Marchese di Castiglia (de Piro), 1742.

Online: 26-04-2023.

Granted to:  Dr Gio Pio de Piro, JUD, 1st Barone di Budaq.

By: Philip V, King of Spain.

On: 1742 at Madrid, Spain.

With Remainder to: Lo Stesso Barone Giovani Pio Depiro ottenne poi da Filippo Re di spagna un Titolo in Castiglia di Marchese per se e tutti li suoi eredi, e successori, avendo pagato il Dritto di cinquecento e sessanta due mili, e cinquecento maravedi di Vellon; il quale dritto deve essere pagato da ciascun successore in questo titolo il quale per rescritto del G. Mro si trova registrato nel lib. Boll. Sottogli 8.8bre 1745, fo 167”. Reference A.O.M. 627.

The creation documents are in the Archivio Historico Nacional in Madrid, Consejos Suprimidos book 2753, year 1742, no. 17, File 8978, year 1742 no. 820 and were despatched as per file Book 624, year 1742 and File State Section, file 6390(1), no. 86. The creation was published in the Gazeta de Madrid on 8 May 1742, pages 151-152.

As a title created within the kingdom of Castile, it was regulated by the Book of Laws compiled in the 13th century by king Alfonso X (Alfonso the Wise) as well as the Cortes de Toro (a law of 1505), the Novisima Recopilacion of 1805, the Royal Decree of 27th September 1820, the Law of 11th October 1820, the Law of 4th may 1948, as well as many other Royal Decrees in particular those of the 27th May 1912, 8th July 1922, 21st March 1980, 11th March 1988, 16th September 1994 and the Law of 30th October 2006. By means of the latest law, the conventional rules of orden regular were amended by abolishing discrimination on grounds of gender. The rule preferring age and descent by primogeniture was retained. 

List of Title holders: 

1. Dr Gio Pio de Piro, JUD, (d. 1752) 1st Barone di Budaq, 1st Marques, title was revolved there after.

2. Don Col Francesco Saverio de Piro, 2nd Marques in 1866, succeeded by his son.

3. Don Giuseppe Lorenzo de Piro, 3rd Marques in 1895, succeeded by his daughter.

4. Dona Adelina de Piro, 4th Marquesa, (d. 1962), title then became vacant,

5. Don Anthony Buttigieg de Piro, 5th Marques in 1984, title then became vacant. On the year of 2020, the title now is due to a lack of succession in the Kingdom of Spain.

Claimants (1) Committee of Privileges of the Maltese Islands ruling: (Styled in Malta not registered in the Kingdom of Spain):

2. Don Vincenzo de Piro, (d. 1799), 2nd Marchese, succeeded by his younger son.

3. Don Giuseppe de Piro Gourgion, CMG, (d. 1852), 3rd Marchese, succeeded by his elder son.

4. Don Adriano de Piro Gourgion, (d. 1866), 4th Marchese, succeeded by his younger son.

5. Don Francesco Saverio de Piro, CMG, (d. 1894), 5th Marchese, succeeded by his son.

6. Don Giuseppe Lorenzo de Piro, CMG, 6th Marchese, succeeded by his daughter.

7. Dona Adelina de Piro MacPherson, (d. 1962), 7th Marchesa, title went into dormantcy.

8. Don Jerome de Piro d’Amico Inguanez, (d. 1996) succeeded in 1983 as de Jure 8th Marchese, renounced it to his son in 1983.

9. Don Nicholas de Piro d’Amico Inguanez, (1941-, De Jure 9th Marchese.

HeirDon Cosimo de Piro d’Amico Inguanez, (1971-, Marchesino de Piro.

General Heir: Dona Serfana de Piro, (1995-.

Claimants (2) Heir to Don Anthony Buttigieg de Piro: As per Spanish Nobility Laws.

“Following the death of a noble, the senior heir may petition the sovereign through the Spanish Ministry of Justice for permission to use the title. If the senior heir does not make a petition within two years, then other potential heirs may do so on their own behalf. There is a limit of forty years from the vacancy by death or relinquishment of a title within which that title may be claimed and revived by an heir.”. [Link]

6. Don Capt Joseph Buttigieg De Piro, deJure Marques, 1934-. (unclaimed in the Kingdom of Spain, now expired).

HeirDona Victoria Jane Buttigieg De Piro Krejci, (1971-.

