The family of de Piro.

Copyright: This image belongs to His Most Nobile, the Count Sant Fournier Archives.

who held the titles of Baroni di Budack (Budacco), (1716), Most Illustrious and Noble (1727), and Marques De Piro in Spain (1742).

All Corrections/Additions are Welcome

This family is NOT listed as a noble family in “Descrittione di Malta” (1647) however it was granted a hereditary title of Barone by Grand Master Perellos, Illustrissimo e Nobile by Grand Master Vilhena and Marquis De Piro by King Philip V of Spain. The De Piro family is a ‘new’ family in Malta. 

Last update: 01-09-2024.

Psaila; Sillato; Adamo; have moved.

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* Cosimo/Gusmano de Piro sives de Pyro exiled from Albania, viv.temp. (Arrived in Malta with the Order of St John in 1530 as a child-slave from Rhodes Island, Greece and under the protection of the Grand Master. Served in the Court of the Grand Master, later was appointed Commander of the Arsenal in Malta. 1592), married (1) 1552 Birgu to Elizabetta Spagnolo (d 1588) married (2) 1590 Birgu to Girolama la Mattina, with issue. 

1. (First Marriage) Giovanni de Piro,  (Commander of the Arsenal in Malta 1602), married (1) 1570 to Richilda Caloriti, married (2) 1637 Vittoriosa to Donna Anna Colonna Romano, with issue.

1.1. (First marriage) Benedetta de Piro, married 1586 Mdina to Nobilius Petruccio Sillato.

1.2. Gusmano de Piro, ‘Jesuit Monk‘, dunm.

1.3. Matteo de Piro, ‘Monk‘, dunm.

1.4. Elizabetta de Piro, ‘Nun‘, dunm.

1.5. Grazia Angelica de Piro, married (1) 1626 Cospicua to Giacomotto de Candia of Greece, married (2) 1631 Cospicua to Gio Frederico Gristi, with issue.

1.5.1. (First Marriage) Maria de Candia, married 1651 Cospicua to Federico Servo, married (2) 1659 Cospicua to Nicola de Candia, with issue. (Second Marriage) Tomaso de Candia, married 1687 Cospicua to Paola de Pittacco, with issue. Nicola de Candia, married 1713 Cospicua to Maria Spiteri, with issue. Caterina de Candia, married 1738 Cospicua to Carlo Fenech. Giuseppe de Candia, married 1719 Valletta to Maria Buhagiar, with issue. Paola de Candia, married 1766 Vittoriosa to Giuseppe Frendo, with issue. Francesco Frendo, married 1801 Cospicua to Maria Vella. Anastasio de Candia, married 1709 Senglea to Filippa Delpinar, with issue. Michele de Candia, married 1742 Senglea to Filippa de Messina, with issue. Anastasio de Candia, married 1772 Cospicua to Maria d’Armenia, with issue. Didacio de Candia, married 1805 Senglea to Anna Mado, with issue. Rosa de Candia, married 1826 Cospicua to Francesco Tommaso Diacono.

1.5.2. Giulio de Candia, married 1655 Senglea to Paolina de Cassia, with issue. Anna de Candia, married 1682 Senglea to Gio Battista Adamo.

1.5.3. (Second Marriage) Salvatore Gristi, married (1) 1655 Valletta to Aloisetta de Pin, married (2) 1663 Valletta to Speranza, former wife of Pietro Petruzzi, with issue. Domenica Faldafanna Gristi, married 1686 Valletta to Gio Battista Piscopo, with issue. Maddalena Piscopo, married (1) 1723 Senglea to Francesco Giufre, married (2) 1713 Vittoriosa to Giovanni Artau, with issue. (Second Marriage) Giuseppe Artau, married 1747 Valletta to Modesta Cauchi. Lorenza Piscopo, married 1720 Senglea to Giuseppe le Flotto.

2. Benedetta de Piro, ‘Nun‘, dunm.

3. Federico de Piro, ‘Monk‘, dunm.

4. Vincenzo de Piro, ‘Monk’, dunm.

5. Cesare de Piro, ‘Jesuit Monk‘, dunm.

6. Laetitia de Piro, ‘Nun‘, dunm.

7. (Second Marriage) Carlo Antonio de Piro, married Vittoria Caruana, and dsp. 

8. Paolo de Piro, married (1) 1616 to Giovanella Albano with issue. Married (2) 1646 to Galizia Solemi, with further issue 

8.1. (First Marriage) Rev. Cristoforo de Piro, dunm 1671 in Rome

8.2. Caterinucca de Piro, married 1642 to Domenico Galdies, with issue.

8.2.1. Marietta Galdes de Piro, married 1670 Senglea to Mario Francese, with issue. Vittoria Francese de Piro, married 1698 Qormi to Giuseppe Bugeja. Andrea Francese de Piro, married (1) 1714 Zebbug to Speranza Genuisi, married (2) 1730 Qormi to Maria Grech, with issue. (First Marriage) Maruzzo Francese de Piro, married (1) 1737 Xewkija Gozo to Maria Rapa, married (2) 1740 Qormi to Evangelista Muscat. Giuseppa Francese de Piro, married 1733 Qormi to Michele Grech. (Second Marriage) Saverio Francese de Piro, married 1776 Cospicua to Eufemia Borg., with issue. Maria Francese, married 1796 Vittoriosa to Giuseppe Micallef. Grazia Francese de Piro, married 1751 Qormi to Salvatore Abejer. Rosa Francese de Piro, married 1757 Valletta to Giovanni Farrugia. Carmine Francese de Piro, married 1769 Valletta to Francesco Bianco. Teresa Francese de Piro, married 1802 Cospicua to Gregorio Xicluna. Domenica Francese de Piro, married 1701 Qormi to Filippo Schembri, with issue. Michele Schembri, married 1727 Qormi to Francesca Cardona, with issue. Giuditta Schembri, married 1779 Birkirkara to Giuseppe Micallef. Grazia Schembri, married 1763 Birkirkara to Francesco Mifsud. Maria Schembri, married (1) 1757 Qormi to Paolo Mifsud, married (2) 1776 Birkirkara to Grazio Xicluna, married (3) 1788 Birkirkara to Francesco Borg. Giovanna Schembri, married 1755 Qormi to Giuseppe Gatt. Filippo Schembri, married 1753 Valletta to Antonia Farrugia. Girolamo Schembri, married (1) 1764 Birkirkara to Maria Zammit, married (2) 1788 Valletta to Anna Agius. Francesco Schembri, married 1774 Birkirkara to Grazia Borg, with issue. Maria Schembri, married (1) 1809 Birkirkara to Giuseppe Grech, married (2) 1810 Birkirkara to Angelo Borg. Michele Schembri, married 1806 Birkirkara to Rosa Anna Borg, with issue. Grazia Schembri, married 1835 Birkirkara to Giuseppe Borg. Giuseppe Schembri, married 1819 Birkirkara to Maria Busuttil. Giuseppe Schembri, married 1736 Zejtun to Maria Pavia, with issue. Michele Schembri, married 1781 Zejtun to Maria Fenech. Francesco Schembri, married 1781 Zejtun to Caterina Bugeja, with issue. Generosa Schembri, married 1812 Zejtun to Angelo Ciccalo. Maria Teresa Schembri, married 1813 Zejtun to Matteo Lauro. Maria Anna Schembri, married 1820 Zejtun to Giuseppe Mifsud. Teresa Francese de Piro, married 1711 Qormi to Domenico Ciantar, with issue. Salvatore Ciantar de Piro, married 1737 Rabat Gozo to Teresa Schembri, with issue. Caterina Ciantar de Piro, married 1738 Zejtun to Tomaso Mifsud. Maria Ciantar de Piro, married (1) 1745 Zejtun to Angelo Camilleri, married (2) 1759 Valletta to Geronimo Galea. Anna Ciantar de Piro, married 1769 Valletta to Cristoforo Duran.

