Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1824-..), married to Alexia Giappone., with issue. (Marseille France).  Marchese Guglielmo Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1822- ), married 1843 to Grazia Tagliaferro., with issue. (Marseille France)   Marchese Carmelo Angelo Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1827-..), married 1853 to Adelaide Caruana., with issue. (London UK).  Marchesa Anna Maria Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1813-..), dunm.l. (illegitimate with Rear Admiral Lord Adolphus FitzClarence 1802-1856, illegitimate son of King William IV of Great Britain and Dorothy Jordan) Giuseppe de Spiteride parents inconnus, married 1842 Cospicua to Antonia Lorienti.  Marchesa Maria Teresa Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1824- ), married to Orazio Sammut.  Marchesa Elizabetta Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1831- ), married to Daniele Preziosi.  Marchesa Maria Teresa Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married Nobile Odoardo Mallia Tabone.  Marchesa Marianna Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1796 to Giuseppe Testaferrata Olivier. Marchese Filippo Testaferrata, (1774-1821), Patrizio Messina e Roma,  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (youngest son of Mario Testaferrata Castelletti) (In 1883, deemed to be the ‘3rd Marquis Cassar Desain’ with date of creation to be taken as the year 1749- See below), married 1807 Senglea to Vincenza Falanca, with issue  Marchese Lorenzo Antonio Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina e Roma,  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (born 1805, died 1851), (In 1883, deemed to be the ‘4th Marquis Cassar Desain’ with date of creation to be taken as the year 1749- See below), Married 1822 to Marchesa Maria Teresa Cassar Desain, (See on this page), with issue  Marchese Filippo Giacomo Cassar Desain, Patrizio Messina e Roma,  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, ( 1826-66), (In 1883, deemed to be the ‘5th Marquis Cassar Desain’ with date of creation to be taken as the year 1749- See below)), married 1848 to Dona Veneranda de Piro-Gourgion dei Marchesi de Piro, with issue.  Marchese Richard Cassar Desain, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (In 1883, deemed to be the ‘6th Marquis Cassar Desain’ with date of creation to be taken as the year 1749) dsp.  Marchese Lorenzo Antonio Cassar Desain, Patrizio Messina e Roma,  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1851-86), (In 1883, deemed to be the ‘7th Marquis Cassar Desain’ with date of creation to be taken as the year 1749)  (see notes) married Firstly in 1872 to Camilla Slythe (died 1880), Daughter of Chev. Richard Slythe, KStM, with issue. Married Secondly in 1884 to Eleanor Parkinson (died 1914) (First Marriage) Marchese Philip George Cassar Desain, Patrizio Messina e Roma,  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1878-1906), “8th” ‘Marquis’ ‘Cassar Desain’  (see notes), and dunm Marchese Richard George Eugene Cassar Desain, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1880-1927), “9th” “Marquis” ‘Cassar Desain’  (see notes) married 1905 to Mary Alexandra Turnbull, with issue. Marchese James George Cassar Desain, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1907-58), “10th” ‘Marquis’ ‘Cassar Desain’  (see notes), married 1928 to Evelyn Cassar Torreggiani, with issue.  Marchese Anthony Cassar De Sain, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1938-2000), “11th” ‘Marquis’ ‘Cassar Desain’ (see notes) married 1964 to Vivian Randall, with issue.  Marchese Mark Cassar De Sain, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1965-, “12th” ‘Marquis’ ‘Cassar Desain., married 1997 to Nadine Fleri-Soler, with issue   Marchese Max Cassar De Sain, Marchesino Cassar DesainPatrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (2002-  Marchese Jason Cassar De Sain, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1970-, married 1999 to Angela Borg  Marchesa Rachel Cassar De Sain, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1967-  Marchese Lawrence Cassar Desain Viani, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1940- 2014), married Firstly (Div) to Diana Walsh, with issue, Married Secondly to Mieka… (First Marriage) Marchesa Michelle Cassar Desain Viani, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, , married to Markus Koch. (Second Marriage) Marchesa Tina Cassar Desain Viani, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire  Marchesa Michael Cassar Desain, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1950-, married Firstly Sharon Berkely, with issue. Married Secondly to Patricia Galea, (d. 2006), with issue. (First Marriage) Marchesa Mercedes Cassar Desain, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire.  Marchesa Rosemarie Cassar Desain, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1934-2005), married 1960, (Div). to Lawrence Sevitt,  dsp.  Marchesa Ann Cassar Desain, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1937-, married 1966 to Mario Said.  Marchesa Veronica Cassar Desain, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1941-2017), married 1960 to Baron Bernard von Brockdorff.  Marchesa Christine Cassar Desain, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1942-, married 1963 to Lino Delia, with issue James Delia, (1963-, married 2004 to Lubomira Jakubcova, with issue. Klarka Delia, (2005-. Bibyana Delia, (2010 -. Alison Delia, (1966-, married David Parotti, with issue Kristina Parotti. Andrew Parotti. Roberta Delia, (1969-, married Juan Borg Manduca dei Conti di Mont’Alto  Marchesa Natalie Cassar Desain, Patrizia Messina e Roma,  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1946-, married 1968 (Div) to Paul Shaw-Savill, with issue Jonathan Shaw-Savill, (1970-, married Julie Rutter, with issue Chloe Shaw-Savill. X. Shaw-Savill, (1) (1973-., married 03-05-2005 at Cuenca in Ecuador. to Angelica Esther Flores Ayavaca.  Marchese Philip Gerald Cassar Desain, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1908-27), dunm.  Marchese George Lawrence Cassar Desain, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1915-82), dunm  Marchesa Adeline Cassar Desain, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1911-, married 1937 Mdina  to Edwin England-Sant Fournier.  Marchesa Elena Cassar Desain, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1913-39), dunm.   Marchesa Mary Cassar Desain, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1916-2008), married to  Major. Albert Falzon Sant Manduca, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary.  Marchesa Vanda Cassar Desain, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1918-98), married 1944 Rabat Malta to Flight Lieut. John Harold Branch Bradshaw (d. 1979), with issue.  Joanna Marion Bradshaw, (1945 Nelson BC, Canada -)., married 1968 Sliema to Keith Legault, with issue. Sean Legault, (1969 Montreal Canada -)., married 1998 Floriana to Suzanne Montanaro-Gauci, with issue. Lucas Legault. (2001 Sliema -). William Legault., (2003 Sliema -). Michael Legault., (1973 Montreal Canada -), married 1993 Montreal Canada to Rhea de Deene, with issue. Amilian Legault., (1994 Montreal Canada -). Liam Nicolas Legault., (1997 Montreal Canada -). Ryan Legault., (2002 Montreal Canada -). Carina Legault., (1976 Montreal Canada -), married 2004 to Kurt Henrico. Maureen Therese Bradshaw., (1947 Sliema -), married 1968 Rabat Malta to Robert Louis Crossey, with issue. Jacqueline Therese Crossey., (1968 Sliema -), married 1994 Ta l’bragg Malta to Jesmond Cremona, with issue. Joseph John Cremona, (1999 Sliema -). Liam John Cremona, (2003 Sliema -). Neil Louis Crossey., (1971 Sliema -), married 1998 Rabat Malta to Charlene Doublesin, with issue. Hannah Marie Crossey., (2000 Sliema -). Jacob John Crossey., (2003 Sliema -). Frederick Richard Bradshaw., (1950 Sliema -), married 1976 Sliema to Julia Kingham, with issue. Marc Bradshaw, (1977 Attard – 2000), dunm. Philip John Bradshaw., (1951 Sliema -), married (1) 1974 Montreal Canada to Sue Gray, married (2) to Janet Lyn Gossett, with issue. (First Marriage) Matthew Bradshaw., (1979 Montreal Canada -). Jonathan Bradshaw., (1982 Calgary Canada -). (Second Marriage) Travis Bradshaw., (1988 Calgary Canada -). Chanelle Bradshaw., (1980 Calgary Canada -). Caroline Syble Bradshaw., (1952 Sliema -), married 1975 Sliema to Joseph Falzon, with issue. Stephen Falzon., (1976 Sliema -). Christopher Falzon., (1978 Sliema -). Philippa Falzon., (1991 Sliema -). Mary Bradshaw., (1954 Sliema -1954), d.inf. Anna Maria Bradshaw., (1955 Sliema -), married 1976 Rabat Malta to Godwin Philip Abela, with issue. Chiara Abela., (1978 Sliema -). Bettina Abela., (1980 Sliema -). Sean Pius Bradshaw., (1957 Sliema -), married 1969 Sliema to Lisa Ganado, with issue. Nicholas John Bradshaw., (1994 Sliema -). Adam Bradshaw., (2001 Sliema-). (First Marriage) Marchesa Mary Beatrice Cassar Desain Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (1894-..), married to Nobile Alessandro dei Baroni Attard Montalto, and dsp  Marchese Giuseppe Cassar Desain, (died infancy,1853), Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire..  Marchesa Maria Teresa Cassar Desain., Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1856-), married to Pietro Fontani  Marchesa Vincenza Testaferrata (1823-.), Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1851 Valletta to Lorenzo Testaferrata – (See Above). (illegitimate with Marchese Salvatore Cassar Desain – see on this page).  Marchesa Giovanna Testaferrata (1825-.), Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empiremarried 1849 Valletta to Emmanuele Lauron, with issue. Maria Angelica Lauron Testaferrata, married 1883 Floriana to Nobile Gio Carlo Mallia Tabone dei Marchesi di Fiddien  Marchesa Laura Testaferrata (1830-), Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire.  Marchesa Louisa Testaferrata (1833-.), Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire.  Marchesa Filomena Testaferrata (1837-), Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire.  Marchesa Elizabeth Testaferrata (1841-), Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire,  Marchesa Adelaide Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1856 to  Francesco Saverio de Piro, 5th Marquis de Piro  Marchesa Anna Maria Testaferrata, (1806-), Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, .  Marchesa Maria Antonia Testaferrata, (1808-), Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, .  Marchesa Christina Testaferrata, (1810-), Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, dunm.l. (illegitimate with Rear Admiral Lord Adolphus FitzClarence 1802-1856, illegitimate son of King William IV of Great Britain and Dorothy Jordan) Costanza de Vassallo, eduquee par Benedicto and Maria, married 1852 Mdina to Paolo Debattista.  Marchesa Teodora ‘Maria Teresa’ Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Roma,  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, (dunm 1824) – had a child by Alexandre Moscati, Barone di Frigenuini (1774-1826). Never married. (illegitimate) Anna Moscati, (Noted in Will as daughter of Maria Antonio ‘Teodora’ Testaferrata), Married 1810 to Michele Gauci, with issue. Also had a child with H.S.H, Prince Louis-Charles de Orleans, Comte de Beaujolais, (Died 1808-Buried at St John’s Co-Cathedral, Valletta)  Marchese Giuseppe Testaferrata Castelletti, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1765 to Teodora Viani. Duke Paul Testaferratasky, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. 2nd Duke, (1801-59), 4th President of the Russian Maltese Chamber of Nobility, married 1823 to Baroness Catherine Saidov, with issue. Duke Giacomo Testaferratasky, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire.3rd Duke, (1825-77), married 1860 to Princess Stephania Gauciski, with issue. Duke Paul Testaferratasky, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. 4th Duke, (1865-1919),Knight of the Order of St John of Malta in Russia , dunm. Duke Giacomo Testaferratasky, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. 5th Duke, (1872-1925), Knight of the Order of St John of Malta in Russia , dunm. Duchess Catherine Testaferratasky, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. (1869 -1943), 1885 to Prince Andrei Sceberrasky, married with issue.. Duchess Aloisea Testaferratasky, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. (1827-), married 1855 to Baron Nicholas Saidov. Duchess Tatiana Testaferratasky, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. (1830-), married 1855 to Baron Giovanni Saidov. Duke Peter Testaferratasky, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. (1833-88), married 1858 to Duchess Olga Delicatasky, with issue. Duchess Katherine Testaferratasky, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (1860, married 1890 to Prince Michael Xuerebsky. Duchess Sophia Testaferratasky, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (1862-, married 1880 to Chev. Antonio Borgsky. Duchess Caroline Testaferratasky, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. (1865-. married 1892 to Prince Franco Xuerebsky. Duke Nicholas Testaferratasky, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. 6th and Last Duke, (1835-1925), Grand Prior and Knight of the Order of St John of Malta in Russia , dunm. Duchess Olga Testaferratasky, (1829-), Patrizia Messina e Roma, e  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. married to Baron Domenico Callejasky. Duke Peter Testaferratasky, (1804-26), Patrizio Messina e Roma, e  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. Knight of the Order of St John of Malta in Russia , dunm. Duchess Marie Testaferratasky, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire. (1806-), married 1828 to Count Feodor Galeaov. Duchess Antonia Testaferratasky, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e  Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire., (1808-), married 1830 to Prince Andre Sceberrasky.  Marchesa Elizabetta Testaferrata Castelletti, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1770 to Isidore Viani.  