List of Ancestry Completed.
The Ancestors of Kenneth Zammit Tabona.
Nine Generations of Ancestors.
Online: 21-04-2022.
Gen 1:
1. Kenneth Zammit Tabona, Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres 2021, France., Gieh San Giljan, (1956-, Artist, [Website].
Gen 2:
2. Alfred Zammit Tabona, (1908-).
3. Nobile Maria Carmela Debono, (1928-2017), married 1953.
Gen 3:
4. Vincenzo Zammit Tabona, (1870-).
5. Fortunata Formosa, married 1897 Floriana.
6. Nobile Dr Salvino Debono MD
7. Violet Mary Harding, married.
Gen 4:
8. Antonio Zammit Ta’bona, (1841-1923).
9. Giuseppa Bonavia, married 1855 Cospicua.
10. Carmelo Formosa.
11. Filomena Caruana, married 1866 Birkirkara.
12. Nobile Professor Dr Francesco Debono, (1861-1933).
13. Nobile Maria Carmela Caruana, married 1888 Valletta.
14. Henry Harding.
15. Henrietta Imbroll, married.
Gen 5:
16. Salvatore Zammit.
17. Caterina Fava, married 1835 Cospicua.
18. Paolo Bonavia.
19. Rosa Borda, married 1841 Cospicua.
20. Giuseppe Formosa.
21. Maria Galea, married 1810 Gharb Gozo.
22. Aloisio Caruana.
23. Maria Apap, married 1840 Rabat Gozo.
24. Nobile Salvatore Debono.
25. Margherita Cesal, married 1853 Valletta.
26. Nobile Pietro Paolo Caruana.
27. Concetta Cassar, married 1854 Valletta.
28. William Harding.
29. Giovanna Tanti, married 1864 Valletta.
30. Dr Carmelo Imbroll MD.
31. Susanna Zarb, married 1865 Valletta.
Gen 6:
32. Giovanni Zammit.
33. Orsola Borg, married 1784 Valletta.
34. Giovanni Fava.
35. Anna Abdilla Abela, married 1796 Cospicua.
36. Michele Bonavia.
37. Vincenta Dimech, married 1809 Cospicua.
38. Michele Borda.
39. Maria Scarpello, married 1822 Valletta.
40. Giovanni Formosa.
41. Angela Bugeja, married 1780 Rabat Gozo.
42. Rosario Galea.
43. Evangelista Formosa, married 1781 Gharb Gozo.
44. Mro Giuseppe Caruana.
45. Clara Borg, married 1809 Rabat Gozo.
46. Michele Angelo Apap.
47. Maria Camilleri, married 1817 Rabat Gozo.
48. Nobile Antonio Debono.
49. Gaetana Dingli, married 1815 Valletta.
50. Francesco Cesal.
51. Ignazia Camilleri, married 1835 Valletta.
52. Nobile Giuseppe Caruana.
53. Antonia Chetcuti, married 1829 Senglea.
54. Vincenzo Cassar.
55. Maria Anna Micallef, married 1813 Vittoriosa.
56. Robert Henry Harding of Warwick, England.
57. Anne Thompson.
58. Giovanni Giacomo Tanti.
59. Giuseppa Cassar, maried 1831 Valletta.
60. Judge Mro Giuseppe Imbroll.
61. Michelina Ellul, married 1830 Valletta.
62. Felice Zarb.
63. Caterina Galbarini, married in Genoa, Italy.
Gen 7:
64. Enrico Zammit.
65. Saveria Galea, married 1762 Valletta.
66. Salvatore Borg.
67. Maria Galdes, married 1767 Valletta.
68. Salvatore Fava.
69. Giovanna Pulis, married 1749 Zababr.
70. Michele Abdilla Abela.
71. Maria Cassar, married 1775 Cospicua.
72. Gioacchino Bonavia.
73. Maria Sinagra, married 1773 Zababr.
74. Paolo Dimech.
75. Maria Cachia, married 1783 Cospicua.
76. Antonio Borda.
77. Vincenza Deidun-Caja, married 1802 Cospicua.
78. Aloisio Scarpello.
79. Anna Critien, married 1792 Valletta.
80. Giuseppe Formosa.
81. Maria Pace, married 1754 Gharb Gozo.
82. Michele Angelo Bugeja.
83. Angelica Bonavia, married 1743 Rabat Gozo.
84. Felice Galea.
85. Angela Gauci, married 1755 Rabat Gozo.
86. Domenico Formosa.
87. Maria Zerafa, married 1755 Xaghra Gozo.
88. Antonio Caruana.
89. Caterina Gauci, married 1772 Rabat Gozo.
90. Antonio Borg.
91. Grazia Pace, married 1776 Rabat Gozo.
92. Daniele Apap.
93. Maria Custo, married 1791 Gharb Gozo.
94. Francesco Camilleri.
95. Anna Mercieca, married 1796 Matrice Gozo.
96. Nobile Francesco Debono.
97. Maria Debono Psaila, married 1784 Valletta.
98. Mario Dingli.
99. Anna Pace, married 1786 Valletta.
100. Antonio Cesal.
101. Margherita Camilleri, married 1802 Valletta.
102. Paolo Camilleri.
103. Maria Teresa Cesal, married 1810 Valletta.
104. Nobile Michele Caruana.
105. Calcedonia Frendo, married 1788 Senglea.
106. Saverio Chetcuti.
107. Caterina Portelli, married 1803 Vittoriosa.
108. Francesco Cassar.
109. Teresa de Battista, married 1785 Vittoriosa.
110. Antonio Micallef.
111. Teresa Schembri, married 1787 Cospicua.
112. N. Harding.
113. N.
114. N. Thompson.
115. N.
116. Francesco Tanti.
117. Nobile Anna Vassallo, married 1791 Valletta.
118. Michele Cassar.
119. Margherita Mercieca, married 1790 Vittoriosa.
120. Carmelo Imbroll.
121. Annunziata Xerri, married 1811 Valletta.
122. Angelo Ellul.
123. Vittoria Borg, married 1808 Valletta.
124. Giuseppe Zarb.
125. Caterina Portelli, married 1786 Valletta.
126. N. Galbarini.
127. N.
Gen 8:
128. Francesco Zammit.
129. Anna Galea, married 1743 Birkirkara.
130. Isidoro Teodoro Galea.
131. Maddalena Ellul, married 1737 Valletta.
132. Andrea Borg.
133. Nobile Maria Vassallo dei Baroni di Ghajn Rihani, married 1738 Zebbug.
134. Antonio Galdes.
135. Francesca Bugeja, married 1749 Zejtun.
136. Gio Maria Fava.
137. Benedetta Cilia, married 1717 Qormi.
138. Luca Pulis.
139. Maria Abela, married 1720 Zebbug.
140. Aloisio Abdilla Abela.
141. Caterina Xuereb, married 1732 Cospicua.
142. Giovanni Cassar.
143. Anna Maria de Fabre, Libertine de la Signore Agretis Fabre, married 1709 Vittoriosa.
144. Michele Bonavia.
145. Anna Bonavia Stafrag, married 1728 Zabbar.
146. Gio Battista Sinagra.
147. Teresa Rosa Agius, married 1743 Mdina.
148. Angelo Dimech.
149. Rosa Farrugia, married 1759 Vittoriosa.
150. Antonio Cachia.
151. Nobile Caterina Xuereb, married 1759 Cospicua.
152. Giuseppe Giovanni Borda.
153. Teresa Bonavia, married 1768.
154. Michele Deidun.
155. Maddalena Caja sives Caia, married 1774 Cospicua.
156. Lorenzo Scarpello.
157. Anna Maria Bandini, married 1754 Senglea.
158. Carlo Critien.
159. Caterina Bonavia, married 1760 Valletta.
160. Gio Battista Formosa.
161. Clemenza Cassar, married 1724 Valletta.
162. Tomaso Pace.
163. Rosa Farrugia, married 1728 Matrice Gozo.
164. Orazio Bugeja.
165. Rosa Spiteri, married 1707 Matrice Gozo.
166. Giuseppe Bonavia.
167. Paolica Farrugia, married 1717 Matrice Gozo.
168. Grazio Galea.
169. Rosa Saliba, married 1719 Zebbug, Gozo.
170. Francesco Gauci.
171. Rosa Gatt, married 1734 Matrice Gozo.
172. Marcello Formosa.
173. Orsola Cauchi, married 1716 Gharb, Gozo.
174. Giuseppe Zerafa.
175. Evangelista Gafa, married 1734 Zebbug, Gozo.
176. Tomaso Caruana.
177. Margherita Farrugia, married 1746 Rabat Gozo.
178. Giuseppe Gauci.
179. Domenichella Ciappisa, married 1740 Rabat Gozo.
180. Giuseppe Borg.
181. Giuseppa Grech, married 1747 Rabat Gozo.
182. Fabrizio Pace.
183. Maria Camenzuli, married 1747 Gharb, Gozo.
184. Gio Andrea Apap.
185. Lucrezia Caruana, married 1770 Nadur Gozo.
186. Pietro Paolo Custo.
187. Angela Rosaria Axach, married 1767 Gharb Gozo.
188. Antonio Camilleri.
189. Maria Debrincat, married 1748 Gharb, Gozo.
190. Francesco Mercieca.
191. Veronica Gatt, married 1747 Matrice Gozo.
192. Nobile Nicola Debono.
193. Maria Bartolo, married 1735 Valletta.
194. Vincenzo Debono.
195. Maddalena Psaila, married 1748 Valletta.
196. Michele Angelo Dingli.
197. Vittoria Xicluna, married 1745 Valletta.
198. Publio Pace.
199. Domenica Cilia, married 1753 Valletta.
200. Gioacchino Cesal.
201. Caterina Falzon, married 1763 Valletta.
202. Agostino Camilleri.
203. Maria Schembri, married 1769 Zurrieq.
204. Michele Camilleri.
205. Francesca Mamo, married 1779 Valletta.
206. Aloisio Cesal.
207. Ignazia Dimech, married 1785 Valletta.
208. Nobile Gio Francesco Caruana.
209. Antonio Fiamengo, married 1743 Tarxiem.
210. Gio Battista Frendo, [112].
211. Paola Anna Benett, married 1769 Valletta.
212. Paolo Chetcuti.
213. Caterina Lia, married 1759 Zabbar.
214. Pietro Portelli.
215. Teresa Attard, married 1781 Senglea.
216. Giuseppe Cassar.
217. Annunziata Caruana, married 1760 Cospicua.
218. Gio Maria de Battista.
219. Nobile Maria Vassallo, married 1770 Qormi.
220. Francesco Micallef.
221. Anna Mura, married 1752 Valletta.
222. Giuseppe Schembri.
223. Margherita Portelli, married 1769 Cospicua.
224. N. Harding.
225. N.
226-227. N.
228. N. Thompson.
229. N.
230-231. N.
232. Salvatore Tanti.
233. Nobile Maria Vella, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary, married 1772 Gharghur.
234. Nobile Giovanni Vassallo.
235. Lucrezia Fenech, married 1758 Attard.
236. Mario Cassar.
237. Grazia Farrugia, married 1734 Tarxiem.
238. Eugenio Mercieca.
239. Anna Agius, married 1759 Matrice Gozo.
240. Giuseppe Lorenzo Imbroll.
241. Rosa Maria Carabott, married 1761 Valletta.
242. Giuseppe Xerri.
243. Anna Busuttil, married 1764 Valletta.
244. Tomaso Ellul.
245. Anna Bugeja, married 1781 Qormi.
246. Francesco Borg.
247. Veronica Xerri, married 1784 Valletta.
248. Lorenzo Ludovico Zarb.
249. Domenica Muscat, married 1756 Attard.
250. Michele Portelli.
251. Maria Maria, married 1751 Valletta.
252. N. Galbarini.
253. N.
Gen 9:
256. Giuseppe Zammit. [1]
257. Anna Borg, [2], married 1702 Gharghur.
258. N. Galea.
259. N.
260. Palmerio Galea, [3].
261. Anna Grech, [4], married 1689 Cospicua.
262. Andrea Ellul, [5].
263. Caterina Chircop, married 1692 Zebbug.
264. Angelo Borg, [6].
265. Clara Azzopardi, [7], married 1691 Mdina.
266. Nobile Domenico Vassallo dei Baroni di Ghajn Rihani, [8].
267. Maddalena Paolina, Manumessa di Sqr Dr Don Giuseppe Mamo, married 1718 Valletta.
268. Vincenzo Galdes, [9].
269. Ubaldesca Portelli, [10], married 1715 Valletta.
270. Giuseppe Bugeja.
271. Rosa Carabott, [11], married 1715 Zejtun.
272. Nicola de Fava, Manumesso.
273. Giovanna Magro, [12], married 1678 Qomi.
274. Salvatore Cilia, [13].
275. Domenica Xerri, married 1687 Qormi.
276. Antonio Pulis, [14].
277. Grazia Abela, married 1665 Valletta.
278. Nobile Domenico Abela, [15].
279. Domenica Schembri, [16], married 1692 Zebbug.
280. Agostino Abdilla Abela, [17].
281. Caterina de Robert, [18], married 1690 Cospicua.
282. Domenico Xuereb, [19].
283. Barbara Galea, [20], married 1710 Xewkija, Gozo.
284. Domenico Cassar, [21].
285. Caterina Donu, married 1675 Valletta.
286-287. N.