General HeirPavel Jan Krejci-Buttigieg de Piro., (2004-. 

Articles relating to this title:

1. Who is the rightful Marquis de Piro ?.

2. [Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to inquire into the claims of the Maltese nobility [Link],  VIII, IX.

3. Ministry of Justice, Kingdom of Spain.

The Spanish title of de Piro.

Footnote: The title of “Marchese” conferred in 1742 by King Philip V, King of Spain on the Maltese Citizen, the Barone Gio Pio De Piro did not originate in Malta but in Spain. At Maltese Law it is only a foreign title and, as such, it can be considered for the purposes of precedence if registration or Magistral recognition has been achieved. inaccordance with the rules of 1739 and 1795 as enacted by Grand Masters Despuig and Rohan.

In this case, the grant relative to “Marquis De Piro” appears to have been duly registered in the Cancelleria of the Order. It is noteworthy that in the past years this title had to be revived by the Kingdom of Spain. At the time of the Royal Commission, this title was revived in 1870.

VALUE OF REGISTRATION/MAGISTRAL RECOGNITION From the records of the Cancelleria it appeared that the titles so granted were registered in virtue of a rescript from the Grand Master, on an application by the party concerned. The Royal Commissioners of 1878 remarked that they were prone to believe that the Grand Master would not have given his assent to registration without any investigation. From the start, however, the Commissioners pointed out that the Despuig/Rohan Rules on the matter did not deny nobility to a Titolato  who failed to duly register his title, but only assigned him no place insofar as precedence was concerned. See:- “Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility”, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 101-102). It is also noteworthy that the Commissioners did not consider all the titles which were registered in the Cancelleria: For example the title of Conte granted to Baldassare Fenech Bonnici on the 11 June 1798 by Pope Benedict XIV, which was duly registered under Archives of the Order of Malta (554, f. 176) as well as the Archives of the Inquisition of Malta (102m f. 32) was not considered by the Report. It appears that no descendant of this grantee made any claim to the Commissioners. 

In regard to the title of “Marchese” granted to Gio Pio De Piro, this title could only have been conferred if the grantee was already in possession of a title of Count and Viscount. It appears that the grantor the King – solved this technicality by granting De Piro both these titles and suppressing them immediately.(See:- “Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility”, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 199-204).

The actual report says the following:

“In the list forwarded by the Committee, the title of Marchese in the Kingdom of Castile, and of Viscount de Cartely, together with another title of Conte, are reported to have been conferred by Philip V, King of Spain, by a patent of the 6th November 1742, on the BaroneGio Pio De Piro.  The following are extracts from the patent of creation (Translation from the Spanish):- ‘Wherefore you having selected the title of Marchese De Piro, and in order that your person and family be further honoured and ennobled, it is my will that you the aforesaid Barone Don Gio Pio De Piro, your heirs and successors, for the time being, in perpetuum  and for ever, may name and style yourself, and be named and styled, as I do hereby create you Marchese De Piro. And whereas under the Ordinance of His Majesty Phlip IV, whom God may receive into heaven, any person who is to be raised to the dignity of Marquis or Count must be previously created Viscount, which title is to be subsequently suppressed: wherefore we by letters patent bearing the same date as these presents, have granted unto you the title of Viscount of Cartely, which in accordance with the said Ordinance must be suppressed and cancelled in my Secretairerie of Grace and Justice of the Kingdom of Castille’.

From the said patent of which the above-quoted is the most important part, it appears that Barone Gio Pio De Piro was actually ennobled by the King of Spain with the title of Marquis in Castille; but that the title of Viscount of Carteley for the reasons more explicitly stated in the patent itself, was suppressed and cancelled. We may add that no evidence has been produced before us showing that the King has ever granted the title of Conte to Gio Pio De Piro, or to any other of the claimants ancestors, and that the aforesaid patent is duly registered in the books of the Cancelleria and of the Court of the Castellania .”