Marchesa Eleanore Testaferrata Castelletti., Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, dunm. Marchesa Pulcheria Testaferrata Castelletti, Patrizia Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empiremarried Pietro Antonio Testaferrata. (Third Marriage) Marchese Gregorio Testaferrata Vassallo, Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire(1740-…), dunm. Marchesa Anna Teresa Testaferrata Vassallo, (1742-), Patrizio Messina e Roma, e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empiremarried 1770 to Cmdr. Martino Preziosi (illegitimate with Fra Alessandro Gianson, Knight of St John of Malta) Concetta Gianson, married 1794 Valletta to Giuseppe Fabri. (illegitimate with Don Domenico Rosso, 6th Principe di Cerami) Maria Alunna, married 1796 Valletta to Antonio Tabone. Nobile Camilla Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1673 to Nott. Giuseppe Cagnano JUD. Nobile Leonora Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, dunm. Nobile Maria Rose Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina e Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire, married 1679 to Paolo Cassar (illegitimate with Principe e Marchese Don Luigi Gonzaga 1647-1702, Knight of Malta) Nobile Anna de Testaferrata, married 1690 Valletta to Francesco Martin of Spain, with issue. Rosa Martin, married 1741 Cospicua to Andrea Tonna. (illegitimate with Alessio Pisani) Elisabetta de Pisano de Testaferrata, married 1709 Valletta to Lutio Farrugia. (illegitimate) Nobile Teresa Testaferrata, married 1668 Cospicua to Francesco Grabat. (illegitimate) Clara de Mangion, Orpheline, married 1760 Valletta to Pietro Vella Nobile Vincenza Testaferrata de Robertis, Patrizia Messina, married 1651 to Lorenzo Testaferrata, (see Above). Nobile Gio Batta Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina, married 1692 to Maria Sceberras, with issue. Nobile Margherita Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married 1719 to Gabriele Haxisa, with issue. Nobile Maddalena Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married 1721 to Gaspare Dandolina (illegitimate with Nobile Anna Moscati) Geronima de Muscat Testaferrata, married 1716 Safi to Filippo Calajeo. Nobile Rosanna Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married 1688 to Nobile Leonardo Montalto Nobile Clara Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married 1679 to Dr Carlo Bonici JUD Nobile Fr. Eugenio Testaferrata de Robertis, Patrizio Messina, dunm. (“il Dottor Don Eugenio prima Canonico della Cattedrale di Siracusa, indi Arcidiacono di questa Melivetana”) Nobile Fr. Aldovandino Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina, dunm. Knight of the Order of Saint John (elected 7 June 1631) (“Frat’ Aldrovandino Cavaliere del Signor Gran Maestro per autorita’ (suprema nella eligione) del Capitolo Generale.”) Nobile Silvestrino “sives Vincenzo” Testaferrtata, Patrizio Messina, married (1) 1625 Vittoriosa to Nobile Veronica Testaferrata (See Above), married (2) 1630 (Matro – Notary Giovanni Ravier) to Donna Silvia Sanchetta.,  4th Baronessa Sanchetta, with issue (First Marriage) Nobile Basileo Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina, married 1649 Valletta to Francesca di de Lodura. Nobile Gaspare Testaferrata (Alias Testa), Patrizio Messina, married (1) 1671 Vittorisa to Graziella Busuttil, married 1677 Vittoriosa to Domenica d’Arcuri, with issue. (Second Marriage) Nobile Matteo Testa d’Arcuri, Patrizio Messina, married (1) 1706 Valletta to Caterina Bugeja, married (2) 1715 Valletta to Christina Vittoria Sciotto, with issue. (First Marriage) Nobile Giuseppe Testa d’Arcuri, Patrizio Messina, married 1739 Valletta to Maria Gatt. Nobile Gaspare Testa d’Arcuri, Patrizio Messina, married (1) 1728 Mdina to Rosa Cortis, married (2) 1760 to Teresa Azzopardi, with issue. (First Marriage) Nobile Giuseppe Testa d’Arcuri, Patrizio Messina, married 1759 Valletta to Maria Bonel, with issue. Margherita Testa, Patrizia Messina, married 1794 Valletta to Agostino Spiteri. Rosa Testa, Patrizia Messina, married 1786 Valletta to Michel Angelo Grima. Maria Anna Testa, Patrizia Messina, married 1792 Valletta to Michele Azzoaprdi. Nobile Francesco Testa, Patrizio Messina, married 1744 Valletta to Giovanna Mifsud. (Second Marriage) Giuseppe Felice Testa Scotto, Patrizio Messina, married 1737 Valletta to Rosa De Licata, wirh issue. Matteo Testa Scotto, Patrizio Messina, married 1788 Senglea to Regina Barbarossa. Gaetano Testa Scotto, Patrizio Messina, married 1788 Valletta to Maria Mifsud, wirh issue. Felice Testa, Patrizio Messina, married 1810 Valletta to Maria Martines. Maria Testa Scotto, Patrizia Messina, married 1740 Valletta to Gaetano Falzon. Vittoria Testa Scotto, Patrizia Messina, married 1744 Valletta to Gio Battista Alfard. Nobile Publio Testa d’Arcuri, Patrizio Messina, married 1708 Valletta to Orsola Debono, with issue. Nobile Giuseppe Testa d’Arcuri, Patrizio Messina, married 1741 Vittoriosa to Elizabetta Portelli, with issue. Nobile Felice Testa d’Arcuri, Patrizio Messina, married (1) 1765 Tarxiem to Caterina Gauci, married (2) 1766 Valletta to Clara de Candia, with issue. (First Marriage) Marcella Testa, Patrizia Messina, married 1748 Vittoriosa to Giuseppe Vella. Nobile Domenica Testa d’Arcuri, Patrizia Messina, married 1727 Vittoriosa to Lorenzo Friggieri. (Second Marriage) Nobile Cesare Testaferrata de Sanchetta, (d. 1691), Patrizio Messina, 5th Barone Sanchetta, married 1657 Senglea to Maruzza Mifsud, with issue. Salvatore Verzin Testaferrata, married (1) 1717 Senglea to Caterina Debono, married (2) 1740 Valletta to Francesca Morello, with issue. (Second marriage) Vincenzo Verzin, married 1764 Valletta to Caterina Ros, with issue. Filippo Verzin, married 1813 Valletta to Concetta Gemma, with issue. Salvatore Verzin, married 1860 Valletta to Filomena Borg. Carmela Verzin, married 1853 Valletta to Carmelo Portelli. Benventua Verzin, married (1) 1812 Senglea to Giuseppe Ghio of Genoa, married (2) 1848 Valletta to Carmelo Antonio Sammut. Giovanna Verzin, married 1807 Valletta to Didaco Danza. Teresa Verzin, married 1764 Valletta to Angelo Borg. Michele Angelo Verzin, married 1714 Senglea to Maria Attard. Giovanna Verzin, married 1704 Senglea to Pietro Alessi. Nobile Geronimo Testaferrata de Sanchetta, Patrizio Messina, married
1657 Senglea to Donna Maria d’Daniele, with issue. Nobile Gio Battista Testaferrata de Sanchetta, Patrizio Messina, married 1720 Valletta to Teresa Mangano, with issue. Nobile Anna Maria Testaferrata de Sanchetta, Patrizia Messina, married 1747 Matrice Gozo to Notary Giuseppe Marchese. Nobile Paolina Testaferrata de Sanchetta, Patrizia Messina, married 1689 Senglea to Rocco Vella. Nobile Anna Testaferrata de Sanchetta, Patrizia Messina, married 1703 Senglea to Gio Battista Gelfo. Nobile Aloisia Testaferrata de Sanchetta, Patrizia Messina, married 1715 Senglea to Gio Maria Ebejer. Nobile Faustina Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married 1651 to Carlo Testaferrata (See Above) (illegitimate) Nobile Anna Testaferrata, “Bastarda di Giacche detto sponsulizio sequi nell abazia delli Orfanelli”., married 1609 at Valletta to Giovanni Bea of France. Nobile Gio Matteo Testaferrata, (1582-), Patrizio Messina, married 1607 Vittoriosa to Marta Andreanna Maria Verganella, with issue. Nobile Basilio Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina, married (1) to Onorata Barbara, married (2) 1677 Gudia to Nobilis Maria Schembri. Nobile Chevaliar Gio Battista Testaferrata (alias Testa), Patrizio Messina, Served in the Venetian Navy then retired in Malta, married 1642 Valletta to Orsola Sereni San Filippo, ex wife of Gio Paolo Dingli, with issue. Nobile Gaspare Giovanni  Testa, married (1) 1671 Vittoriosa to Graziulla Leonora Busuttil, married (2) 1677 Vittoriosa to Domenica d’Arcuri, with issue. (First marriage) Nobile Anna Maria Testa, married 1721 Senglea to Giovanni Bassoni. Nobile Stefano Testa, Patrizio Messina, married 1703 Senglea to Nataalizia Patauina, with issue. Giovanni Testa, married 1727 Tarxiem to Rosa Busuttil. Anna Maria Testa, married 1747 Vittoriosa to Gio Maria Xiberras. (Second marriage) Nobile Matteo Testa, married (1) 1706 Valletta to Caterina Bugeja, married (2) 1715 Cristina Sciotto, with issue. (First marriage) Gaspare Testa, married (1) 1728 Mdina to Rosa Cortis, married (2) 1760 Valletta to Teresa Azzopardi, with issue. (First marriage) Giuseppe Testa, married 1759 Valletta to Maria Bonello, with issue. Rosa Testa, married 1786 Valletta to Michele Angelo Cini. Maria Anna Testa, married 1792 Valletta to Michele Azzopardi. Margherita Testa, married 1794 Valletta to Agostino Spiteri. Matteo Testa, married 1788 Senglea to Regina Barbarossa. Giuseppe Testa, married 1739 Valletta to Maria Gatt. Francesco Testa, married 1744 Valletta to Giovanna Mifsud. (Second marriage) Felice Testa, married 1737 Valletta to Rosa Delicata, with issue. Gaetano Testa, married 1788 Valletta to Maria Mifsud. Felice Testa, married 1810 Valletta to Maria Martines. Nobile Publio Testa, married 1708 Valletta to Nobile Orsola Debono, with issue. Nicola Testa, married 1736 Mdina to Maria Magro, with issue. Giuseppe Testa, married 1770 Qormi to Giovanna Felice, with issue. Barbara Testa, married 1801 Qormi to Giorgio Grech. Paolo Testa, married 1804 Valletta to Angela Falzon, with issue. Giuseppe Testa, married 1839 Valletta to Orsola Debono. Giacomo Testa, married 1797 Birkirkara to Palma Grech. Gio Battista Testa, married 1801 Birkirkara to Caterina Parnis, with issue. Lorenzo Testa, married 1833 Birkirkara to Grazia Borg, with issue. Vincenzo Testa, married 1876 Birkirkara to Carmela Cuschieri, with issue. Maria Anna Testa, married 1901 Birkirkara to Salvatore Grech. Giuseppe Testa, married 1926 Birkirkara to Emilia Bonello, with issue. Vincent Testa. Joseph Testa. Caterina Testa, married 1865 Birkirkara to Carmelo Xuereb. Carmela Testa, married 1887 Birkirkara to Carmelo Galea. Giuseppe Testa, married 1816 Cospicua to Maria Naitesi. Nicola Testa, married 1790 Bikirkara to Angelica Bonavia. Gaetano Testa, married 1770 Valletta to Modesta Micallef, with issue. Fortunato Testa, married 1788 Valletta to Maria Borg, with issue. Giuseppe Testa, married 1812 Valletta to Maria Antonia Busuttil, with issue. Salvatore Testa, married 1848 Valletta to Evangelista Zammit, with issue. Giuseppa Testa, married 1876 Birkirkara to Antonio Bonello. Pietro Paolo Testa, married 1877 Birkirkara to Rafaela Mangion, with issue. Spiridion Testa, married 1919 Msida to Josephine Mifsud,
with issue. Rinaldo Testa, married to Rosemary Zammit, with issue. Fortunato Testa, married (1) 1836 Valletta to Maria Buhagiar, married (2) 1844 Valletta to Carolina Cohen, with issue. Giuseppe Testa, married 1874 Valletta to Vincenza Parisi. Saverio Testa, married 1889 Floriana to Emilia Consiglio, with issue. Francesco Testa, married 1918 Floriana to Carmela Vella. Carolina Testa, married (1) 1913 Floriana to Andrew George Stanley, married (2) 1917 Floriana to James Edward McLauchlan. Antonia Testa, married 1918 Floriana to Maurice Henry Steer. Maria Stella Testa, married 1919 Floriana to Albert William Rifes. Carmelo Testa, (1862-1935 Floriana), married to Carmela Sammut, with issue. Charles C. Testa, (1903 Hamrun -1972 San Francisco, CA, USA), married 1926 Hamrun to Marianna Psaila, with issue. Maud Testa, (1928-), married to N. Barrier. Joseph P. Testa, (1931-), married 1952 San Francisco, CA, USA to Margaret Burke, with issue. Nicholas Testa, married 1977 to Susan Rispaud. Gaetano Testa, married 1844 Valletta to Loretta Grech. Giovanni Testa, married 1852 Tarxien to Maddalena Fenech. Calcedonia Testa, married 1843 Valletta to Vincenzo Fabri. Ludovico Testa, married 1818 Valletta to Orsola Pollacco. Ludovico Testa, married 1771 Vittoriosa to Anna Spiteri, with issue. Maria Teresa Testa, married 1834 Birkirkara to Ignazio Micallef. Salvatore Testa, married 1807 Cospicua to Caterina Baldacchino. Fortunata Testa, married 1805 Vittoriosa to Lorenzo di Giorgio. Nicolo Testa, married 1792 Vittoriosa to Domenica Imbroll, with issue. Anna Testa, married 1810 Valletta to Antonio Busuttil. Paolo Testa, married 1816 Valletta to Pietra Zerafa. Vincenzo Testa, married 1822 Valletta to Carmela Spiteri. Domenica Testa, married 1727 Vittoriosa to Lorenzo Friggeri. Noble Aloisio Testa, married 1685 Senglea to Filippina Abela, with issue. Nobile Francesco Testa, married 1736 Vittoriosa to Antonia Salamone, with issue. Nobile Sancita Testa, married 1749 Vittoriosa to Giuseppe Azzopardi. Nobile Rosa Testa, married 1757 Valletta to Lorenzo d’Armenia. Nobile Giuseppe Testa, amrried 1741 Vittoriosa to Elisabetta Portelli, with issue. Nobile Felice Testa, married 1765 Tarxiem to Caterina Gauci, married (2) 1766 Valletta to Clara de Cacioha, with issue. Nobile Rosa Testa, married 1730 Vittoriosa to Gregorio Dariano, married (2) 1745 Vittoriosa to Gasparo Grech. Nobile Onorata Testa, married 1739 Vittoriosa to Michele Angelo Rizzo. Nobile Anna Testa, Patrizio Messina, married (1) 1740 Vittoriosa to Guglielmo Spataro, married (2) 1747 Vittoriosa to Gio Maria Xiberras, with issue. Nobile Elizabetta Testa, Patrizia Messina, married 1671 Valletta to Domenico Quattromani, dsp. Nobile Margarita Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married 1698 (Notary Gio Domenico Gatt), to Nobile Scipione Cumbo. Nobile Fr Mariano Testaferrata, Patrizio Messina. Nobile Giovanella Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married 1593 to Gio Paolo Cuzkeri,with issue. Nobile Vincenza Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married 1603 to Michele Allegritto, with issue. Nobile Marfiglica Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married 1600 to Giacomo Giaachi Farrugia. Nobile Caterina Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married 1610 (Notary Ambroglio Xiberras) to Consalvo Farrugia.  Nobile Agata Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina,, married to Matteo Vassallo, (“ Segreto di Malta”) with issue. Nobile Girolama Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married Giovanni Pace, (without surviving issue). Nobile Giovanella Testaferrata, Patrizia Messina, married Antonino Vassallo.
1.1.4. Nobile Tomaso Testaferrata married 1545 to Imperia Gallo (“della Notabile”), with issue Nobile Alfonso Testaferrata, (died 1592) married 1577 Vittoriosa to Margherita Zirenzo, with issue Nobile Tomaso Testaferrata, (1588-). Nobile Pietro Testaferrata Nobile Imperia Testaferrata, married 1592 to Antonio Fiteni. Nobile Elena Testaferrata, (1579-) Nobile Giuseppe Testaferrata, married 1591 Vittoriosa to Battista Fiteni, with issue. Nobile Gio Simone Testaferrata, married 1628 Tarxiem to Nobile Angelica Evangelista Busuttil, with issue. Nobile Giuseppe Testaferrata, married 1668 Valletta to Veronica Farrugia, with issue. Nobile Rosa Testaferrata, married 1701 Gudja to Domenico Ros. Nobile Lucrezia Testaferrata, married 1621 Vittoriosa to Gio Leonardo Burlo. Nobile Veronica Testaferrata, married 1625 Vittoriosa to Nobile Silvestro Vincenzo Testaferrata (See below). Nobile Caterina Testaferrata, married (1) 1569 to Ippolito Xiriha, married (2) 1572 to Mario Bartolo, with issue Nobile Enziona Testaferrata, married to Andrea de Lucia (Lucca).
1.1.5. Nobile Aloisea Capo di Ferro, married Francesco “Plotaplasti” Platamone.
1.2. Nobile Bartolomeo Capo di Ferro sives Testaferrata, married c. 1540 to Nobile Faustina Paola Altieri, Nobile Romano, with issue.
1.2.1. Nobile Fra Ranuccio Testaferrata, Abbott, dunm.
1.2.2. Nobile Isabella Giovanna Testaferrata, married 1562 (Notary Matteo de Brincat) to Pasquale Galea.
1.2.3. Nobile Giuseppe Testaferrata, married 1578 Vittoriosa to Maddalena Spaixun, with issue. Nobile Paolina Testaferrata, married 1593 Vittoriosa to Bastiano Veneziano, with issue. Mro Padron Angelo Ambrosio Veneziano, married (1) 1614 Vittoriosa to Francesca Gauci, married (2) 1617 Valletta to Antonia Angela Dilociho, with issue. (Second marriage) Giovanna Clara Veneziano, married 1670 Cospicua to Giovanni Maurin. Pietro Veneziano, married 1643 Zejtun to Angelica Borg, with issue. Caterina Veneziano, married 1667 Zejtun to Gio Domenico Torpiano. Caterina Veneziano, married 1647 Vittoriosa to Pierre Tabon of France. Teresa Veneziano, married 1661 Vittoriosa to Aloisio Tesseri of France, with issue. Maria Tesseri, married 1713 Valletta to Ignazio Zarb. Eufemia Tesseri, married 1705 Cospicua to Giacomo di Giuseppe of Ancona, Italy.