288. Domenico Bonavia, [22].
289. Nobile Giacomina Rapa, [23], married 1700 Matrice Gozo.
290. Lorenzo Bonavia, [24].
291. Teresa Stafrag, [25], married 1700 Zabbar.
292. Angelo Salvatore Sinagra, [26].
293. Domenica Caruana, [27], married 1727 Zabbar.
294. Giuseppe Agius, [28], .
295. Maria Muscat Zghendo, [29], married 1717 Mdina.
296. Francesco Dimech.
297. Alticunda Zammit, [30], married 1729 Birkirkara.
298. Giuseppe Farrugia, [31].
299. Geronima Dalli, [32], married 1720 Luqa.
300. Giuseppe Cachia Mongibino, [33].
301. Nobile Tomasa Caruana, [34], married 1712 Valletta.
302. Nobile Ludovico Xuereb, [35].
303. Nobile Alfonsa Cumbo, [36], married 1732 Matrice Gozo.
304. Giovanni Borda, [37].
305. Speranza Attard, [38], married 1731 Senglea.
306. Matteo Bonavia, [39].
307. Scolastica Evangelista la Faucia, [40], married 1738 Valletta.
308. Raimondo Deidun, [41].
309. Grazia Orsola Cauchi, [42], married 1724 Mosta.
310. Giuseppe Caia of Bagnara, Sicily, [43].
311. Livia Borg, [44], married 1747 Cospicua.
312. Nobile Stefano Scarpello, [45].
313. Maria Magdalena Fugard Castelletti, [46], married 1720 Valletta.
314. Matteo Bandini, [47].
315. Aurelia Galea, [48], married 1723 Vittoriosa.
316. Cipriano Christiano sives Critien of Toulon, France, [49].
317. Maria Portelli, [50], married 1723 Valletta.
318. See No 306.
319. See No 307.
320. Alessandro de Formosa, Eslave, [51].
321. Speranza Cauchi, [52], married 1666 Rabat, Gozo.
322. Marco Antonio Cassar Barberi, [53].
323. Caterina Vella, [54], married 1695 Matrice Gozo.
324. Salvatore Pace, [55].
325. Flaminea Spiteri, [56], married 1703 Gharb Gozo.
326. Salvatore Farrugia, [57].
327. Teresa Cauchi, [58], married 1702 Gharb Gozo.
328. Pietro Bugeja, [59].
329. Bernarda Camilleri, [60], married 1679 Matrice Gozo.
330. Domenico Spiteri, [61].
331. Maria Calleja, [62], married 1663 Matrice Gozo.
332. Domenico Bonavia, [24, 39].
333. Teresa Spiteri, married 1690 Matrice Gozo.
334. Pietro Farrugia.
335. Natalizia Madiona, [63], married 1682 Valletta.
336. Gio Maria Galea, [64].
337. Maria Falzon, [65], married 1692 Xewkija, Gozo.
338. Salvatore Saliba, [66].
339. Teresa Cassar, [67], married 1684 Gharb, Gozo.
340. Filippo Gauci, [68].
341. Caterina Galea, [69], married 1709 Matrice Gozo.
342. Salvatore Gatt, [70].
343. Caterina Gauci, [71], married 1709 Matrice Gozo.
344. Mario Formosa, [72].
345. Geronima Cassar, [73], married 1677 Matrice Gozo.
346. Salvatore Cauchi, [74].
347. Silvestra Marulla Bugeja, [59], married 1674 Matrice Gozo.
348. Vittorio Zerafa, [75].
349. Angela Cremona, [76], married 1707 Matrice Gozo.
350. Antonio Gafa, [77].
351. Caterina Attard, [78], married 1693 Xewkija, Gozo.
352. Paolo Caruana, [79].
353. Geronima Cachia, [80], married 1709 Rabat Gozo.
354. Matteo Farrugia, [81].
355. Caterina Vella, married 1696 Rabat Gozo.
356. Gio Maria Gauci, [82].
357. Isabella Debono, [83], married 1687 Rabat Gozo.
358. Lorenzo Ciappisa, [84].
359. Maria Portelli, [85], married 1719 Rabat Gozo.
360. Gio Maria Borg, [86].
361. Isabella Portelli, [85], married 1721 Rabat Gozo.
362. Vittorio Grech, [86].
363. Nobilis Teresa Pace, [87], married 1710 Rabat Gozo.
364. Nobilis Tomaso Pace, [88].
365. Clara Farrugia, [89], married 1709 Matrice Gozo.
366. Antonio Camenzuli, [90].
367. Grazia Fenech, [91], married 1728 Gharb Gozo.
368. Domenico Apap, [92].
369. Evangelista Cassar, [21], married 1719 Gharb Gozo.
370. Nicola Caruana, [34].
371. Orsola Portelli, [93], married 1740 Nadur Gozo.
372. Ignazio Custo, [94].
373. Maria Natalizia Vella, [95], married 1723 Vittoriosa.
374. Ignazio Axach, [96].
375. Evangelista Vella, [97], married 1730 Gharb Gozo.
376. Orazio Camilleri.
377. Cristina Vella, married 1700 Matrice Gozo.
378. Paolo Debrincat.
379. Rosa Caruana, [34], married 1729 Gharb Gozo.
380. Lorenzo Mercieca.
381. Nobilis Angelica Pace, married 1711 Matrice Gozo.
382. Salvatore Gatt, [98].
383. Caterina Gauci, [99], married 1709 Matrice Gozo.
384. Nobile Ignazio Debono, [100].
385. Anna Tonna, married 1680 Mdina.
386. Battista Bartolo, [101].
387. Imperia Felice, [102], married 1699 Zejtun.
388. Domenico Debono, [103].
389. Angelica Gauci, [71], married 1712 Matrice Gozo.
390. Matteolo Psaila, [104].
391. Maria Zammit, [105], married 1713 Valletta.
392. Francesco Dingli, [106].
393. Battistina Magro, [107], married 1719 Valletta.
394. Carlo Xicluna, [108].
395. Maria Galea, married 1711 Valletta.
396. Pasquale Pace, [109].
397. Caterina Camilleri, [110], married 1726 Valletta.
398. Ignazio Cilia, [111].
399. Maria Frendo, [112], married 1723 Qormi.
400. Antonio Cesal, [113].
401. Nobile Maddalena Fortunata Pace, [114], married 1727 Cospicua.
402. Francesco Falzon, [115].
403. Giovanna Xerri, married 1749 Mdina.
404. Filippo Camilleri.
405. Caterina Cutajar, married 1743 Zurrieq.
406. Giovanni Schembri.
407. Grazia Abela, [116], married 1748 Zebbug.
408. Filippo Camilleri.
409. Rosa Xuereb, married 1745 Rabat Gozo.
410. Francesco Mamo, [117].
411. Rosa Cutruffo, [118], married 1753 Valletta.
412. See No 206.
413. See No 207.
414. Aloisio Dimech, [119].
415. Maria Gristi, [120], married 1741 Attard.
416. Nobile Palmerio Caruana, [121].
417. Rosalia Refalo sives Refano, [122], married 1701 Senglea.
418. Giuseppe Georgio Fiamengo, [123].
419. Nobile Giustina Pace, [124]. married 1714 Valletta.
420. Giovanni Frendo.
421. Anna Mifsud, married 1731 Qormi.
422. Tomaso Benett, [125].
423. Alessandra Galdes, [126], married 1743 Senglea.
424. Salvatore Chetcuti.
425. Giovanna Muscat, married 1730 Valletta.
426. Filippo Lia.
427. Antonia Pagies, [127], married 1723 Zabbar.
428. Carlo Portelli, [128].
429. Caterina Fenech, married 1740 Vittoriosa.
430. Felice Attard.
431. Maria Grech, married 1752 Senglea.
432. Saverio Cassar.
433. Maria Galea, married 1728 Valletta.
434. Salvatore Caruana.
435. Maria Rosina Borg, married 1738 Cospicua.
436. Francesco de Battista, [129].
437. Veneranda Bugeja, married 1742 Qormi.
438. Nobile Salvatore Vassallo.
439. Pasqua Debrincat, [130], married 1747 Qormi.
440. Maruzzo Micallef, [131].
441. Maria Grima, married 1732 Birkirkara.
442. Pietro Giuseppe de Locardi Mura, eslave.
443. Marie Orpheline de l’Hospital di Fra Gennaro del Balzo dei Baroni di Schiavi, (1672-1723), married 1729 Valletta.
444. Antonio Schembri, [132].
445. Teresa Farrugia de Pisano de Testaferrata, [133], married 1747 Cospicua.
446. Gaspare Portelli.
447. Elizabetta Aldiston, [134], married 1738 Cospicua.
448. N. Harding.
449 -455. N.
456. N. Thompson.
457-463. N.
464. Gio Maria Tanti.
465. Caterina Farrugia, married 1751 Mdina.
466. Giovanni Vella.
467. Nobile Petronilla Caterina Gauci, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary, [135], married 1751 Gharghur.
468. Nobile Gio Domenico Vassallo, [136].
469. Maria Sacco, [137], married 1712 Qormi.
470. Giuseppe Fenech, [138].
471. Angelica Grech, married 1717 Attard.
472. Francesco Cassar, [139].
473. Teresa Cassar, married 1680 Luqa.
474. Giuseppe Farrugia.
475. Orsola Debrincat, married 1707 Cospicua.
476. Giovanni Mercieca.
477. Paolina Vella, married 1732 Matrice Gozo.
478. Giacomo Agius.
479. Rosa Farrugia, married 1722 Rabat Gozo.
480. Andrea Imbroll, [140].
481. Ninfa Dimech, [141], married 1727 Valletta.
482. Francesco Carabott, [142].
483. Clara Spiteri, [143], married 1733 Valletta.
484. Francesco Xerri.
485. Maria d’Agostino, [144], married 1724 Qormi.
486. Marcello Busuttil.
487. Veronica Bonavia, married 1742 Rabat Gozo.
488. Angelo Ellul, [145].
489. Maria Azzopardi, [146], married 1752 Zebbug.
490. Giuseppe Bugeja.
491. Maria Cilia, married 1748 Qormi.
492. Giuseppe Borg, [147].
493. Maria Portelli, married 1768 Valletta.
494. See no 242.
495. See no 243.
496. Giuseppe Zarb, [148].
497. Grazia Sciortino, [149], married 1735 Attard.
498. Giovanni Muscat.
499. Anna Borg, married 1721 Zebbug.
500. Nicola Portelli.
501. Vittoria Grech, married 1709 Valletta.
502. Carlo Mamo.
503. Anna Maria Debono, [150], married 1719 Valletta.
504. N. Galbarini.
505-511. N.
1. From the Siculo Arabic family of Zammit, his mother came from the noble family of Axac whom took are from the Siculo Arabic origin of the Ruling family of Sicily and Malta till the 12th century. Their origin came from North African during the Fatima rule and originally from the Middle East.
2. The Borg family intermarried with the Fava family, whom are direct descendants of the ancient family of Bava, whom held the Maltese fief of Djar il-Bniet during the 14th century. The Bava family connected by marriage to the Aragona family, though the Fava family were illegitimate. Though marriages through the Guantis and de Vaccaro families are within the lineage. The Borg family origin are spanish and related to the Borgia family.
3. Galea family are direct descendants of the Pullicino family and the feudal title of di la Guardia. Palmerino Galea mother was Alunna della Ospidale di Fra Giovanni Gonzaga dei Duchi di Mantova e Montferrato and firstly married to Pierre Rampon of France. Fra Giovanni Gonzaga dei Duchi di Mantova e Montferrato, a Knight of Malta, died in Malta 1645, was the illegitimate son of Vincenzo II Gonzaga, (1594-1627), Prince of the Holy Roman Empire, 7th Duca di Mantova, 5th Duca del Monferrato, himself the son of Vincenzo I Gonzaga, (1562-1612), 4th Duca di Mantova, 2nd Duca del Montferrato and his second wife, Eleanora de’Medici, Princess of Tuscany.
4. Anna Maria Grech’s mother was Girolama Faille. The ancestry can be traced through the Chetcuti family to the landed gentry family of Cachia whom by marriage are descendants of the de Nasis landed gentry family in the 15th century.
5. The ancient family of Ellul or Hellul and directly descendnats of the Ros family whom are descendants of the de Hauteville family. The Hellul family are of siculo Arabic origin and descendants of the Arabic rulers of Sicily and Malta up to the 12th century.
6. The Borg family associated by marriage to the fedual Barony family of Vassallo di Ghajn Rihani.
7. Azzopardi family are direct descendants of Prince Jafar bin Chiusio, 1215-, Siculo Arabic family ruling family of Sicily and Gozo.
8. Nobile Domenico Vassallo was from the Baronial family of Vassallo di Ghajn Rihani, though living in Valletta, he married the former slave of Dr Giuseppe Mamo JUD. His origin stems right back to the 13th century when the Vassallo family migrated to Sicily then Malta. Their origins are from Milan, which stems right back to the Royal family of Lombardy of the 8th century. Many interesting connections by marriage to nobile or royal families and are considered one of the most influential families of Malta.
9. A descendant of the Borg Vassallo family, Vincenzo Galdes has two children, Alessandra and Antonio, whom are both ancestors. Alessandra marrying Tomaso Benett in 1743 Senglea.
10. Ubaldesca Portelli’s brother Gio Maria Portelli is the father of Notary Michelangelo Portelli who was sentenced to death by the French, then later reprieved. His son is Sir Agostino Portelli KCMG. Ubaldesca’s mother, Anna Calleja origin is mixed. Her Calleja ancestry is traced to the Nobile Michele Mamo and Francesca Xara. Her mother was a former slave.
11. The Carabott family connected to the Burlo and Psinga landed gentry families and also of the same ancestor to Dr Saverio Carbott Testaferrata Ghaxaq JUD who was created the Maltese nobility title of Barone della Grua in 1794. The family connection the this Barony della Grua stems back to the di Bocchio family whom held this feudal title till 1541, when they sold it to the Knights of Malta. The di Bocchio family by marriage are descendants of the Mileto family, whom by descent also to the Catalanu family. The Catalanu family were from Naples and in the 14th century had married to a member of the di Capua nobile family, who were descendants of the Princes of Capua and Salerno.
12. Giovanna Magro, had married a former slave, which stems the Fava family in Malta, Giovanna’s father was noted as Magificent and closely related to the Mangion family.
13. of the same stock related to Francesco Cilia who purchased the feudal Barony of Budaq, and descendants of the Sardo family and the Cilia family are an ancient Siculo Arabic family, whom held fiefdoms in Sicily such as the Buscaglia and intermarried with similiar feudal families in the 13th and 14th century.
14. The Pulis family are descendants of the baronial family of de la Barba, whom held the nobility titles of Tabria, Tripi in Sicily and connected to the d’Aragona and Santa Sofia families.
15. The Abela family are of great nobile origin and related to the famed Comm Fra Francesco Abela, Uditore to the Grand Master of Malta. The style of Nobile was granted in the 13th century, whom all descendants are related to Nobile Raimondo Abela of Palermo and Aragona, who was the Capitano della Verga of Malta in 1390.
16. The Schembri family were from the Rhine in Germany sent to Sicily and Malta for their vineogist experience to set up in the region for the German Emperor who inherited the Sicilian throne. The earlier branch had intermarried with the Gatto, Mileto and Gomez families.
17. The Abdilla Abela family were from Cospicua and can be traced to Agostino Abdilla Abela, who married in 1611 at Qormi to a Caterina de Mamo, the daughter of a former slave son and Marietta Moscati, from the landed gentry branch of the this family whom intermarried with much of the Maltese landed gentry. The Moscati family can be traced to 1320 with Milite Beringerius Moscati from Catania whom moved to Qormi in Malta.
18. The de Robert family are not the same family as the de Robertis family of Bologna but from France., whom intermarried with the Bartolo family who are of Siculo Arabic family of Malta, whom reigned in Sicily and Malta.
19. The Xuereb family are Siculo Arabic family of Malta, and closely related to the Judical family of Xuereb of Gozo during the 19th century.
20. The Galea family are descendants of the Aragona family and are of Spanish origin. Barbara’s mother was a Pisani and closely related to Cav Professoir Salvatore Luigi Pisani CMG.
21. This branch of the Cassar family intermarried with the Donu family and closely related to the Sobirast family, where Rosina Robirst, married to Antonio Mallia, who was the Lieutenant Governor of Gozo. The Origin of this branch can trace back to Nobile Matteo Cassar, around 1440 was of Siculo Arabic family of Malta and Sicily. Domenico Cassar’s son, Giovanni Cassar had married a former slave of Signora Agretis Fabre.
22. This branch of Bonavia are descendants of the de Manuele and Calimera families. Calimera are closely related to the Inguanez family and the de Manuele family held nobility fiefs in Sicily and are connected to the Roman family of Colonna Romano.
23. The Rapa family a small Gozitian family whom are all descendants of the Jurats and Barons of the 14th and 15th Centuries.
24. This branch of Bonavia are descendants of the de Caci family whom are descendants of the Aragona family and closely related to Domenico Bonavia
25. The Stafrach family are an interesting family with imperial origins. A marriage of Nobile Filippo Staffragi in 1582 to Princess Maria Paleologo of the Byzantine Empire. Filippo is the Great Great grand father of Ignazio Francesco Wizzini Paleologo, 1st Conte Wizzini Paleologo. Filippo Stafragi origins are of Siculo Arabic family of Sicily and Malta. The Paleologo origin to bulk of Royal lineages and stems back to the 10th century.
26. The Sinagra family are connected to the Abela family which stems back to the 14th century.
27. This branch of Caruana are an illegitimate branch in the 16th century from Ghaxaq.
28. This branch of the Agius family are descendants of the Cumbo family and are Siculo Arabic origin.
29. This branch of Muscat are of Mdina, Malta and also descendants of the Zghendo family who are descendants of the Fenech family of Siculo Arabic origin.
30. This Zammit branch connects the bulk of most Zammit descendants of Malta, and its origin also is of Siculo Arabic origin.
31. This particular branch of Farrugia can trace back to the marriage of Angelo Farrugia and Speranza Grimaldi in 1586 at Qormi. This branch of Grimaldi moved to Malta around 1540 where a bulk of Grimaldi’s migrated from the Aegean islands after the Ottoman Empire at taken over much of the Venetian empire..
32. This particular branch connects to the marriage of Giulio Dalli and Caterina d’Armenia. This branch of d’Armenia had intermarried within its family and claims an ancestor Mco Luca d’Armenia who wrote “O Melita inflix” and married the Ottoman pretender Djem descendant, Imperia Helena Sayd. The main line of d’Armenia lays claim to being the direct descendants of the last Kings of Armenia, particularly King Leo VI, who fled to France, dying in 1393. King Leo VI had several illegitimate descendants. Another connection through the marriage of Giorlando d’Armenia and Giovanna Ventura d’Armanin in 1551, where she is the illegitimate daughter of the Pretender, Prince Eugene Matteo de Armenia, who tried to claim the Throne of Cyprus. Himself being the bastard son of King Jacques II of Cyprus and his father featured him and his brother as heirs if his legitimate son were to die, without issue.
33. This branch of Cachia are connected to the Mintoff family whom are descendants of the de Manuele family. The earliest connection of the Cachia is through Giovanni Cachia and Nobile Giovanna Caxaro in 1606 at Matrice Gozo. Closely related to the Barons Caxaro who also held the honour of Governor of Gozo in 1545-1546. The origin of the Caxaro are Siculo Arabic and by marriage interconnect with the bulk of the Feudal and Landed gentry of the 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th centuries.
34. This particular branch of Caruana were from Matrice Gozo and are the ancestors of the Caruana Galizia branch. The style of Nobile comes from Nobile Piero Giovanni Caruana, whom was created the style of Nobile in 1514 by King Ferdinand of Sicily and was married to a Caxaro.
35. This particular branch of Xuereb are closely related to Domenico Xuereb. See Footnote no 19.
36. This branch of Cumbo are of Gozitan branch which stems back to the 1600’s where they were from Zebbug. One of the ancestors is Elvira Ferriol, who is of Imperial descendant and another, Costanza Rosso dei Conti di Sclanfani a descendant of the Aragona family. The first Cumbo to arrive in Malta around the 15th century, and where prior, a Notary Pietro de Cumbis, was secretary to King Martin I in 1393, married to a member of the Ventimiglia di Geraci family and also held the Baronial fiefdom of Bonalbergo in 1392 in the Kingdom of Sicily. Their origin is from Aragon, Spain.
37. The Borda family can be traced back to Guglio Borda, marrying 1602 at Zejtun to Domenica Mallia, whom is an ancestor of the Attardo family and Cuzkeri family. The Attardo family held the Baroni fiefdom of Ginelfar and Migulup and connected to the Santa Philippo, Valguarnera di Caropipi and Ianvilla di Sant’Angelo dei Lomardi families.
A marriage of Luigi Aloisio Borda to the Nobile Francesca Rizzo, a Hereditary Nobile of Hungary claiming this honour through her ancestor, the Military General Tomaso Barbara, who was created in 1596 by Emperor Rudolf II of the Holy Roman Empire Hereditary Nobile of Hungary. This can be claimed by all descendants in honour of service carried out by General Tomaso Barbara.
38. Speranza Attard family can only trace through to the Falzon family and by descent to the Forreggiani, Caxaro, de Bernardo families. Ancestral uncle Michele Falsone, Vicar General of Malta in 1495. Can claim as a descendant of the 2nd Barone di Djar il-Chandul, whom was interconnected to the illegitimate descendants of King Manfred of Sicily and other Baronial landed gentry.
39. This branch of Bonavia related to Lorenzo Bonavia and his footnotes No 22. His mother side are Pisani family whom are related to the Vassallo family and his Pisani. A direct descendant of Giovanni Pisani of Venice, who was a Patrizio di Veneta and Elected Duke of Candia (Crete) and also a descendant of the Crispo di Naxos islands, d’Aragona di Aegina and much of the ruling families in the Greek Islands.
40. The La Faucia family may have come from France, though a marriage to the Pace family whom are descendants of the Castriota di Albania and Sicilian Barones di Bucelli and Maltese Barony of Culeja dating 1372.
41. Deidun family were from France.
42. The Cauchi family have an interesting origin. Firstly by descent to the Gatto Inguanez di Djar il-Bniet family through the illegitimate descent of Don Martino Gatto Inguanez, 5th Barone di Chimesia e Zabbaria, and through this descent providing ancestry to the La Porta family, (Cola la Porta, a Governor of Gozo) whom were Barons de Zoja and connected to the Barozzi di Santorini island, amongst many other ruling families in the Aegean sea.
43. Caja or Caia family stems from Bagnara, Calabria, Italy.
44. The Borg family origins to the Borgia of Spain and a marriage in 1640 at Matrice Gozo to a Donna Ignazia Agata Sayd whose origins are of Salvatore Sayd, who married to to Paula la Malina in 1479 who ancestors are of the Ianville di Maralfi which stems from the French nobile family of de Joinville.
45. The Scarpello family stems to Dr Lorenzo Scarpello JUD, who married to Leonora Mifsud in 1677 in Vittoriosa. Leonora Mifsud’s mother a Pace connected to the di Cristoforo and La Manna origins. The di Cristoforo family are descendants of the Imperial family of Paleologo of the Byzantine Empire and La Manna family also known as Lamanna are an ancient family of Siculo Arabic origin. Furthermore, Dr Lorenzo Scarpello JUD, parents are Mco Stefano de Angelo Scarpello and Leonorica Zorbia, married 1614 Valletta. Stefano’s parents are Mro Pietro de Angelo dit Scarpello, who migrated from Italy with his wife Speranza, nee di Savoie Tende. The de Angelo family are of the Byzantine Imperia family of de Angelo Flavio Comneno who held the Ancient Knightly order of San Giorgio. Speranza di Savoie Tende was illegitimate daughter of Onorato de Savoie Tende, (1511-1580), Comte de Villars, 1st Marchese di Villars e Comte di Sommariva del Bosco 1570 and connected to the de Lascaris family.
46. The Fugard family had married into a very weathly Maltese family of Castelletti, whom are descendants of the Royal house of Aragona through the de Noto, Cumbo and de Nava families. Another interesting family ancestor are the Pauliach from France, whom married into the Navarro family of Spain, who were by marriage to the Caxaro. Quite an intense list of connections.
47. The Bandini family of Italian origin with collatral branch were created Marchese and intermarried in the 20th century with the Giustiniani family of Genoa, Italy.
48. The Galea family are descendants of a soldier who came to Malta around the 14th century and married to Donna Imperia di Peralta, whom has an array of royal blood, such as the Aragona of Sicily and many Nobilia feudal families around Sicily around the 12th, 13th and 14th centuries.
49. The origin of the Critien family known as Chretien were from Toulon in France.
50. This branch of Portelli was of Gozitian origin and were known till the 16th century as Bertelli. Ancestors include Xara family.
51. Alessandro de Formosa, a former slave of the Landed gentry family of Formosa.
52. This Cauchi family closely connected to those in Footnotes no 42.
53. This Cassar branch are descendants of the nobile family of Barberi, Vassallo, Rapa and a descendant of the famed Girolamo Cassar, (d. 1608), a famous Maltese Architect.
54. Caterina Vella, closely related to her husband as third cousins and of Gozitian origin.
55. From a long line of Pace from Gozo and prior in Malta. A descendants of the 3rd Barone di Bucelli.
56. This particular branch of Spiteri family are direct descendants of Siculo Arabic origin.
57. This branch of Farrugia family stems back to a marriage with Giacoma Gatt marriage in 1622 at Vittoriosa. Giacoma Gatt ancestor through a Mistress was Fra Andrea Gatto, whom was created Bishop of Malta and Cefau in 1474.
58. Teresa Cauchi family can trace to a marriage between Giovanni Cauchi and Contessa Eleanora Maria di Cristoforo in 1548. The di Cristoforo family stems back to the Imperial Paleologo of the Byzantine Empire connections. The Cauchi family can claim origins to Andrea Cauchi and Johanna Vennera d’Aulesa marriage in 1460. The d’Aulesa family held the Maltese Barony of de Budaq in 1398 and are by descent to the Lancia family of Italy whom held the title of Barone di Longhi and Ficarra.
59. The Bugeja family can claim direct descendants of Calisto Bugeja, who was listed in the Militia list in 1418.
60. Through the marriage of Giacchi Camilleri and Agata Heffner. Her parents, Luca Heffner, married to Marchesa Caterina Malaspina 1633. The Malaspina family were Marchese di Mulazzo, Godano e Bollano and descendants of the d’Antiocha family whom held the Sicilian titles Conte di Loreta, Celano and Laureto, illegitimate descendant of King Manfredo of Sicily.
61. A double connection of Spiteri parentage for Domenico Spiteri. The origins of this family are Siculo Arabic ruling family of Sicily and Malta. Domenico’s mother, Pietra Spiteri mother a Fanchel and both are descendants of the de Laimo family.
62. The Calleja family of Gozo with its earliest ancestor being Antonio Calleja, marrying 1588 Zurrieq to Angeletta Sacco, whom herself a descendant of Masi da Sacco, listed in the Militia list of 1419-1420 and married to Richilde Debbus. The Sacco family comes from Verona, Italy and intermarried with the del Tufo family who held the Baronial title of Montemelione and Patrican of Aversa. The del Tufo family marriage in the 13th century with the early Sicilian Vassallo family, whom only migrated from Milan, Italy.
63. The Madiona family can be traced back to 1562, where a marriage to Caterina Albano whose own mother was a Inguanez or Desguanechs. This connection of Inguanez, a junior branch of the Inguanez origin of Don Antonio Desguanechs, Barone di Budaq and Senor di Ortigos. Incidentally, the Inguanez family stems back to Spain with Don Inigo Iniguez y Menorca, (1220-1275), the conqueror of Jaen, which was created as the Kingdom of Leon in 1246. Inigo was created the 1st Senor de Biedma. Inigo own origin a former Prince of Menorca whose father became a christian and took the surname of Inigues. Inigo’s grandfather was Abu Umar, King of Menorca and reign 1281-1287. His origin interconnects with much of the Arabic ruling families in Spain, Tunisia.
64. Galea branch of Gozo connected to the Cuschieri,Vassallo and Cumbo families.
65. Falzon family of Gozo connected to the Cafor, Inguanez and Vagnolo families. An ancestor being Notary Ambrogio Falsone and Notary Antonio Falsone.
66. Salvatore Saliba family can only be traced through his mother, who was a Piscopo or dell’Episcopo whom are closely related to Dr Bernardo Piscopo Macedonio JUD, who was created Count of Mont’Alto in the Duchy of Parma. The Piscopo family can trace back to Clara Amedeo around 1550 and her origins connect with the Beccadelli di Bologna family and Niccolo d’Amedeo, who was granted the nobilian fiefdom of Pietra Lunga in 1371 by King Frederick III of Sicily.
Niccolo d’Amedeo’s wife a di Bocchio, whose origins to Mileto, Catalanu families.
67. This branch of Cassar of Gozitian branch, connected to the Bigeni family. Another descendant was Fr Salvatore Cassar, (1741-1805), Governor General of Gozo for the Kingdom of Two Sicilies 1798-1801. His lineage link shown below: Marcello Cassar, married 1621 Cospicua to Margharita Borg, with issue. Antonio Cassar, married 1661 Rabat Gozo to Innocenza Busuttil, with issue. Gio Domenico Cassar, married 1720 Rabat Gozo to Angelica Cauchi, with issue. Pietro Paolo Cassar, married 1740 Rabat Gozo to Grazia Bajada, with issue. Fr Francesco Saverio Cassar, (1741-1805), Governor General of Gozo for the Kingdom of Two Sicilies (r. 1798-1801), Archpriest of Matrice, Gozo, 1773, Provicar of Gozo 1775. Mariano Cassar, married (1) 1659 Rabat Gozo to Maria Bigeni, married (2) 1696 Gharb Gozo to Andreanna Bajada, with issue. Teresa Cassar, married 1684 Gharb Gozo to Salvatore Saliba.
68. Gauci family initially from Gozo, then from Malta. An ancestor, Paolo Gauci, marrying Agata Gambino, whose Parents were Leonardo Gambino sives Cardona and Margarita Cardona, 5th Signorina di la Guardia. The di Cardona family interconnects with the Axac, d’Alagona, Landolina and Conti families.
Milite Guglielmo di Cardona, (1356 alter maiordomorum nostri hospicii consiliarius), (1358 maiordomus domus regis Sicilie), e ricevette lettera della Regina Eleanora d’Aragona, Fu convocato il 5.1.1361 a prestare servizio militare. Mori in data anteriore al 17.6.1363, quando la vedova Francesca, anche dei figli Federico e Giacomo Cardona, chiese ed ottenne da King Federico IV la concessione del feudo Borgetto (Burgio), dopo la morte di Avinante Lopes de Caparosa senza eredi, in forza del fatto che Guglielmo Cardona aveva concesso in prestito 200 onze a Giacobino padre di Avinate. Il 17.6.1363 il sovrano investi del feudo Borgetto Federico Cardona come primogenito.
69. This branch of Galea were from Gozo and a descendant of Ilagia d’Antiocha, an illegitimate descendant of King Manfred of Sicily.
70. The Gatto family of Gozo and a descendant of Don Martino Gatto Inguanez, 5th Barone di Chimesia e Zabbaria. See further notes above.
71. The Gauci family of Gozo and lineal connection to Redemptus Gauci, (1920-1978), Bishop of Chiquibamba and Titular Bishop of Mauritania.
72. The Formosa family of Gozo and closely related to Dr Gio Domenico Formosa JUD, the husband of Vincenza de Noto Abela, 4th Baroness di San Giovanni.
73. Of the same family as in Footnotes no 67. Also closely related to Dr Gio Batta Cassar JUD, whose daughter married the 1st Count of Mont’Alto and a son, imheriting and creating the Cassar Desain primogenture and inherited by the Testaferrata de Noto family.
74. This particular Cauchi family of Gozo of the same family as per Footnotes no 58 and 74.
75. This family of Zerafa were in Gozo since 1626, and prior from Mdina. Also this family are Siculo Arabic origin.
76. The Cremona family of Gozo connected to the Mongibello sives Beniabino, Spataro and Platamone families. Closely related to Dr John J. Cremona LLD, former Chief Justice of Malta. See lineage:
1. Francesco Cremona, married 1624 Birkirkara to Matteola Paris, with issue.
1.1. Geronimo Cremona, married 1655 Matrice Gozo to Caterina Farrugia, with issue.
1.1.1. Angela Cremona, married 1707 Matrice Gozo to Vittorio Zerafa.
1.2. Michele Cremona, married 1660 Matrice Gozo to Natalizia Speranza Grech, with issue.
1.2.1. Giovanni Battista Cremona, married (1) 1696 Birkirkara to Anna Ciantar, married (2) 1707 Vittoriosa to Generosa Muscat, with issue. Geronimo Cremona., married (1) 1748 at Porto Salvo Valletta to Francesca Psaila, married (2) 1750 Valletta to Anna Maria Camilleri, with issue. (Second Marriage) Alessandro Cremona, married 1771 Valletta to Anna Pavia, with issue. Salvatore Cremona, married 1803 Valletta to Beatrice Mifsud, with issue. Antonio Cremona, married 1830 Valletta to Rosa Formosa, with issue. Giovanni Cremona, married 1877 Valletta to Carmela Mercieca, with issue. Dr. Antonio Cremona KM, MD., (d. 1967), married 1914 Matrice Gozo to Marianne Camilleri., with issue. Dr. John J. Cremona, LLD. Chief Justice of Malta, (1918-2020), married to Marchesa e Countess Beatrice Crispo Barbaro dei Marchesi di San Giorgio, with issue.
77. Antonio Gafa or Cafor closely related to Melchiore and Lorenzo Gafa. Lineage dates through to the Cassar family which is of Siculo Arabic origin.
See lineage:
1. Clement Cafar, married 1592 Zurrieq to Angela Callus, with issue.
1.1. Marco Cafor sives Gafar, married 1616 Matrice Gozo to Veronica Spiteri, with issue.
1.1.1. Melchiore Gafa, (1636-1667), Sculptor.
1.1.2. Lorenzo Gafa, (1639-1703), Architect.
1.2. Francesco Gafar, married 1627 Kirkop to Vittoria Farrugia, with issue.
1.2.4. Antonio Cafor, married 1602 Senglea to Fiorenza Sampugnati, with issue. Sebastiano Orlando Cafor, married 1630 Senglea to Barbara Beatrix Maddalena Bruill, with issue. Gio Maria Cafor sives Gafa, married 1652 Matrice Gozo to Grazia Grech, with issue. Antonio Gafa, married 1693 Xewkija Gozo to Caterina Attard, with issue.
78. Attard family of Gozo with lineage descent to the Franco and Santa Philippo families.
79. This Caruana family of Gozo stems back to the 16th century, prior coming from Qormi, Malta.
80. The Cachia family moved to Gozo around the 1600’s and can claim descent of the de Nasis family.
81. Farrugia parents were Giuseppe Farrugia and Caterina Tabone, through his Tabone lineage connects to the Ferrier and d’Armenia families. The Tabone origin suggested to be Les Normands en Sicile aux XIe et XIIe siecles with the Normans to Sicily. Though the earliest ancestor found is Milite Pietro Tabone, married 1450 to Elvira Bellera, and a daughter of the 2nd Barone de Bellera, whom were by marriage descendants of the di Ragusa family.
82. The Gauci family of Gozo, see Footnotes No 71.
83. This Debono family are related to the de Cace family and a relative of Andrea Debono, the Explorer of the Nile in Egypt.
84. The Ciappisa family also known as Ciappara of Gozo and directly connected to the de Cace family which connected with the de Torres, particularly as an ancestor, Don Francesco de Torres, Ambassador to Brussels, who married to Isabella de Blundio and carries much medieval nobility and royal connections.
85. The Portelli family can trace to a marriage of Agostino Portelli marrying 1595 at Vittoriosa to Girolama de Modica and her lineage can be traced to Pietro di Modico, Barone di Friddani e Consorto, and his wife Paola de la Xabica. The de Modici lineage are connected to the de Chiaromonte family and de la Xabica can trace to royal house of Aragona.
86. This particular Grech family of Gozo were married into the Mercieca family who were married into the Castellano family. This family were not connected to the Castelletti family, though the Mercieca family origin were from Ferdinando Leonardo de Merchic, a founder of the Foundation of Benefices Ta Bebuni di San Margarita ta Sannat Gozo 1564, created by the Notary Lorenzo de Apapis. Furthermore, the Grech family were clearly known intially as Greco being from Greece when arriving in Malta around 1560. Their ancestry by marriage in Malta are descendants of the Xerri family, who are Siculo Arabic origin.
87. Teresa Pace nephew being Dr Francesco Pace JUD, who was an Ambassindor to the Kingdom of Two Sicilies during its independants and married a noblelady, Donna Lucia Forno, and his sons. Don Gaetano Pace Forno, (1809-1874), Bishop of Malta and his sister, Angela, who married Nobile Gio Nicola Gauci Azopardi dei Baroni di Buleben. See lineage:
1. Michele Pace, married (1) 1739 to Angela Galea, married (2) 1746 to Maria Gauci, with issue.
1.2. Dr Nobile Francesco Pace JUD, (Ambassindor to the Kingdom of Two Sicilies for Gozo during its independants), married (1) to Donna Lucia de Baroni Forno, married (2) 1822 to Rosina Lanzon, with issue.
1.2.1. (First Marriage) Nobile Michele Pace Forno, married 1833 to Carmela Bardon, with issue. Nobile Francesco Pace Forno, married 1866 Valletta to Carmela Lanfranco.
1.2.2. Nobile Don Gaetano Pace Forno, (1809 – 1874), Bishop of Malta., dunm.
1.2.3. Nobile Dr Ignazio Pace Forno JUD, married (1) 1828 to Praxede Camilleri, married (2) 1830 to Innocenza Cauchi.
1.2.4. Nobile Angela Pace Forno, married 1821 to Noble Gio Nicola Gauci Azopardi dei Baroni di Buleben. Teresa Pace, married 1710 Rabat Gozo to Vittorio Grech.
88. Tomaso Pace comes from a different Pace family from Footnote no 87, though from Gozo. Tomaso Pace great grand-daughter, Giovanna Pace, married 1799 to Notary Giuseppe Mizzi.
89. The Farrugia family can be traced to 1657 in Rabat, Gozo, where a marriage to Angelica Grech brought connections of the Chiumi family. The Chiumi or Ciumi family were of Siculo Arabic origin. Also to note, that Grech Mifsud family are of the same stock.
90. The Camenzuli family can trace back to Qormi, where a marriage to Paolina Borg around 1600’s. Also The Borg family can trace back to the Borgia family of Spain.
91. The Fenech of Gozo lineage can trace back to the marriage of Giuseppe Fenech and Maddalena Cauchi in 1631 at Matrice Gozo. Her origins can also be found in the same Footnotes no 58 and 74.
92. The Apap family of Gozo can trace to the Axac family and are of the same stock of the Apap Bologna nobile family. The Apap’s can trace back to a marriage with Milite Lancia de Apapis and Chiusa de Caro dei Baroni di Montechiaro, where Chiusa origins with the de Caro family intermarriages with much of the Sicilian nobile family and direct descendants of the de Chiaramonte family.
93. Portelli family of Gozo, other close descendants migrated to Algeria and also Marsala, Italy. One particular relation, Salvatore Portelli of Nadur, migrated to Marsala, Sicily and setup a vineyard, which still exist today.
94. Ignazio Custo, initially married to Anna Maria Garrone, whom married into the landed gentry of Gozo and later in Malta.
95. Maria Natalizia Vella family of Malta can be traced to Salvatore de Vella, a son of a former slave father and mother. Salvatore de Vella had married to Grazia Vella, whose mother, Domenica de Fava, a former slave. The Vella family were of Zurrieq in origin.
96. The Asciak family has an interesting history. An ancestor, a Nobile Michele Axac, a former Priest who abandon his duties for marriage. His origins were of Nobile connections to the Imbroglio, Gomez, Grungo, Fantino and Catalanu, which interconnects with much of the landed gentry and nobility of Medieval Malta.
97. The Vella family of Matrice since the 1600’s with connections to the Cassar, Corcop and Refalo families and prior from Zurrieq and related to Maria Natalizia Vella – see Footnotes no 95.
98. The Gatt family of Gozo are direct descendants illegitimately of Don Antonio Gatto Inguanez, 4th Barone di Chimesia e Zabbaria, died 1504. Don Antonio’s ancestry of Inguanez and Gatto ancestors, including a bulk of Sicilian and Spanish royalty and nobility.
99. The Gauci family are traceable to a Paolo Gauci and Agata Gambino, whose parents were Leonardo Gambino sives Cardona and Margarita Cardona, 5th Signorina di La Guardia.
100. The Debono family of nobile lineage as descendants of the de Vaccaro di Culeja family, another ancestor are the de Rinaldo family connected by marriage to the di Cristoforo family, whom are by descent to the Imperial Paleologo of the Byzantine Empire.
101. Bartolo family of Mdina are of Siculo Arabic origin.
102. The Felice family can trace back to the Cutajar family, who are of Siculo Arabic origin.
103. This particular branch of Debono can trace their ancestors to the di Bocchio, and Catalanu families.
104. The Psaila family can trace back to Leonardo Psaila and Agata de Camilleri. Agata, a daughter of Don Mattheus de Camilleri, a Priest of Birkirkara 1547-1557, himself a illegitimate son of Don Lancea Camilleri, also a Priest, dying 1490. The Camilleri origin are of Siculo Arabic origin.
105. This particular Zammit family were of Zurrieq parish.
106. The Dingli family are a small family of two families. Both Families did intermarry in the 15th century. The first Dingli family are descendants of Antoine de Dinkville, a French Knight of Anjou, serving the Anjou King of Naples, then retired to Malta with the marriage to Nobile Joanna di Tarento, whose origin are of very royal descent of illegitimate connections to Prince Phillip II of Tarento, Titular Emperor of Constantinople.
The other branch of Dingli are descendants of the Venerable Sir Thomas Dingley, Knight of the Order of St John of Rhodes and Malta, executed in London in 1539, leaving descendants with his mistress, Antonina de la Pole Vassallo.
107. The Magro family can claim ancestry back to Vincenzo Magri and Domenica Spiteri in 1570 at Gudja, and her origins can be trace through the Caruana family.
108. The Xicluna family are of Siculo Arabic origin and is closely related to Mgr Carmelo Scicluna, Bishop of Malta 1875-1888, later created a papal Count. See lineage:
Nobile Giuliano Xicluna, married 1576 Matrice Gozo to Marietta Zammit, with issue.
1. Nobile Clemente Xicluna, married 1625 Siggiewi to Angelica Gauci, with issue.
1.1. Giacobino Xicluna, married 1654 Luqa to Anna Xuereb, with issue.
1.1.1. Gio Domenico Xicluna, married 1690 Valletta to Vincenza De Lorenzo, with issue. Giacinto Xicluna, married 1720 Qormi to Giovanna Xerri, with issue. Alessandro Xicluna, married (1) 1754 Birkirkara to Grazia Borg, married (2) 1757 Valletta to Donna Girolama Delicata., with issue. (Second marriage) Benedetto Scicluna, married 1789 Qormi to Rosaria Bonici, with issue. Mgr. Carmelo Scicluna, (1800-88), Bishop of Malta (r 1875-1888), Created a Papal Count by Pope Pius IX in 1875., dunm. Angela dei Conti Scicluna, (1802-), married Nobile Ignazio Azopardi. Giuseppe dei Conti Scicluna, (1803-), married 1826 Valletta to Teresa Mizzi. Sylvia dei Conti Scicluna, (1805-), married to Nobile Vincenzo Mallia Tabone. Nathalie dei Conti Scicluna, (1810-), married to Nobile Gio Batta dei Marchesi Bonici Mompalao.
1.1.3. Clemente Xicluna, married 1685 to Grazia Fratini, with issue. Carlo Xicluna, married 1711 Valletta to Maria Galea, with issue. Giuseppe Xicluna, married 1765 to Maria Anna Donati. Antonia Xicluna, married 1762 Valletta to Donato Gioacchino Asciak, with issue. Maddalena Asciak, married 1798 Senglea to Antonio Lupi. Vittoria Xicluna, married 1745 Valletta to Michele Angelo Dingli.
109. The particular branch of Pace were from an illegitimate branch and slave connected to the Nobilis Marietta Pace, 7th Baroness di Bucelli in Sicily who had no legitimate offspring with her husband, Leonardo Burlo.
110. Caterina Camilleri father founded a marriage legacy in 1725 setup by the Notary Arcangelo Pulliciano. Her mother was Grazia Panajotti, her father from Cyprus and her mother from Sicily and grand mother is a member of the Dudley family of England that exiled to Italy and styled Duca di Northumbria.
111. The Cilia family closely connected to those Footnotes no 13.
112. The Frendo family are of Siculo Arabic origin.
113. The Cesal family had an interesting origin, particularly with Antonio Cesal whose father was noted as Filippo Calalejo and his mother was from the Casha family. Though Filippo’s wife was Geronima de Muscat Testaferrata and she was from a Nun, Anna Moscati and the Nobile Gio Battista Testaferrata. Both from very nobile origins. Gio Batta Testaferrata was married to Maria Sceberras and a descendant from both parents whom were Testaferrata’s. It seems Anna Moscati was either first cousins to Gio Battista Testaferrata’s wife, hence being in the same circles. Her brother, Lorenzo Moscat, married Perna Xara Cassia of the Barony of Ghariexem e Tabia and their descendnats intermarried with much of the Maltese and Sicilian nobility. An another brother was Capitano della Verga of Malta and his son was created the 1st Conte di Bahria in 1743.
114. This particular Pace family had some interesting connections. One to mention is the sibling of Maddalena Fortunata Pace’s brother, John Battista, migrated to the USA and went under the name of John Pass and was the co-producer of the USA LIBERTY BELL in 1753. Another brother, granddaughter married to Dr Vincenzo Remigio Attard JUD, the father of and ancestor of the Attard Montalto family.
115. This particular family of Falzon are from Zurrieq and are direct link to Silvestrino Blascio de Falsone, who married a former slave and for another couple generations were from illegitimate lineage from the Nobile Leonardo Falsone, 5th Barone di Djar il-Chandul, a Monk.
116. The Abela family closely related to the former President of Malta, Dr George Abela and his son, Dr Robert Abela, Prime Minister of Malta. Another connection is the Vassallo family of Zebbug, closely related to the Father of the Maltese language, Mikiel Anton Vassalli, (1764-1829). See lineage:
1. Nobile Salvo “sives “Stefano” Vassallo,’Testo 1639′, married Domenica Chetcuti, with issue 1.1. Nobile Gabrielle Vassallo, married 1680 Zebbug to Maria Spiteri, with issue. 1.1.1. Nobile Michele Vassallo, married 1728 to Grazia Mamo, with issue. Nobile Gabriele Vassallo, married 1761 Zebbug Malta to Caterina de Magro.with issue. Nobile Mikiel Anton Vassalli, ‘Father of the Maltese language’., (1764-1829), married (1813) to Katherine dei Conti Formosa de Fremaux, with issue.
1.1.2. Nobile Simon Vassallo, married (1) 1678 Zebbug to Maria Bonano, married (2) 1695 Zebbug to Grazia Muscat, with issue (Second Marriage) Nobile Maria Vassallo, married 1725 Zebbug to Nobile Gio Maria Abela.
117. The Mamo family of Valletta are closely related to Commendator Fr Domenico Mamo and Ludovico Mamo, who married to Eufemia Moscati dei Marchesi di Xrobb il-Ghagin and their daughter Anna, married the Nobleman, Domenico Xara di Ghariexem e Tabia.
118. The Cutruffo family of Valletta and Birkirkara earliest marriage to a Sebastiano Cutruffo and Alessandra Xiberras in 1728 Valletta where the Xiberras family are of Siculo Arabic origin.
119. The Dimech family can trace to families such as de Natal and Dimechs of Valletta including Sigismondo Dimech. The de Natal family are traceable to a Armenian who migrated to Malta and married 1599 at Qormi to Marietta Grima. The de Natal descendants such as Lorenzo di Rocco, whose descendants carried the nobile family name of Rocco Peralta and intermarried to much of the leading families in Malta.
120. The Gristi or Grixti family from Zurrieq can trace to a marriage in 1596, where Vincenzo Gristi married to Gioannella Falsone. Had married her sister, whom died in childbirth, then moved on to his spinister sister-in-law. Her parents were from the nobile family of Falsone and his Jewish mistress.
121. The Caruana family were based around Senglea and are closely related to Giacomo Moses Franco, a Jewish Merchant of Livorno and Tunis, their descendants became Baronets in England and later Barons Roborough.
122. The Refalo sives Refano family, particularly Rosalia mother was Anna Maria Lomagna and her father was the first generation to use the surname of Refano. Rosalia’s grand mother was Maria Lazzarina Tomasello from Italy. The Refalo’s were from Gozo and can trace their origin to Milite Giovanni Refale marrying Violante Corrales around 1530. The Corrales were interconnected to the baronial families of Bellamo, Inguanez, Platamone, de Manuele and held the title of Conte di Augusta. The Origin of Bellomo came from Rome, Italy.
123. The Fiamengotto or Fiamengo family come from Italy.
124. The Pace family from Siggiewi are of the same stock to those who were famed in the 19th and 20th century with Mgr Giuseppe Pace, Bishop of Gozo 1890-1972 and Sir Mgr Pietro Pace KCVO, Archbishop of Rhodes, Bishop of Malta 1831-1914.
125. The Benett family original surname was Bottero and intermarried with the Vassallo family from Valletta and Senglea and direct descendants of the dello-Re Inguanez and Lancia dei Baroni di Longhi nobile families. Another famed ancestor was Judge Alberto Vassallo of the 15th century.
126. The Galdes family can trace back to the Borg Vassallo marriage of 1602 and closely related to the Vassallo family in Footnotes no 125.
127. The Pagies family are from France, first marriage noted in Malta was with Andre Pagies from France, marrying Aloisia di Pietro, whose father was from Venice, marrying to Geronima Lan in 1632 Cospicua. Geronima Lan father was France, married in 1616 Cospicua to Veronica dell Re. The dello Re family descendants of the nobile Gatto Inguanez family.