8.2.2. Leonara Galdes de Piro, married 1661 Qormi to Leonardo Zammit, with issue. Rosa Zammit de Piro, married 1713 Valletta to Pasquale Pace.

8.2.3. Maria Galdes de Piro, married 1667 Qormi to Mario Cauchi., with issue. Barbara Cauchi de Piro, married 1696 Birkirkara to Francesco Micallef. Angelica Cauchi de Piro, married 1703 Birkirkara to Isidore Cardona, married (2) 1709 Birkirkara to Lorenzo Borg. 

8.3. Ottavio de Piro., married (1) 1634 Senglea to Nobile Caterina Casanova, married (2) to Anna.., with issue.

8.3.1. (First Marriage) Vincenza de Piro, married 1662 Senglea to Daniele Romano, with issue. Francesco Romano, married 1700 Zabbar to Francesca dei Baroni di Daniele, with issue. Rosa Romano, married 1732 Zabbar to Gioacchino Lia, with issue. Felice Lia, married to Beatrice Borg. Giovanni Lia, married 1777 Cospicua to Maddalena Borg. Angelo Romano, married 1760 Vittoriosa to Margherita Catania. Giovanni Romano, married 1700 Senglea to Maddalena Pancosta. Giovanna Maria Romano, married 1691 Senglea to Teodoro Vella, with issue. Tomaso Vella de Piro, married (1) 1718 Mosta to Teresa Mifsud, married (2) 1739 Valletta to Giuseppa Alunna di Fra Don Carlo Maria de Guevara dei duchi di Bovino, 1714-1778, with issue. (First Marriage) Anna Vella de Piro, married 1763 Naxxar to Giovanni Camilleri. Domenichella Vella de Piro, married 1756 Naxxar to Francesco Sammut. Giuseppe Vella de Piro, married 1763 Gharghur to Maria Grima. (Second Marriage) Maria Anna Vella de Piro, married 1784 Valletta to Don Pasquale Inguanez.

8.3.2. Domenico de Piro, married 1667 Senglea to Giacobina Salvatore, with issue. Anna de Piro, married 1686 Senglea to Matteo Romano, with issue. Domenica Romano, married 1725 Senglea to Giacobo Moro, with issue. Fortunato sives Romano, married 1775 Cospicua to Veneranda Barbara, with issue. Aloiseo Romano, married 1829 Cospicua to Fortunata Camilleri, with issue. Francesca Romano, married 1861 Senglea to Capt Nicolo de Candia. Margherita Romano, married 1715 Senglea to Tomaso Curmi, with issue. Maria Curmi, married (1) 1742 Senglea to Carlo Bonavita, married (2) 1754 Senglea to Michele Romano. Caterina de Piro, married 1700 Senglea to Vincenzo Pancosta. Francesca de Piro, married 1706 Senglea to Michele Angelo Canizzaro. Maddalena de Piro, married (1) 1711 Senglea to Giovanni Panesta, married (2) 1713 Senglea to Gioacchino Condorato.

8.4. (Second Marriage) Geronima de Piro., married 1672 at Valletta to Domenico Psaila.