The three titles of Marquis, Count and Viscount are claimed by Saverio De Piro; but no notice should in our opinion be taken of that of Count, which was never conferred by the Kings of Spain, and that of Viscount of Carteley, of which Gio Pio De Piro was divested on his promotion to a superior dignity.

The title of Marquis was recently revived in favour of the said Saverio De Piro, by a letter of the Under Secretary of the Spanish Ministry of Grace and Justice, existing in the Financial Secretary’s Department of the War Office, of which letter the following is a translation: –

Ministry of Grace and Justice

His Excellency the Minister of Grace and Justice makes known to his Excellency the Minister of Finance as follows: As it appears from the record of the proceedings entered in this office at the instance and request of D. Xavier De Piro, who begs that the title of Marquis De Pirolately possessed by his predecesors should be revived in his favour; the Regent of the Kingdom, having seen the Royal Decree of the 4th December 1864, and in conformity with the resolution of the section of Grace and Justice of the Conseil d’Etat, has thought it advisable to order that the above-named dignity of Marquis De Piro should be revived in favour of the said D. Xavier De Piro, without prejudice to the rights which third parties may have acquired by a more favourable decree: provided, however, the said De Piro should pay the special duty and the other charges imposed on the said title, and which must be liquidated in favour of the Treasury, as stated in the decree of the 12th February 1826, in which it was declared that the payment of that duty had been suspended. By His Highness’s orders I forward these presents to you for your information and for all intents and purposes. May God preserve you for many years. The Under Secretary  – Madrid, September 28, 1870 (signed) URAN C.Z. MONSAN

The foregoing letter was accompanied with a communication from the War Office, dated the 20th October 1870, to the following effect:- “I am directed by Mr. Secretary Cardwell to enclose herewith a letter which has been received for you, through the Foreign Office, from the Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs, informing you of the revival of the Marquisate De Piro; I am at the same time to add that the necessary alteration has been made in the Army List.”

Under these circumstances it is unnecessary for us to consider in what manner the present title descended from the grantee to the other ancestors of the “Marchese De Piro”, especially because no one has appeared to dispute his claim. 

In view of the above, the position in Malta is that one can only use the title of “Marchese/Marques De Piro” if he/she has first obtained permission from the Kingdom of Spain. It appears that this title was last revived in the Kingdom of Spain in favour of Marquis Anthony Buttigieg de Piro, on the 16 November 1987.

Who is the rightful Marquis de Piro?.

Who is the rightful Marquis de Piro? This title was conferred by Philip V, King of Spain, by a patent of 1742, on the Maltese nobleman Juan Pio de Piro, Viscount of Carteley and Baron of Budacco.

The creation documents are in the Archivio Historico Nacional in Madrid, Consejos Suprimidos book 2753, year 1742, no. 17, File 8978, year 1742 no. 820 and were despatched as per file Book 624, year 1742 and File State Section, file 6390(1), no. 86. The creation was published in the Gazeta de Madrid on 8 May 1742, pages 151-152.

As a title created within the kingdom of Castile, it was regulated by the Book of Laws compiled in the 13th century by king Alfonso X (Alfonso the Wise) as well as the Cortes de Toro (a law of 1505), the Novisima Recopilacion of 1805, the Royal Decree of 27th September 1820, the Law of 11th October 1820, the Law of 4th may 1948, as well as many other Royal Decrees in particular those of the 27th May 1912, 8th July 1922, 21st March 1980, 11th March 1988, 16th September 1994 and the Law of 30th October 2006. By means of the latest law, the conventional rules of orden regular were amended by abolishing discrimination on grounds of gender. The rule preferring age and descent by primogeniture was retained. 

The title was formally suppressed by decree of the 12th February 1826. This meant it was revoked and the title had reverted to the Crown. The notice was published in the Gazeta de Madrid 23 September 1826. 

It was revived in 1870 after the Colonel Francisco Saverio de Piro petitioned for it in 1866 and paid the relative fees. Francesco Saverio was therefore the 2nd Marquis. Relative documents under Archivio General del Ministerio de Justicia, Archivio Historico Nacional, State Book 6390(1) no 86 and Gazeta de Madrid of the 10th August 1872.