1.3. Nobile Tomasina Capo di Ferro, married to Antonio Gomez, 7th Signore di il Scardo e Scajscach.


Footnote #1: The Testaferrata tradition that Arfio Capo di Ferro sive Testaferrata was a descendant of the Capo di Ferro family recurs at various times. For example, see Abela (1647), the grant of Patrician of Messina (1792) and the 1878 Report where the Marchese Nicola Testaferrata de Noto is described in one of the claims as “Marquis Testaferrata, of the Ancient Princes Capo di Ferro, Charge d’Affairs Maltese”. According to Abela, the first Maltese member of this family regarded as a Nobleman was Mariano Testaferrata, resident in Vittoriosa. Furthermore, a discussion regarding a possibility of Arfio’s origin.

Footnote #2: Mariano Testaferrata is regarded the progenitor of the two main lines of the Testaferrata family, viz. those descending from his sons Antonio and Giacomo. Many published sources including Abela (1647) regard Giacomo as the elder of the two. However, this has been the subject of some debate in recent years because their birth dates have so far, remained undocumented. According to “Date Order Sequence”, it results that Antonio was in fact older than Giacomo (See: The Testaferrata family (A reappraisal of the family’s early history), Giles Ash, Classic Press, Malta (undated) Abela introduces these lines as one being Patricians of Rome, the other being the Hereditary Knights.

Footnote #3: Abela (1647) does not mention the Dignity of Patrician of Messina granted to Mariano Testaferrata on the 20th December 1553. The Royal Commission (1878) dismissed this title as a mere municipal honour.  
Antonio’s line later received a second patriciate (of Rome) in 1590 as well as two nobiliary titles granted by the Grand Masters (Baron of Gomerino 1710, Most Illustrious and Noble, 1725). It also succeeded a Neapolitan Barony in 1695.  
Giacomo’s line received a Marquisate in Naples (1716), another in Sicily (1717) but was also invested in the Magistral title of Baron of Tabria in 1782, originally granted to the Viani family in 1728). The claim to the Barony of Culeja granted to the Bonnici family in 1737, arose only after 1798.  
In 1792, both lines, by then subdivided into 4 distinct lines, were confirmed in the 1553 Patricianship. 

Footnote#4: The Dignity of Roman Patrician was granted jointly to Monsignor Don Leonardo Abela, Bishop of Sidonia, Placido and Alessandro Abela his brothers, and upon his three nephews ex sorore Pietro di Ferro, AscanioSurdo and Paolo Testaferrata on the 11 June 1590 by the Roman Senate. However, the 1878 Commissioners dismissed this dignity on the same grounds as the title of Patrician of Messina (see above). 

Footnote #5: From a reading of the 1878 Report, it appears that of the six persons asserting a claim in 1878 to this dignity, not all were descended in the male-to-male line of the (joint) grantee from whom they were claiming. Whilst it is clear that the Testaferrata claimants were claiming by virtue of their agnatial descent from Paolo Testaferrata, it is unclear whether the basis of the other claimants was also being made in virtue of a female descent from Paolo Testaferrata or from another (female) descent from one of the other original (joint) grantees. Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.)

Footnote #6: Owing to a great abuse which had crept in, of notaries and lawyers giving the style of Nobile and Illustrissimo to many persons indiscriminately in public documents, the Grand Master de Vilhena issued a Pragmatic in the year 1725 in which he criminalized such unauthorized use. A copy verbatim of the Pragmatic dated 30th April 1725 is found in the sub-Enclosure in Enclosure No. 3 in the letter from Governor Simmons to The Earl of Derby dated 28 October 1884 which is published in Copies or Extracts of Correspondence with reference to the Maltese Nobility (In Continuation of C-3812) presented to the House of Lords by Command of Her Majesty, May 1886. In the said copy verbatim, there is what appears to be an exhaustive list of the persons who at different times received from the said Grandmaster and his successors, an exception from the aforesaid pragmatic, thereby allowing them the right to use the styles of Most Illustrious and Noble, namely: (1) Milite Barone Marc’ Antonio Inguanez (See Djar il-Bniet) and his wife Baronessa Inguanez (See Gomerino) (30 April 1725); (2)Barone di Cicciano Fabritio Testaferrata (See:Castel Cicciano) and his mother the Baronessa di Gomerino Beatrice Cassia Testaferrata  (See Gomerino), (11 May 1725), (3) Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri Mario Testaferrata (See: San Vincenzo Ferreri) (9 July 1725), (4) Carlo Falson (See Falson), and Eleanora Testaferrata (See: Capo di Ferro) (13 June 1726), (5) Barone di San Marciano Diego Galea Feriolo (See: San Marciano), (2 September 1726), (6) Barone Gio Pio De Piro (See De Piro) (19 March 1727), (7) Canon Giuseppe di Costanzo (See Paganica), and Donna Rosa (See De Noto),widow of Gio Battista di Costanzo (24 May 1729), (8) Barone Isidoro Viani (See: Tabria), (27 June 1730), (9) D. Vincenzo Platamone (See Platamone),and Antonio Bonnici (??), (10) Baldassare Bonnici (13 January 1732), (11) Calcerano Mompalao (See: Mompalao)), Giuseppe and Caterina Cuschieri (See: Frigenuini) (6 March 1732), (12) Barone Saverio Gatt (See: Benwarrad) (23 August 1737), (13) Signor Ludovico Bianchi (See: Bianchi) (25 October 1741), (14) Dr.Ugolino Bonnici (5 September 1794), (15) Dr. Saverio Crispo (See:Crispo) (??) 

Footnote #7: The title of Barone di Gomerino was created by Grand Master Perellos, by a patent dated 24th December 1710, and granted to Paolo Testaferrata and Beatrice Cassia, his wife, with succession to one of their legitimate and natural descendents for ever. They were invested in 1711. Succession to the title was not complete until the successor was invested. 

Footnote #8:  The Grand Masters created a number of titles which contemplated the right to nominate a successor. e.g. Gomerino (Testaferrata et Cassia – 1710), Budack (De Piro- 1716), San Marciano (Galea Feriolo – 1726), Tabria (Viani – 1728), Culeja (Bonnici – 1737), and Marsa (Castelletti – 1725). The faculty to nominate a successor was effective only if sanctioned by the Grand Master.  

The 1878 Report shows that the Royal Commissioners did not allow private transactions to over-rule the requirement of sovereign sanction. “It is hardly necessary to remark that such cession would be legally void, it being a settled point of feudal law that titles of nobility cannot be alienated and conveyed to other persons by deed of transaction between private parties, and without the sovereign’s sanction:. See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.).

The Report describes instances of private nominations effected during the Government of the Grandmasters, which were regarded as valid only with the Sovereign’s assent. E.g. in the case of the title of Barone di Castel Cicciano, Royal assent was required for the 1695 transaction in favour of Fabritio Testaferrata and was in fact given in 1695, similarly in the case of Conte di Mont’ Alto, Royal assent was required for succession of the first count’s nominated successor and was in fact achieved in 1724.   

In an analogous case not determined by the Commissioners, the disherision by Mario Testaferrata de Robertis of his eldest son made in Palermo on the 16th April 1758 was not regarded as having any effect on the title of Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri. See also William Loftie “One of the claimants asserted that the eldest branch of the family was disinherited by the original grantee, and one might have supposed the Commission quite capable of deciding how far such an act of disinheritance would be valid in the case of an hereditary title”. -William John Loftie’s “A ride in Egypt, from Sioot to Luxor” (1879) Chapter I.   

Other instances not described in the Report but which are similar in meaning are: , the case of Barone di Gomerino, where Royal assent was required for the 1734 transaction in favour of Ercole Martino Testaferrata and was in fact given in 1737, and the case of Barone della Tabria, where Royal assent was required for the 1784 renunciation in favour of Giuseppe Testaferrata Viani and was in fact given in 1784.  

The policy of succession of titles as far as the British Government was concerned was stated in 1878 by the British Secretary of State for the Colonies writing to the Governor of Malta in 1878 to be “either personal to the holder of a particular fief, or descends in order of primogeniture to be tenable only by the eldest male descendant”. See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.). According to Maltese legislation (Code de Rohan) to succeed in primogenitures, one must consider, in the first place, the line, in the second place, the degree, in the third place, the sex, and in the fourth place the age. In those claims determined by the Commissioners, it appears that they applied the principle of computing from the grantee. E.g. in their remarks about Angiolino Attard (Benwarrad) being the ‘first-born descendent in the primogenial line from the grantee’, and in regard to Pietro Paolo Galea  (San Marciano) who had a ‘descent from Barone Diego Antonio Galea Ferriol, and the regular transmission of the title through the first born male descendents, successively down to his person’ 

Some of these grants allow primogenial succession through the female line. Thus in regard to the title of Barone della Tabria that in that grant ‘it is provided that in default of male issue the title is inheritable by female descendents. Consequently, although the then claimant Dr. Giuseppe Testaferrata Viani only descended from the grantee through a female line, he was nonetheless entitled to enjoy that barony. 

Footnote #9:  On the other hand, however, it appears ever since after the Government of the Order of St, John, a practice to ‘nominate’ a successor by a will has become accepted even though no assent is received from the Sovereign. E.g. in the case of Barone di Gomerino, in 1827 the barone Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela ‘nominated’ by a will his younger son, in the case of Barone della Tabria, the marchese Giuseppe Testaferrata Viani ‘nominated’ his younger nephew by means of a will made in 1892, in the case of Barone di San Marciano, the barone Calcedonio Galea Feriolo also willed in 1908 a ‘nomination’ in favour of his daughter in lieu of his son. Moreover, the Maltese Courts appear to have had no difficulty in (then) accepting  the principle of a ‘nomination’ without ratification from the Sovereign (In particular see judgments of 1882 (Gomerino), 1885 (Budack,) and 1894 (Tabria,). The use of a mere testamentary disposition, that is to say without seeking the Sovereign’s ratification, appears to be founded on the Budack judgment delivered by the Court of Appeal dated 7 January 1885 which said: “l’obbligo di chiedere l’investitura e di fare omaggio non era nella Bolla del Gran Maestro imposto sotto pena di decadenza del titolo e sotto il Governo successivo, l’obbligo medesimo ando’ completamente in disuso rispetto a tutti i titoli di nobilta’ conceduti dai Gran Maestri”.

