The ancestry of 

Vanessa Lorefice nee Seychell, (1977-.

(in progression to Seven generations)

Then linked to corresponding genealogical pages. General Seven will have hyperlinks to related genealogies.

Last Update: 31-07-2023.

Generation 1:

1. Vanessa Seychell, (1977-. married to Lucio Riccardo Lorefice.

Generation 2 :

2. Martin Seychell, (1956-.

3. Anna Aquilina, married 1977 Valletta.

Generation 3 :

4. Baldassare Seychell.

5. Paola Swain, married 1946 Valletta.

6. Emanuele Aquilina.

7. Margaret Abela, married 1955 Valletta.

Generation 4 :

8. Saviour Seichel.

9. Paola Aquilina, married 1923 Rabat Malta.

10. Charles Carlo Swain.

11. Pia Gatt, married 1918 Valletta.

12. Giuseppe Aquilina.

13. Giuseppa Vella, married 1910 Valletta.

14. Giulio Abela.

15. Rosaria Cachia, married 1915 Valletta.

Generation 5 :.

16. Baldassare Seichel.

17. Maddalena Xuereb, married 1886 Valletta.

18. Francesco Aquilina.

19. Maria Grazia Micallef, married 1877 Dingli.

20. Giuseppe Swain.

21. Paola Magri, married 1875 Valletta.

22. Antonio Gatt.

23. Lucrezia Rapinett, married 1883 Valletta.

24. Angelo Aquilina.

25. Giovanna Ebejer, married 1878 Valletta.

26. Giovanni Vella.

27. Antonia Cassar, married 1892 Valletta.

28. Spiridone Abela.

29. Concetta Sghendo, married 1880 Valletta.

30. Michele Cachia.

31. Carmela Borg, married 1890 Valletta.

Generation 6 :

32. Nobile Romano Seichel.

33. Nobile Anna Vassallo, married 1849 Valletta.

34. Antonio Xuereb.

35. Margherita Grima, married 1858 Valletta.

36. Giovanni Aquilina.

37. Maria Portelli, married 1850 Mdina.

38. Salvatore Micallef.

39. Anna Fenech, married 1853 Mdina.

40. Carlo Swain.

41. Loreta Cataldo, married 1841 Vittoriosa.

42. Saverio Magri.

43. Vittoria Mallia, married 1851 Valletta.

44. Giuseppe Gatt.

45. Rosa Zahra, married 1854 Valletta.

46. Carlo Rapinett.

47. Carmela Vella, married 1863 Valletta.

48. Salvatore Aquilina.

49. Nobile Maria Zammut, married 1828 Valletta.

50. Angelo Ebejer.

51. Teresa Calleja, married 1852 Attard.

52. Lorenzo Vella.

53. Angela Camilleri, maried 1846 Mosta.

54. Giuseppe Cassar.

55. Maria Gatt, married 1847 Zejtun.

56. Paolo Abela.

57. Natalizia Bilocca, married 1852 Valletta.

58. Giuseppe Sghendo.

59. Maria Mangion, married 1842 Birkirkara.

60. Salvatore Cachia.

61. Giovanna Xiortino, married 1857 Zebbug.

62. Emmanuele Borg.

63. Giuditta Schembri, married 1869 Valletta.

Generation 7:.

64. Nobile Gio Battista Seichel. [1]

65. Caterina Camilleri Ruttin, married 1803 Valletta, widow of Gregorio Spiteri. [2]

66. Nobile Angelo Vassallo.

67. Rosa Galea, married 1814 Mdina.

68. Rosario Xuereb.

69. Maddalena Borg, married 1826 Valletta.

70. Francesco Grima.

71. Antonia Cachia, married 1826 Valletta.

72. Lorenzo Aquilina.

73. Rosa Bugeja, married 1827 Mdina.

74.Francesco Portelli.