In 1895, Francesco Saverio was legally succeeded by his own son Giuseppe Lorenzo de Piro, who in turn was succeeded by his daughter Adelaida de Piro. 

Adelaida was the 4th Marchioness de Piro. We find record of an Application for a Royal Licence for the use of a Foreign title in Great Britain was filed by Adelina De Piro in 1914 [Ref. HO 45/10702/237247] in respect of the ‘Title Marquis conferred by Philip V of Spain in 1742 and renewed in 1870 by the Regent of Spain’ described as “Title of Marquise granted to applicant by King of Spain on the death of her father”. In her application, she attached a memorandum as to the recognition in Britain of titles officially recognized in Malta, then a Colony. The application was refused by the office, giving the reason “No special circumstances alleged”. 

In any case Adelaide de Piro remained the titleholder in terms of Spanish law until her death in 1962, when the title became vacant,

In terms of a Royal Decree of 27th May 1912, it was technically possible for any descendant of the first Marquis to apply for and obtain the title against the payment of the relative fee. However, this reinstatement is no longer possible as according to the Royal Decree No. 222 of the 11th March 1988 such petitions can only be made within forty years of the vacancy. Moreover in terms of the said Decree, only persons related up to six degrees from the first and last holders of the title, are eligible to make an application. 

Therefore in terms of this Decree, the title of Marquis de Piro became extinct in the year 2002, that is to say 40 years after the death of Adelaida de Piro, 4th and last holder of the title of Marquis de Piro. 

The succession in Malta should not be any different to that in Spain. According to the Report published in 1878 of a Royal Commission appointed to enquire into the claims of the Maltese Nobility, the titles of Marchese in the Kingdom of Castile, and of Viscount de Cartely, together with another title of Conte, were claimed by Saverio De Piro.

The Commission took no notice of either the title of Count, which was never conferred by the Kings of Spain, or that of Viscount of Carteley, of which Gio Pio De Piro was divested on his promotion to a superior dignity, but reported that the title of Marquis was recently revived in favour of the said Saverio De Piro, by a letter of the Under Secretary of the Spanish Ministry of Grace and Justice, existing in the Financial Secretary’s Department of the War Office, of which letter the following is a translation: – “- Ministry of Grace and Justice – His Excellency the Minister of Grace and Justice makes known to his Excellency the Minister of Finance as follows: As it appears from the record of the proceedings entered in this office at the instance and request of D. Xavier De Piro, who begs that the title of Marquis De Piro lately possessed by his predecesors should be revived in his favour; the Regent of the Kingdom, having seen the Royal Decree of the 4th December 1864, and in conformity with the resolution of the section of Grace and Justice of the Conseil d’Etat, has thought it advisable to order that the above-named dignity of Marquis De Piro should be revived in favour of the said D. Xavier De Piro, without prejudice to the rights which third parties may have acquired by a more favourable decree: provided, however, the said De Piro should pay the special duty and the other charges imposed on the said title, and which must be liquidated in favour of the Treasury, as stated in the decree of the 12th February 1826, in which it was declared that the payment of that duty had been suspended. By His Highness’s orders I forward these presents to you for your information and for all intents and purposes. May God preserve you for many years. The Under Secretary  – Madrid, September 28, 1870 (signed) URAN C.Z. MONSAN”

The British Royal Commission further noted the foregoing letter was accompanied with a communication from the War Office, dated the 20th October 1870, to the following effect:- “I am directed by Mr. Secretary Cardwell to enclose herewith a letter which has been received for you, through the Foreign Office, from the Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs, informing you of the revival of the Marquisate De Piro; I am at the same time to add that the necessary alteration has been made in the Army List.”

In this way, Francesco Saverio de Piro was acknowledged by the Maltese authorities as a nobleman holding the title of Marquis according to Spanish law. The title of Marquis de Piro is regarded as forming part of the Maltese Nobility.