Footnote #10: The Magistral grants which provide for the power of nomination also provide for a mechanism whereby the relative title is succeeded by the person determinable as per the following formulae thus: (Barone di Gomerino): facoltatem nominandi et eligendi unum ex dictis eorum descendentibus sive marem sive foeminanam, ad ipsorumet libitum et beneplacitum, pro hujusmodi titulo Baronis Gomerini consequendo et adipiscendo, dictaque nominatione et electione minime facta, ex tunc censeatur per eosdem eorumque singulos barones, nominatus et electus ipsorum Primogenitus, nisi eri ad Sacros Ordines promotus et in Religione professus et in defectu marium foemina primogenita; (Barone di Budack🙂 Hoc etiam addito, quod in casu tui vel tuorum in infinitum decessus, absque ulla nominatione vel electione dictui tituli seu Baroniae, ex nunc censeatur nominatus et electus Primogenitus, nisi erit ad sacros Ordines promotus et in Religione professus, et in defectu marium foemina primogenita….; (Barone di San Marciano:-Et in casu tui vel tuorum in infinitum decessus, absque ulla nominatione vel electione successoris in dicto titulo, ex nunc censeatur nominatus et electus primogenitus nisi erit ad sacros ordines promotus, aut in religione professus, et in defectu marium, foemina primogenita... (Barone della Tabria: –Et in casu tui vel tuorum in infinitu decessus absque ulla nominatione vel elctione successoris in dicto titulo, ex nunc censeatur nominatus et electus primogenitus, nisi erit ad sacros ordines promotus et in religione professus, et in defectu marium, foemina primogenita…” (For Culeja , seeTabria and forBenwarrad see San Marciano). – A question which may be debated is whether the mechanism means calculating the successor from the original grantee or from the last ‘possessor’. According to case law of the Privy Council of the House of Lords, it appears that the correct application is to calculate from the grantee, not the last possessor. Thus in determining who is to succeed in the default of a nomination, one has to assess the descent from the original grantee unless the instrument specifically provides otherwise (or is amended).  

Footnote #11: In terms of a decision of the 10th February 1883 (Strickland vs Apap) (Ref: 8 A.C.106), any ‘nomination’ may not operate to displace the order of vocation or preference expressly prescribed by the previous parts of the deed nor may one interpret the remainder against  the principles of primogeniture that line is to be preferred to degree and age. In default of actual nomination, the primogenitus is to be deemed nominated:  censeatur nominatus. The natural meaning of that expression is that this imported or supposed nomination is to be of the same nature as the real nomination might have been. The limit of line must be taken to apply to devolution in the absence of nomination.  In this way, one is precluded from determining succession from the last ‘possessor’ as otherwise it would make a nonsense of the original grant made out in favour of the grantees. The Sicilian argument that one should compute from the last possessor was delivered a final blow by the same Privy Council (Ref: No. 150 1923) in its decision of the 20th January 1926 (Cassar Desain/Testaferrata Moroni Viani) when it dismissed that claim saying “It is a satisfaction to the Board to feel that they are justified by authority in doing so, for that conclusion seems to them to be alone consonant with principle and right. The consequences of the view adopted by both Courts in Malta are indeed devastating. Their decision means that any failure by a beneficiary from whatever interested motive to claim primogenial property that property is at the mercy of any person whether within or without the vocations who succeeds in obtaining possession of it. He may hold it as against all comers even those next in the vocation freed and discharged from all primogenial obligations precise and serious as in this case they are. A more complete frustration of founders’ intentions as set forth in such an instrument of foundation as that here in question can hardly be conceived.”  
If a will is invalid (or simply not made), then the succession is regulated by the terms of the grant: thus in the case of Barone di Budack, a series of testamentary nominations made between 1874 and 1875 by the Baronessa Francesca Depiro in favour of a junior relative were declared invalid by reason of her incapacity of mind throughout that period and the title was deemed to have been succeeded by the more senior descendant of the grantee.  

In a judgment delivered on the 4 October 1894 regarding one of these titles (Tabria ) the Maltese Civil court went to great lengths to outline the importance of the preciseness of the language used in regard to the grantee and the restrictiveness of the words employed. 

Footnote #12: During the period 1883-1975, the British Colonial Administration adopted a practice of issuing ‘warrants of recognition’ issued ‘without prejudice to a decision of a competent court of law’: These warrants cannot be regarded as supplementing the terms of the original grants. In this regard, it is worth recalling the words of the British Secretary of State: “With reference to the question which the Commissioners have very properly raised in their original report, viz. whether acts of presumed recognition under the British Government, such as the issue of a passport from the Foreign Office to a gentleman, in which he is styled baron, or count, or marquis, or the mention of a similar title in a Despatch from a Secretary of State, or in a Government notice or other official document emanating from the Governor of the Colony, may be taken to have revived or perpetuated a title which has become extinct, or was otherwise without legal support, I feel able to give no other answer than that all such acts are altogether valueless for that purpose, and cannot be taken to have conferred, revived, perpetuated or confirmed any dignity which did not already rest upon an independent legal basis. It is only necessary to point out to you that no public officer, not even a Secretary of State, has the power of conferring titles of honour, for which the personal sanction of Her Majesty is each case is necessary; and even assuming such acts to have been done by British officials with full knowledge that the titles were non-existent, their want of power would prevent these acts of supposed recognition from having the slightest effect”(See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Letter dated 30 April 1878 from the Secretary of State for the Colonies Hicks-Beach to Governor van Straubanzee (Report page 59-60)).

Footnote #13: Regarding the title of Barone di Cicciano (Castel Cicciano)

Footnote #14: For more information on the grant moto proprio Emperor Ferdinand III on the 6 November 1637. 

Footnote #15: Mario Testaferrata was also exempted from the aforesaid Pragmatic dated 30th April 1725 (see above). This exception is the basis for proving to the 1878 Commissioners that the titles of Djar il-Bniet and Buqana, Castel Cicciano and San Vincenzo Ferreri were recognized by the Government of the Order of Saint John in Malta thereby satisfying the criteria for recognition. 

Footnote #16: The title of Marchese Testaferrata was granted to Mario Testaferrata by the King of Sicily and Duke of Savoy on the 13 July 1717. However, the 1878 Commissioners dismissed this title as never recognized by the Government of the Order of Saint John in Malta.  

Footnote #17: Mario Testaferrata was also exempted from the aforesaid Pragmatic dated 30th April 1725 (see above). This exceptions forms the basis
Footnote #18: On the 28 May 1901 the Italian Consulta Araldica gave a judgment no. 2408 stating that the Italian Crown disassociated itself from the title Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri, in the Kingdom of Naples, granted in 1716 to Mario Testaferrata since at the date of creation “il napolitano non era piu’ nel dominio del Re di Spagna. 
Most published sources overlook the fact that the grant of 1716 is null and void. 
Moreover, it cannot be said that the 1725 act reads as giving rise to any form of remainder of the title in question: Consequently, the best argument possible would be that that the only effect of the 1725 “legitimation”  was to allow Mario Testaferrata the personal right to that designation. That is to say the act of 1725 did not allow ulterior succession from Mario of the title known as San Vincenzo Ferreri.  
Therefore the published claim that the local recognition rendered the title “a purely Maltese title created by Magistral fiat…….that it is not subject to Italian or Spanish law but only to Maltese law, which allows females to inherit in the absence of males” is not supported by the text. 

Footnote #19: According to Gauci, C.A. “The Genealogy and Heraldry of the Maltese families of Malta” page 375: “Regardless of the controversial origins of the title, within the Principality of Malta at least, Testaferrata and his descendants became Marquises of San Vincenzo Ferreri. This local recognition enabled the Royal Commissioners to recommend that recognition also be extended by the British Crown, thus the title of “Marquis of San Vincenzo Ferreri” vecame part of the present-day Maltese Nobility. From a legal point of view it must be regarded as a purely Maltese title created by direct Magistral Fiat in 1725. It therefore follows that it is not subject to Italian or Spanish law, but only to Maltese law, which allows females to inherit in the absence of males.” (sic.) 

Footnote #20: Mario Testaferrata was one of the very first recipients of the right to Illustrissimo e Nobile. Owing to a great abuse which had crept in, of notaries and lawyers giving the style of Nobile and Illustrissimo to many persons indiscriminately in public documents, the Grand Master de Vilhena issued a Pragmatic in the year 1725 in which he criminalized such unauthorized use. A copy verbatim of the Pragmatic dated 30th April 1725 is found in the sub-Enclosure in Enclosure No. 3 in the letter from Governor Simmons to The Earl of Derby dated 28 October 1884 which is published in Copies or Extracts of Correspondence with reference to the Maltese Nobility (In Continuation of C-3812) presented to the House of Lords by Command of Her Majesty, May 1886. In the said copy verbatim, there is what appears to be an exhaustive list of the persons who at different times received from the said Grandmaster and his successors, an exception from the aforesaid pragmatic, thereby allowing them the right to use the styles of Most Illustrious and Noble, namely: (1) Milite Barone Marc’ Antonio Inguanez (See Djar il-Bniet) and his wife Baronessa Inguanez (See Gomerino) (30 April 1725); (2)Barone di Cicciano Fabritio Testaferrata (See:Castel Cicciano) and his mother the Baronessa di Gomerino Beatrice Cassia Testaferrata  (See Gomerino), (11 May 1725), (3) Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri Mario Testaferrata (See: San Vincenzo Ferreri) (9 July 1725), (4) Carlo Falson (See Falson), and Eleanora Testaferrata (See: Capo di Ferro) (13 June 1726), (5) Barone di San Marciano Diego Galea Feriolo (See: San Marciano), (2 September 1726), (6) Barone Gio Pio De Piro (See De Piro) (19 March 1727), (7) Canon Giuseppe di Costanzo (See Paganica), and Donna Rosa (See De Noto),widow of Gio Battista di Costanzo (24 May 1729), (8) Barone Isidoro Viani (See: Tabria), (27 June 1730), (9) D. Vincenzo Platamone (See Platamone),and Antonio Bonnici (??), (10) Baldassare Bonnici (13 January 1732), (11) Calcerano Mompalao (See: Mompalao)), Giuseppe and Caterina Cuschieri (See: Frigenuini) (6 March 1732), (12) Barone Saverio Gatt (See: Benwarrad) (23 August 1737), (13) Signor Ludovico Bianchi (See: Bianchi) (25 October 1741), (14) Dr.Ugolino Bonnici (5 September 1794), (15) Dr. Saverio Crispo (See:Crispo) (??) 

Footnote #21: The title of Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri, in the Kingdom of Naples, was by Philip V, King of Spain and of the Two Sicilies, conferred upon Mario Testaferrata, by a patent dated the 10th November 1716, registered in a book called Privilegm Neap. X. fol. CCLVIII. Some published sources show the title of Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri as being Spanish in origin (as different to a Neapolitan title being granted by the King of Spain in his capacity as King of Naples). This it is not. The grant clearly purports the title to be based in Naples. Moreover, as has been discussed elsewhere under the title of Marchese De Piro is to be recalled that according to the rules set by Philip V’s predecessor (Philip IV) a Spanish Marquisate could only be granted if the grantee is already in possession of a title of Count or Viscount. In the grant to Testaferrata, there is no indication that he was ever in possession of either criterion. 

Footnote #22: The following is an extract from that patent: Tenore igitur praesentium ex certa scientia, regiaque auctoritate nostra, deliberato et consulto, ac ex gratia speciali maturaque sacri nostril Supremi Consilii accedente deliberatione, praefatum Don Marium Testaferrata, Sacri Romani Imperii equitem Tornearium, et cujus patria est insula Melitana, Illustrem Marchionem, in dicto Regno Neapolis Sancti Vincentii Ferreri ejusque haeredes et successores ex suo corpore legitime descendentes, praedicto ordine successivo servato, dicimus creamus et nominamus, ab aliisque in omnibus et quibuscumque actis et scriptures dici et nominari olumus et perpetuo reputari jubemus 

Footnote #23: This title did not originate in Malta but in Naples. At Maltese Law it is only a foreign title and, as such, it can be considered for the purposes of precedence only if registration or Magistral recognition has been achieved in accordance with the rules of 1739 and 1795 as enacted by Grand Masters Despuig and Rohan. In this case, the 1716 patent was never registered in Malta, and technically the title is not entitled to any precedence whatsoever. However, the 1878 Commissioners held that the default of its registration is amply supplied by the direct recognition of it on the 9th July 1725, in the person of the original grantee, Mario Testaferrata, by Grand Master Manoel when said Mario Testaferrata received the right to be styled “Most Illustrious and Noble”. 

Footnote #24: On the basis of the fact that since the conclusion of the 1878 report, it results only now that in fact the grantor was not acting in his correct capacity, one may not attempt to supplement the conclusions of the 1878 Commissioners. One cannot argue that had the Commissioners been aware of the defect, they would have regarded the 1716 ‘legitimated’ by the act of 1725.  
Footnote #25: The claim that the 1725 act of recognition was tantamount to rendering the title subject to Maltese rules of succession is not supported by the text.
Footnote #26: In 1792, both lines of the Testaferrata family, by then subdivided into 4 distinct lines, were confirmed in the Dignity of Patrician of Messina granted to their common patrilineal ancestor Mariano Testaferrata on the 20th December 1553. The Royal Commission (1878) dismissed this title as a mere municipal honour. 

Footnote #27: The title of Marchese was granted on the 13th July 1717, to Mario Testaferrata, by Victor-Amadeus, King of Sicily and Duke of Savoy. The patent of creation of this title is worded in Italian, and its operative clause runs thus:- (Translation) Hence it is that by these presents under our sign manual, of our certain knowledge, Royal authority, and absolute power, and with the advice of our Council we confer as a special favour on the said Mario Testaferrata, and all his legitimate and natural descendants successively, the title of Marquis, with all the privileges, prerogatives, dignities…which are or may be enjoyed by other marquises. We therefore command that all our magistrates, ministers, vassals, and all out subjects generally on this and on the other side of the sea…shall acknowledge as Marquis the said D. Mario Testaferrata, and his legitimate and natural descendants successivelyThe foregoing grant was made at Chambery, on the 13th July 1717, by the said King Victor-Amadeus, whilst he possessed not only the Duchy of Savoy but also the Kingdom of Sicily. The patent of creation bears the following heading:- Victor-Amadeus by the Grace of God King of Sicily, Jerusalem, and Cyprus, Duke of Savoy, Montferrat, and Aosta .and perpetual Vicar of the Empire; and in conferring the title the King declares that he avails himself of his Royal authority. See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 122-172). 

