“Title of Barone (de Pausier) granted to Giorgio Fournier de Pausier (1768) and Title of Conte (Fournier) granted to the same Giorgio Fournier de Pausier (1770), including a description of the origins of the Fournier family of Avignon , France.
Reference: Charles A. Gauci. “An Illustrated Collection of the Coats of Arms of Maltese Families – Stemmi Maltesi” Publishers Enterprises Group (PEG) Ltd, Malta 1989.
Copyright: This image belongs to His Most Nobile, the Count Sant Fournier Archives.
Copyright: This image belongs to His Most Nobile, the Count Sant Fournier Archives.
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The Fournier tradition claims that Jacobo-Guillame de Fournier was a descendant of the French Lords de Fourniers, of whom Jacques Fournier (Pope Benedict XII died 1342) was a member. This family hailed form Avignon, France and enjoyed the title of Comte. Various authentic copies exist of a grant dated December 1429 by King Charles VII of France of a coat of arms and nobility to St. Jeanne d’Arc and her family (given the surname “du Lys”) including the descendants of her brothers Jacquemin, Jean, and Pierre out of gratitude for Joan of Arc’s military victories. This grant allowed for the transmission of noble status through both the male and female lines. This had the practical effect of allowing them to pass their status to all of their descendants.In fact, it is amply recorded that two descendants of Pierre de Lys’s daughter namely Robert Le Fournier (the Baron of Tournebeu) and his nephew Lucas du Chemin (the Lord of Feron), successfully petitioned King Henry II of France in October 1550 for a confirmation of transmission of nobility to them under the terms of the aforesaid patent of nobility dated December 1429.
1. Antonio Geronimo Fournier., 2nd (joint) Comte et 23rd (joint) Sire de Fournier in France, Merchant of Trapani, Italy, Settled in Malta as a base to the Mediterranean Sea trade, married 1672 to Maddalena Preziosi-Poussieghes, with issue.
1.1. Giorgio-Benedict de Fournier, (1672-98) 3rd (joint) Comte et 24th (joint) Sire de Fournier in France, Knight of St John, dunm.
1.2. Lazzaro Pietro Paolo Fournier, 3rd (joint) Comte et 24th (joint) Sire de Fournier in France, married 1705 to Arietta Genevova de Pausier, with issue.
1.2.1. Giorgio Fournier de Pausier, (4th joint Comte et 25th joint Sire de Fournier), 1st Barone “de Pausier”, (Created 1768 in the Austrian Empire), 1st Conte Fournier (Cr:1770 in the Austrian Empire), Giorgio Fournier de Pausier applied for a title and that by letters patent bearing date the 31st March 1768, the title of Barone was conferred by Empress Maria Theresa on Giorgio Fournier de Pausier. The patent issued, at the grantee’s request, runs thus:- Te supradictum Georgium Fournier in numerum, consortium, coetum, ordinem, atque Baronum dignatatem assumimus, teque una cum filiis tuis atque posteris virilis sexus, ex legitimo thoro natis atque nascituris in infinitum, primogeniali ordine semper servato, Baronem ac Barones Regnorum et Provinciarum nostrarum facimus, nominamus atque creamus. (See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 205-208). Although published sources refer to this title as Barone de Pausier it is clear that that is a misnomer as the title granted was of Barone and not Barone de Pausier.. However, the accepted form is used here so as to distinguish it from other dignities enjoyed by the grantee’s family. At Maltese Law this title of Barone (de Pausier) is only a foreign title and, as such, it can be considered for the purposes of precedence in Malta only if registration or Magistral recognition has been achieved in accordance with