The historic basis of letting a foreign title form part of the Maltese Nobility is found in a decree of 1739 promulgated by Grand Master Despuig which allowed the recognition of a foreign title against the obligatory payment of a fee. In this case, de Piro paid twice, once on the 8 October 1745 for the registration in Malta and before that for the purchase of the title which had a price tag of 562,500 Maravedes de Vellon.

“Lo Stesso Barone Giovani Pio Depiro ottenne poi da Filippo Re di spagna un Titolo in Castiglia di Marchese per se e tutti li suoi eredi, e successori, avendo pagato il Dritto di cinquecento e sessanta due mili, e cinquecento maravedi di Vellon; il quale dritto deve essere pagato da ciascun successore in questo titolo il quale per rescritto del G. Mro si trova registrato nel lib. Boll. Sottogli 8.8bre 1745, fo 167”. Reference A.O.M. 627,

According to one source [Gauci (1986) in “A Guide to the Maltese Nobility” (PEG Publications, Malta, 1986)]., the title was in 1983 “awarded” by a Maltese private committee, to Adelaide’s kinsman as “7th” marquis” “without prejudice to the rights of any other person who may acquire a more favourable decree from the King of Spain”: The kinsman was Adelaide’s grandfather’s brother’s grandson and great-great-great-great grandson of the original grantee. It is also reported by the same source in a later publication (1992) that the same kinsman immediately “renounced” this title in favour of his only son.

Meanwhile an application for the rehabilitation of the title originally granted in 1742 to the nobleman Juan Pio de Piro, was filed in Spain by Don Antonio Buttigieg de Piro on the 31st August 1984 (Hidalguia Ano XXXII, Num 186, pp. 581-582.), as successor to the 4th lawful holder. 

Mythbuster: The website claims the first Marquis was succeeded by his grandson Vincenzo (2nd), who in turn “nominated” his second son Giuseppe (3rd), who in turn was “succeeded by his eldest son” Adriano (4th) who in turn was succeeded by his younger brother Francesco Xaverio (5th) “who was nominated”, in turn by his eldest son Giuseppe Lorenzo (6th) and in turn by his only daughter Adelina Victoria MacPherson (7th). According to the same site Adelina “used the title by consent of the senior line”. The website’s claims have no basis on the Spanish documentation.

* Title of Marquis de Piro.


The title Marquis de Piro is a title of Nobility created in 1742 in the Kingdom of Castile , Spain By reason of a registration made in accordance with Maltese legislation of 1739 and 1795, this title forms part of the Nobility in Malta enjoying a precedence with effect from 1743.

The title was granted in Spain in 1742 to the Barone Don Gio Pio De Piro. It was revived by the Kings of Spain in 1870 in favour of Don Xaver De Piro and again in 1987 in favour of Don Anthony Buttigieg de Piro.

Some Maltese publications refer to this title as “Marquis of Castile” and “Marquis of San Vincente en Castile”.

Since 1975, titles of nobility are no longer recognized in the Republic of Malta by Act 29 of 1975 dated 17 October 1975. 


The title of “Marchese” in the Kingdom of Castile was conferred by Philip V, King of Spain, by a patent of the 6th November 1742, on the Barone Gio Pio De Piro. The following are extracts from the patent of creation (Translation from the Spanish):- ‘Wherefore you having selected the title of Marchese De Piro, and in order that your person and family be further honoured and ennobled, it is my will that you the aforesaid Barone Don Gio Pio De Piro, your heirs and successors, for the time being, in perpetuum  and for ever, may name and style yourself, and be named and styled, as I do hereby create you Marchese De Piro. And whereas under the Ordinance of His Majesty Phlip IV, whom God may receive into heaven, any person who is to be raised to the dignity of Marquis or Count must be previously created Viscount, which title is to be subsequently suppressed: wherefore we by letters patent bearing the same date as these presents, have granted unto you the title of Viscount of Cartely, which in accordance with the said Ordinance must be suppressed and cancelled in my Secretairerie of Grace and Justice of the Kingdom of Castile’.

From the said patent of which the above-quoted is the most important part, it appears that Barone Gio Pio De Piro was actually ennobled by the King of Spain with the title of Marquis in Castile; but that the title of Viscount of Carteley for the reasons more explicitly stated in the patent itself, was suppressed and cancelled. 