8.5. Dr Lorenzo Ubaldesco de Piro JUD, married 1671 to Cornelia Cauchi di Cristoforo, with issue.

8.5.1. Dr. Gio Pio de Piro, JUD., (1670-1752) 1st Baron di Budaq (Cr:1716), 1st Marquis de Piro, (Cr:1742), married 1693 to Anna Gourgion, with issue. Angelo de Piro, dunm. Rev Giulio de Piro, dunm. Antonio Felicissimo de Piro, (d. 1738), Marchesino di Piro, Baroncino de Budaq, married (1) 1729 to Caterina Dorell, married (2) 1736 Valletta to Elena Grech Balzano, married (3) 1738 to Donna Eleanora Costanzo dei Duchi di Paganica, with issue. (Second marriage) Francesco Saverio de Piro, (1731-), d.inf. Eugenia de Piro, d.inf. (Second marriage) Don Vincenzo de Piro, (1736-99), 2nd Marques de Piro, 2nd Barone di Budaq, married 1757 to Maria Testaferrata Abela dei Baroni di Gomerino, with issue. Don Antonio de Piro, (1758-1806), 3rd Marques de Piro, 3rd Barone di Budaq, married 1790 to Teresa Campanella nee dello Re, with issue. Don Vincenzo de Piro (1785-1840), married 1810 to Loreta Mallia, with issue. Don Giuseppe de Piro, married 1845 Matrice Gozo to Maria Antonia Mizzi, with issue. Dona Maria de Piro, married to Major Alfred Cavarra. Don Loreto de Piro, married 1878 Birkirkara to Annette Mizzi, with issue. Dona Aida de Piro, married 1906 to Major. F. Stivala, with issue. Alfred Stivala de Piro, (1912- , married to Rose Saydon, with issue Francis Stivala, MOM, (1946-. (primogenial descendant in the line of Vincenzo De Piro Marquerite Stivala (1944-, married to Hon. Anton Tabone, MP, Acting President of Malta (2009-2012) Don Antonio G. de Piro, married (1) to Louisa Borg (with issue); married (2) to Florence Cowley, with further issue. (First Marriage) Dona Emma de Piro, (1883 Aden, Yemen -), married 1914 Winnipeg, Canada to Henry Charles Philip Alfred William Cavarra. (Second Marriage) Don Joseph de Piro, married Emily Bell-Irvine, with issue Don His Honour, Judge. Alan de Piro, Q.C. (Seniormost agnate of the De Piro family), married (1) 1947 to Mary Elliott, married (2) 1964 Marylebone Register Office, England to Mona Addington, with issue. Don ‘Son’ de Piro, married to N, with issue. Don Dr Tristram de Piro., (1974 -. Dona Tsara de Piro. Don ‘Son’ de Piro. Don Michael de Piro, dunm 1944, (Buried at Assisi, Italy – British Military Cemetery). Major Don Wolsey William Haseldon George de Piro Cowley, (d.1970), married to Gladys Victorine Ciantar. Don Fortunato de Piro, married 1893 Valletta to Ersilia Leone-Ganado, with issue. Don Joseph de Piro, married 1930 to Antonia Caruana Dingli dei Marchesi del Fiddien, and dsp. Dona Jane Giovanna Battista de Piro, married 1928 Valletta to Joseph Giuseppe Buttigieg Dona Victoria de Piro, married Paul Fenech-Gasan, with issue. Raymond Fenech Gasan, (1936-2016), married to Marie Louise Debono, with issue. Roberta Fenech Gasan, married to Dr Ramon Tonna. Angela Fenech Gasan, married to Christian Mifsud. Richard Fenech Gasan, married to Alison Attard. Dona Teresa de Piro, married (1) 1872 Valletta to Dr Michele Briffa, married (2) 1884 Valletta to Enrico Guglielmo Peel. Dona Esther de Piro, married to Dr Emanuele Mizzi JUD. Dona Antonia de Piro, married 1841 to Gio Batta Mamo-Mompalao, with issue. Don Sir Giuseppe Maria de Piro GCMG, (1794-1870), Baron of Budaq, married 1842 to Antonia Moscati-Gatto, 3rd Baroness of Benwarred, dsp.l (Natural issue from Donna Concetta Intartaglia of Procida, Italy) Mgr Sebastiano Tartaglia, (d.1927), Priest, dunm.l. (illegitimate with Graziella Sultana) Carmena de Ciantar, adopted by Michele Ciantar and Maria Formosa, married 1899 Tarxien to Paolo Callus. (Natural issue from Concetta Intartaglia of Procida, Italy) Giuseppa de Buttigieg, eduquee par Michele Buttigieg e Carmela Borg, married 1854 Birkirkara to Salvatore Spiteri. (Natural issue from Concetta Intartaglia of Procida, Italy) Salvatore de Bartolo, Alunno di Tripoli, eduques en Barbarie pour, married 1852 Cospicua to Rosa French. Dona Francesca de Piro, Baroness of Budaq, (dunm. 1877 (Natural issue by Saveria Moscati, De-Jure Baroness di Frigenuni (1760-97) Senatore Alexandre Moscati ( 1774-1826). Grew up in Valletta, Malta. Was forced to flee Malta, due to raping the Noble Maria Teresa Testaferrata dei Marchese della San Vincenzo Ferreri, which sired a daughter. Alexandre, was a Senator in Messina, Sicily.. He married firstly to a British Girl called Louisa Campbell, and sired several children from her. She died in 1802. He married secondly to the Noble Rosa d’Alessandro and sired several mored children. Alexander was also the dejure Marquis di Xrobb-il-Ghajn, “De-Jure” Baron di Frigenuni. (See issue here). Don Giuseppe de Piro-Gourgion, CMG. (died 1857), served as a Captain in a volunteer battalion during the blockade and was despatched on a special mission to Lord Nelson. Appointed Captain in the militia, January 1801, transferred to the Provincial Battalion in July 1803 and to the veteran battalion in July 1814. Appointed Captain, Royal Malta Fencible Regiment, February 25, 1815, Major, August 12, 1825, Lieutenant-Colonel, December 29, 1837, Retired on full pay, July 20, 1847, was created CMG – The Maltese Corps of the British Army 1798-1895, by Major A.G. Chesney), married 1810 to Gaetana Borg Madiona, with issue. Don Adriano de Piro-Gourgion, (1817-1866), dunm.l. (illegitimate and adopted) Pietro Paolo de Muscat, married 1861 Attard to Maria Teresa Muscat. (illegitimate) Anna de Aquilina, Adoptee par Giuseppe Aquilina and Maria Grech, married 1860 Valletta to Ignazio Attard Maggi. (illegitimate) Gaetana Alunna de Bonnici, married 1867 Vittoriosa to Raffaele Grech, with issue. Giuseppa Grech, married 1896 Vittoriosa to Paolo Schembri. Rosa Grech, (d. 1910), married 1902 Vittoriosa to Emanuele Caruana. Maria Rosaria Grech, married 1911 Vittoriosa to Emanuele Caruana. Don Dr Carmelo de Piro, MD,(1820-69), married 1844 to Nobile Gerolama Sceberras d’Amico-Inguanez , with issue. Don Giuseppe de Piro-Gourgion, (1845-1916), dunm.l. (illegitimate with Maddalena Mascina) Giovanni de Mascina, married 1874 Vittoriosa to Felicita Falzon, with issue. Domenico Mascena, married 1930 Vittoriosa to Giovanna Zarb. Maria Carmela Mascena, married 1895 Vittoriosa to Giuseppe Portelli. Angela Mascena, married 1905 Vittoriosa to Andrea Galea. (illegitimate with Carmela Cabrisis) Federico de Cabrisisi, married 1874 Vittoriosa to Maria Anna Olivia. (illegitimate with Carmela Cabrisis Filomena de Cabrisis, married 1892 Cospicua to Pasquale Hall. (illegitimate with Antonia Debono) Carmelo de Debono, married 1874 Birkirkara to Giovanna Agius, with issue. Giuseppe Debono, married 1899 Birkirkara to Maria Chircop. (illegitimate with Anna Cutajar) Giovanna de Cutajar, married 1876 Vittoriosa to Carmelo Galea. (illegitimate with Antonia Portelli) Paola de Pullicino, adopted by Francesco Pullicino and Maria Felici, married 1877 Birkirkara to Gaetano Galea, with issue. Salvatore Galea, married 1902 Birkirkara to Caterina Gatt. Angela Galea, (1885-), married 1908 Birkirkara to Giovanni Zammit. Giuseppa Galea, (1889-), married 1921 Birkirkara to Giorgio Buttigieg. (illegitimate with Carmela Agius) Carmelo de Agius, married 1885 Mdina to Maria Abela, with issue. Margherita Agius, married 1909 Mdina to Publio Muscat. Don Alessandro de Piro, (1848-98), married 1868 to Orsula Agius-Caruana, with issue. Don Dr Carmelo de Piro MD, (1871-1912), married 1908 Mdina to Dolores Dyer-Lester, (d/o Thomas Dyer and Bice Lester),  with issue. Dona Maria Pilar De Piro (primogenial descendant in the line of Alessandro de Piro) married Marchese Alexander Apap BolognaHereditary Noble of Hungary , with issue.  