The Barony of Tabria 1316, 1407, 1408, 1453, 1728.

Ma la memoria piu’ antica, ch’ habbiamo di lei, si e’ che Artaldo della Barba fusse stato investito dall’ istesso Re’ nel feudo della Tabria in quest’ isola, e per li suoi eredi da lui legittimamente discendenti sotto servigio militare d’un soldato, in forma stretta iur francorum, come si vede nel privilegio spedito in Messina a 21 di Gennaio 1315…..
Last Update: 11-08-2023.
Granted to: Artaldo La Barba.
By: Frederick II, King of Sicily and Malta
On: 1315 in Messina
With Remainder to: His descendants by feudal tenure (Jure Francorum) in perpetuity.
List of Title holders:
1. Artaldo La Barba, 1st Barone, succeeded by eldest son.
2. Simone la Barba, 2nd Barone, succeeded by eldest son.
3. Pietro Antonio la Barba, 3rd Barone, reverted in 1407 and returned 1410 then succeeded by eldest son.
Styled as Barone di Tabria.
4. Litterio la Barba, 4th Barone, reverted in 1432 then returned in 1450 succeeded by eldest son.
5. Michele la Barba, 5th Barone, (c.1500), reverted in 1513 then returned in 1515 succeeded by eldest son.
6. Giuliano la Barba, 6th Barone, (c. 1530), succeeded by eldest son.
7. Leonardo la Barba, 7th Barone, (c. 1583), succeeded by eldest son.
8. Brandino la Barba, 8th Barone, (c.1616), succeeded by eldest son.
9. Domenico la Barba, 9th Barone, succeeded by eldest daughter.
10. Caterina la Barba Cassar, 10th Baronessa, (c.1647), dormant or sold to the Knights of Malta.
Granted to: Milite Francesco Gatto.
By: Martin I, King of Sicily and Malta
On: 1407 in Messina
With Remainder to: His descendants by feudal tenure (Jure Francorum) in perpetuity.
List of Title holders:
1. Milite Francesco Gatto, Barone, reverted back to the crown 1408.
Granted to: Nobile Matteo del Carretto dei Marchesi di Savona, Barone di Rahalbuto.
By: Martin I, King of Sicily and Malta.
On: 1408 in Palermo.
With Remainder to: His descendants by feudal tenure (Jure Francorum) in perpetuity.
List of Title holders:
1. Nobile Matteo del Carretto dei Marchesi di Savona, Barone di Rahalbuto, 1st Barone, reverted back to the crown 1410 and given back to the della Barba.
Granted to: Don Giovanni Landolina.
By: Alfonso I, King of Sicily and Malta
On: 1453 at Palermo.
With Remainder to: His descendants by feudal tenure (Jure Francorum) in perpetuity.
List of Title holders:
1. Don Giovanni Landolina, 1st Barone, (d. 1527), succeeded by his eldest daughter.
2. Donna Aleanora Landolina, 2nd Baroness, succeeded by her sister.
3. Donna Bartolomea Landolina Deodata, 3rd Baroness, succeeded by hr eldest son.
4. Don Nicola Deodata Landolina, (d. 1561), 4th Barone, succeeded by his brother.
a5. Don Bartolomeo Deodata Landolina, 5th Barone, sold fief to the Knights of the Order of St John of Malta 1594.
Granted to: Isidore Viani.
By: Manoel de Vilhena, Grand Master of Malta.
British Crown Recognition: 1878.
On: 1728 at Valletta.
With Remainder to: Nobili Isidoro Viani et post tui obitum uni ex filiis vel filiabus legitimis et naturalibus ex te legitime procreatis vel procreandis, quem vel quam omni futuro constitutus seu respective constituta, malueritis eligendum vel eligendam. Et in casu tui vel tuorum in infinitu decessus absque ulla nominatione vel elctione successoris in dicto titulo, ex nunc censeatur nominatus et electus primogenitus, nisi erit ad sacros ordines promotus et in religione professus, et in defectu marium, foemina primogenita…” .
List of Title holders:
1. Isidore Viani, (d. 1740), 1st Barone, succeeded by his son.
2. Nobile Gio Battista Viani, (d. 1784), 2nd Barone, succeeded by his eldest daughter.
3. Nobile Francesca Viani, 3rd Baroness, succeeded by un anno ed un giorno a supplicare l’Investitura that her nephew.
4. Marchese Giuseppe Testaferrata Viani, (d. 1837), 4th Barone, succeeded by his son.
5. Marchese Gilberto Testaferrata Viani, 5th Barone, succeeded by his son.
6. Marchese Giuseppe Testaferrata Viani, 6th Barone, (d. 1892), succeeded by an act of nomination to younger nephew.
7. Nobile Rosario Luigi Testaferrata Moroni Viani, (d. 1935), 7th Barone, succeeded by his only child, a daughter.
8. Nobile Mary Violet Testaferrata Moroni Viani, (d. 1955), Marchesa Scicluna, 8th Baroness, succeeded by an act of nomination to youngest son.