the rules of 1739 and 1795 as enacted by Grand Masters Despuig and Rohan. In this case, this title granted to Fournier de Pausier in 1768 was never registered in Malta, nor does it appear to have received direct recognition for the Grand Masters who ruled Malta. (See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) Unfortunately, the 1878 report is not helpful in indicating whether Empress Maria Theresa granted this title in her German or Italian provinces, or elsewhere, nor does it indicate the place where the title was applied for, or where it was granted. On the other hand, it is helpful in indicating that the 1768 remainder reads posteris virilis sexus, ex legitimo thoro natis atque nascituris in infinitum, primogeniali ordine semper servato . Upon a further reading of the 1878 report, it results that two years later Giorgio Fournier de Pausier received another title of Conte (see footnotes below) where the grantor is described as the same Empress Maria Theresa, and that that title was granted in the Kingdom and Provinces of Germany. This however is not necessarily conclusive proof of the relative jurisdiction as the 1878 Report also describes yet another title granted by the same Empress in the same year 1770 but in the Italian Provinces annexed to the German Empire. Another title, this time one of Conte was conferred upon the said Giorgio Fournier de Pausier by the same Empress Maria Theresa, by a patent given at Vienna on the 29th January 1770. The grant was made to the said Giorgio Fournier de Pausier, in the Kingdom and Provinces of Germany with succession to his children and descendants of the male sex, whether born or to be born from lawful wedlock, according to the order of primogeniture. The following is the operative clause of the patent of creation:- Teque una cum filiis tuis atque posteris virilis sexus, ex legitimo thoro natis atque nascituris, in infinitum, primogeniali ordine servato, Comitem ac Comites Regnorum et Provinciarum nostrarum, facimus, nominamus atque creamus. (See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 209-215; Suppemental Report Part III; Letter of Hicks-Beach at pages 59-60 of Report). At Maltese Law this title of Conte (Fournier) is only a foreign title and, as such, it can be considered for the purposes of precedence in Malta only if registration or Magistral recognition has been achieved in accordance with the rules of 1739 and 1795 as enacted by Grand Masters Despuig and Rohan. In this case, it appears that the 1770 title granted to Fournier de Pausier was in fact registered in the Cancelleria, and in the High Court of the Castellania. Although published sources refer to this title as Conte Fournier it is clear that that is a misnomer as the title granted was of Conte and not Conte Fournier. However, the accepted form is used here so as to distinguish it from other dignities enjoyed by the grantee’s family. The 1878 Commissioners had difficulty in ascertaining whether the remainder of this 1770 grant, albeit providing for succession by Primogeniture, allowed a male descending from a female descendant of the grantee, to enjoy the title. In fact the 1878 Commissioners never reached a decision about the matter. It appears however that this latter question was resolved by the British Secretary of State. Married 1733 to Aloisea Sant, (The Sister of the First Count Sant), with issue. Lazzaro Fournier, (5th joint Comte et 26th Sire de Fournier), 2nd Barone “de Pausier”, 2nd Conte Fournier, It appears that the 1878 Commissioners were slightly confused about Lazzaro Fournier’s identity or even his very existence. In their first report, the commissioners reported: Giorgio Fournier, the person first ennobled, left Lazzaro Sant , who died without any son to whom the title might descend, but leaving only one daughter, Luigia Sant, the present claimant’s mother. Later, in their Supplemental Report, the same Commissioners said thus: The first titled person Giorgio Fournier had no male issue, but left one daughter, Luigia wife of Baldassare Sant, of whom Lazzaro Sant, the present claimant, is the first-born son. (See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 209-215; Suppemental Report Part III; Letter of Hicks-Beach at pages 59-60 of Report), married to Modesta dei Baroni Gauci-Azopardi di Buleben, with issue. Luigia Fournier, (died 1858), 3rd Baronessa de Pausier “Contessa Fournier”, As indicated above, the 1768 title granted Giorgio Fournier de Pausier is to follow the order of primogeniture. On the basis of the genealogical chart, the primogenial descendant of Giorgio Fournier de Pausier, the then primogenial descendant was a woman, namely Luigia Fournier wife of Baldassare Sant. As it does not result where the 1768 title was granted, one assumes that there is nothing which prevented an artificial agnation allowing Luigia Fournier and her descendants to enjoy the title of Barone (de Pausier) by order of Primogeniture., married 1811 to Conte Baldassare Sant, 3rd (joint 3rd) Count Sant, with issue. (illegitmate with Mrs Vianna Hili, the Housekeeper) Loretta de Fournier (Hili), married 1807 Valletta to Vincenzo Zammit., with issue. Lazzaro Zammit., married 1840 to Louisa Barbaro, with issue. Vincenzo Zammit, (1844-. Nathalie Zammit, married 1892 to Edwardo Bertoleoni. Jerome Zammit, (1846-. Antoinette Zammit, (1849-., married 1871 to Giorgio Bertoleoni. Marianna Zammit, (1851-. Vittoria (Tamara) Zammit, (1855-. married 1873 to Carlo Bertoleoni. Susanna Zammit., married 1839 to Michele Gauci. Antoinette Zammit., married 1843 to Simone Barbaro. Georgiana Zammit., dunm. Vincenzo Zammit., dunm. Enrico Zammit., dunm. Luigi Zammit., dunm. Antonio Zammit., dunm. Stefano Zammit., married 1845 to Fiametta Fabre, with issue. Vianna Zammit, (1847-. Anne Zammit, (1849-. Edith Zammit, (1851-. Caroline Zammit., married 1840 to Stephano Ruffo. Conte Gaetano Fournier, (1738-..), married 1775 Valletta to Clothilde Dorell, with issue. Contessa Caterina Fournier. Contessa Margherita Fournier. (illegitimate) Costanza de Fournier, married 1788 to Gio Batta Gonzi.
1.2.2. Aloiseo Fournier, 4th (joint) Comte et 25th (joint) Sire de Fournier in France, married to Anna Borg, with issue Mattia Fournier, married 1758 Porto Salvo, Valletta, to Francesco Calleja, (“del Luogo detto Bousett” of Marseglia). Fortunata Fournier., married 1747 to Gaspare Danza, with issue. Margherita Danza, married 1774 Valletta to Gio Batta Misura, with issue. Angela Misura,. married 1792 Valletta to Filippo Azzopardi. Antonio Fournier., 5th (joint) Comte et 26th (joint) Sire de Fournier in France, married 1748 at San Paolo, Valletta to Anna Borg., with issue. Maria Fournier., married 1813 Valletta to Ignazio Cauchi. Pasquale Fournier, 5th (joint) Comte et 26th (joint) Sire de Fournier in France, married 1759 to Paolina Alessi, with issue. Maria Antonia Fournier, (1766-), married to Antonio Pellegrino, with issue. Emmanuela Pellegrino, married 1825 Valletta to Antonio Fenech. Annunciata Pellegrino, married 1812 Valletta to Michele Dalli of Naples. Lucrezia Pellegrino, married 1815 Valletta to Antonio Ga of Sicily. Dun. Enrico Fournier, (1769-1819), 5th (joint) Comte et 26th (joint) Sire de Fournier in France “Priest”, dunm. Anna Margarita Fournier, married 1745 Vittoriosa to Don Alessandro Andrea Ferrandez y Castiglione.
1.2.3. Giovanni Fournier, 4th (joint) Comte et 25th (joint) Sire de Fournier in France, married (1) 1727 Porto Salvo, Valletta to Teresa Stellini. Married (2) 1734 Porto Salvo, Valletta to Caterina Caruana Mallia., with issue. Bartolomeo Fournier., 5th (joint) Comte et 26th (joint) Sire de Fournier in France, married 1779 to Vincenza Lauder, with issue. Marchese Pierre Fourniersky, (1815-1853), 2nd Marchese, married 1835 to Princess Sophia Sceberrasky, with issue. Marchese Lazzaro II Fourniersky, (1838-1889), 3rd Marchese, Knight of St John of Malta in Russia, dunm. Marchesa Sophia Fourniersky, (1841-), married 1860 to Count Alexis Carabottsky. Marchese Louis Fourniersky, (1844-1919), 4th Marchese, 20th and 25th and Last President of the Russia Maltese Chamber of Nobility 1889-1894; 1914-1919, married 1862 to Baroness Anna Preziosiky, with issue. Marchesa Sophia Fourniersky, (1864-), married 1882 to Baron Frederick Staal von Holsten. Marchesa Marie Fourniersky, (1866-), married 1885 to Baron George Staal von Holsten. Marchesa Tatiana Fourniersky, (1869-), married to Baron Clement von Stempel. Marchese Nicholas Fourniersky, (1847-1904), married 1866 to a Russia Noblewomen, with issue. Marchesa Antonia Fourniersky, (1869-), married 1892 to Count Sughtelen. Marchesa Olga Fourniersky, (1872-), married 1895 to Baron Wallen. Marchese Pierre Fourniersky, (1875-1918), Knight of St John of Malta in Russia, dunm. Marchesa Marie Fourniersky, (1879-), married 1899 to Baron von Laudon. Marchese Grigor Fourniersky, (1850-1927), 5th Marchese, fled to Sweden, married 1872 to Baroness Davida von Mahtz, with issue. Marchese Louis II Fourniersky, (1876-1957), 6th and last Marchese, fled to Sweden, dunm. Marchesa Catherine Fourniersky,. (1879-), married 1895 to Baron von Fejnk. Marchese Louis Fourniersky, (1818-1849), Knight of St John of Malta in Russia, dunm. Marchese Antonio Fourniersky, (1821-1849), Knight of St John of Malta in Russia, dunm. Marchesa Caterina Fourniersky, (1827-), married 1840 to Baron Alessandri Presiosky.
1.7. Contessa Anna Rosa Fournier, married 1721 Senglea to Gio Andrea Grima.
#1: Giorgio Fournier de Pausier applied for a title and that by letters patent bearing date the 31st March 1768, the title of Barone was conferred by Empress Maria Theresa on Giorgio Fournier de Pausier. The patent issued, at the grantee’s request, runs thus:- Te supradictum Georgium Fournier in numerum, consortium, coetum, ordinem, atque Baronum dignatatem assumimus, teque una cum filiis tuis atque posteris virilis sexus, ex legitimo thoro natis atque nascituris in infinitum, primogeniali ordine semper servato, Baronem ac Barones Regnorum et Provinciarum nostrarum facimus, nominamus atque creamus. (See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 205-208). Although published sources refer to this title as Barone de Pausier it is clear that that is a misnomer as the title granted was of Barone and not Barone de Pausier.. However, the accepted form is used here so as to distinguish it from other dignities enjoyed by the grantee’s family. At Maltese Law this title of Barone (de Pausier) is only a foreign title and, as such, it can be considered for the purposes of precedence in Malta only if registration or Magistral recognition has been achieved in accordance with the rules of 1739 and 1795 as enacted by Grand Masters Despuig and Rohan. In this case, this title granted to Fournier de Pausier in 1768 was never registered in Malta, nor does it appear to have received direct recognition for the Grand Masters who ruled Malta. (See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 205-208). This does not render the title invalid but in accordance with the rule cited above, although the title is valid, it does not enjoy precedence in Malta. Unfortunately, the 1878 report is not helpful in indicating whether Empress Maria Theresa granted this title in her German or Italian provinces, or elsewhere, nor does it indicate the place where the title was applied for, or where it was granted. On the other hand, it is helpful in indicating that the 1768 remainder reads posteris virilis sexus, ex legitimo thoro natis atque nascituris in infinitum, primogeniali ordine semper servato . Upon a further reading of the 1878 report, it results that two years later Giorgio Fournier de Pausier received another title of Conte (see footnotes below) where the grantor is described as the same Empress Maria Theresa, and that that title was granted in the Kingdom and Provinces of Germany. This however is not necessarily conclusive proof of the relative jurisdiction as the 1878 Report also describes yet another title granted by the same Empress in the same year 1770 but in the Italian Provinces annexed to the German Empire.