128. Carlo Portelli earliest known ancestor being Alessandro Portelli marrying to Giuseppa Fiteni in 1632 Cospicua.
129. The de Battista family were from Rabat Malta and Dingli and were “de la Grooa Gran – Grand -Ghar il-Kbir, Troglodytes and earliest descendants was with Paolo de Battista, marrying Sapienza Sayd, the daughter of Filippo Sayd and Angelica Calabro. The Sayd connection leads to Magco Lorenzo Sayd, (1561-1637), marrying Marietta Sayd Alliata, a Ottoman descendant of Prince Djem of the Ottoman Empire The Sayd family are Siculo Arabic origin and not all Sayd are descendants of the Ottoman link who also styled the surname of Sayd. Magco Lorenzo Sayd, married 1610 Zebbug to Marietta Sayd Alliata, and their son Salvatore Sayd, (1618-1699), marrying the heiress Donna Speranza Dingli, 5th Principessa di Bibino Magno. Furthernote, Marietta Sayd Alliata was the illegitimate daughter of Prince Cem or Djem Sayd, (1584-1683), 8th and last Prince Romano and his mistress Nobile Constanza Alliata.
130. Pasquala or Pasqua Debrincat family traces through her mother side, the Micallef side and a known connection of Domenico Micallef and Maria Borg Viani in 1638 Birkirkara. The Borg Viani family connects to the earliest Viani marriage in Malta of Pietro Viani of Nizzardo, Italy and Margherita Barbara 1571 Gudja. The descendants of the Viani family includes Isidore Viani, who was created Barone di Tabria in 1726 in Malta.
131. The Micallef family are of Siculo Arabic origin. An ancestral uncle, Mro Giovanni Micallef, married 1683 at Valletta to a Russian Noblelady, Princess Anna Maria Yusupov of Monglian descent.
132. Nobilis Antonio Schembri had married three times, first marriage a Teresa Farrugia de Pisano de Testaferrata, secondly a Fortunata Testa and thirdly, Francesca Zammit, though all his children were from his first marriage. His third son, Noblis and later Don Francesco migrated to Colombia around 1780 and left descendants till this day. Some of these descendants held high positions in its government including Don Ernesto Samper Pizano, 29th President of Colombia 1994-1998.
The confusion of surname ended up with Pisano rather then Schembri as the Spanish use Paternal surname then Maternal surname as part of their surname.
133. The Farrugia de Pisano de Testaferrata family cames from the liason of Alessio Pisano and the Nobile Anna de Testaferrata, (herself an illegitimate child of a Nobleman). The Pisano family are very closely linked to Gaetano Pisani, who was created Barone di Frigenuini in 1773 and his grand daughter, the Blessed Suor Maria Adeodata Pisani dying in 1855. See lineage:
Alessio Pisani., married 1679 at Valletta to Barbara Mamo, with issue.
1. Benedetto Pisani, married 1711 to Teresa Magri., with issue.
1.1. Gaetano Pisani, cr 1773 Malta; Barone di Frigenuini, (d. 1815), married 1770 Valletta to Elisabetta Mamo Mompalao, with issue.
1.1.1. Benedetto Pisani, 2nd Barone di Frigenuni, (d. 1834), married 1805 Valletta to Vincenza Carano of Italy, with issue. Blessed Suor Maria Adeodata Pisani, Baronessina di Frigenuini, dunm 1855. (illegitimate from NN) Giovanni Pisani (adopted by Gioacchino and Giuseppa Cilia), married 1827 Valletta to Lucia Grech.
1.1.2. (illegitimate from NN) Petra Spiteri, married 1781 Valletta to Salvatore Darmanin.
2. (illegitimate with Nobile Anna de Testaferrata) Elisabetta de Pisano de Testaferrata, married 1709 Valletta to Lutio Farrugia, with issue.
2.1. Maria Farrugia de Pisano, married 1738 Cospicua to Gio Maria Galea.
2.2. Teresa Farrugia de Pisano, married (1) 1740 Cospicua to Giovanni Spiteri, married (2) 1747 Cospicua to Antonio Schembri, with issue.
134. The Aldiston family were also known as Audibert and from Lille, France, their connection to the Nobile family of Rossi dei San Secondo family of Livorne, Italy.
135. Nobile Petronilla Caterina Gauci, Hereditary Nobile of Hungary, an descendants of Milite Tomaso Barbara, General of Artillery in the Army of the Holy Roman Empire in the Kingdom of Hungary, created Hereditary Nobile of Hungary by Emperor Rudolf II of Holy Roman Empire in 30th March 1596i.
136. This Vassallo family are descendants of Nobile Giuliano Vassallo, a Bishop of Malta in the 1500’s. Also a descendants and closely related is Chevalier Horace Agius.
137. The Sacco family from Cospicua and Rabat Gozo.
138. Giuseppe Fenech family from Naxxar and his mother is Domenica Faienza, an old Maltese family who can trace to the Aquilina family.
139. Francesco Cassar married in 1650 to Domenica Cassar and their main descendants are the Cassar Torreggiani a 20th Century family of fortune in Malta.
140. The Imbroll family were originally known as Imbroglio whom held the noble fiefdom of Chalkia, Duemis and Chamirie till around 1530, when it was sold to the Knights of Malta.
141. Ninfa Dimech family can only be traced to her great grand father, Rafaele Dimech, who married 1627 at Zebbug to Antonia Enziona Mangion, who comes from the landed gentry family of Mangion. Also to note, Ninfa’s mother, Rosa de Cumbo, a former slave.
142. The Carabott family traced back to its original surname of Carbon and connected to the Hellul landed gentry family or also are Siculo Arabic origin.
143. This particular Spiteri family can trace back to Mro Domenico Spiteri and his marriage to Teresa Debrun in 1655 Mdina also noted a Debrincat. The Debrun family also noted as De Brincati from Calabria, Sicily.
144. The d’Agostino family can trace back to the marriage of Alessandro d’Agostino to Gioannella Zahra in 1607 at Valletta. The Zahra family are of Siculo Arabic origin.
145. The Ellul family from the landed gentry of Hellul and of Arabic Siculo origin. Also descendants of Giuliano Vassallo, the Bishop of Malta, See Footnotes 136.
146. Maria Azzopardi’s parents were Francesco de Azzopardi, Alunno, and Margherita Zerafa, and her origin can be trace to the Galea family and d’Aragona royal family.
147. The Borg family connected by marriage to a Nobile Tecla di Naro Dudley, a Sicilian noble family linked to the Dudley di Northumbria family.
148. The Zarb family can trace through to the Deguara family of Spanish nobile origin and the Bezzina family who are of Siculo Arabic origin.
149. The Sciortino or Xiortino family linked by descent to the Pullicino family whom held the noble fiefdom of di la Guarda in the 16th century.
150. Anna Maria Debono was the illegitimate daughter of Aubrey de Vere, (illegitimate son of Aubrey de Vere, 20th and Last Earl of Oxford and Hester Davenport] and Nobile Anna Debono, a Nun and closely related to the Bonavita family, who were created Sicilian Counts di San Paolino d’Aquliejo in 1819. Also note, closely related to Sir Ignazio Gavino Bonavita KCMG, (1792-1865); Dr Michele Portelli JUD and Dr Gavino Patrizio Portelli JUD, and Sir Joseph Carbone KCMG.
See lineage:
Nobile Gio Maria Debono, married 1651 Naxxar to Cecilia Sammut, with issue.
1. Nobile Maria Debono, married 1674 Attard to Michele Giovanni Bonavita, with issue.
1.2. Notary Domenico Bonavita, married 1712 at Porto Salvo to Maddalena Cacciatore d’Aragona, with issue
1.2.1. Judge. Salvatore Bonavita JUD., “Secretary to the Consolato del Mare”.,, married firstly to Regina Champion, Married Secondly 1788 Valletta to Modesta Formosa, with issue. (First Marriage) Notary Luigi Garino Bonavita, married 1786 at San Giorgio, Gozo to Lurita Cauchi, with issue. Sir Ignazio Gavino Bonavita, K.C.M.G (1792-1865).
1.1.2. Notary Raimondo Bonavita
1.2. Aloisia Bonavita, married 1776 at San Paolo, Valletta to Dr. Salvatore Scifo JUD, with issue.
1.3. Oriota Bonavita, married (1) 1782 Valletta to Dr. Francesco Giovanni Zahra Clinsciant, married (2) 1795 Valletta to Carlo Mamo.
2. Dr. Gaetano Bonavita JUD, married 1751 at Porto Salvo to Angelica Farrugia, with issue
2.1. Dr. Vincenzo Bonavita JUD, married 1775 at Porto Salvo to Maddalena Gatto, with issue.
2.1.1. Dr Carlo Antonio Bonavita, JUD. 1st Count of San Paolino d’Aquilejo, (Cr:1819 by Two Sicilies).
3. Nobile Anna Debono, Nun, dunm.l.
3.1. (Aubrey de Vere 1664 London-1708 London) Anna Maria De bono, married 1719 Valletta to Carlo Mamo.
Aubrey de Vere was the illegitimate son of Aubrey de Vere, 20th and last Earl of Oxford. He had a mocked marriage with Hester Davenport, an actress of the Duke of York company. They sired a son, whom assumed was heir to the Earldom of Oxford and Aubrey denied it was a marriage and his son was illegitimate. When the Earl died, Aubrey declared himself 21st Earl of Oxford but never recognised by the authority or King. Aubrey travelled to Europe in his early 20’s to Italy and Malta, where he spent time and sired two daughters (That is known of). The Earldom was one of the oldest in England, created in 1141 by Empress Matilda.