9. Nobile Patrick dei Marchesi Scicluna, (d. 1978), 9th Barone, title went into abeyance, 1983 succeeded by his brother.
10. Marchese Joseph Scicluna, 4th Marchese Scicluna, 10th Barone, (d. 1995), succeeded by nomination inter vivos to a distant relative in 1985.
11. Nobile Lillianina Falzon Sant Manduca, (d. 2000), 11th Baroness, title went into abeyance, 2005 succeeded by the 9th Baron’s eldest sister.
12. Nobile Marie Corinne dei Marchesi Scicluna Ramsay de Miniac, (d. 2007), 12th Baroness, title went into abeyance until 2010 and succeeded by her only child, a daughter.
13. Nobile Marie Christine Ramsay de Miniac Pergola, (1948-2021), 13th Baroness, title was succeeded by her only child.
14. Nobile Justine Corinne Melita Pergola, (1979 -, 14th Baroness.
Heir: Marcus Scicluna Marshall, de Jure Marquis Scicluna, as Baroncino di Tabria.
Heir General: Marcus Scicluna Marshall Jr, de Jure Marchesino Scicluna, (1975-.
Line of Succession:
3. Matthew Marshall dei Marchesi Scicluna, (1978-.
4. Luke Marshall dei Marchesi Scicluna, (1985-.
5. Romina Marshall dei Marchesi Scicluna, (1959 -.
6. Nobile Christopher Testaferrata Moroni Viani, de Jure Barone di Tabria e Gomerino, (1964-.
7. Nobile Stephen Testaferrata Moroni Viani, de Jure Baroncino di Tabria e Gomerino, (1994-.
8. Nobile Petra Testaferrata Moroni Viani dei Baroni di Tabria e Gomerino, (1992-.
9. Nobile Dr Martin Testaferrata Moroni Viani dei Baroni di Tabria e Gomerino, (1969-.
10. Nobile Nicholas Testaferrata Moroni Viani dei Baroni di Tabria e Gomerino e Djar il-Bniet e Buqana, (2005-.
11. Nobile Martina Testaferrata Moroni Viani dei Baroni di Tabria e Gomerino e Djar il-Bniet e Buqana, (2007-.
12. Nobile Sophia Testaferrata Moroni Viani dei Baroni di Tabria e Gomerino e Djar il-Bniet e Buqana, (2007-.
13. Nobile Peter Paul Testaferrata Moroni Viani dei Baroni di Tabria e Gomerino, (1960-.
14. Nobile Mark Testaferrata Moroni Viani dei Baroni di Tabria e Gomerino, (1988-.
15. Nobile Peter Testaferrata Moroni Viani dei Baroni di Tabria e Gomerino, (1994-.
16. Nobile Sarah Testaferrata Moroni Viani dei Baroni di Tabria e Gomerino, (1986-.
17. Nobile Paul Stephen Testaferrata Moroni Viani dei Baroni di Tabria e Gomerino, (1965-.
18. Nobile Luke Testaferrata Moroni Viani dei Baroni di Tabria e Gomerino, (1992-.
19. Nobile Diana Testaferrata Moroni Viani dei Baroni di Tabria e Gomerino, (1994-.
20. Nobile Caroline Zammit Testaferrata Moroni Viani dei Baroni di Tabria e Gomerino, (1958-.
21. Nobile Matthew Zammit Testaferrata Moroni Viani.
22. Nobile Amanda Zammit Testaferrata Moroni Viani.
Claimant 1.
12. Marchese Philip Bugeja Viani, (1964-, 12th deJure Barone di Tabria since 2000.
Heir: Marchese Julian Bugeja Viani, (1967-.
Heir General: Marchesa Nina Bugeja Viani, (2001-.
Claimant 2. (Senior line)
7. Nobile Salvatore Testaferrata Moroni Viani, (d. 1911), deJure 7th Barone, succeeded by his son.
8. Nobile Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Moroni Viani, (d. 1954), deJure 8th Barone, succeeded by his son.
9. Nobile Salvatore sives Salvino Testaferrata Moroni Viani, (d. 2017), 9th deJure Barone, succeeded by his son.
10. Nobile Christopher Testaferrata Moroni Viani, (1964-, 10th deJure Barone di Tabria.
Heir: Nobile Stephen Testaferrata Moroni Viani, (1994-, deJure Baroncino di Tabria.
Articles relating to this title:
1. The Maltese title of Tabria.
4. Modern Regulation of Maltese Titles of Nobility.
5. Three Testaferrata Cassia families.
6. The Tabria court cases (2004-2009).
7. Notes on succession of Maltese titles of Nobility since 1798.