75. Teresa Dalli, married 1823 Mdina.

76. Antonio Micallef.

77. Grazia Tonna, married 1807 Mdina.

78. Giovanni Fenech.

79. Margherita Bonnici, married 1814 Zebbug.

80. Samuele Swain of England.

81. Anna N.

82. Sig Tomaso Cataldo of Rome.

83. Maria Ciappara, marreid 1809 Cospicua.

84. Francesco Magri.

85. Nobile Teresa Abela, married 1833 Valletta.

86. Andrea Mallia.

87. Giuseppa Falzon, married 1831 Qrendi.

88. Antonio Gatt.

89. Elisabetta Farrugia, married 1815 Valletta.

90. Agostino Zahra.

91. Maria Mercieca, married 1827 Valletta.

92. Francesco  Rapinett.

93. Sapienza Ellul, married 1820 Valletta.

94. Don Gerardo Giovanni Maria Vella.

95. Grazia Chetcuti, married 1840 Attard.

96. Felice Aquilina.

97. Teresa Mangion, married 1790 Rabat, Gozo.

98. Nobile Giovanni Maria Zammut.

99. Teresa Axiach, married 1790 Birkirkara.

100. Vincenzo Ebejer.

101. Francesca Farrugia, married 1820 Naxxar.

102. Giuseppe Calleja.

103. Grazia Buttigieg, married 1824 Nadur Gozo.

104. Giovanni Vella.

105. Margherita Calleja, married 1811 Mosta.

106. Damiano Camilleri.

107. Nobile Maria Giuseppa Bugeja dei Baroni di Ghajn Rihani, married 1826 Mosta.

108. Pietro Cassar.

109. Vincenza Abela, married 1820 Zejtun.

110. Giuseppe Gatt.

111. Teodora Bonnici, married 1828 Zejtun.

112. Giovanni Maria Abela.

113. Antonia de Xicluna, married 1811 Valletta.

114. Aloisio Bilocca.

115. Paola Mangion, married 1818 Valletta.

116. Felice Sghendo.

117. Clara Camilleri, married 1807 Mdina.

118. Gio Maria Mangion.

119. Teresa Formosa, married 1816 Rabat Gozo.

120. Michele Cachia.

121. Giovanna Pisano, married 1805 Valletta.

122. Gio Maria Xiortino.

123. Nobile Maria Vassallo, 1835 Zebbug.

124. Francesco Borg.

125. Rosa Carmela Camilleri, married 1841 Valletta.

126. Giuseppe Schembri.

127. Rosa Mifsud, married 1840 Zejtun.


[1] – Nobile Gio Battista Seichel direct ancestor;

Abi bin Husayn a-Kalbi, (c. 850-900), (son of Husayn a-Kalbi 800-860), Commander under the Aghlabids of Afrikiya, married to Princess Muna Aghlabids of Afrikiya, with issue.

1. Ali a-Kalbi of Arab Banu Kalb Tribe, Tunisia, A general under the Fatimids of Tunis and Sicily, (d. 938 Agrigento, Sicily), married to Princess Richilda. of Cordova, (d/o Abdullah,7th Emir of Cordova and Princess Onneca Fortunez of Pamplona), with issue.

1.1. Al-Hasan al Kalbi, (911-954)Governor of Tunis, Emir of Sicily and Malta (r. 947-954), Was the first Kalbid Emir of Sicily. A member of an aristocratic family within the ruling circle of the Fatimid Caliphate, he helped suppress the great revolt of Abu Yazid in 943–947 and was the sent as governor of Sicily from 948 until 953, when he returned to Ifriqiya. He was succeeded in Sicily by his son Ahmad ibn al-Hasan al-Kalbi, but led several campaigns in Sicily and southern Italy against the Byzantines in 955–958, as well as the raid against Almeria that sparked a brief conflict with the Caliphate of Córdoba in 955. He died at Palermo in 964, during another campaign against the Byzantines. 