Footnote #28: At Maltese Law the title conferred on Mario Testaferrata is only a foreign title and, as such, it can be considered for the purposes of precedence only if registration or Magistral recognition has been achieved. inaccordance with the rules of 1739 and 1795 as enacted by Grand Masters Despuig and Rohan.  In this case, the Commissioners noted that the title was never registered in Malta, nor does it appear to have received direct recognition for the Grand Masters who ruled Malta See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 122-172).  

Footnote#28 A: Notwithstanding, its non recognition, the 1878 Commissioners went to some lengths to establish the proper remainder of the title granted to Mario Testaferrata in 1717. In fact the Commissioenrs remarked “The title is claimed by several gentlemen who assume that it is descendible to all the grantee?s contemporary lineal successors, and not to the first-born son exclusively, under the rule of primogeniture. If the title, however, is taken to extend to all the contemporary descendants of the person first ennobled, many other gentlemen who, like the claimants, are the descendants of Mario Testaferrata, would be equally entitled to the enjoyment of the present dignity”.

Footnote #29: From a reading of the 1878 Report, it appears that the claim for a multiple remainder originated a long time before then. In fact the 1878 report describes how on the 10th September 1772, after the death of Mario and of Enrico, his first-born by Anna De Noto his first wife, Enrico’s sons Daniele, Pandolfo and Asteria, on the one part, and Gilberto another son of Mario by Elisabetta Castelletti his second wife, on the other, after having brought against each other various suits, which were begun during the lifetime of Enrico, and were decided by the Rota Romana, agreed to compromise all matters between them. In order to stipulate this deed, there appeared Daniele in his own name and on behalf of his brother Pandolfo, and of his sister Asteria, wife of the Barone Giovanni Francesco Damico Inguanez, and Mario Testaferrata, son of Gilberto, as procurator of his father, and among other clauses, the following was agreed to:-Praefati quoque Dni contrahentes pro se et suis, convenerunt et convenient quod tam memoratus Dnus Don Gilbertus, ac sui filii et descendentes in infinituum, quam preti Dni Daniel, Don Pandulphus, et Donna Asteria eorumque filii et descendentes in infinitum, reciproce ac unite uti possint uti possint titulis omnibus honorificis atque nobilibus familiae competentibus, ac segnantur titulis Marchionatus Sancti Vincentii Ferreri et Marchionatus de Testaferrata et Equitis Sacri Romani Imperii, quorum copia uni alteri consignare debet, aliisque juribus etiam patronatus simplicis familiae competentibus et non aliter. See:-Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 122-172). 

Footnote #30: The 1878 Commissioners dismissed the validity of the 1772 agreement as follows: This is the so-termed patto di famiglia (Anglice, family compact), which after the death of Mario was entered into, and by which also Asteria, a daughter, and her descendants were admitted to bear all the titles belonging to the family, that of Marchese De Testaferrata included. But is the latter title, De Testaferrata, proceeding from the grant made by Victor-Amadeus, is not to be taken to extend to all the contemporary descendants of Mario, and if, whatever may be its extension, it was neither duly registered in these islands nor acknowledged by the local sovereigns, it is clear that the afore-said agreement is legally null and void. On the other hand, however, and according to the aforesaid judgment of 1887, the Court of Appeal observed as follows: Che, dall’  altro canto, pero’ e’  giusto rimarcare che nella transazione seguita per atti del Notaro Vittorio Giammalvadel 10 settembre 1773 (recte 1772) tra i figli di Don Mario Testaferrata, il primo concessionario del titolo, di cui e’  qestione, dopo di avere menzionato solo due titoli di Nobilta’, quello cioe di San Vincenzo Ferreri, e l’altro di Testaferrata (alledendo a quello conceduto da Vittorio Amadeo) era stato convenuto che tutti I figli con loro discendenti dovessero essere in liberta? di portare l’una e l’atra concessione. 

Footnote #31: As at 1878, this title (because of its particularly wide remainder) was claimed by no less than six main claimants, each one backing his respective claim by forceful legal argument. These were Emmanuele Testaferrata Bonnici-Asciack, Lorenzo Antonio Testaferrata, Giuseppe Testaferrata Viani, Gio. Paolo Testaferrata Olivier de Puget, Lorenzo Antonio Cassar Desain ne Testaferrata and Ignazio Testaferrata Bonnici. However, the Commissioners noted that many others could make similar claims. See:-Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 122-172).  In fact by 1883, the claimants were joined by Luigi Testaferrata, Carmela Testaferrata, Giuseppe Apap Testaferrata and Francesco Gauci Testaferrata. See: Report of the Committee of Privileges of the Maltese Nobility on the claims of certain members of that body with the Secretary of State?s Reply, August 1883, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C-3812).

Footnote #32: The Commissioners also noted that in the hypothesis that : the grant is held to be so unlimited as to include all the grantee’s descendants without any restriction, female descendants cannot by logical inference be excluded from the possession of the title, King Victor Amadeus himself in the grant of the title of Conte, conferred upon Giuseppe Preziosi, on the 19th October 1718, wishing to exclude from the succession of the grantee’s female issue, ordered that the title was to hold to the grantee and his legitimate and natural male descendants, in lawful wedlock begotten, whether born or to be born. See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 122-172).   

Footnote #33: Published sources also show that two of the claimants namely Gio. Paolo Testaferrata Olivier de Puget and Lorenzo Antonio Cassar Desain ne Testaferrata were successful in obtaining recognitions extended by Grand Master Pinto of the title under discussion. Indeed, these published sources attribute the dates of 1745 and 1749 respectively as the dates when Grand Master Pinto ‘directly recognized’ the title granted to their respective forebears. This is not supported by the documentary evidence because when one of the claimants Emmanuele Testaferrata-Bonici-Asciack subsequently sued both Testaferrata Olivier and Cassar Desain (Judgment No. 71/1887 of H.M. Court of Appeal dated 8 January 1887), the court upheld Emmanuele Testaferrata Bonnici Asciak?s claim that he was to have the exclusive right to the title granted by Vittorio Amadeo, King of Sicily and Duke of Savoy after the same Testaferrata Olivier and Cassar Desain declared espressamente di essere stato a loro da Sua Maesta` la Regina accordato il titolo che portano, e non aggiungendo alcuna pretensione su quello conceduto da Vittorio Amadeo, in sostanza ammettendo la domanda dell? attore di essere egli solo, almeno per quanto concerne loro stessi, nel diritto di portare il titolo di Marchese conferito con quel Diploma. These declarations positively exclude any link between the title granted in 1717 and the aforesaid ‘recognitions’. Moreover, it is plain that by 1887, it had been long accepted (and admitted by both Cassar Desain and Testaferrata Olivier) that the title granted in 1717 had not been recognized by the Grand Masters in any form whatsoever. 

Footnote #34: In the court proceedings culminating in the aforesaid judgemnt of 1887, both Cassar Desain and Testaferrata Olivier declared that dichiarando espressamente di essere a loro da Sua Maesta la Regina accordato il titolo che portano, e non aggiungendo alcuna pretensione su quello conceduto da Vittorio Amadeo. That is to say, Cassar Desain and Testaferrata Olivier declared that the titles enjoyed by them were by virtue of a grant by Queen Victoria. 

Footnote #35: The same Mario Testaferrata made a will which was opened and published at Palermo by notary Dixidomino on the 16th April 1758, from which it appears that Mario, who therein styles himself as Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri:, and also Marchese de Testaferrata, disposed as follows: in toto integro et indeminuito patrimonio ac in dicto titulo Marchiones Sancti Vincentii nec non etiam in ejus Palatio, etc ejus haeredem universalem instituit, ac proprio ore nominavit et nominat D. Gilbertum Testaferrata ejus filium In the same testament, we find also the following clause: Et quia dictus illustris testator ultra dictos Dominum Gilbertum et D. Pulchram, ejus filios desuper contemplatos, alium ejus filium primi matrimonii vocatum D. Enricum Testaferrata . Et pro nonnullis ingratitudinibus disobedientiae, ac pro dubio insidiationis mortis ejusdem testatoris, ut ipse illustris asserit, etiam pro causa dissipationis nonnullorum bonorum mobiliumvigore praesentis, attentis juribus et rationibus desuper descriptis, dictus illus testator eumdem D. Henricum Testaferrata dishaereditavit, a substantia et patrimonio paterno privando et totaliter eumdem D. Henricum Testaferrata ejus filium tam a successione titolorum Marchionis Sancti Vincentii Ferreri et Testaferrata, quam a sic voluit et non aliter nec alio modo, et hoc non obstante quod fuisset per eundem illum testatorem facta wquaedam scriptura private, subscripta propria manu dicti illmi testatoris, in qua declarabat dictum D. Henricum ejus filium, successorem in Marchionem Sancti Vincentii Ferreri. See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 113-121). In the course of the 1878 inquiry, the 1878 Commissioners remarked  But if, on the contrary, the title lawfully subsists, and it is inheritable by the first-born son only, under the rule of primogeniture, the marchese would be the said Emmanuele Testaferrata, should the disinheritance in Mario’s testament be void, but, if valid, the title belongs to the said Dr. Giuseppe Testaferrata. See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 122-172) 

Footnote #36: The designation of the title Marquis Testaferrata Olivier is a misnomer.  To assert that the title of “Marquis Testaferrata Oliver” was “recognized” in some form or another in 1745 implies that the surname “Testaferrata Olivier” had already been established. On the basis of the genealogical chart, the surname “Testaferrata Olivier” could only have been first established after 1762 (the date of marriage between Testaferrata and Olivier) and that the family could only have been established at least one generation after that marriage. At best this title should be called “Marquis Testaferrata de Noto”. 

Footnote #37: Many published sources describe the title of “Marquis Testaferrata Olivier” as having been “recognized” and/or “extended” by Grand Master Pinto in 1745 to a title which had been conferred by Victor Amadeus , King of Sicily and Duke of Savoy on 13th July 1717 upon Mario Testaferrata. This is not substantiated by either the 1878 Report nor the 1883 Report. 

Footnote #38  Gio Paolo Testaferrata Olivier had claimed before the 1878 Royal Commisison both the titles of “Marquis of San Vincenzo Ferreri” and Marchese Testaferrata. Published sources also show that the above recommendation was tantamount to a recognition by Grand Master Pinto of the title of Marchese granted on the 13th July 1717, to Mario Testaferrata, by Victor-Amadeus, King of Sicily and Duke of Savoy and that such “recognition” brought about the title of “Marquis Testaferrata Olivier” On the other hand, .it is amply documented that when Testaferrata Olivier and Lorenzo Antonio Cassar Desain were later sued by Emmanuele Testaferrata-Bonici-Asciack (Judgment No. 71/1887 of H.M. Court of Appeal dated 8 January 1887), the court upheld Emmanuele Testaferrata Bonnici Asciak’s claim that he was to have the exclusive right to the title granted by Vittorio Amadeo, King of Sicily and Duke of Savoy after the same Testaferrata Olivier and Cassar Desain declared espressamente di essere stato a loro da Sua Maesta` la Regina accordato il titolo che portano, e non aggiungendo alcuna pretensione su quello conceduto da Vittorio Amadeo, in sostanza ammettendo la domanda dell’  attore di essere egli solo, almeno per quanto concerne loro stessi, nel diritto di portare il titolo di Marchese conferito con quel Diploma. The import of this declaration is (a) there is no link whatsoever between the title granted in 1717 and the aforesaid “recognition” of 1745, (b) that there is no recognition by a Grand Master of the 1717 title, (c) Testaferrata Olivier did not base his successful claim on the 1717 title.  

Footnote #39  By eliminating of the claim to Marchese Testaferrata and being faithful to Gio Paolo’s original claims as described in the 1878 Reports, it follows therefore (unless one were to dare vaunt the claim that Queen Victoria’s act was tantamount to raising Testaferrata Olivier to the English Peerage!!), that the only remaining basis of Testaferrata Olivier’s claim can only be a subformation of the “title” of Marquis of San Vincenzo Ferreri(which in the 1883 report is wrongly described as a Spanish title). 

Footnote #40  Contrary to the findings of the 1878 and 1883 Reports, a Maltese Court of Appeal did not appear to have any reservations about the claim that all of Mario Testaferrata Robertis’s descendants (including those descended in a female line) are equally entitled to the titles of Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri and Marchese Testaferrata According to a judgment of 1887 (Judgment No. 71/1887 of H.M. Court of Appeal dated 8 January 1887), the Court of Appeal observed as follows: Che, dall’ altro canto, pero’  e’  giusto rimarcare che nella transazione seguita per atti del Notaro Vittorio Giammalvadel 10 settembre 1773 (recte 1772)tra i figli di Don Mario Testaferrata, il primo concessionario del titolo, di cui e’  questione, dopo di avere menzionato solo due titoli di Nobilta’  quello cioe di San Vincenzo Ferreri, e l’ altro di Testaferrata (alledendo a quello conceduto da VittorioAmadeo) era stato convenuto che tutti i figli con loro discendenti dovessero essere in liberta’  di portare l’ una e l’ atra concessione. That is to say, quite apart from the reservations about the deemed grant of 1745 which purportedly gave rise to the title of Marchese Testaferrata Olivier , it appears that all descendants of Mario Testaferrata (including therefore the members of the Testaferrata De Noto family) are equally entitled to enjoy both titles of Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri and Marchese Testaferrata 
Footnote#8 In accordance with the 1883 recommendation, ulterior succession (from Gio Paolo Testaferrata Olivier) is limited in favour of the “eldest son”. Females and cadets are therefore excluded from succeeding.
Footnote #41: In 1792, both lines of the Testaferrata family, by then subdivided into 4 distinct lines, were confirmed in the Dignity of Patrician of Messina granted to their common patrilineal ancestor Mariano Testaferrata on the 20th December 1553.The Royal Commission (1878) dismissed this title as a mere municipal honour. 