No land was attached to this title of nobility. The title was merely honorific and did not give rise to any right of possession of any land in Spain. In particular, it was specified that it was a Title of Our Kingdom of Castile rather than one of the several other Kingdoms the Spanish Crown possessed.


The title of Marquis was later revived in favour of Saverio De Piro, by a letter of the Under Secretary of the Spanish Ministry of Grace and Justice of which letter the following is a translation: –

Ministry of Grace and Justice

His Excellency the Minister of Grace and Justice makes known to his Excellency the Minister of Finance as follows: As it appears from the record of the proceedings entered in this office at the instance and request of D. Xavier De Piro, who begs that the title of Marquis De Piro lately possessed by his predecesors should be revived in his favour; the Regent of the Kingdom, having seen the Royal Decree of the 4th December 1864, and in conformity with the resolution of the section of Grace and Justice of the Conseil d’Etat, has thought it advisable to order that the above-named dignity of Marquis De Piro should be revived in favour of the said D. Xavier De Piro, without prejudice to the rights which third parties may have acquired by a more favourable decree: provided, however, the said De Piro should pay the special duty and the other charges imposed on the said title, and which must be liquidated in favour of the Treasury, as stated in the decree of the 12th February 1826, in which it was declared that the payment of that duty had been suspended. By His Highness’s orders I forward these presents to you for your information and for all intents and purposes. May God preserve you for many years. The Under Secretary – Madrid, September 28, 1870 (signed) URAN C.Z. MONSAN

The same title of Marquis was again revived in favour of Anthony Buttigieg de Piro, by a letter of the Ministry of Grace and Justice in Spain, dated November 13, 1987.


As the title originated in the Kingdom of Castile in Spain, it could not be held to form part of the Maltese Nobility unless it was registered in the Government Cancelleria and of the High Court of the Castellania.

In 1739, the then Grand Master Depuig had enacted a law introducing the concept of extending a form of precedence to even holders of foreign titles. The relative law is reproduced hereunder:- 

Hosplis Mgr et Hierlem Sti. Sepulchri. – Per togliere le differenze di precedenze tra le persone che saranno promosse alla giurazie dell’ Universita’ della Notabile e della Valletta, vogliamo, ordiniamo e comandiamo che tutte siano precedue dagli infrascritti, e che fra queti si regoli la precedena call’ ordine seguente cioe’: Primieramente, chi fu Capitano della Verga della Sudetta Citta’ Notabile e nostra Isola di Malta.; Secondo. Il Titolato che ha un titolo fondato sopra un feudo in realta’ esistente qui, benche’ non lo possegga.; Terzo. Il titolato che non ha un titolo fondato sopra fondo realmenteesistente nel nostro Dominio, registrato che sia il titolo nella Cancelleria nella nostra Religione e nella Gran Corte della nostra Castellania, e pagato per i rispettivi registramenti il diritto di scudi cento sedici di questa moneta, da dividersi per meta’ tra la Cancelleria e la Castellania sudetta.; Quarto. Il discendente per linea mascolina da chi fu Capitano della Verga, se vive colle proprie rendite, e se i di lui ascendente intermedie vissero pure colle proprie rendite.; Quinto. Il discendente per linea mascolina da un titolo con titolo fondato sopra un feudo qui realmente esistente, se vive colle proprierendite, e se i suoi ascendenti intermedie cosi vissero; Sesto. Chi fu primo Giurato della Notabile; Settimo. Chi fu primo Giurato della Valletta; Ottavo. Il piu’ anziani di Giurazia di quella Universita’ dellaquale sara’ creato giurato.; Nono. Chi fu Giudice d’Appello Criminale o Civile della Gran Corte della Castellania e della Corte Capitanale e Governatoriale; Diecimo. Il Dottore di Leggi ed il Dottore di Medicina.: – Dichiariamo che fra le persone d’un stesso grado si deve attendere l’anzianita’ del titolo primordiale e che chiunque fu Giurato, se sara’ fatto Console di Mare, fra i quali s’attendera l’anzianitad’ufficio. Dat. In Palatio, die xvi. Septembris 1739 (f. Despuig) 