As evidenced by his nisba, Hasan hailed from the Arab Banu Kalb tribe, and belonged to an aristocratic family established in Ifriqiya since the Muslim conquest of the Maghreb. The family had evidently embraced the Fatimid regime after the overthrow of the Aghlabids in 909, and his father Ali had served the Fatimids with distinction, being killed by the rebellious populace in Agrigento in 938, and both Hasan and his brother Ja’far were close associates of Jawdhar, the powerful chamberlain and chief minister of Caliph al-Mansur Billah Hasan first came to prominence during the Kharijite revolt of Abu Yazid, which lasted from 944 to 947 and spread across Ifriqiya, almost resulting in the downfall of the Fatimid Caliphate. During this conflict, Hasan made Constantine his base, and with the aid of the Kutama Βerbers was able to reclaim for the Fatimids the north of Ifriqiya, including Béja and Tunis, of which he was appointed governor. Following the death of Abu Yazid and the end of his revolt, Caliph al-Mansur sent him to Sicily, where another revolt had broken out in Palermo in April 947, overthrowing the Fatimid governor, Abu Attaf. At the same time the Byzantines, encouraged by Fatimid weakness, had stopped paying the tribute agreed in 932 for their possessions in Sicily and southern Italy. Sailing to Sicily, Hasan suppressed the rebellion in Palermo with such swiftness and severity that the Byzantines hastened to pay three years’ worth of arrears of the tribute, although it is unclear whether this was done by the central government in Constantinople or was a local initiative. At the same time, the Byzantines came into contact with the Fatimids’ western rivals, the Umayyad Caliphate of Córdoba in al-Andalus, for joint action against the Fatimids. Emperor Constantine VII also sent reinforcements to Italy under the commanders Malakenos and Makroioannes, which arrived at Otranto and united with the local forces of the theme of Calabria under its strategos, Paschalios. In response, Hasan notified al-Mansur and asked for reinforcements. An army of 7,000 cavalry and 3,500 infantry was prepared, and under the command of the eunuch Faraj Muhaddad arrived at Palermo in June 951. A year later, in June/July, the two Fatimid commanders sailed from Sicily and invaded Calabria, attacking several towns, including Gerace and Cassano. The Byzantine troops not only failed to confront them, but withdrew to Bari, and the besieged towns preferred to ransom themselves than suffer the consequences of a sack. After Cassano, the Fatimids withdrew to their winter quarters at Messina, although al-Mansur had commanded them to remain in Italy. The Caliph sharply rebuked the commanders and ordered them to return to the Italian mainland, but this did not happen until the next spring. On 7 May 952, Hasan defeated the Byzantine army under Malakenos and Paschalios at Gerace. He then laid siege to the town and sacked Petracucca. Following the defeat at Gerace, Constantine VII sent an envoy, John Pilatos, who arranged a truce with Hasan, followed by a treaty concluded on 7 September before al-Mansur. Not only did the Byzantines agree to resume payment of tribute, but before leaving Calabria, Hasan erected a mosque at Reggio and had the Byzantines swear to respect the Muslims’ right to worship and call the prayer there, and that any Muslim prisoner who sought refuge there would be set free. The treaty also stipulated that “as much as a single stone” were removed from it, all churches in Sicily and Ifriqiya would be razed. Following the death of al-Mansur on 19 March 953, Hasan returned to Ifriqiya to present himself to the new ruler, al-Mu’izz. There he remained thereafter, retaining his position as one of the chief commanders, and as head of the Kalbid family. His post as governor in Sicily passed to his son Ahmad. This dynastic succession heralded the beginning of Kalbid rule over Sicily as Fatimid viceroys, which lasted until the civil strife and the political fragmentation of the island in the 1030s