Don Igino de Piro-D’Amico-Inguanez, 7th Barone di Budaq, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary, – (1874-1942), married 1901 to Marchesa Nicolina Apap-Bologna dei Marchesi di Gnien-is-Sultan, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, with issue. Don Jerome de Piro D’Amico-Inguanez, 8th Barone di Budaq,  (styled as Marchese de Piro  in 1983 and then resigned to his son, never registered with the Ministry of Justice in Spain), Hereditary Nobile of Hungary, – (1914-97), married 1938 to Philomena Cassar Torreggiani, with issue. Don Nicholas de Piro D’Amico-Inguanez, KM, MOM. 9th Barone di Budaq, (styled as Marchese/Marquis de Piro in Malta, not registered in the Kingdom of Spain), Hereditary Nobile of Hungary, (1941-, married 1970 to Frances Wilson, with issue. Don Cosimo de Piro D’Amico-Inguanez, (1971-, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary, married to Lisa Cheong Shao Fen, with issue. Dona Serafina de Piro, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary. Don Clement de Piro D’Amico-Inguanez, (1972-, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary, married 2013 Valletta to Caroline Marbot, with issue. Don Alexander de Piro D’Amico-Inguanez, (2014 -, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary. Don Maximilian de Piro D’Amico-Inguanez, (2016-, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary. Dona Maria Olympia de Piro D’Amico-Inguanez, (2017-, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary. Don Anton Joseph de Piro D’Amico-Inguanez, (1985-, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary Dona Mary Louisa de Piro D’Amico-Inguanez, (1974-, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary, married Hugh Preston, with issue. Nicholas Preston, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary Mary Benedicta Preston, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary Edward Preston, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary Isabella Preston, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary Dona Rosemary Madeleine de Piro, (1943-, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary., married 1974 to Dr. John O’Connell M.R.C.P. Dona Mary Theresia de Piro, (1946-, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary, married 1974 to Simon Bailey, with issue Sebastian Bailey, (1975-, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary., married to Juliet Gordon-Steward, with issue. Genevieve Baily, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary Miranda Baily, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary. Paul Jerome Bailey, (1977-, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary Dona Mary Elizabeth de Piro, (1950-, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary, married 1977 to Ralph Bianchi. Dona Mary Margaret de Piro, (1951-, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary, married 1978 to Architect Paul Bianchi B.E&A., A.&C.E Dona Marie de Piro, (1902-, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary, married Nicolino Trapani-Galea-Feriol, Barone di San Marciano, with issue. Dona Cecilia de Piro, (1904-), Hereditary Nobile of Hungary, married firstly to Marchese Nazzareno Zimmermann-Barbaro, with issue. Married Secondly to Professor John Pick. Dona Monica de Piro, (1909-2004), Hereditary Nobile of Hungary, married Col. John Edward Toole Nelson, dsp. Don Rev. Santo de Piro, (1873-1929), dunm. Don Alberto de Piro, (1877-99), dunm. Don Rev. Mgr. Giuseppe de Piro, (1877-1933), dunm. Don Dr. Guido de Piro MD, (1879-., married Berta Capone, with issue. Dona Francoise de Piro,(1909-), married 1953 to Eduardo Romeo Leopardi. dsp. Dona Marie de Piro, O.M., (1908-). Mother-General of the Dorothean Congregation. Don Gio Pio de Piro, (1881-), married Emma dei Baroni Gauci-Tramblet, with issue. Don Dr Alessandro de Piro Gourgion LLD, (1917-died), married to Doris Sultana (d. 2006), dsp. Dona Bertha de Piro Gourgion, (1910 – 2012)., married to Anthony Cassar Torreggiani, with issue. Dona Miriam de Piro Gourgion, (1924- 2015), married to Antonio Pace, with issue. Sandra Pace, married to Noel Radmilli, with issue. Rachel Radmilli. Paul Radmilli. Mark Pace, married to Marianna Pullicino, with issue. Nicola Pace, married 2007 to Keith Busuttil. Marian Pace, married to Christopher Galea. John Pace, married to Olga N. Dona Anna de Piro Gourgion, married 1943 to Conte Henry Sant Cassia Dona Maria Teresa de Piro, (1869-1920), married the Marchese Paolo Apap Bologna. Dona Maria de Piro d’Amico Inguanez, married 1897 Mdina to Dr. Alfredo Stilon MD, with issue. Dr Alessandro Stilon de Piro LLD, (1897-1970), married to Evelyn Bonavia, with issue. Lea Stilon de Piro, married to Dr Henry Harding MD, with issue. Henry Harding. Jacqueline Harding. Mark Harding. Dr Mario Stilon de Piro MD, MFOM, DPM, DIH, DTM&H, (1928-2023), married to Marie Josette Cauchi Inglott, (d. 2017), with issue. Nadine Stilon de Piro, Dipl. Gestalt, ECP, (1955-2018), married to Joe Louis Bonnici, with issue. Laura Bonnici, B.A (Hons), (1985 Geneva-, married to Mark Gasan. Sandra Bonnici, (1987 Geneva-, married to Marc Urpani. Karen Stilon de Piro, married (1) to Jean Pierre Pelosi, married (2) to Daniele Polotto, with issue. (First Marriage) Dr Jennifer Pelosi LLD, (1985-, married to Charles Goumaz. Julia Pelosi, (1986-, married to Philip Dunant. Professor Vittorio Stilon de Piro, MD, (1899-1952), [Times of Malta]; married to Lilian Manduca dei Conti di Montalto, with issue. Mila Stilon de Piro, married to Antonio Pignatelli. Mary Stilon de Piro, (1924-2010), married to Commendatore Dr Maurice Agius Vadala. Rudolph Stilon de Piro, (1928-2021), married to Joan Farrugia, with issue. Vittorie Stilon, married to Patricia N. Philip Stilon, married to Simone N. Maria Mariella Stilon, (d. 2021), married to Marchese Dr Joseph Apap Bologna, BA, LLD. Franco Stilon de Piro, married to Lorna Pidgeon, with issue. Sarah Stilon, married to Robert Sammut. Simon Stilon, married to Nicola N. Sophia Stilon, married to Matthew Quinlan, with issue. Alexander Quinlan, (2002-2024), dunm. Harry Quinlan. Ernesto Stilon de Piro. Beatrice Stilon de Piro, PEP, (1905-2008), married to Professor Felice Cremona LLD. Elena Stilon de Piro, (1903-, married to Magistrate Dr Vincent Refalo LLD Dona Filomena de Piro, married Marchese Emmanuele Testaferrata Bonici Ghaxaq. Dona Teresa de Piro, married Alessandro Sceberras D’Amico, Barone of Castlel Cicciano and dsp.  Don Francesco Saverio de Piro, CMG, Marquis de Piro (Revived 1870 see footnote), (1824-94), Married 1856 to Marchesa Adelaide Testaferrata, with issue. Don Giuseppe Lorenzo de Piro, CMG, (1858-1911), Marquis de Piro, (holder of title see document of 1914, below) married 1891 to Georgina Galea Naudi, with issue. Dona Adelina de Piro, (1892-1962), Marchesa de Piro, (holder of title but not recognized by British foreign office, see document of 1914, below) Married to Kenneth MacPherson, and dsp Dona Anna de Piro, married Marchese Salvatore Testaferrata Olivier. Dona Veneranda de Piro, married Barone Emmanuele Moscati Cassia. Donna Maria Teresa de Piro, married Marchese Salvatore Cassar Desain. Dona Antonia de Piro, married 1797 to Marchese Romualdo Barbaro, dsp. Dona Eugenia de Piro. (illegitimate) Paolo Maria de Morga, Alunno, married 1741 Siggiewi to Maria Caruana. Maria Antonia de Piro, married 1713 to Bartolomeo Vella, dsp. Eugenia de Piro, married 1729 to Ferdinando de Ribera, Barone di San Paolino. (illegitimate from Rosa, Manumessa) Giuseppe de Piro sives Siero, married (1) to Anna N, married (2) 1722 Mdina (Notary Ignazio Debono) to Teresa Debono, with issue. (First marriage) Francesca de Piro, married 1706 Valletta to Dr Matteo d’Arena JUD, with issue. Antonio d’Arena, married 1739 Valletta to Teresa Gatt, with issue. Rosa d’Arena, married 1773 Valletta to Antonio Attard, with issue. Rosalea Attard, married 1804 Valletta to Salvatore Vella, (s/o of Fantino and Teresa Bonello), with issue. Antonia Vella, married 1820 Valletta to Gio Battista Rizzo. Maddalena Attard, married 1807 Valletta to Antonio Marich of Ragusa, with issue. Vincenzo Marich, (1813-1866), married 1832 Valletta to Maddalena Lo Re, dsp. Matteo d’Arena, married 1748 Valletta to Teresa Pace. Anna Maria d’Arena, married 1725 Valletta to Salvatore Tedesco, with issue. Giuseppe Tedesco, married 1766 Valletta to Mco Fedele Peralta. Simeone Tedesco, married 1764 Valletta to Rosa Fleri. Carlo Tedesco, married 1771 Valletta to Angelica Brignone, with issue. Maria Tedesco, married 1761 Valletta to Giuseppe Graziani. Gioacchino Tedesco, married (1) 1776 Valletta to Nicolina Corelli, married (2) 1824 Valletta to Francesca Decelis, with issue. (First Marriage) Fedela Tedesco, married 1814 Valletta to Bartolomeo Bajardo, with issue. Bernardetta Bajardo, married 1832 Valletta to Gio Battista Satariano. Nicolina Bajardo, married 1839 Valletta to Antonio Xicluna. (Second marriage) Maffilda de Siero, married 1746 to Conte Luigi Preziosi. Aloisia de Siero, Nun, dunm. Giovanni I Battista Desiero, (1730-1802), migrated to Imperia Russia and created Baron Desiero and to his descendants by Tsar Paul I 1799 and Knight of St George of Russia and St John of Malta, married 1799 to Baroness Marie Bode-Kolgtcher, with issue. Baron Peter I Desierov, 2nd Baron, (1801-1862), married 1823 to Countess Marianna Hauke, with issue. Baron Giovanni II Desierov, 3rd Baron, (1828-1868), married 1853 to Baroness Domenica Callejasky, with issue. Baron Nicolas I Desierov, 4th Baron, (1855-1917), married 1874 to Baroness Victorie Standertskjold, with issue. Baron John III Desierov, 5th Baron, (1875-1929), fled to Germany, married 1903 to Baroness Anastasia Standerstskjold, with issue. Baron Nicolas Desierov, (1905-1919), dunm. Baroness Marie Desierov, (1906-1978), married 1930 to Count Alexandew Waleswski. Baroness Domenica Desierov, (1879-), married 1900 to Baron Rosenkampf, with issue. Baroness Alexias Rosenkampf, (1912-1973), married 1933 to Baron Nicolas Desierov, (see below). Baroness Alexias Desiriov, (1858-1893), married 1875 to Count Sakrewski. Baroness Marie Desieriov, (1860-), married 1880 to Baron Standerstskjold. Baroness Catherina Desierov, (1831-), married 1854 to Baron John Assenzaov. Baron Nicolas Desierov, (1833-1889), married 1855 to Baroness Marie Agiusky, with issue. Baron Paul I Desierov, 6th Baron, (1857-1939), President of the Chamber of Nobility in Exile, fled to Sweden, married 1880 to Baroness Marie Mellin, with issue. Baron Nicolas II Desierov, 7th Baron, (1883-1944), fled to Sweden, married 1905 to Baroness Carolina Palmen, with issue. Baron Paul Desierov, (1909-1929), dunm. Baron Charles Desierov, (1916-1919), dunm. Baroness Marie Desierov, (1914-1967), married 1936 to Baron Paul Desierov, (See below). Baron Alexandri I Desierov, 8th Baron, (1886-1965), President of the Chamber of Nobility in Exile, fled to Sweden, married 1909 to Baroness Henrietta von Bern, with issue. Baron Paul II Desierov, 9th Baron, (1908-1967), married 1936 to Baroness Marie Desierov, (See above), with issue. Baroness Eleanore Desierov, (1938-, married 1960 to Baron Nicolas Desierov. Baroness Charlotte Desierov, (1941-, married 2010 to Baron Dimitri Callejasky. Baron Edgar I Desierov., 10th Baron, (1910-68), married  1935 to Baroness Aloise Preziosky, with issue. Baroness Alexia Desierov, (1938-2008), “Nun”. Baron Charles I Desierov, 11th Baron, (1913-81), married 1935 to Marie Sciovisky, with issue. Baroness Tatiana Desierov, (1941-., married 1972 to Count Jacques Isouardov. Baroness Patricia Desierov, (1943-., married 1970 to Prince Franco Xuerebsky. Baroness Yolanda Desierov, (1947-., married 1992 to Baron Teodoro Mielov. Baron Nicolas III Desierov, 12th Baron, (1916-82), married 1933 to Baroness Alexias Rosenkampf (Cousin), with issue. Baron Nicolas IV Desierov, 13th Baron, (1935-85), President of the Chamber of Nobility in Exile. , married 1960 to Baroness Eleanore Desierov, with issue. Baron Nicolas V Desierov, 14th Baron, (1961-2003), married 1993 to Baroness Celidonia Saidov, with issue. Baron Nicholas VI Desierov, 15th Baron, (1995-., married 2011 to Princess Henrietta Xuerebsky., with issue. Baroness Claire Desierov, (2012-. Baroness Celidonia Desierov, (2015-. Baroness Nathalie Desierov, (2018-. Baron Nicolas VII Desierov, (2020-, Heir. Baron Charles Desierov, (2022-. Baron Michael Desierov, (1857-1939), married 1880 to Baroness Elvira Mellin, with issue. Baroness Vitkoria Desierov, (1880-), married 1901 to Baron Guldenstolpe. Baroness Tatiana Desierov, (1883-), married 1904 to Baron von Haupe. Baroness Alexandra Desierov, (1886-), married 1910 to Count von Kothen. Baroness Antonia Desierov, (1863-), married 1883 to Prince Porius-Yisanpoursky. Baroness Domenica Desierov, (1866-), married 1886 to Baron Gonsburg. Baroness Vittoria Desierov, (1836-), married 1855 to Baron Filip Damatski. Baroness Catherine Desierov, (1840-), maried 1840 to Count Jacques Isourdov. Baron Giuseppe Desierov, (1842-1907), Knight of Malta in Russiadunm. Baroness Antonia Desierov, (1803-), married 1820 to Baron Edoardo von Hahn. (illegitimate from the Baroness Celestri of Syracusa, Italy) Margarita de Celestri, [5] married 1716 Valletta to Salvazio Silvestro Caruana, with issue. Salvatore Caruana, married 1758 Mdina to Teresa Chircop, with issue. Angelo Caruana, married (1) 1800 Mdina to Maria Zerafa, married (2) 1812 Mdina to Maria Farrugia, with issue. (First marriage) Francesco Caruana, married (1) 1824 Mdina to Rosa Busuttil, married (2) 1843 Mdina to Maria Ciantar, with issue. (First marriage) Salvatore Caruana, married 1857 Qrendi to Rosa Bondin. Fra Pio Caruana, Abbott, (d. 1796), dunm. Sr Margarita Caruana, Nun, dunm. Angela Caruana, d.inf.

9. Giacobina de Piro, married (1) 1613 to Gio Domenico Paradotto, with issue. Married Secondly 1618 to Vincenzo Mancuso, with further issue.

9.1. (First Marriage) Natalizia Paradotto., married 1638 to Don Dr Giuseppe Lanza JUD dei Baroni di Mojo, dsp.

9.2. Angelica Paradotto, married to Lorenzo Paglio.

9.3. Gian Francesco Paradotto, dunm 1681.

9.4. Agostino Paradotto.

9.5. Giacinto Paradotto. 

9.6. (Second Marriage) Angelica Mancuso, married 1665 at Valletta to Lorenzo Cagliola, with issue. 

9.6.1. Verodiana Cagliola., married 1675 at Valletta to Franco Caxcera.

9.6.2. Eugenia Cagliola., married 1685 at Valletta to Dr Matteo Russia JUD., married (2) 1698 Valletta to Pasquale Callus, with issue. (First Marriage) Giuseppa Russia, married 1710 Valletta to Demetrio Farrugia. Maddalena Russia, married 1705 Valletta to Salvatore Cuschieri.

9.6.3. Anna Cagliola, married 1680 Valletta to Emmanuele Condorato, with issue. Teresa Condorato, married 1720 Valletta to Jean Claude Joannon of Lyon, France. Maddalena Condorato, married 1756 Valletta to Francesco Lorenzo Costa. Sig. Gio Alessandro Condorato, married 1731 Valletta to N. Busietta. Sig. Albano Condorato, married 1735 Valletta to Aloisea Capilliani, with issue. Margherita Cordorato, married 1758 Valletta to Antonio Pitua. Sig. Pietro Cordorato, married (1) 1771 Valletta to Margherita Clerier of France, married (2) 1779 Valletta to Filippa Xermini. Rosa Cordorato, married 1777 Valletta to Sig. Gio Epifano Zammit, with issue. Fortunato Zammit, married 1808 Cospicua to Rosaria Busuttil.

9.7. Enrico Mancuso, married 1670 Valletta to Orsola Vivier, with issue.

9.7.1. Gio Battista Mancuso, married 1707 Valletta to Elizabetta du Pales, with issue. Maria Mancuso, married 1726 Valletta to Giuseppe Zammit.

9.7.2. Mco Gio Francesco Mancuso, married 1721 Valletta to Angelica Aloisea, married (2) 1735 Senglea to Anna Baron, with issue. (Second Marriage) Gerolama Mancuso, married (in Messina, Sicily c. 1780) to Nobile Cristoforo Triolo dei Baroni di Sant’Anna e di Radilbesi of Messina, Sicily, ( *4) with issue. Cav Placido Triolo dei Baroni di Sant’Anna e di Radilbesi, Sicilian Regiment, (1788-1833), married 1815 Valletta to Grazia Borg, with issue.

10. Geronima de Piro., married 1627 at Valletta to Don Paolo Antonio Giulio San Severino dei Baroni di Marcellinara.


Footnote: After his wife Cornelia died, Lorenzo Ubaldesco took up Holy Orders, eventually being appointed Archdeacon of the Cathedral.

Footnote#1: Gio Pio De Piro was one of the very first recipients of the right to Illustrissimo e Nobile. Owing to a great abuse which had crept in, of notaries and lawyers giving the style of Nobile and Illustrissimo to many persons indiscriminately in public documents, the Grand Master de Vilhena issued a Pragmatic in the year 1725 in which he criminalized such unauthorized use. A copy verbatim of the Pragmatic dated 30th April 1725 is found in the sub-Enclosure in Enclosure No. 3 in the letter from Governor Simmons to The Earl of Derby dated 28 October 1884 which is published in Copies or Extracts of Correspondence with reference to the Maltese Nobility (In Continuation of C-3812) presented to the House of Lords by Command of Her Majesty, May 1886. In the said copy verbatim, there is what appears to be an exhaustive list of the persons who at different times received from the said Grandmaster and his successors, an exception from the aforesaid pragmatic, thereby allowing them the right to use the styles of Most Illustrious and Noble, namely: (1) Milite Barone Marc’ Antonio Inguanez (See Djar il-Bniet) and his wife Baronessa Inguanez (See Gomerino) (30 April 1725); (2)Barone di Cicciano Fabritio Testaferrata (See:Castel Cicciano) and his mother the Baronessa di GomerinoBeatrice Cassia Testaferrata  (See Gomerino), (11 May 1725), (3) Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri Mario Testaferrata (See: San Vincenzo Ferreri) (9 July 1725), (4) Carlo Falson (See Falson), and Eleanora Testaferrata (See: Capo di Ferro) (13 June 1726), (5) Barone di San Marciano Diego Galea Feriolo (See: San Marciano), (2 September 1726), (6) Barone Gio Pio De Piro (See De Piro) (19 March 1727), (7) Canon Giuseppe di Costanzo (See Paganica), and Donna Rosa (See De Noto),widow of Gio Battista di Costanzo (24 May 1729), (8) Barone Isidoro Viani (See: Tabria), (27 June 1730), (9) D. Vincenzo Platamone (See Platamone),and Antonio Bonnici (??), (10) Baldassare Bonnici (13 January 1732), (11) Calcerano Mompalao (See: Mompalao)), Giuseppe and Caterina Cuschieri (See: Frigenuini) (6 March 1732), (12) Barone Saverio Gatt (See: Benwarrad) (23 August 1737), (13) Signor Ludovico Bianchi (See: Bianchi) (25 October 1741), (14) Dr.Ugolino Bonnici (5 September 1794), (15) Dr. Saverio Crispo (See:Crispo) (??)