#2: Another title, this time one of Conte was conferred upon the said Giorgio Fournier de Pausier by the same Empress Maria Theresa, by a patent given at Vienna on the 29th January 1770. The grant was made to the said Giorgio Fournier de Pausier, in the Kingdom and Provinces of Germany with succession to his children and descendants of the male sex, whether born or to be born from lawful wedlock, according to the order of primogeniture. The following is the operative clause of the patent of creation:- Teque una cum filiis tuis atque posteris virilis sexus, ex legitimo thoro natis atque nascituris, in infinitum, primogeniali ordine servato, Comitem ac Comites Regnorum et Provinciarum nostrarum, facimus, nominamus atque creamus. (See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 209-215; Suppemental Report Part III; Letter of Hicks-Beach at pages 59-60 of Report). At Maltese Law this title of Conte (Fournier) is only a foreign title and, as such, it can be considered for the purposes of precedence in Malta only if registration or Magistral recognition has been achieved in accordance with the rules of 1739 and 1795 as enacted by Grand Masters Despuig and Rohan. In this case, it appears that the 1770 title granted to Fournier de Pausier was in fact registered in the Cancelleria, and in the High Court of the Castellania. .and
Although published sources refer to this title as Conte Fournier it is clear that that is a misnomer as the title granted was of Conte and not Conte Fournier. However, the accepted form is used here so as to distinguish it from other dignities enjoyed by the grantee’s family. The 1878 Commissioners had difficulty in ascertaining whether the remainder of this 1770 grant, albeit providing for succession by Primogeniture, allowed a male descending from a female descendant of the grantee, to enjoy the title. In fact the 1878 Commissioners never reached a decision about the matter. It appears however that this latter question was resolved by the British Secretary of State.
It appears that the 1878 Commissioners were slightly confused about Lazzaro Fournier’s identity or even his very existence. In their first report, the commissioners reported: Giorgio Fournier, the person first ennobled, left Lazzaro Sant ,who died without any son to whom the title might descend, but leaving only one daughter, Luigia Sant, the present claimant’s mother. Later, in their Supplemental Report, the same Commissioners said thus: The first titled person Giorgio Fournier had no male issue, but left one daughter, Luigia wife of Baldassare Sant, of whom Lazzaro Sant, the present claimant, is the first-born son. (See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 209-215; Suppemental Report Part III; Letter of Hicks-Beach at pages 59-60 of Report).
As indicated above, the 1768 title granted Giorgio Fournier de Pausier is to follow the order of primogeniture. On the basis of the genealogical chart, the primogenial descendant of Giorgio Fournier de Pausier, the then primogenial descendant was a woman, namely Luigia Fournier wife of Baldassare Sant. As it does not result where the 1768 title was granted, one assumes that there is nothing which prevented an artificial agnation allowing Luigia Fournier and her descendants to enjoy the title of Barone (de Pausier) by order of Primogeniture.
The same cannot be said in regard to the 1770 title of Conte granted to Fournier de Pausier as that grant is amply described in the 1878 report of the Royal Commissioners. In the first place, it is clear from the terms of the grant that the title cannot be enjoyed but by male members of the grantee’s family. In fact the Commissioners themselves observed that the relative remainder only allows the male sex to succeed. Published sources show the aforesaid Luigia Fournier as having enjoyed the title. This is patently not consistent with the terms of the 1770 grant. It will be recalled that in analogous situation (barone della Marsa), the 1878 Commissioners held that the formula tuisque descentibus masculis tribuimus concedimus et donamus excluded a female from succeeding a title granted in such terms.
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