In 955, war was renewed, when an Andalusian merchant ship intercepted a Fatimid ship carrying diplomatic correspondence; fearing that it would alert Fatimid privateers, the Andalusians not only removed its rudder, but took along the case containing the dispatches it carried. Enraged, al-Mu’izz ordered Hasan to pursue, but he was unable to catch the ship before it reached the port of Almeria. Without hesitating, Hasan took his squadron into the harbour, plundered it and the arsenal, burned the Umayyad ships anchored there, and returned to Ifriqiya. The Umayyads responded by sending admiral Ghalib with a fleet of 70 vessels to Ifriqiya. The Umayyad fleet raided the port of al-Kharaz and the environs of Susa and Tabarqa. Fatimid sources report that the Umayyads proposed joint action with Byzantium, but although an expeditionary force under Marianos Argyros was sent to Italy, it occupied itself with suppressing local revolts rather than engaging the Fatimids, and the Byzantine envoys offered to renew and extend the existing truce. Al-Mu’izz however, determined to expose the Umayyads’ collaboration with the infidel enemy and emulate the achievements of his father, refused. The Caliph dispatched two fleets to Sicily, the first under Hasan’s brother Ammar ibn Ali al-Kalbi, and the second later under Hasan himself and Jawhar al-Siqilli. The Fatimid sources report that the Byzantine fleet was heavily defeated in the Straits of Messina, and that the Fatimids plundered Calabria, whereupon Marianos Argyros visited the caliphal court and arranged for a renewal of the truce. In 957 however the Byzantines under the protokarabos Basil destroyed the mosque at Reggio and raided Termini, near Palermo. Hasan suffered heavy losses in a storm off Mazara, which dispersed his fleet and killed many of the crews; the survivors were then attacked by the Byzantines, who destroyed 12 ships. Another effort by Argyros to renew the truce in autumn failed, and in the next year, Hasan and Ammar defeated his forces in Sicily. However, Emperor Constantine VII sent reinforcements to Italy and soon after, as it was returning from Calabria to Sicily, the Fatimid fleet was again wrecked in a storm, in which Ammar perished (on 24 September 958, according to the Cambridge Chronicle). As a result, al-Mu’izz accepted the proposals for a renewed five-year truce in 958. Following the Byzantine reconquest of Crete in 960–961, where the Fatimids, constrained by their truce with the Empire and the distances involved, were unable or unwilling to interfere, the Fatimids once more turned their attention to Sicily, where they decided to reduce the remaining Byzantine outposts: Taormina, the forts in the Val Demone and Val di Noto, and Rometta. Taormina fell to Hasan’s son Ahmad on Christmas Day 962, after more than nine months of siege, and in the next year his cousin, al-Hasan ibn Ammar al-Kalbi, laid siege to Rometta. The garrison of the latter sent for aid to Emperor Nikephoros II Phokas, who prepared a major expedition, led by the patrikios Niketas Abalantes and his own nephew, Manuel Phokas, which landed at Messina in October 964. At the same time, Hasan led Berber troops as reinforcements to Sicily to assist the efforts to capture Rometta. While the Fatimid army defeated the Byzantines before Rometta and then destroyed their fleet at the Battle of the Straits, Hasan himself remained in Palermo, where he died in November/December 964 at the age of 53. Married to Princess N of Byzantine, (d/o Constantine VII), with issue.

1.1.3. Princess N. Kalbid, married to Commander Muhammad bin al-Hasan Kalbi, (See below), with issue. Abd’Allah bin MuhammadEmir of Sicily and Malta, (r. 985-986), married to Princess N. Kalbid, (see above), with issue. Abu l’Futuh YusafEmir of Sicily and Malta, (r. 990-998), married to Princess Isolda of Salerno, with issue. Hasan Samsam al-Dawla IEmir of Sicily, (r. 1035-1053)Malta, (r. 1053-1060), The fourth son of Emir Abu l’Futuh Yusaf of Sicily, and a Spoleton Princess, he never assumed he was going to succeed as Emir. Though after a few battles and urspers within the family and with the Normans, he found himself as Emir. Succeeded his second brother, Ahmad l’Akhal in 1035 and then marrying a kinswomen from the family. The battles within the family continue to grow and same with the constant battles with the Normans. The Normans had won a few battles to a point where in 1053, Hasan Samsam al-Dawla I handed over the keys to Palermo to the de Hauteville victors. With agreement that he may move his remaining family to Malta and continue rule there. Various relatives held out in key cities in Sicily, once Hakims now Emirs from 1053 and held out for twenty so years till the Normans defeated them all.