Footnote #42: The designation of the title Marquis Cassar Desain is a misnomer.  To assert that the title of ‘Marquis Cassar Desain’ was ‘recognized’ in some form or another in 1749 implies that a member of the Cassar Desainfamily was ennobled in 1749. This was specifically ruled out by the 1878 Commissioners as follows: Lorenzo Cassar Desain, who is a descendant through a male line of Mario Testaferrata, has like his deceased father, dropped the name Testaferrata and assumed that of Cassar Desain, in order to be able to possess the aforesaid Primogenitura, which was instituted by Gio. Battista Cassar Desain in his testament received in the acts of Notary Paolo Vittorio Giammalva, on the 7th April 1781. That testament contains, among other disposition, the following clause (translated from the Italian):- ‘I further direct and expressly command that the possessor of the said Prmogenitura erected, as herein-before stated, by me, shall always bear the name Cassar Desain, without adding any other family name thereto, and that he shall, at the same time, bear the armorial ensigns of the said family Cassar Desain, under the penalty of forfeiture, upon breach of the said condition, and my will is that, in such case, the said Primogenitura shall forthwith go to and be vested in, such person as should have succeeded to it, after the death of such defaulter, and not otherwiseWith reference to the foregoing extract we beg to state that the family of which the said Lorenzo Cassar Desain is bound to bear the surname and armorial ensigns is not in possession of, nor has it ever asserted any claim to, any title of nobility. (See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 122-172) . At best this title should be called ‘Marquis Testaferrata Castelletti’. In addition, and on the basis of the genealogical chart the designation of this title as ‘Marquis Cassar Desain’ is patently a nonsense as it was Gilberto Testaferrata Castelletti’s youngest grandson’s son who married a Cassar Desain. Insofar as this ‘title’ is concerned, the surname ‘Cassar Desain’ could only have been first established after 1822 (the date of marriage between Testaferrata and Cassar Desain, coupled with the aforesaid requirement of the deed dated 1781) and that the familycould only have been established at least one generation after that marriage.  

Footnote #43: Many published sources describe the title of ‘Marquis Cassar Desain’ as having been ‘recognized’ and/or ‘extended’ by Grand Master Pinto in 1749 to a title which had been conferred by Victor Amadeus , King of Sicily and Duke of Savoy on 13th July 1717 upon Mario Testaferrata. This is not substantiated by either the 1878 Report nor the 1883 Report.  

Footnote #44: Lorenzo Antonio Cassar Desain, had staked a claim to both the titles of ‘Marquis of San Vincenzo Ferreri’ and Marchese Testaferrata. Published sources also show that the above recommendation was tantamount to a recognition by Grand Master Pinto of the title of Marchese granted on the 13th July 1717, to Mario Testaferrata, by Victor-Amadeus, King of Sicily and Duke of Savoy and that such “recognition” brought about the title of “Marquis Testaferrata Olivier” On the other hand, .it is amply documented that when Cassar Desain and Gio Paolo Testaferrata Olivier were later sued by Emmanuele Testaferrata-Bonici-Asciack (Judgment No. 71/1887 of H.M. Court of Appeal dated 8 January 1887), the court upheld Emmanuele Testaferrata Bonnici Asciak’s claim that he was to have the exclusive right to the title granted by Vittorio Amadeo, King of Sicily and Duke of Savoy after the same Testaferrata Olivier and Cassar Desain declared espressamente di essere stato a loro da Sua Maesta` la Regina accordato il titolo che portano, e non aggiungendo alcuna pretensione su quello conceduto da Vittorio Amadeo, in sostanza ammettendo la domanda dell’  attore di essere egli solo, almeno per quanto concerne loro stessi, nel diritto di portare il titolo di Marchese conferito con quel Diploma. The import of this declaration is (a) there is no link whatsoever between the title granted in 1717 and the aforesaid “recognition” of 1749, (b) that there is no recognition by a Grand Master of the 1717 title, (c) Cassar Desain did not base his successful claim on the 1717 title.  

Footnote #45   By eliminating of the claim to Marchese Testaferrata and being faithful to Cassar Desain’s original claims as described in the 1878 Reports, it follows therefore (unless one were to dare vaunt the claim that Queen Victoria’s act was tantamount to raising Cassar Desain to the English Peerage!!), that the only remaining basis of Cassar Desain’s claim can only be a subformation of the ‘title’ of Marquis of San Vincenzo Ferreri (which in the 1883 report is wrongly described as a Spanish title). 

Footnote #46  Contrary to the findings of the 1878 and 1883 Reports, a Maltese Court of Appeal did not appear to have any reservations about the claim that all of Mario Testaferrata Robertis’s descendants (including those descended in a female line) are equally entitled to the titles of Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri and Marchese Testaferrata According to a judgment of 1887 (Judgment No. 71/1887 of H.M. Court of Appeal dated 8 January 1887), the Court of Appeal observed as follows: Che, dall’ altro canto, pero’  e’  giusto rimarcare che nella transazione seguita per atti del Notaro Vittorio Giammalvadel 10 settembre 1773 (recte 1772)tra i figli di Don Mario Testaferrata, il primo concessionario del titolo, di cui e’  questione, dopo di avere menzionato solo due titoli di Nobilta  quello cioe di San Vincenzo Ferreri, e l’ altro di Testaferrata (alledendo a quello conceduto da VittorioAmadeo) era stato convenuto che tutti i figli con loro discendenti dovessero essere in liberta’  di portare l’ una e l’ atra concessione. That is to say, quite apart from the reservations about the deemed grant of 1745 which purportedly gave rise to the title of Marchese Testaferrata Olivier , it appears that all descendants of Mario Testaferrata (including therefore the members of the Testaferrata Castelletti family) are equally entitled to enjoy both titles of Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri and Marchese Testaferrata

Footnote #47 In accordance with the 1883 recommendation, ulterior succession (from Lorenzo Antonio Cassar Desain) is limited in favour of the ‘eldest son’. Females and cadets are therefore excluded from succeeding. 
Footnote #48. The 1883 recommendation implies conversely that Lorenzo Antonio Cassar Desain was descended in a line of eldest son to eldest son starting from Gilberto. An examination of the genealogical table shows that this is not the case. By applying the 1883 recommendation to the table of descent enumeration should be as follows: Gilberto Testaferrata Castelletti (“1st” Marquis), Mario Testaferrata Castelletti (“2nd”), Giuseppe Testaferrata Viani (“3rd”), Gilberto Testaferrata Viani (“4th”), Giuseppe Testaferrata Viani (5th). With the extinction of that first male line, the title should devolve to the surviviving male lines of Lorenzo Testaferrata Viani (in the 19th century these lines were residing in Tunisia), and after their extinction onto the line of Filippo Testaferrata from whom Lorenzo Antonio descended. 
Footnote #49: Beatrice Testaferrata, nee Cassia, was one of the very first recipients of the right to Illustrissimo e Nobile. Owing to a great abuse which had crept in, of notaries and lawyers giving the style of Nobile and Illustrissimo to many persons indiscriminately in public documents, the Grand Master de Vilhena issued a Pragmatic in the year 1725 in which he criminalized such unauthorized use. A copy verbatim of the Pragmatic dated 30th April 1725 is found in the sub-Enclosure in Enclosure No. 3 in the letter from Governor Simmons to The Earl of Derby dated 28 October 1884 which is published in Copies or Extracts of Correspondence with reference to the Maltese Nobility (In Continuation of C-3812) presented to the House of Lords by Command of Her Majesty, May 1886. In the said copy verbatim, there is what appears to be an exhaustive list of the persons who at different times received from the said Grandmaster and his successors, an exception from the aforesaid pragmatic, thereby allowing them the right to use the styles of Most Illustrious and Noble, namely: (1) Milite Barone Marc’ Antonio Inguanez (See Djar il-Bniet) and his wife Baronessa Inguanez (See Gomerino) (30 April 1725); (2)Barone di Cicciano Fabritio Testaferrata (See:Castel Cicciano) and his mother the Baronessa di Gomerino Beatrice Cassia Testaferrata  (See Gomerino), (11 May 1725), (3) Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri Mario Testaferrata (See: San Vincenzo Ferreri) (9 July 1725), (4) Carlo Falson (See Falson), and Eleanora Testaferrata (See: Capo di Ferro) (13 June 1726), (5) Barone di San Marciano Diego Galea Feriolo (See: San Marciano), (2 September 1726), (6) Barone Gio Pio De Piro (See De Piro) (19 March 1727), (7) Canon Giuseppe di Costanzo (See Paganica), and Donna Rosa (See De Noto),widow of Gio Battista di Costanzo (24 May 1729), (8) Barone Isidoro Viani (See: Tabria), (27 June 1730), (9) D. Vincenzo Platamone (See Platamone),and Antonio Bonnici (??), (10) Baldassare Bonnici (13 January 1732), (11) Calcerano Mompalao (See: Mompalao)), Giuseppe and Caterina Cuschieri (See: Frigenuini) (6 March 1732), (12) Barone Saverio Gatt (See: Benwarrad) (23 August 1737), (13) Signor Ludovico Bianchi (See: Bianchi) (25 October 1741), (14) Dr.Ugolino Bonnici (5 September 1794), (15) Dr. Saverio Crispo (See:Crispo) (??) 

Footnote #50: The title of Barone di Gomerino was created by Grand Master Perellos, by a patent dated 24th December 1710, and granted to Paolo Testaferrata and Beatrice Cassia, his wife, with succession to one of their legitimate and natural descendents for ever and that the Grand Master gave to the said Paolo and Beatrice Testaferrata Cassia, and to all and each of the holders of the title of “Barone di Gomerino” in perpetuum, the power of nominating to the succession of the title one of their male descendents at their will and pleasure, and on failure of such nomination it was provided that the title should descend to their first-born child. They were invested in that title on the 10 January 1711. Succession to the title was not complete until the successor was invested. 
Gomerino is the name of certain lands situated in Malta: they were granted originally as a noble fief by Frederick King of Sicily to Guglielmo Surdo, and after having been purchased by Grand Master Fr. Giovanni La Valette, they were again conferred in allodium by Grand Master Fr. Alosio Wignacourt on Gio. Maria Cassia. This allodial property eventually came to be held by Gio Maria’s grand daughter Beatrice.  
However the 1878 Royal Commissioners stated that this title was being disputed between Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela Moroni and Augusto Testaferrata Abela: The Royal Commissioners decided not to express any opinion, limiting themselves to saying that it would be prudent not to hear the claimants. See: Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 24-26) 

Footnote #51:  The Grand Masters created a number of titles which contemplated the right to nominate a successor. e.g. Gomerino (Testaferrata et Cassia – 1710), Budack (De Piro- 1716), San Marciano (Galea Feriolo – 1726), Tabria (Viani – 1728), Culeja (Bonnici – 1737), and Marsa (Castelletti – 1725). The faculty to nominate a successor was effective only if sanctioned by the Grand Master. 

Footnote #52:  Published sources show Fabrizio as having succeeded after Paolo died in 1713.  
This is wrong because Paolo died in 1714, not 1713 – see text of inscription in Cospicua Church and Convent of St. Theresa (Discalced Carmelites) reproduced.  

Footnote #53:  In 1713, Beatrice passed Gomerino property in 1713 onto her eldest son Fabrizio who had already succeeded his mother in the title of Barone di Castel Cicciano by means of a private transaction which received Royal assent in 1695. However, Fabrizio was never invested in the title of Gomerino. On the other hand, it was Ercole Martino who was invested on the 1st May 1737 as Baron of Gomerino (National Library of Malta Collections – Archives of the Order Volume 541, f. 184r) and this with reference to a private deed dated 1734 referring in turn to a primogenitura established in 1714, known as the “Ta’ Xbiex” Primogenitura.
Moreover, in 1744 that Ercole Martino (already holding the title of Baron of Gomerino) received the property of Gomerino by virtue of Fabrizio’s will.  

Footnote #54:  It appears that there has been some confusion in published sources, even in the Royal Commissioners’ Report, between the ownership of the property of Gomerino and the succession of the title of Gomerino.  In fact, the 1878 Commissioners had already remarked in regard to the title of Barone di Gomerino that in that grant it is provided that the power of nominating a successor of the title may be made in favour of Paolo and Beatrice’s “male descendants” . It does not result from the Report why the Commissioners excluded the possibility of any female being nominated to succeed to the title when the text cited by them allows for a succession by a female. Perhaps more remarkable is that elsewhere in their report the same Commissioners observed that at the time of the 1878 Commission, the primogenital descendent of Paolo and Beatrice Testaferrata was Alessandro Sceberras Testaferrata Damico Inguanez described as first-born descendent in the primogenial line of Paolo Testaferrata and Beatrice Cassia Baronessa di Castel Cicciano his wife, who by a deed of donation stipulated before notary Benedetto Vassallo, on the 8th February 1695, granted to Fabrizio Testaferrata their first-born son… (See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Para. 106). : However from the record of the proceedings of a later judgment given by the Corte Civile di Sua Maesta’  Prim’ Aula 9 gennajo 1882 (Testaferrata Abela vs Testaferrata Abela Moroni), it results that the Gomerino property was in 1713 the subject of a donation and it was stipulated that relative succession of that property was to benefit only males descending in the male line from Paolo and Beatrice Testaferrata.  

In fact the donee Fabrizio Testaferrata eventually died in 1744 without agnate descendants, and the property was succeeded by his Ercole Martino.  

On the other hand, the “Ta’ Xbiex” primogeniture was succeeded by the eldest of the family of Testaferrata Abela Moroni/ Testaferrata Moroni Viani as per rules of primogeniture whilst the Gomerino estate was succeeded by descendants of the junior Testaferrata Abela family by means of a series of nominations. 

 Footnote #55: The Dignity of Patrician of Citta’ di Castello  was granted to Pier Giacomo Testaferrata on the 19 September 1739. There is no mention of this dignity in the claims presented to the 1878 Commissioners. See Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.)