The latter enactment was amended in 1795 by the then Grand Master Rohan as follows:

Hosplis Magr. Hierlem. Sti. Sepulchri, et Ordinis Sti Antonii, Viennensis Essendo una massima universalmente ricevuto, che il maggior lustro della Nobilta’ principalmente dipende dalla sua maggiore antichita’, niente che il piu’ giusto e ragionevole che il piu’ antico Nobile preceda il piu’ moderno. Siamo pertanto venuti nella determinazione di Ordinare che nel regolarsi la precedenza tra le persone Nobile di questo nostro Dominio, cosi’ primogeniti che cadetti indistintamente, si abbioa ad avere unicamente riguardo alla maggiore o minore antichita’ del titolo che nobilito le loro famiglie, e cio tanto se il titolo sara’ stato concesso da Noi o Nostri predecessori, che se lo avessero ottenuto da Principi esteri, purche’ pero sara’ stato questo debitamente registrato nella Nostra Cancelleria e Gran Corte della Castellania; nel consorso pero’ di ugual data quello nella di cui persona concorreranno piu’ titoli dovra’ essere preferito, all’ altro che ne avesse meno, secondo la graduazione stabilita nel Chirografo Magisteriale del Nostro Predecessore Gran Maestro Despuig di Gl. Em. Del 16 Sept 1739, quale in quelle parti che non contradicono la questa nostra disposizione intendiamo di pienamente confermare.Datum in Palatio die xvii Martii 1795 (f.) Rohan

It follows therefore that on the basis of the aforesaid enactments, the title of Marquis de Piro as granted in 1742 could only enjoy a precedence in Malta from the day it was registered in the legal registries.

In fact this title was duly registered in Malta on the 8 October 1743.  


After the Capitulation of the Order of Saint John the new French Rulers formally abolished all titles of nobility. (General Napoleon Bonaparte issued two orders dated 13 and 16 June 1798 prohibiting the use of any title “ORDRE (1) QUARTIER GENERAL DE MALTE, LE 25 PRAIRAL, AN VI (13 JUIN 1798): Le General en Chef ordonne……(ARTICLE 2.)… Toutes les armoires seront abbatues dans l’ espace de 24 heures. Il est defendu de porter dest livrees, ni aucune marque et titre distinctif de noblesse. ORDRE (2) AU QUARTIER GENERAL DE MALTE, LE 28 PRAIRAL, AN VI (16 JUIN 1798): Bonaparte Membre de l’Istitut National, General-en-Chef ordonne…(ARTICLE CINQUIEME)….Dix jours apres la publication du present ordre, il est defendu d’avoir des armoires soit dans l’interieur, soit a l’exterieur des maisons, de cacheter des lettres avec des armoires, ou de prendre des titres feodaux. ……(ARTICLE DOUZIEME)….Tous les contrevenants aux articles cidessous, seront condamnes pour la premier fois, a une amende du tiers de leurs revenus; pour la seconde fois, a trois mois de prison; pour la troisieme fois a un an de prison; pour la quatrieme fois, a la deportation de l’ile de Malte, et a la confiscation de la moitie de leurs biens. Il devra toujours y avoir 10 jours d’intervalle entre la recidive.” 

Another Order was issued by Bosredon Ransijat, President of the Commission du Gouvernement dated 18 Messidor Year 6 (6 July 1798), where it was enacted that all honorary titles should be burnt on the 14th of that month and that every holder of a title should carry his patent at the Arbre de la Liberté. 

The French in turn lost Malta in 1800 to a contingent raised by Captain Ball and Admiral Nelson. Malta later became a British Protectorate after the Treaty of Paris of 1814.  

In time, the use of nobiliary titles was resumed. However, it appears that this use was unregulated. 

In 1870 the Marchese Giorgio Crispo Barbaro published a compendium of the “Maltese Nobility and the Maltese Gentry holding Foreign Titles”. In that publication Giorgio Crispo Barbaro describes the Captain Saverio De Piro, R.M.F.A. as a Maltese Gentleman holding the foreign title of “Marquis of Castiglia (Depiro)”. – See full text of the Crispo Barbaro’s book at

In that book, Crispo Barbaro adds a note to the effect that he had not read the terms of the original grant. 

Eventually, the British Secretary of State for the Colonies commissioned a report in 1876, on those titles alleged to have been conferred to Maltese families before the annexation of Malta to the British Dominions, namely 1800. The Commissioners’ Report and Supplemental Report were published in 1878 together with relative correspondence. 


In 1878, this title was claimed by Saverio de Piro. 

The Royal Commissioners held that in view of the 1870 revival by the Kingdom of Spain in favour of Saverio de Piro, it was unnecessary to investigate the claim any further and concluded that Saverio de Piro was the then lawful holder of the title originally granted in 1742.


The same title of Marquis was again revived in favour of Anthony Buttigieg de Piro, by a letter of the Ministry of Grace and Justice in Spain, dated November 13, 1987.


Some argue that the title has been rendered Maltese. This has no basis whatsoever on the findings of the 1878 Commission. 

Some publications show that the title was enjoyed at some time between 1870 and 1987 by other persons. It is clear that the only the King of Spain is the relevant “Fons Honorum” for the title of Marquis as created in 1742 in favour of Gio Pio de Piro. 


According to the 1878 Report, this title was considered after the title of “Conte” enjoyed by the Family Ciantar Wzzini Paleologo, and before the title of “Barone” conferred by Maria Theresa Empress of Austria on the 31 March 1768 upon Giorgio Fournier. 

As from the year 1886, the holder of this title of Nobility became entitled to be styled “The Most Noble”. 

The holder of this title was accorded a precedence in Malta The presumed successor of this title is by custom entitled to be styled Marchesino de Piro. 

Other descendants of the various holders of this title are by custom entitled to be styled dei Marchesi de Piro.


Since 1975, titles of nobility are no longer recognized in the Republic of Malta by Act 29 of 1975 dated 17 October 1975. 


The genealogy of the Marquises de Piro is as follows:

1st creation (1742) 

·         Barone D. Gio Pio de Piro 

1st Revival (1870)

·         D. Xavier (Saverio) De Piro 

2nd Revival (1987)

·         D. Anthony Buttigieg de Piro 



(1)         Creation of title of Marques De Piro in the Kingdom of Spain by Philip V, King of Spain, together with creation and immediate suppression of title of “Viscount of Caterly” on the 6 November 1742 in favour of the Baroen D. Gio Pio De Piro. (Official Archives of Secretariat of Grace and Justice of the Kingdom of Castile (Spain))

(2)         Revival of title of Marques De Piro originally granted to Gio Pio de Piro in 1742 in favour of D. Xavier De Piro on the 28 September 1870 (Official Archives of Secretariat of Grace and Justice of the Kingdom of Castile (Spain)) 

(3)         Revival of title of Marques De Piro originally granted to Gio Pio de Piro in 1742 in favour of D. Anthony Buttigieg de Piro on the 13 November 1987 (Official Archives of Secretariat of Grace and Justice of the Kingdom of Castile (Spain)) 


(1)         Note of Registration dated 8 October 1743 of title conferred in 1742 to the Barone D. Gio Pio de Piro. (Recorded in the Archives of the Order, National Library, Malta Ref. AOM 627, unpaginated)

(2)         Matter of revival of title of Marquis in favour of Saverio De Piro described in Letter dated 20 October 1870 (Archives and Correspondence at British Financial Secretary’s Department of the War Office)



(5)         Copies or Extracts of Correspondence with reference to the Maltese Nobility (In continuation of C3812, August 1883), presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty May 1886 (C-4628a) 

(6)         John Montalto, “The Nobles of Malta 1530-1800” (Midsea Books, Malta, 1980)







(6) [29-33] A propósito de la soberanía mediatizada de la Orden de Malta, un título de Castilla concedido en 1742 a un barón maltés: el Marquesado de Piro, por el Dr. Marqués de la Floresta

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