In Malta, his reign was short but glad to form an alliance and guidance of the de Hauteville’s, which set the family to rule in Malta till 1240 and as Hakims till 1356. By that stage, the family had grown so big, that left a mark in Malta with descendants with blue-blooded Arabic origins with claims of descent to Charlemagne and to Muhammad.

migrated to Malta and continued as Emir, married to (neice) Princess N. of Kalbid, (see above). Jafar IV, (1035-)Emir of Malta, (r. 1060-1070), Born in Palermo, when his father was still Emir of Sicily and had many battles and disputes within the family trying to keep the Emirates within order. Giving members of the family positions in large towns accross Sicily to ensure that the Island was peaceful. Then the Norman battles came from Calabria and in 1053 they won. His father lost Sicily, though cousins still retain towns accross Sicily for a number of years. His father petiton to move to Malta and continue his Emir position of rule there. Agreements sought and the move was peaceful to the capital Mdina, where the Hakims lived. His father reigned till 1060 dying in Mdina. Succession at the age of 25 and paying tribute to the de Hautevilles was acknowledged. The reign was quite short, though peaceful. Married to Princess Joanna Kalbid, (Cousin), with issue. Jafar V, (1060-)Emir of Malta, (r. 1070-88), Born in the first year of his father’s succession in 1060 and succeeded at the age of 10. Now the third Emir of Malta in direct rule and reign quietly and almost unheard of, other then marrying into the de Hauteville family forming alliance with the newly established County and Kingdom of Sicily. Dying at the age of 28 and succeeded by his child aged son. Married to Cassandra d’Altavilla, with issue. Hasan Samsam al-Dawla II, (1078-)Emir of Malta, (r. 1088-1115), Born in 1078 under his father’s reign and his mother was a member of the royal family of Sicily. His father reign a short period before dying at a young age, succession at the age of 10 with the guidance of the Hakims and council help ensure the Emirates rule was well guided with the Sicilian authorities. Paying tribute to the Sicilian authorities in 1090 with Count Roger de Hauteville of Sicily with the acceptance of being able to continue rule with his Hakims in Malta and Gozo and their faith, though a taxation system was to be fed back to Sicily. Also due to the ongoing alliances of marriages with most of the Emirs, Hasan Samsam al-Dawla was able to marry in ordinance of the Muslin faith and marry distant cousin-heiress, whose father once reign as Emir of Catania and Syracusa, now Hakim of Malta. Count Roger I of Sicily accepted no further troubles as long as Malta followed the rules set out, the Emir could reign freely. Incidently, both families had intermarried with each other as you can see in the genealogy. Though from a history point of view, nothing was recorded regarding any Arabic connections. All deleted and scrubbed out. The Alliances formed was very common with ruling families, particularly to obtain bloodlines to newly established de Hauteville family. (Met and surrended under Count Roger de Hauteville of Sicily 1090), married (1) to Princess Richilde Kalbid, (see below), married (2) to Princess Aisha bin Ali of Tunis, with issue. (First marriage) Jafar VI, (1100-)Emir of Malta, (r. 1115-1132), Jafar was born under his father’s reign and succeeded at the age of 15 in 1115. Paid tribute to the Normans in Sicily and basically were left alone in Malta to rule. His mother was a relative who reign in Syracusa and Catania till 1086 when Muslin rule ended and majority of the family migrated to Malta or converted to Christianity to save themselves from exile or death. His marriage was around 1118 to a Sicilian Norman noblewomen. Married to Lucia Ruggero, with issue. Hasan Samsam al-Dawla III, (1123-), Emir of Malta, (r. 1132-88),  Born in 1123, while his father reign as Emir and succeeded in 1132 at the age of 9. His mother was of Sicilian Norman nobility and they paid tribute to King Roger II. Married around 1149 to a kinswomen of Sicilian Norman nobility. Under his reign as Emir, paid tribute in 1154 to King William I and again in 1166 to King William II. The alliance between Malta and Sicily was pretty cordial though Malta became a fiefdom and sold to a Privateer. Who in turn received taxes from Malta. Fortunately the Count did not get involved in the local politics or changed any aspect to systems that was the norm. Under his rule, he had three long term Hakims of Malta and Gozo which basically kept Malta laws and orders under control. His rule was based in Mdina where he was guided by a council mostly formed with members of the royal family of Kalbid. Married to Richilde di San Severino, with issue. Jafar VII, (1150-), Emir of Malta, (r. 1188-95), A short reign, succeeding at the age of 33, marrying a Sicilian noblewomen and reign for nearly seven years. Spent time in Europe supporting Sicily in battles and disputes and also ensuring that the Kalbids were totally in Support of the Kingdom of Sicily. Upon succession in 1188, paid tributes to a number of Sovereigns of Sicily. Initially to King William II in 1188, then 1189 to King Tancred I in 1189, then King Roger III in 1193, William III in 1194, Queen Constance I and King Henry I in 1194, then dying in 1195. Succeeded by his 22 year old son, Hasan Samsam al-Dawla IV. Married to Zuna di Angerio di Corteinpiano, with issue. Hasan Samsam al-Dawla IV, (1173-), Emir of Malta, (1195-1233), Born under his grandfather’s reign, son to a Sicilian noblewomen in 1173, though his grandfather dying in 1188 after 56 years as Emir, his father succeeded but reign till 1195. A short reign as Malta was prospering and Malta was casted as a fiefdom for the Sicilians to make further domination. The rule in Malta was populated by the Muslins and the Emir had a greater say in the affairs of state. As long as taxes were paid to the true authorities. During the rule of his father, he married a Sicilian noblewomen and produced a small family. Not much else is known, though by 1195 Hasan Samsam al-Dawla succeeded as Emir.