Footnote #56: The Corte Civile di Sua Maesta’  Prim’ Aula 9 gennajo 1882 decided as follows (See Testaferrata Abela vs Testaferrata Abela Moroni (4 January 1882)): Che non e’ diffettosa la nomina nel titolo, per parte di Pietro Paolo Testaferrata e di Francesco, perche’  nella stessa si e’  ritenuto essere il detto titolo annesso al giardino del Gomerino, e la nomina e’ stata fatta nel giardino coll’ annessovi titolo baronale, siccome risulta bastantamentedella intenzione dei detti Pietro Paolo e Francesco di nominare la stessa persona, e nel possesso del Giardino, e nel titolo; molto piu’ che questa era la volonta’ di Fabrizio Testaferrata, primogenito di Paolo e Beatrice, espressanel di lui testamento del 12 agosto 1744, 
Footnote #57: There appears to be no historic basis in asserting that Fabrizio Testaferrata succeeded the title orginally granted in 1710. He merely held the property known by the same name.  
By 1734, the other cograntee (Paolo Testaferrata) was already dead. Beatrice’s act, as approved by the grand master in 1737, implies that the Grand Master did not accept Fabrizio as having succeeded the title of Gomerino after Paolo’s death in 1714 or after having received the property in 1713. Very significantly, Fabrizio who in 1725 was also a recipient of the title of Illustrissimo e Nobile was not acknowledged by the Grand Master as Barone di Gomerino

It is therefore no surprise that by the time of the Royal Commission of 1878, this title was being claimed by the then holder of the “Ta’ Xbiex” Primogenitura (Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela Moroni) and the holder of the Gomerino property (Augusto Testaferrata Abela). No decision was given by the Royal Commissioners, nor were these two descendants allowed to present their respective cases before the Commission. The text of the Secretary’s list does not support the Commissioners’ view that the claimants were staking their claims to the exclusion of each other.  

However, a court case did ensue (see above), whereby Augusto Testaferrata Abela successfully proved that he succeeded the title by a series of nominations calculated from Fabrizio’s succession in 1713 year when he received the property of Gomerino. The court case could not and did not invalidate the 1737 succession and annexation to the “Ta’ Xbiex” Primogeniture in favour of Ercole Martino. In this way, the published sources are correct where they describe Ercole Martino as having succeeded Fabrizio in 1744 in terms of the 1882 judgment, but they are incorrect because they ignore the investiture of 1737. 

Assuming that the 1882 judgment is correct, during the period 1713 till 1737 there were two holders of the same title (Beatrice as holder of the title and Fabrizio as holder of the property) of the same title granted in 1710, and between 1737 till 1744 there were two holders (Fabrizio as holder of the property and Ercole Martino as the person invested) of the same title, one based on 1710, the other based on the 1737 decree. This would mean that we have to ignore the fact that in 1725 the Grand Master chose not to acknowledge Fabrizio Testaferrata as the Baron of Gomerino and only acknowledged Beatrice. It follows that if Fabrizio did succeed in 1713 (as per judgement of 1882) and Ercole Martino succeeded the surviving cograntee Beatrice in 1737 (as per order of the Grand Master of 1737), then there are two Barons of Gomerino!  

Thus the Barons of Gomerino are calculated as follows:  
1, (as per 1737 legislation) Beatrice (co-grantee) in 1710 succeeded by Ercole Martino in 1737. That is to say, at least during the period 1710 till 1714 there were clearly two holders (Paolo and Beatrice) of the title of Baron which originated in 1710. 
2, (as per 1882 judgement) Paolo (co-grantee who donated the property in 1713 and died in 1714) in 1710 succeeded in 1713 by Fabrizio in turn by Ercole Martino in 1744;  

The adjusted enumeration as per judgement of 1882 and the Grand Master’s decision of 1737 is as follows: 

Footnote #58: Ercole Martino Testaferrata was the second and last person to have been formally invested in the 1710 title of Baron Testaferrata of Gomerino.  
Following the 1737 investiture, and order of primogeniture, succession is reckoned as follows: Paolo and Beatrice Testaferrata (joint 1st Baron and Baroness), Ercole Martino Testaferrata (1st possessor of the Primogenitura, 2ndBaron), Paolo Testaferrata Abela (3rd Baron), Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela (4th), Giuseppe Testaferrata Abela Moroni (5th) Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela Moroni (6th), Salvatore Testaferrata Moroni Viani (7th), Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Moroni Viani (8th),  Salvino Testaferrata Moroni Viani (9th).  
On the other hand, Francesco and Augusto Testaferrata Abela are noted as having succeeded the property of Gomerino, Francesco by their father and Augusto by said Francesco following an earlier nomination of 1744 based on the 1713 donation.  
Following the 1713 donation of the property, supplemented by the 1882 judgment, succession is reckoned as follows: said Paolo Testaferrata (1st Baron), Fabrizio Testaferrata (2nd Baron, succeeding the property in 1713 by donation), said Ercole Martino Testaferrata (3rd Baron, succeeding the property in 1744 ‘by nomination’), said Paolo Testaferrata (succeeding as 4th not 3rd Baron), said Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela (succeeding as 5th not 4thBaron),  Francesco Testaferrata Abela (6th ‘by nomination’), Augusto Testaferrata Abela (7th ‘by nomination’) Ugo Testaferrata Abela (8th), Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela (9th), Adriana Maria Testaferrata Abela (11th). Fiefs were abolished in Malta 1969 with a savings clause “nothing shall affect any title of nobility, and the laws in force concerning any such titles shall continue to have effect”. The question whether this renders the title transmissible by descent or whether it is extinct is discussed at 

Footnote #59: On the assumption that neither the 1737 investiture nor the private nominations are valid, the title would be succeeded in order of Primogeniture. At the time of the 1878 Commission, the primogenital descendent of Paolo and Beatrice Testaferrata was Alessandro Sceberras Testaferrata Damico Inguanez described as first-born descendent in the primogenial line of Paolo Testaferrata and Beatrice Cassia Baronessa di Castel Cicciano his wife, who by a deed of donation stipulated before notary Benedetto Vassallo, on the 8th February 1695, granted to Fabrizio Testaferrata their first-born son…… (See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Para. 106). In this way succession would be reckoned as follows: said Paolo and Beatrice Testaferrata (1st Baron and Baroness), Fabrizio Testaferrata (2nd Baron, succeeding his parent at their death), Clara Sceberras (3rd Baroness, succeeding her father at his death), Pasquale Sceberras Testaferrata (4th Baron succeeding his mother at her death), Antonio Sceberras Testaferrata (5th Baron succeeding his father at his death), Pasquale Sceberras Testaferrata (6th Baron succeeding his father at his death), Alexander Sceberras D’Amico Inguanez (7th Baron succeeding his father at his death), Maria Francesca Carmen Sceberras D’Amico Inguanez, (8th Baroness, succeeding her father at his death),  Alexander Chesney Sceberras D’Amico Inguanez, (primogenial descendant of Paolo and Beatrice Testaferrata succeeding Maria Francesca at her death as 9th Baron),  Frances Mary Carmen Chesney D’Amico Inguanez (10th Baroness, succeeding her brother at his death), Carol Ann Sceberras Trigona (primogenial descendant of Paolo and Beatrice Testaferrata succeeding Frances Mary at her death as 11th Baroness). 
Footnote #60: There appears to be no historical basis of Fabrizio Testaferrata ever holding the title of Barone di Gomerino with the Grand Master’s consent. 
As at 1713 (year of the donation of the property to Fabrizio), 1714 year (when Paolo died), 1725 (when Beatrice and Fabrizio received the title of Most Illustrious and Noble), 1734 (when Ercole Martino received the title as holder of the “Ta’ Xbiex” Primogenitura) and 1737 (when Ercole Martino was invested in the title of Barone di Gomerino), the property was not held by the holder of the title of nobility. 

Further Footnotes: The Hereditary Knighthood of the Holy Roman Empire (Testaferrata).