Footnote#2: The title of Marchese De Piro was conferred in Spain by Philip V, King of Spain, by a patent of the 6th November 1742, on the Barone Gio Pio De Piro. It is a Spanish title and regulated by Spanish law. 

Footnote#3: The title of Barone di Budack was conferred by Grand Master Perellos, by a diploma of the 23rd April 1716 to Gio Pio De Piro.

Footnote#4: List of titleholders for the Barons of Budaq.

Footnote#5: List of titleholders of the Marques de Piro.

* A look at Palazzo de Piro, Mdina. – Following the huge readership of “A visitor’s assessment of two museums in Malta”, we are sharing these musings.

Nestled in a street, off Malta’s First Cathedral is the grand and newly refurbished Palazzo de Piro. 

Formerly part of a girls’ school, an old shield displaying the arms of Depiro adorns the facade beckoning respect for this Maltese family’s history. 

In the sections below we look at parts taken from the website of “Palazzo de Piro”. 

Our summation is that a more suitable name should have been chosen for this beautiful property.

“Palazzo de Piro is a 17th Century Palazzo nestled in the bastion walls of the medieval city of Mdina, Malta’s Silent City………….What we know as Palazzo de Piro as an existing structure now was originally three separate houses, the oldest parts of which date back to the second half of the 16th century.  The emblem in what is now the main entrance hall indicates that they were built by Malta’s most famous architect Girolamo Cassar or his equally renowned son Vittorio.  Over the last two centuries, Palazzo de Piro has been extensively remodelled a number of times. The internal floor levels were changed and windows ordered blocked up by Alexander de Piro himself, the monumental stone and marble staircase was constructed in Victorian times and in the 1950’s, extensive structural changes were made to accommodate the school that was run by the Dorothean nuns after the house was sold on by Orsola’s heirs.”

The building is said to have been the residence of the Falca family which was already extinct by 1647. There is evidence to show by the 19th century it had come into the possession of the Cavaliere Giovanni Parisio Muscati. Sometime later the house by then known as “Casa Fortunata” came to be gifted to the Dorothean nuns by a Monsignor Mifsud together with another house “Casa Mifsud”. Buhagiar and Fiorini refer to both houses as Palazzo Parisio Muscati. 

The nuns could not take possession at the time because the property had already been tenanted to the new Missionary Society of St. Paul founded in 1910 by Monsignor Giuseppe Depiro, hence the name of the house was derived not because of any association with the Depiro family but simply because it was convenient for Mifsud to describe the building as “il corpo di beni comprendente la casa di mia abitazione e l’attigua occupata dall’Istituto tenuto da Monsignor Decano Giuseppe Depiro in una a tutti i mezzanine e comodita’ dipendenti ed attigui allo stesso coropo di beni.”

In 1921 the house reverted to the owners and they used the building for classrooms. 

Finally the nuns themselves recently gave up the premises much to the consternation of Monsignor Mifsud’s heirs who promptly sued the nuns for the return of the property. An appeal is pending but no Depiro has come forward with a claim on the ownership of the house. 

It is unlikely the property was ever sold on by Orsola’s heirs to the Dorotheans because the owner previous to the nuns was Mifsud. 


Buhagiar and Fiorini (1996) “Mdina, the Cathedral City of Malta

Court case: Rosalie Mifsud vs Mother Provincial of the sisters of St. Dorothy

“In 1868, Alexander de Piro D’Amico Inguanez and his new wife Orsola took up residence here soon after their marriage.”

The Depiro family is said to hail from Rhodes and accompanied the Order of St. John in 1530. It moved up in the world securing a local title of barone in 1716 and the titles of Most Illustrious and Noble in 1727. 

A further title, of Marquis, was obtained in Spain in 1745 for half a million sixty two thousand five hundred maravedies de Vellon. The maravedí was tied to the real de vellón, causing the real de plata to be worth 68 maravedíes. Therefore this title was bought for 8,273 real de plata. In 1864, the real was replaced by a new Spanish escudo, then by the peseta in 1868, when a real came to mean a quarter of a peseta. Hence this title cost 2,069 pesetas, or just slightly more that 12 Euro in modern money. 

Other than titles of nobility there is very little accounted for by this family during the order’s tenure of the island. In fact, this family does not feature in Abela’s Descrittione di Malta (1647) and only makes a fleeting mention in Ciantar’s Malta Illustrata (1780). 

By modern standards, the Depiros were new money. Their fortune had come from two main sources:- The municipal appointment once held by Gio Pio De Piro and his marriage in to an equally new but much richer lady called Anna Gourgion. 

The Wheat Procurator enjoyed a commission of ten grani for every salma of wheat imported. Giovanni Gourgion was appointed procurator in 1700 and was succeeded in 1703 by his son in law Gio Pio.

Despite the fabulous wealth, no Depiro, owner or tenant, is recorded as residing in Mdina until the 19th century. In 1868 at the time when Monsignor Giuseppe’s parents moved in they were only collaterals to the main line. They had not succeeded any particular wealth from their paternal descent. 

However Giuseppe’s father Alessandro appended “Damico Inguanez” as proof of an honourable descent through his mother Gerolama Sceberras even though at the time her brother’s family retained the lion’s share of the D’Amico Inguanez wealth until it finally became extinct as recently as 1981. 

Like Alessandro’s own father, two of Giuseppe’s siblings successfully took up professions, which honourable as they may have been, automatically excluded them from any rights of precedence given by Grand Master Rohan in 1795 to those junior descendants who could prove they and all of their intermittent male ancestors lived off their own rents. 

A turn in Giuseppe’s family’s hopes for fortune first occurred when the accumulated wealth was almost passed off to another Monsignor by the last member of the main line. Donna Francesca Depiro willed all her earthly possessions to Monsignor Grech Delicata. However Alessandro’s unmarried brother had her will annulled in January 1885, because he proved the lady was mentally infirm: “non era capace di comprendere la lettura di una novella o di una comedia di Goldoni”.  

With the estate now in their uncle’s possession, the junior depiros remodelled their antecedents to a more acceptable social status which occurred in 1916 when the uncle died. As holders of the estate, they asserted a claim to the barony, even though in this case it was the estate which followed the title. Their mother Ursola Agius Caruana was reintroduced as the great heiress of a house in Florence: the inconvenient detail her father has bought that house through a Napoleonic auction was airbrushed from memory. The Spanish title eluded this junior branch, that title being successfully rehabilitated in 1870 in favour of another branch, but it persisted in calling itself “dei Marchesi Depiro D’Amico Inguanez”, overlooking there was never a Marquis with that surname. This practice was not regulated in any way, the local Government having ruled in 1878 not to recognize any legal right to the Maltese use of the genealogical designations of “dei Marchesi”, “dei Conti” and “dei Baroni”. 

A brother Igino became Senator on the basis he had been nominated in the title of baron by the unmarried uncle. With hindsight Igino should not have been made representative because by then it was already known there was an even more senior branch of the Depiro family which had been legitimated on the 5 December 1807m and because more recent investigations have shown private nominations, even is made by will, of titles of nobility are invalid. Igino was also one of two delegates representing the “general community of Malta” at the Coronation of King George VI. 

Bad luck and political intrigue of 1976 forced the last holder of the wealth to sign off a heady list of properties variously situated in Malta (Burmarrad, Dingli, Gudja, St. Paul’s Bay, Zabbar) and Gozo (Ghajnsielem, Gharb, Zebbug, Victoria). 


Public Contract 30 April 1717 (Notary Gaspare Domenico Chircop) whereby the usufruct of certain properties were to be enjoyed by the successor of the title created in 1716.

“The Genealogy and Heraldry of the Noble families of Malta”, Vol. 2, PEG Publications, 1992, Gauci Charles, Table 74.

Public Contract 10042/1976 (Notary Gambina)

“Orsola was an heiress with various properties including a palace and small church in the heart of Florence, but it was here she decided to bring up a family of seven boys and two girls. As a great Maltese matriarch she managed both her family and considerable works of charity with energy and enthusiasm, and continued to do so after the untimely death of her devoted husband.”

Orsola’s biography was published in Christmas 2011. Her pet name was “Chica”.  

Chica was born Agius Gauci but she is better known as Agius Caruana. Surnames are easily appended in Malta as long as the root surname is clear. 

Chica married Alessandro Depiro in 1868 and lived 1847-1937. Her husband died in 1898 aged 49. 

The book is a double whammy of nice pictures of fine buildings and of detailed cv’s of many of Chica’s descendants. This Christmas turkey is stuffed with sentimental pieces and forgotten colonial masters. 

On the downside, very little of the data actually concerns Chica leaving an unpleasant after-taste of having been fed something not quite right.

There is a vast compilation of “dei Marchesi Depiro” in pictured documents, but the narrative talks about “dei Marchesi and dei Baroni Depiro” plus the occasional Baron, Marquis and -inos. Some Counts are featured too. 

The publication impresses less about Chica and more about titles of nobility claimed by her descendants through other sources. The book has Felicissimo Apap Bologna as “6th Count of Catena” even though he lost the “Catenaentail” to Gerald Strickland who was descended from the elder line of the Counts Bologna. Similar themes recur in different parts.

Whether Chica a self-sufficient lady, actually cared for other people’s plumes is not discussed at all. Nor is any mention made of the Catena entail’s colourful history that spans 2 centuries of court litigation. 

No mention is made of the painting donated by Ursola (noted as Marchioness Depiro) to Cospicua Parish Church, of her family’s intimate connections to the villages of Qrendi and Mqabba or of the many masses said by her saintly son Giuseppe for the repose of her soul and those of other Agius family members. 


Nonna Chica“, Introduced and edited by Peter Apap Bologna, Malta (2011). ISBN 978-99932-0-849-5–pittura.html


  1. MELITENSIA BOOK CLUB, Issue 1, Abela Commendatore Fra Gian. Francesco, Della Descrittione di Malta isola nel mare siciliano con le sue antichita’, ed altre notizie. Libr Quattro Facsimile edition. Malta, 1984.

  2. Adami collection


  4. Enciclopedia Storico-Nobiliare Italiana Vol VI, by Marchese Spreti, pages 714-715 states the following: Familiglia Siciliana, che si vuole originaria da Venezia, passata prima in Napoli poi in Sicilia nel secolo XVI con un Gian Andrea, Capitano di Carlo V, e che si stabili nella citta di Piazza ed i cui posteri poi si trapiantaroni in Alcamo. Francesco fu Capitano giustiziere di Alcamo nel 1626, la stessa carica ebbe Giuseppe nel 1663, un altro Francesco fu Governatore di Alcamo nel 1688 ed un altro Giuseppe fu Cavaliere di giustizia dell’Ordine Costantiniano di San Giorgio nel 1799. Questa famiglia possedette i feudi di Geraci e Geraciotti, nonche le baronie di Sant’Anna e di Radilbesi. Del titolo di Barone di Radilbesi. I’ultima investita fu Giovanna Triolo il 6 giugno 1762. La famiglia e iscritta genericamente nel l’El Uff. Nob Ital del 1922 col titolo di Barone di Radilbesi (mpr male to male descent), in persona dei discendenti dall’ultima investa Giovanna Triolo su detta.

  5. Margarita Celestri was the daughter of Barone Dr Gio Pio de Piro JUD and Baroness Celestri of Messina. The source states that the daughter was born to the Baroness twelve months after her husbands death and she had spent some with the De Piro after she became widowed. Rumoured that Margarita was the illegitimate daughter of the Baron of Budaq. Her brother in law, Salvatore Caruana had married at Siggewi in1712 to Rosa, a released slave from Barone Dr Gio Pio de Piro JUD. Source: Adami Collection, Volume unknown, page 20. Guiseppe de Siero sives de Piro  married at Mdina 1722 to Teresa Debono. Giuseppe is noted as being the illegitimate child of Baron Gio Pio de Piro JUD.

  6. [29-33] A propósito de la soberanía mediatizada de la Orden de Malta, un
    título de Castilla concedido en 1742 a un barón maltés: el Marquesado de
    Piro, por el Dr. Marqués de la Floresta