His first call to duty was to pay tribute to Queen Constance I, Henry I then in 1198 to Emperor Friederick I. His reign was largely unknown though reign for 38 years without any problems or changes to the rule of thumb. Under his reign, he had three Hakims of Malta and two Hakims of Gozo. The Hakims tend to rule for a number of years and were mostly elected from the large pool of family that moved to Malta from Sicily after the Muslin rule ended in the 13th century. Married to Viva di Castelvetere, with issue. Jafar VIII, (1195-1248), Last Emir of Malta, (r. 1233-40), Jafar was born in 1195 at the begining of his father’s reign in Mdina. His mother was a member of the Sicilian freshly established nobility by the Normans and the closeness of both the Royal family and the nobility in Sicily with the Emir’s rule in Malta was respectful as long as all tributes, taxes and laws were abide by. The population in Malta was at least 80% muslin faith and as Emir from 1233 was to ensure the island was producing stock and making an income for all to be able to survive especially in the drought seasons. When Jafar succeeded his father in 1233, his first job was to head to Palermo and pay tribute to Emperor Friederick I, King of Sicily’s representatives. The Mutual agreements by both parties were satisfactory to a point where Malta was virtually left alone as long as taxes were paid. Jafar had also a Hakim in Malta and in Gozo to ensure that the citizens were kept under law and order. The Sicilian government also had its representatives in Malta and also being a fiefdom, the income made by Malta was given to the fiefdom owner. The Emir had a small share and both Hakims received an income. Jafar had married a daughter of a Byzantine Emperor when he was in the Byzantine empire with members of the Sicilian nobility and brough Euphrosyne back to Malta and sired several children.