Footnote: The “Hereditary distinction of Knight of the Order of Torneari and Armigers of the Holy Roman Empire” was granted “motuproprio” by Emperor Ferdinand III to the Maltese citizen Giacomo Testaferrata de Robertis on the 6 November 1637. At Maltese Law it is only a foreign title and, as such, it can be considered for the purposes of precedence if registration or Magistral recognition has been achieved in accordance with the rules of 1739 and 1795 as enacted by Grand Masters Despuig and Rohan. 
VALUE OF REGISTRATION/MAGISTRAL RECOGNITION From the records of the Cancelleria it appeared that the titles so granted were registered in virtue of a rescript from the Grand Master, on an application by the party concerned. The Royal Commissioners of 1878 remarked that they were prone to believe that the Grand Master would not have given his assent to registration without any investigation. From the start, however, the Commissioners pointed out that the Despuig/Rohan Rules on the matter did not deny nobility to a Titolato  who failed to duly register his title, but only assigned him no place insofar as precedence was concerned. See:- “Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility”, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 101-102). It is also noteworthy that the Commissioners did not consider all the titles which were registered in the Cancelleria: For example the title of Conte granted to Baldassare Fenech Bonnici on the 11 June 1798 by Pope Benedict XIV, which was duly registered under Archives of the Order of Malta (554, f. 176) as well as the Archives of the Inquisition of Malta (102m f. 32) was not considered by the Report. It appears that no descendant of this grantee made any claim to the Commissioners. 
In this case, this title/distinction conferred to Giacomo Testaferrata de Robertis received direct recognition from the Grandmasters. This is in fact clearly stated by the Royal Commissioners. The Commissioners appeared unsure whether this title, although recognised, was in any way affected by the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806 and wrote to the British Secretary for the Colonies in this sense. Instead the British Secretary dismissed this title saying that thee was no proof that it ever received recognition.  (See:- “Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility”, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 227-228, 230-233, 235-236, Letter of Hicks-Beach at pages 59-60).
The actual report says the following:
“Two patents or bulls have been produced before the Commission, one of which was on the 6th November 1637 issued by Ferdinand 3rd Emperor Elect of the Romans and of Germany, at Vienna, in favour of the Doctor of Laws Giacomo Testaferrata De Robertis”.. In the former of these patents, Emperor Ferdinand, having premised some expressions in commendation of the merits of Dr. Giacomo and of his family, created by his mere motion, the said Dr. Giacomo and his descendants male and female for ever, Military Noblemen and Tornearii of the Holy Roman Empire. The following is an extract from the original patent: – Te Jacobum Testaferrata, tuosque liberos, haeredes, posterosac descendentes, masculos et foeminas, natos et nascituros in infinitum, ex legitimo matrimonii foedere ortos, et aeterna serie orituros, in numerum, coetum et consortium, statum gradum atque dignitatem Nostrorum et Sacri Romani Imperii aliorumque Regnorum et dominiorumNostrorum haereditariorum Nobilium Militarium et Torneariorum, assumpsimus et aggregavimus; vosque omnes et singulos, juxtaqualitatem conditiones humanae, Nobiles, Militares, et Tornearios dicimus, nominamus, et declaramus, adeoque ab omnibus et singuliscujuscumque status, gradus, ordinis, conditionis, dignitatis et proemineentia existent, pro veris Nostris et Sacri Romani ImperiiRegnorumque et Ditionum Nostrorum Haereditarum, Nobilibus Militaribus et Torneariis dici, nominari, atque reputari volumes.. “From the tenor of the (foregoing patent), it appears that it was thereby intended to raise to the dignity, and to elect into the Order, of the Noble Tornearii or “Ecuyers” and Armigers of the Holy Roman Empire, the said Testaferrata de Robertis and (his) issue male and female in infinitum
We have no means of ascertaining the difference, as to rank and dignity in the German Empire, between titled persons or persons ennobled by the sovereign with a particular title of nobility descendible to their issue, and the Noble Tornearii or Ecuyers, who possessed a distinction of a hereditary character. From a careful inspection of the patents of the said Testaferrata and, we are unable to determine whether the order of the Tornearii formed properly a part of the nobility of the German Empire. Nor have the gentlemen (who, as descendents of the original grantees, claim the enjoyment of all the privileges proceeding form the said two patents) supplied us with any satisfactory information on the subject. We can only state that the descendants of Giacomo Testaferrata De Robertis ……….. contend that they have a right to bear the generic designation of noblemen prefixed to their baptismal, and the male descendant assert moreover a right to the prefix of cavalieri.
We must not, however, omit remarking that the said two patents were not registered in the Cancelleria and in the High Court dellaCastellania; that of Testaferrata being only enrolled in the office of the Jurats of the city of Notabile, on the 12th October 1683. And although the decree issued by Grand Master Despuig, on the 16th September 1739, providing that all foreign titles should be registered in the Cancelleria and in the Court of the Castellania, was published subsequently to the date of the above-mentioned patents, this circumstance could not have certainly dispensed with the said registration. This omission is, however, supplied by the recognition of the distinction we are considering, on the part of the Grand Masters, who at different times, and in their official acts, styled Nobiles SacriRomani Imperii some of the descendants of the original grantees.
All the members of the Testaferrata family, who have presented themselves before the Commission, and who descend from Don Mario Testaferrata, upon whom the title of Marchese was, as already stated, conferred by Philip V, and Victor Amadeus in the year 1716 and 1717, claim the distinction of “Tornearii del Sacro Romano Impero”, in virtue of the patent of 1637. A similar claim might be asserted by all other male and female descendants of the aforesaid Don Mario, who did not appear before us. From the table of descent of the Testaferrata family, already referred to in a foregoing paragraph, and appended to the present Report, it appears that the number of such descendants amounts to no less than 157. 
It appears from what has already been stated, that if the distinction referred to is to be taken to extend to all the contemporary lineal successors of the grantee, the male lawful holders of it would be very numerous, as that dignity would be inheritable by all the male and female descendants, without any limitation. Among such descendants there are persons of all classes, and whilst some live on income from their own property, others pursue mean occupations and have slender means of support.
Having submitted the above-stated circumstances, we beg respectfully to quit the subject under consideration, leaving it to Her Majesty’s Secretary of State for the Colonies to decide:-
1st Whether by the dissolution of the German Empire (A.D. 1806) the Order of the Nobiles Tornearii ceased to exist:
2ndly. Whether the distinction of “Tornearius” of the Holy Roman Empire must be reckoned among the nobility in Malta, and in case it is to be so reckoned, whether
3rdly, It is descendible to all the grantee’s contemporary lineal successors, or to only one of them under the rule of primogeniture. Should it be decided that the distinction of “Tornearius” is to be inherited by all such descendants, an inquiry will become necessary in order to ascertain the number of Balzano’s descendants.
The British Secretary of State for the Colonies settled the issue regarding this Hereditary distinction as follows: See:- “Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility”, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Letter of Hicks-Beach at pages 59-60).
“The Commissioners further submitted for the Secretary of State’s decision (para. 236) certain questions arising out of two patents of “Tornearius”.
Without replying categorically to the questions submitted by the Commissioners, and without expressing any opinion as ti the existence or position at the present day of the body into which such a patent admits the grantee, which is described as ‘numerum coetum, atqueconsortium statum gradum et disnitatem nostrorum et Sacri Romani Imperii aliorumque Regnorum et Ditionum nostrarum HaereditariorumNobilium Tornearium seu scutariorum et armigerorum’, I observe that the patents in question were never registered as titles of nobility in the Cancelleria, or in the High Court of the Castellania of the Grand Masters; and that no proof is given that the alleged dignity was ever recognised in Malta. I do not therefore, perceive that the gentlemen claiming that dignity have made out sufficient grounds for being allowed the special precedency which has been accorded to the heads of families who before the annexation of Malta to the British dominions had obtained titles of nobility.”
The Roman Patricanship (Testaferrata)
The Roman Patricanship of Testaferrata Asciak and Cassar Desain.  The dignity of Patrician of Rome (Testaferrata Asciack (??) Cassar Desain (??), origins unknown, 1674)
Footnote: Another “Dignity of Roman Patrician” appears to have been granted in 1674.
In 1878, this dignity was claimed by Emmanuel Testaferrata Asciack and Lorenzo Cassar Desain. However, it appears that neither claimant produced any proof. 
The Royal Commissioners  dismissed both claims because, the same Commissioners decided not only that the claimants did not provide any proof whatsoever BUT ALSO because the same Commissioners held that this dignity was a mere municipal honour and not one emanating from a foreign sovereign, or fons honorum. (“Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility”, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Para. 240)).
Thus, as far as the Commissioners were concerned, once they regarded this dignity as a municipal honour, it did not fall within the remit of the Commission because the Commissioners were of the opinion that once it is a municipal honour it does not qualify to be registered in accordance with the rules of 1739 and 1795 as enacted by Grand Masters Despuig and Rohan. 
The actual report says the following:
 “Two similar diplomas of Roman Patricians are mentioned in the Committee list, dated respectively the 6th July 1674 and the 4th July 1744, the former grant being claimed by Emmanuel Testaferrata Asciack and by Lorenzo Cassar Desain”. No proof or document whatever having been produced concerning these grants, such claims cannot be consequently allowed. 
However, upon a more detailed analysis about the nature of this dignity, it appears that contrary to what was held by the Commissioners, that the 1674 dignity (if proven) is in fact a conferral of nobility because the city of Rome acted as a fons honorum (fountain of honour). See also
Sadly, from a reading of the Report, there is no indication as to who was the original grantee of the 1674 dignity. 
* The Patricanship of Messina 1792 (Testaferrata).
The Patricanship of Messina 1792.  The dignity of Patrician of Messina (Testaferrata (1792)
Footnote: The “Dignity of Patrician of Messina” was granted to Marchese Don Mario Testaferrata Castelletti, Don Daniele and Don Pandolfo Testaferrata De Noto, and the Barone Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela on the 28th August 1792 by the Senate of Messina with reference to an earlier dignity granted in 1553 to their common ancestor, Mariano Testaferrata.
In 1878, this dignity was claimed by Pietro Paolo Testaferrata-Abela-Moroni, Augusto Testaferrata Abela, Lorenzo Antonio Testaferrata, Gio.Paolo Testaferrata-Olivier de Puget, Lorenzo Antonio Cassar-Desain, ne’ Testaferrata, Ignazio Testaferrata Bonici, Enrico Testaferrata, and Francesco Gauci Testaferrata.
However, in this case, although it appears that the claimants presented various documents in proof of their claim, the Royal Commissioners  dismissed all the claims because, the same Commissioners decided not only that the claimants did not provide proof of the dignity ever being registered or recognized by the local sovereign BUT ALSO because the same Commissioners held that this dignity was a mere municipal honour and not one emanating from a foreign sovereign, or fons honorum. (“Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility”, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 237-238))
Thus, as far as the Commissioners were concerned, once they regarded this dignity as a municipal honour, it did not fall within the remit of the Commission because the Commissioners were of the opinion that once it is a municipal honour it does not qualify to be registered in accordance with the rules of 1739 and 1795 as enacted by Grand Masters Despuig and Rohan. 
The actual report says the following:
“Several gentlemen belonging to the Testaferrata family, have moreover, in the committee list, laid a claim to the dignity of Messinese patricians, and have in support of that claim produced the following documents, viz” “2nd another privilegium of the Senate of Messina, bearing date the 28th August 1792, stating, with reference to that of 1553, that Mariano Testaferrata had been elected into the ‘Senatorium Messinensium Ordinem inter que Nobiles Cives Mamertinos’. By the same instrument, the Marchese Don Mario Testaferrata Castelletti, Don Daniele and Don Pandolfo Testaferrata De Noto, and the Barone P.P. Testaferrata Avela, all descendents of the said Mariano, were recognized as noble citizens and patricians of Messina, and their nobility was traced so far back as the year in which the Privilegium was granted to Mariano, being thus reinstated in the possession of that dignity, together with their children and descendants. This instrument was recorded in the Acts of Notary Vincenzo Farrugiia, on the 20th February last.” 
“Now, independently of the circumstance that the distinction of Messinese Patrician is a municipal concession, and that it is not derived from the Crown as the fountain of all honours, the said instruments were never registered in the Court of the Castellania or in the Cancelleria of the Order; nor have the claimants produced any proof of its having ever been recognized by the local sovereigns”
“For the reasons already stated we refrain from making any inquiry in order to ascertain whether the claimants descend or not from the said grantees.”
However, upon a more detailed analysis about the nature of this dignity, it appears that contrary to what was held by the Commissioners, that the 1792 dignity is in fact a conferral of nobility because the city of Messina acted as a fons honorum (fountain of honour). See also
It appears that the 1792 dignity was only granted to four of Mariano Testaferrata’s agnatial descendants. It is therefore debateable whether the dignity is transmissible to the non-agnatial descendants of the Marchese Don Mario Testaferrata Castelletti, Don Daniele and Don Pandolfo Testaferrata De Noto, and the Barone P.P. Testaferrata Abela. Of the eight persons asserting a claim in 1878 to this dignity, it appears that only one was descended in the female line.
The Messinese Patricanship (Testaferrata).
– The Messinese Patricanship of Testaferrata.  The dignity of Patrician of Messina (Testaferrata (1553)
Footnote: The “Dignity of Patrician of Messina” was granted to Mariano Testaferrata on the 20th December 1553 by the Jurats of the City of Messina. 
In 1878, this dignity was claimed by Pietro Paolo Testaferrata-Abela-Moroni, Augusto Testaferrata Abela, Monsignor Salvatore Grech-Delicata-Testaferrata Cassia-De Piro, Emmanuele Testaferrata-Bonici-Asciack, Lorenzo Antonio Testaferrata, Gio. Paolo Testaferrata-Olivier de Puget, Lorenzo Antonio Cassar-Desain, ne’ Testaferrata, IgnazioTestaferrata Bonici, Enrico Testaferrata, and Francesco Gauci Testaferrata.
However, in this case, although it appears that the claimants presented various documents in proof of their claim, the Royal Commissioners  dismissed all the claims because, the same Commissioners decided not only that the claimants did not provide proof of the dignity ever being registered or recognized by the local sovereign BUT ALSO because the same Commissioners held that this dignity was a mere municipal honour and not one emanating from a foreign sovereign, or fons honorum. (“Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility”, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 237-238))
Thus, as far as the Commissioners were concerned, once they regarded this dignity as a municipal honour, it did not fall within the remit of the Commission because the Commissioners were of the opinion that once it is a municipal honour it does not qualify to be registered in accordance with the rules of 1739 and 1795 as enacted by Grand Masters Despuig and Rohan. 
The actual report says the following:
“Several gentlemen belonging to the Testaferrata family, have moreover, in the committee list, laid a claim to the dignity of Messinese patricians, and have in support of that claim produced the following documents, viz 1st a personal privilegium conferred on the 20th December 1553, by the Jurats of the city or municipality of Messina, on the nobleman Mariano Testaferrata, registered in the Royal Secretairerie of Messina, on the 17th April 1554, and recorded in the Inquisitorial Office of Malta, on the 27th August 1689. The said Mariano is the most distant ancestor to whom the claimants have been able to trace the pedigree of the Testaferrata family. By the said privilegium, Mariano obtained the citizenship of Messina, and he became thereby entitled to all the rights of a Messinese citizen, and to the exemption from certain taxes which were payable by strangers”. 
Now, independently of the circumstance that the distinction of Messinese Patrician is a municipal concession, and that it is not derived from the Crown as the fountain of all honours, the said instruments were never registered in the Court of the Castellania or in the Cancelleria of the Order; nor have the claimants produced any proof of its having ever been recognized by the local sovereigns
“For the reasons already stated we refrain from making any inquiry in order to ascertain whether the claimants descend or not from the said grantees.”
However, upon a more detailed analysis about the nature of this dignity, it appears that contrary to what was held by the Commissioners, that the 1553 dignity is in fact a conferral of nobility because the city of Messina acted as a fons honorum (fountain of honour. See also
It appears that the 1553 dignity in favour of Mariano Testaferrata is the basis of a similar dignity granted on the 28 August 1792 by the Senate of Messina to Marchese Don Mario Testaferrata Castelletti, Don Daniele and Don Pandolfo Testaferrata De Noto, and the Barone Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela. The later dignity is described elsewhere in this section.
It appears that the later 1792 dignity was only granted to four of Mariano Testaferrata’s agnatial descendants. This consideration therefore raises the inevitable question whether this dignity is transmissible to the non-agnatial descendants of Mariano Testaferrata. It is to be noted that of the ten persons asserting a claim in 1878 to this dignity, it appears that only two were descended in the female line.
Footnote: The “Dignity of Patrician of Messina” was granted to Mariano Testaferrata on the 20th December 1553 by the Jurats of the City of Messina. It is not an honour derived from a Crown but a mere municipal honour. 
Valid as it may be, this municipal honour does not qualify to be registered in accordance with the rules of 1739 and 1795 as enacted by Grand Masters Despuig and Rohan. It is also irrelevant if any Grand Master accorded some form of recognition to this honour because the aforesaid enactments only refer to foreign titles obtained from a foreign sovereign. 
In this case, it appears that the claimants presented various documents in proof of their claim, but the Commissioners correctly dismissed them. (“Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility”, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 237-238)).
The actual report says the following:
“Several gentlemen belonging to the Testaferrata family, have moreover, in the committee list, laid a claim to the dignity of Messinese patricians, and have in support of that claim produced the following documents, viz 1st a personal privilegiumconferred on the 20th December 1553, by the Jurats of the city or municipality of Messina, on the nobleman Mariano Testaferrata, registered in the Royal Secretairerieof Messina, on the 17th April 1554, and recorded in the Inquisitorial Office of Malta, on the 27th August 1689. The said Mariano is the most distant ancestor to whom the claimants have been able to trace the pedigree of the Testaferrata family. By the said privilegium, Mariano obtained the citizenship of Messina, and he became thereby entitled to all the rights of a Messinese citizen, and to the exemption from certain taxes which were payable by strangers”.
Now, independently of the circumstance that the distinction of Messinese Patrician is a municipal concession, and that it is not derived from the Crown as the fountain of all honours, the said instruments were never registered in the Court of the Castellaniaor in the Cancelleria of the Order; nor have the claimants produced any proof of its having ever been recognized by the local sovereigns
“For the reasons already stated we refrain from making any inquiry in order to ascertain whether the claimants descend or not from the said grantees.”
Further arguements regarding the privileges of Paolo Testaferrata 1590.
The chronology of this grant is as follows (as resultant from the archives of the Decreti di Consiglio della Camera Capitolina conservati presso l’Archivio Storico Capitolina) :-
1)         The secret council resolves on 16 may 1590 to propose Paolo Testaferrata as a citizen of Rome in the following terms: “ … Pro civilitate futura conseguenda nominati fuere magnifici Domini / R.mus Leonardus Abele Episcopus Sydoniensis / Placidus et Alexander eius germani fratres / Petrus de Ferro, Ascanius Surdus et Paulus Testa Ferrata eius Nepotes Malthenses ..” (Camera Capitolina, Credenzone I tomo 29 c. 237)
2)         The public council grants on 22 May 1590 the aforesaid citizenship “cum  privilegiis solitis” to the persons proposed by the secret council, amongst whom Paolo Testaferrata. (Camera Capitolina, Credenzone I tomo 29 c. 243)
3)         In the Register of Privileges of Roman citizens (Registro di Privilegi di cittadini romani ) of 22 June1590 it is recorded that the grant was dispatched to the interested persons, amongst whom Paolo Testaferrata, with the formula “cum ad augendam” and bearing the seal of the Roman People. (Camera Capitolina, credenzone I, Tomo I, c.181)
An official letter confirming the correct understanding (Ref. Nota QD/1760 del 21.1.2013) is attached. 
The Italian authorities are very clear. There can be no doubt the roman patriziato was granted in 1590 to Paolo Testaferrata even though the document reads “cittadinanza”. – This is not an opinion but is backed by the special formula “cum ad augendam”,
Specifically:       – Nel Registro di Privilegi di cittadini romani alla data 22 giugno 1590 è registrata la spedizione del  privilegio agli interessati, tra cui Paolo Testaferrata, con la formula “cum ad augendam” e con l’appensione del sigillo del Popolo Romano.
(Camera Capitolina, credenzone I, Tomo I, c.181) 
Gli studi da me fin’ora condotti sui registri dei privilegi hanno evidenziato che i  privilegi dotati di sigillo erano spediti solo a nobili forestieri.  Iniziavano con la formula Cum ad augendam. Con tale privilegio veniva concesso l’Ordine Senatorio e quindi il patriziato romano. La formula intera  recita così : Cum ad augendam servandamque rempublicam non tam in cives Romanos meritis ac nobilitate insignes praemia honoresque conferre, quam exterorum hominum virtutem benigne excipere morum maiorum statutum sit ecc.
La cittadinanza semplice veniva concessa ai cittadini che dimostravano di abitare a Roma da un certo periodo e di possedervi una casa e una vigna. Non veniva concessa tramite privilegio.
Copyright © Testaferrata Moroni Viani family.


1. The Testaferrata family (A re-appraisal of the family’s early history), Stephen Giles Ash, Classic Press, Cospicua.