In the short reign of Jafar trouble was brewing from the fiefdom owner regarding taxes and lack of stock producing, hence the drought periods Malta was experiencing. Meetings with the Sicilian representives and Palermo regarding Jafar handling and looking at ending his rule as Emir, giving the fiefdom holder greater power and control of Malta. So in 1240, without any blood shed, Jafar abdicated and left to live in Mdina as a citizen of Malta, dying in 1248. The family members continued to be elected as Hakims in Malta and Gozo till 1356 when only Christians were elected thereafter. Married to Princess Euphrosyne Angelos, with issue. Prince Sa’id Kalbid, (1215-1239), Hereditary Prince-Emir of Malta (1233-1239), Hakim of Malta(r. 1233-), married to Yolanda de Lorenzo, with issue. Prince Sa’id bin Sai’id Kabid, (1235-), Hereditary Prince-Emir of Malta (1239-1240), Hakim of Malta, (1260-80), married to Princess Viva bin Seykil Kalbid, (see below), with issue. Nobile Sa’id Kabid, (1255-), Hereditary Pretender Emir of Malta 1280-1300, Hakim of Malta, (1280-1300), married to Nobile Tomasa bin Calafat, (see below), with issue. Prince Seykil bin Hasan Samsam, (1200-), Hakim of Malta, (1239-1240), married to Princess N bin Habeir bin Jafar, (see below), with issue. Prince Hasan Samsam bin Seykil, (1230-), Hakim of Malta (1250-1260), married to Princess N bin Tabuni, (see below), with issue. Prince Seykil bin Hasan Samsam, (1200-), Hakim of Malta, (1239-1240), married to Princess N bin Habeir bin Jafar, with issue. Prince Hasan Samsam bin Seykil, (1230-), Hakim of Malta (1250-1260), married to Princess N bin Tabuni,  with issue. Nobile Seykil bin Hasan Samsam, (1255-), married with issue. Nobile Marinu Seykil, (1280-), married with issue. Nobile Dardu Seykil, (1300-), married with issue. Nobile Marinu Seykil, (1330-), married with issue. Nobile Antoni Seykil, (1360-), Listed in the Milita List 1419-1420., married with issue. Nobile Marinu Seykil, (1385-), Listed in the Milita List 1419-1420, married with issue. Nobile Antoni Seykil, (1410-), married with issue. Nobile Marino Seykil, (1440-), married with issue. Nobile Pietro Seichel, (1470-), married with issue. Nobile Pietro Petruzzo Seichel, (1490-), married 1522 (Notary Consalvo Cansciur) to Paola Buttigieg, with issue. Nobile Martino Seichel, (1) married 1560 to Elizabetta Scotto, married (2) 1622 Qormi to Gioannella di Lorenzo, with issue. (First marriage) Nobile Silvestro Seichel, married 1602 Qormi to Paolina Mamo, with issue. Nobile Francesco Seichel, married 1652 Valletta to Nobile Caterina dei Baroni Barberi, with issue. Nobile Vincenzo Seichel, married 1679 Vittoriosa to Maria Decace, with issue. Nobile Michele Seichel, married 1713 Valletta to Caterina Grech, with issue. Nobile Vincenzo Seichel, married 1740 Valletta to Maria Tonna, with issue. Nobile Gio Battista Seichel, married 1803 Valletta to Caterina Camilleri Ruttin, with issue. See above.

[2] – Caterina Camilleri Ruttin ancestry.

Don Franceschello Platamone, Barone del Mazzarone., married Donna Lucrezia d’Arezia, with issue. 1. Don Antonio Platamone, Barone del Mazzarone, married Nobile Giovanna Cumbo, with issue.

1.1. Donna Fiorenza Platamone dei Baroni del Mazzarone, married to Nobile Francesco Protopiati of Calabria, Italy, with issue.

1.1.1. Nobile Carlo Protopiati, married 1590 Senglea to Principessa Antonia di Ciprio, with issue. Eufemia Ramozetta, married 1661 to Giuseppe Risbe, with issue. Rosa Risbe, married Tommaso Vuiter (Rutter), Consul of England in Malta (r 1706-1714), with issue. Michele Angelo Vuiter (Rutter), Consul of England in Malta (r 1763-1787), married to Lady Maria Stefania Dudley, with issue. Paolo Camilleri, married 1780 Senglea to Carmela Ruttin sives Vuiter, with issue.  Caterina Camilleri Ruttin, married (1) 1789 Valletta to Gregorio Spiteri, married (2) 1803 Valletta to Nobile Gio Battista Seichel.

Ancestry Compiled: