This family is already listed as a noble family in “Descrittione di Malta” (1647). Moreover this family was later to succeed by rescript (1724) the title of Conte di Mont’ Alto together with the fief of that name in the Duchy of Parma (1720) originally granted to the Piscopo family, which subsequently became extinct, but another rescript was later (1776) presented by this family to the Duke.
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Last Update: 15-12-2024.
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“Fu’ sempremai in Malta riguardevole questa famiglia, antica, e comoda in diversi poderi, e fra’ gl’ altri territorij (e’ quali alcuni ritengono il proprio cognomen della casa) d’uno ch’ e’ de’ migliori dell’Isola, presentemente da lei goduto nominato ta’ Wnezia. In quanto a’ I suoi Anenati habbiamo ben sicura traditione, che di due fratelli fatti schiavi in un lor giardino ta’ Wied Ballut da’ corsair, essendo l’uno morte nella prigione, (ottenuta l’altro la liberta’) rimanesse padrone di tutto il patrimonio della casa; Questo fu’ padre di Paolo, & avo d’ Angelo, di cui fu’ figluolo Antonio, cognominato il Cavaliere, per haver conseguito l’honor di quel grado dall’Imperadore Carlo V in Messina, allora quando dalla nostra Citta gli fu’ destinato Ambasciatore nel 1535. Mori’ Antonio nell’ anno 1558 lasciando I seguenti suoi figliuoli cioe Angelo, Vincenzo, e Don Giuseppe Canonico nella nostra Cattedrale, Dottor di leggi, e Vicario Generale. D’Angelo poscia nacque Gio Paolo, di cui furono figliuoli il Dottor Angelo Manduca, e Girolamo; il primo prese moglie D. Enziona di Giurato delal Citta’ di Terranova, cugina del Cavaliere F. Don Blasco di Giurato, a da lei procreo’ Angelo Girolamo Manduca, unico figliuolo, ch’hoggi vive c’ l padre. L’altro si fece religioso in Roma della Comp. di Gisu. Fu’ egli padre di molte lettere, erudito scrittore sopra alcuni libri della Sacra Scrittura. Di tutti ritroviamo in Malta l’ascendente piu’ antico Antonio Manduca Giudice delle cause civili della nostra Citta’ l’anno 1405. Antonio secondo fu’ Giurato nel 1517, 1522 & 1527 e Capitano nel 1537, il medesimo in una provisione del Mastro Secreto del Regno vien appellato in tal guisa Per lo magnifico Antonio de Manduca regio & imperiali Cavaliere Giur &Ambasc della Citati, et Isula di Malta ni su’ stati presentati certi Viceregii exequutorii, & c. Finalmente uno di questa casa essendo andato in Francia, fu’ deputato al governo di quel Signore, che fu’ poi Duca Marescial de Biron, come si legge nell’ Istoria della sua vita stampata in Lione l’anno 1614 et c’est une chose mervelleuse qu’ on observee en luy (si discorre del Marescialle) que ayant este’ nourry aux histories dans Brisambourg sous un nomme’ Manduca, docte personage, et Maltois de nation, etc di cui senza dir altro, bastando l’argomento, che al certo non sarebbe stato impiegato (massimamente forastiere) ad amministrare quel Principe, se non fusse stato conosciuto huomo d’ ingegno, e di singular talento, soggiugneremo solo, che l’arme de Manduchi e’ un scudo di campo……..” (From Abela’s “Della Descrittione di Malta del Commendatore Abela” (1647))
1. Giacomo Manduca, (“habbiamo ben sicura traditione, che di due fratelli fatti schiavi in un lor giardino ta’ Wied Ballut da’ corsair, essendo l’uno morte nella prigione, (ottenuta l’altro la liberta’) rimanesse padrone di tutto il patrimonio della casa; Questo fu’ padre di Paolo”), (Testo 1440 by Notary Luca de Sillato), (Testamente 1440 by Notary Luca de Sillato), married c.1420 to Nobile Clara d’Avola, with issue.
1.1. Paoluccio Manduca, (c 1495), married c. 1440 to Donna Imperia Landolina, (see on this page), with issue.
1.1.1. Matteo Manduca.
1.1.2. Angelo Manduca, married c. 1470 to Vennera Ghaxaq, with issue. Magnifico. Dr. Antonio Manduca, JUD, “cognominato il Cavaliere, per haver conseguito l’honor di quel grado dall’Imperadore Carlo V in Messina, allora quando dalla nostra Citta gli fu’ destinato Ambasciatore nel 1535” Giurato (1517, 1522 & 1527) Capitano della Verga (1537)), The grant of 1535 in favour of Antonio Manduca predates the other two known grants of Knights of the Holy Roman Empire, viz. Testaferrata (1637) and Balzano (1698). Although these titles received direct recognition from the Grandmasters of the Order of Saint John during its Government of the Maltese Islands, its use was denied by only the British Secretary of State for the Colonies. See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.), died 1558, married (1) Aloisea Xara, Married (2) 1509 Agata Caruana, Married (3) Elisabetta Xerri. with issue. (First Marriage) Don Vincenzo Manduca, Jurat, married 1544 to Beatrice Falzon, with issue. Don Giovanni Manduca, ‘Priest‘. Don Alessandro Manduca, ‘Canon‘, died 1619. Don Giuseppe Manduca, married 1578 to Agata Cassar, and dsp. Donna Vincenza Manduca, married 1567 to Giacomo Cumbo. (Second Marriage) Don Giuseppe Manduca, “Canonico nella nostra Cattedrale, Dottor di leggi, e Vicario Generale.“, died 1565. Don Dr. Angelo Manduca JUD, married 1538 to Caterina Bonello, with issue. Don Antonio Manduca, ‘Canon‘. Don Gio Paolo Manduca, married 1567 to Caterina Xerri, with issue. Don Dr. Angelo Manduca, (“della Citta’ di Terranova, cugina del Cavaliere F. Don Blasco di Giurato”), married (1) 1598 to Donna Perna Guevara, married (2) 1605 to Eugenia di Giurato, with issue. (Second Marriage) Don Angelo Girolamo Manduca, married (1) 1641 Vittoriosa to Nobile Bernardina Abejer, Married (2) 1651 Mdina to Geronima Camenzuili. with issue. (First Marriage) Don Paolo Antonio Manduca, married 1678 Vittoriosa to Anna Maria Abela, with issue. Don Alessandro Manduca, married (1) 1710 Mdina/Vittoriosa to Olimpia Zammit, Married (2) 1722 (Notary Giovanni Grech) Valletta to Antonia Muxi, with issue. (Second Marriage) Don Paolo Manduca, married 1749 Senglea to Ursola Grech. Donna Anna Maria Manduca, married 1749 Vittoriosa to Raimondo Gatt. Donna Clara Manduca, married 1709 to Policarpo Saliba. Donna Rosa Manduca. Donna Ippolita Manduca. (Second Marriage) Don Giuseppe Manduca, married 1680 Valletta to Nobile Maria Piscopo Cassar, with issue. Don Felice Manduca Piscopo Macedonia, (died 1775), 2nd Count of Mont’Alto,Succeeded his great uncle in the title of Conte di Mont’ Alto and the fief of the that name by virtue of the rescript dated 9 March 1725: All of Felice Manduca’s three daughters failed to have any ulterior issue. However, even if they had produced any children of their own, it is unlikely that any one of Felice’s grandchildren would have succeeded to the title because such grandchild could only have claimed through a female line. In fact, the Royal Commissioners in their report plainly concluded: ‘After a careful consideration of all the foregoing circumstances, we are necessarily led to the conclusion that the title of Conte di Mont Alto, was determined on the 14th May 1775, by the death of Conte Felice Manduca, who had no male issue. ‘. See: Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (Para. 188) ), The title of Conte di Mont Alto in the Duchy of Parma, was, together with the fief of Monte Alto, conferred at the grantee’s request, by Francis I (Farnese), Duke of Parma, upon Bernardo Piscopo, by a Rescript given at Piacenza on the 8th July 1720.)The grantee did not have any (legitimate) issue, so he made another request to the Duke of Parma, in order that he be granted “the power of disposing of the fief in favour of Felice Manduca Piscopo, his grand-nephew, or of one of the brothers of the said Felice, and so in favour of such of them as Bernardo might designate his heir, and of his legitimate and natural male children and descendants from a real and lawful wedlock issuing in infinitum, according to the order of primogeniture, or in such any other manner as petitioner might prefer to dispose thereof, so that in case he should die without issue as aforesaid, the above-mentioned fief, with the title of Count, with its jurisdictions, power of the sword, and its merum and mixtum imperium ..should be vested in the aforesaid Manduca, or in such of his brothers as the petitioner might nominate to be his heir, in the same manner and form as if the latter were expressly included and designated in the said grant and investiture, and this (he requested) in order that in the family of his said grand-nephews, that is of such of them as might be his heir, the glorious token of a perpetual vassalage to the Most Serene dynasty of your Highness might always be preserved in its lustre”. See: Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) The grant of the title and the fief was registered on the 2 September 1721 (Ref. AOM 525, f. 111r-112r), married 1767 Valletta to Bulbina Bonici, with issue. Donna Anna Manduca, dunm. Donna Felicita Manduca, married Ignazio Bonici, and dsp. (illegitimate with Slave Housekeeper) Salvatore Gesualdo Edoardo de Zammit, married 1766 Zebbug to Sapienza Agius, with issue. Giuseppe Zammit, married (1) 1791 Zebbug to Maria Curmi, married (2) 1801 Mqabba to Rosa Portelli. Anna Zammit, married (1) 1794 Zebbug to Angelo Cini, married (2) 1816 Senglea to Michele Camilleri. Antonio Zammit, married 1803 Senglea to Fortunata Mercieca, with issue. Paolo Zammit, married 1831 Senglea to Veneranda Mercieca. Rocco Zammit, married 1844 Valletta to Anna Falzon, with issue. (First marriage) Emanuele Gatt, married 1922 Birkirkara to Maria Anna Muscat. Maria Alunna, married 1763 Valletta to Giuseppe Crocco. Don Bernardo Manduca Piscopo, married (1) 1743 Valletta to Teresa Portughes, married (2) 1778 Mdina to Francesca Paulucci, with issue. (illegitimate from Teresa Rodrigues) Rosa Maria Rodrigues, married 1781 Cospicua to Giuseppe Seisun, married (2) 1783 Cospicua to Don Paolo Vella. (Second marriage) Dona Maria Manduca, married 1799 Mdina to Dr Giuseppe Vella MD. Don Salvatore Manduca Piscopo Macedonia, (Died 1800), ‘3rd Conte di Mont’Alto’ (As seen above the title of Conte di Mont’ Alto as extended in 1724, became extinct in 1775. However at the time of the 1878 Commission, Monsignor Salvatore Manduca Piscopo Macedonia, claimed that same grant was again ‘extended’, this time by another rescript dated 28 December 1776, in favour of Salvatore Manduca, his grand-father, and of the grantee’s male issue. . See: Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (Para. 188) . Unfortunately for the Monsignor, his representative failed to produce an authentic documentation and the Commissioners, feeling pressed to get on with their work, did not think it advisable to delay further the presentation of their Report. In doing so, they did not fail to observe as follows: The present title (if taken to have ever existed) was never registered in Malta, nor has the claimant produced any proof of its having ever been recognized by the Grand Masters of the Order of St. John. We must not, however, omit to state that on inspecting the Minute Book in which the appointment of the jurats was entered during the Government of the Order, we noticed that Salvatore Manduca was in the year 1797-1798 appointed jurat for Notabile and styled ‘Conte’. We can, however, give no importance to this circumstance in the absence of an authentic copy of the patent of creation of this title; and we beg to add that although the above-named Francesco Manduca had declared himself ready to bring over from Parma some authentic documents, we did not think it advisable to delay further the presentation of our Report. As matters now stand, we cannot include Monsignor Manduca in our list of Titolati. It is, however, to be understood that the claimant is by no means precluded from producing at any future time further evidence of the existence and recognition of this title, in which case his claim, must in our opinion, be reconsidered.See: Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (Para. 188) .), it appears Monsignor Manduca managed to substantiate his claim sometime between 1878 and 1883 because his name appears as one of the five titolati who were appointed to form a Committee in 1883 as results from the document Report of the Committee of Privileges of the Maltese Nobility on the claims of certain members of that body with the Secretary of State’s Reply, August 1883, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C-3812). However, this in itself does not satisfactorily indicate the enumeration of the holders of this title nor does it shed any light on the relative remainder. The only clue of a remainder was the Monsignor’s claim that it extended to his grandfather’s ‘male issue’, 1st (?) Conte Manduca (Cr. 1776?), Married 1783 Valletta to Elena Portughes, with issue. (illegitimate from Anna Ebejer) Giuseppe Manduca, married 1808 Valletta to Felicity Dingli., with issue. Don Paolo Manduca-Piscopo-Macedonia, married 1802 Valletta to Antonia dei Baroni Gauci Bonici, with issue. Don Rev. Mgr Salvatore Manduca-Piscopo-Macedonia, ‘5th Conte di Mont’Alto’, 3rd (?) Conte Manduca (Cr. 1776?), (died 1885), . “it appears Monsignor Manduca managed to substantiate his claim sometime between 1878 and 1883 because his name appears as one of the five titolati who were appointed to form a Committee in 1883 as results from the document Report of the Committee of Privileges of the Maltese Nobility on the claims of certain members of that body with the Secretary of State’s Reply, August 1883, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C-3812). However, this in itself does not satisfactorily indicate the enumeration of the holders of this title nor does it shed any light on the relative remainder. The only clue of a remainder was the Monsignor’s claim that it extended to his grandfather’s ‘male issue'”. Don Saverio Manduca-Piscopo-Macedonia, married to Contessa Clara Sant Fournier , with issue. (First marriage) Bernardo Manduca-Piscopo-Macedonia (c 1891-1972), ‘7th Conte di Mont’Alto’, 5th (?) Conte Manduca (Cr. 1776?), it appears Monsignor Manduca managed to substantiate his claim sometime between 1878 and 1883 because his name appears as one of the five titolati who were appointed to form a Committee in 1883 as results from the document Report of the Committee of Privileges of the Maltese Nobility on the claims of certain members of that body with the Secretary of State’s Reply, August 1883, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C-3812). , dunm. Don Joseph Manduca Azopardi (c 1892-1964) 8th Barone di Buleben, married 1923 to Lucy Muscat Fenech, with issue. Don Francis Manduca-Piscopo-Macedonia-Azopardi (c 1926- 1993) ‘8th Conte di Mont’Alto’, 6th (?) Conte Manduca (Cr. 1776?), 8th Barone di Buleben, married 1957 to Margarett Gatt, with issue. Don Alfred Manduca-Piscopo-Macedonia (1958-, 9th Count of Mont Alto, married 1990 to Marika Ann Vassallo, with issue. Donna Luisa Manduca-Piscopo-Macedonia, (1991-, married 2024 to Nader Bawany. Donna Michela Manduca-Piscopo-Macedonia, (1992-), d.inf. Donna Sarah Rose Manduca-Piscopo-Macedonia, (1994-. Donna Nicola Manduca-Piscopo-Macedonia, (1996-. Don Joseph Bernard Manduca-Piscopo-Macedonia-Azopardi (c 1959-, 10th (recte 9th) Baron of Buleben, Contino di Mont’Alto., married 1985 to Angela Marich, with issue. Don Christian Manduca Azopardi, Baroncino di Buleben, (1987-, married 2013 to Francesca Zammit Tabona, with issue. Don Max Manduca, (2016-. Don Samuel Manduca, (2019-. Donna Francesca Manduca Azopardi, (1991-. Donna Mary Rose Manduca-Piscopo-Macedonia-Azopardi (1924-, married 1967 to Conte Anthony dei Conti Sant Cassia., dsp. Don Paolo Manduca-Piscopo-Macedonia (1853-1905), married 1883 Floriana to Paolina Zammit, with issue. Don Saverio Manduca (1884-. Don Phillip Manduca (1894-, married 1923 to Emma Pullicino, with issue. Don John Manduca, (1927 – 2014), Amb to Norway, Sweden, & Denmark, High Commissioner for Malta to the UK 1987-1990, married 1954 to Sylvia Parnis dei Baroni di San Giovanni, with issue. Donna Anne Manduca, married to Francis Tabone. Don Martin Manduca., married to Rachelle Micallef, with issue. Donna Emma Manduca. Don James Manduca, married to Stephanie N. Don John Manduca, married to Michaela N. Donna Louise Manduca, married to Christopher Morley. Don Anthony Manduca, married to Rowena N. Don Salvatore Manduca, (died 1885), Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married 1869 to Caroline Attard Montalto, with issue. Don Anthony Manduca (1870-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married firstly 1889 to Luisa De Candia (daughter of Captain Nicola De Candia), with issue, married secondly to Orsolina De Cendia, (daughter of Captain Nicola de Candia), with issue. (First Marriage) Don Salvino Manduca (c 1892-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married 1919 to Mary Azzopardi, with issue. Don Louis Manduca (died 2006), Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married 1944 to Ruby Sumner, with issue. Dona Vivienne Manduca, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married (1) to Lino Fenech Soler, Married (2) to Anthony Buttigieg, with issue. (First Marriage) Selina Fenech Soler, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married to Joseph Buttigieg, with issue. Jessica Ruby Buttigieg, (1995-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. John Baptist Buttigieg, (1997-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. (Second Marriage) Julian Buttigieg, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Dona Louise Manduca, married to Dr. Mark Bailey. Don Anthony Manduca (c 1933-1995), Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married to Marie Louise Manduca (See Below for descendants). Dona Miriam Manduca, (1928-2002), Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married to Norman Semini, with issue. David Semini, (1952-., Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married to Betty Coutlakis, with issue. Matthew Jordan Semini., Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Nicholas Semini., Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Nadia Semini, (1960-., Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married (Div) to Brian Friel, with issue. Jake Friel, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Nikki Friel, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Mark Semini, (1965-., Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married to Heather Millington, with issue. Liam Semini, (1991-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Brooke Semini, (1997-., Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Dona Rose Manduca, (1932-., Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married (1) to Anthony Paul Camilleri, married (2) to Bill Arnold, with issue. (First Marriage) Contessa Silvana Carmela Camilleri, (1954-., Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married (Div) to Tadeusz Peter Wolinski, with
issue. Catherine Marie Wolinski, (1983-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Mark Anthony Wolinski, (1985-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Michael John Camilleri, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married to Wendy Davis, with issue. Corinna Willow Camilleri, (1977-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Clinton Camilleri, (1980-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. (issue from Christine Judson) Haley Rose Camilleri,. (2003-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Don Robert Manduca (c 1894-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Dona Silvia Manduca (c 1890-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married 1926 Sengla to Dr Giuseppe Ruggieri LLD. Dona Caroline Manduca (c 1897-., Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married 1926 to Barone Guiseppe Attard Montalto, with issue. Dona Francesca Manduca (c 1901-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Dona Luigia Manduca (1903-1999), Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married to Francesco Muscat, with issue. Marlene Muscat, married to N. Farley-Hills. N. Muscat, married to Rene Cremona. Don Guiseppe Manduca (c 1874-1947)., Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married 1896 to Clorinda Soler, with issue. Dona Janie Manduca (c 1897-., Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Don Josie Manduca (c 1907-1990)., Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married Josephine Dimech (c 1907-1976) with issue. Dona Marie Louise Manduca (c 1936-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married Anthony Manduca (c 1933-1995), (See Above) with issue. Don Michael Manduca (c 1959-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married Monica Spiteri with issue. Dona Christine Manduca (c 1992- , Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Don Adrian Manduca (c 1993- , Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Dona Lorraine Manduca (c 1961- , Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married Anthony Schembri with issue. Audrey Schembri (c 1991- , Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Ron Schembri (c 1993-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Dona Julie Manduca (c 1962-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary,, married David Clifford. Don Joseph Manduca (1937-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married to Lily Carbonaro (c 1933-2024)., with issue. Dona Karen Manduca, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married Lawrence Zammit with issue. Andrew Zammit (c 1987- , Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Rebecca Zammit (c 1990-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Ilaria Zammit (c 1991-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Dona Nadine Manduca, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married Paolo Buffa with issue. Ezio Buffa (c 1991-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Marina Buffa (c 1991-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Dona Therese Manduca (c 1939-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married Charles Calleja (c 1931- , with issue. Sharon Calleja (c 1961-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married Victor Saliba (c 1957- , with issue. Geoffrey Saliba (c 1983-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Marie-Claire Saliba (c 1987-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Roger Calleja (c 1964-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married Patricia Galea. Brian Calleja (c 1970-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married to Fiona Vella. Don Jean Manduca (c 1940-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married Maria Mallia (c 1941 , with issue. Don Andrew Manduca (c 1964-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married Angela Xuereb with issue. Don Luke Manduca (c 1990-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Don Rebecca Manduca (c 1993-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Don Noel Manduca (1941-2008), , Hereditary Noble of Hungary, dunm. Don Louis Manduca – Changed surname to Manning. (1942-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married Ann Salomone (c 1950- , with issue. Don Mark Manning, (1973-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married to Kim Clarke, with issue. Don Charlie Manning, (2004-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Dona Sarah Manning, (1975-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married to Ted Hankey, with issue. Matthew Blay Hankey, (1999-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Leah Hankey, (2003-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Edward Hankey, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Don Raymond Manduca (c 1944-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married Anna Gingell-Littlejohn. DonMalcolm Manduca (c 1974-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Don Gerald Manduca (c 1975-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married to Natalie Restorick. Dona Veronica Manduca (c 1982-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Don David Manduca (1945-2021), Hereditary Noble of Hungary, dunm. Dona Helene Manduca (c 1946-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married Joe Leone-Ganado with issue. Bertha Leone-Ganado (1972- , Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married John Grixti with issue. Sylvana Grixti (1999-., Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Luke Grixti., (2001-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Adrian Leone-Ganado (c 1974-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Christoper Leone-Ganado (c 1976-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. David Leone-Ganado (c 1981-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Dona Marguerite Manduca, (1948-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary. Dona Angele Manduca, (c 1949-, Hereditary Noble of Hungary, married Ovideo Vella (c 1947- , with issue. Donna Eustachia Manduca married 1757 to Francesco Saverio Cachia. Donna Vincenza Manduca Piscopo, dunm. Donna Geltrude Manduca Piscopo, ‘Nun‘. Donna Rosamarie Manduca Piscopo, ‘Nun‘. Donna Euschia Manduca Piscopo, ‘Nun‘. Donna Ninsa Manduca Piscopo, ‘Nun‘. Don Maurizio Manduca, died 1620, dunm. Donna Paolina Manduca, married (1) 1609 to Dr Federico Ciantar JUD, married (2) Nobile Aloiseo Calli, married (3) Don Diego Gattadoro. Don Girolamo Manduca, (“religioso in Roma della Comp. di Gisu. Fu’ egli padre di molte lettere, erudito scrittore sopra alcuni libri della Sacra Scrittura.“).
Footnote#1: The title of Conte di Mont Alto in the Duchy of Parma, was, together with the fief of Monte Alto, conferred at the grantee’s request, by Francis I (Farnese), Duke of Parma, upon Bernardo Piscopo, by a Rescript given at Piacenza on the 8th July 1720.)The grantee did not have any (legitimate) issue, so he made another request to the Duke of Parma, in order that he be granted “the power of disposing of the fief in favour of Felice Manduca Piscopo, his grand-nephew, or of one of the brothers of the said Felice, and so in favour of such of them as Bernardo might designate his heir, and of his legitimate and natural male children and descendants from a real and lawful wedlock issuing in infinitum, according to the order of primogeniture, or in such any other manner as petitioner might prefer to dispose thereof, so that in case he should die without issue as aforesaid, the above-mentioned fief, with the title of Count, with its jurisdictions, power of the sword, and its merum and mixtum imperium ..should be vested in the aforesaid Manduca, or in such of his brothers as the petitioner might nominate to be his heir, in the same manner and form as if the latter were expressly included and designated in the said grant and investiture, and this (he requested) in order that in the family of his said grand-nephews, that is of such of them as might be his heir, the glorious token of a perpetual vassalage to the Most Serene dynasty of your Highness might always be preserved in its lustre”. See: Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) The grant of the title and the fief was registered on the 2 September 1721 (Ref. AOM 525, f. 111r-112r)
Footnote#2: Bernardo moreover asked that should the Duke grant him the power of disposing of the said fief as requested, then that the person so nominated be declared as having been invested with the said fief of Monte Alto and with a title of Conte, as if the person so nominated had been within the original vocation of the grant. Bernardo made a third demand, namely that the Duke allows him to create on that fief a regular and lineal Primogenitura, in favour of the legitimate and natural first-born descendants in infinitum of the person so nominated. On the foregoing petition, the Duke issued the following rescript: Concedimus investimus, mandamus, declaramus, approbamus, et derogamus in omnibus et per omnia ut petit. Et non obstantibus (Dat. Comitii, die 19 Mensis 7 bris anni 1724, Franciscus Dux. It appears that in his solemn testament received in the acts of Notary Tommaso Vella, on the 9th March 1725, Bernardo nominated his grand nephew Felice Manduca. See: Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) The extension dated 1724 was registered in Malta on the 14 July 1744 (Ref. AOM 548, f. 161v)
Footnote#3: By means of the same will, Bernardo established an entail in Malta regulating other properties. The nominated successor’s own family eventually became extinct. Although the Maltese entail was succeeded by another of Bernardo’s relatives (Felice Manduca) a problem arose in regard to the title and fief of Mont’ Alto, because the 1724 permission could only be construed in regard to not more than the male issue of one nominated relative. In fact all of Felice Manduca’s three daughters failed to have any ulterior issue. However, even if they had produced any children of their own, it is unlikely that any one of Felice’s grandchildren would have succeeded to the title because such grandchild could only have claimed through a female line. In fact, the Royal Commissioners in their report plainly concluded: ‘After a careful consideration of all the foregoing circumstances, we are necessarily led to the conclusion that the title of Conte di Mont Alto, was determined on the 14th May 1775, by the death of Conte Felice Manduca, who had no male issue. ‘. See: Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (Para. 188)
Footnote#4: After Felice’s death the entail was succeeded by Vincenzo Manduca who in turn was succeeded in the same entail by Monsignor Salvatore Manduca. However, succession of the mere entail could not revive the title.
Footnote#5: As seen above the title of Conte di Mont’ Alto as extended in 1724, became extinct in 1775. However at the time of the 1878 Commission, Monsignor Salvatore Manduca Piscopo Macedonia, claimed that same grant was again ‘extended’, this time by another rescript dated 28 December 1776, in favour of Salvatore Manduca, his grand-father, and of the grantee’s male issue. . See: Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (Para. 188) . Unfortunately for the Monsignor, his representative failed to produce an authentic documentation and the Commissioners, feeling pressed to get on with their work, did not think it advisable to delay further the presentation of their Report. In doing so, they did not fail to observe as follows: The present title (if taken to have ever existed) was never registered in Malta, nor has the claimant produced any proof of its having ever been recognized by the Grand Masters of the Order of St. John. We must not, however, omit to state that on inspecting the Minute Book in which the appointment of the jurats was entered during the Government of the Order, we noticed that Salvatore Manduca was in the year 1797-1798 appointed jurat for Notabile and styled ‘Conte’. We can, however, give no importance to this circumstance in the absence of an authentic copy of the patent of creation of this title; and we beg to add that although the above-named Francesco Manduca had declared himself ready to bring over from Parma some authentic documents, we did not think it advisable to delay further the presentation of our Report. As matters now stand, we cannot include Monsignor Manduca in our list of Titolati. It is, however, to be understood that the claimant is by no means precluded from producing at any future time further evidence of the existence and recognition of this title, in which case his claim, must in our opinion, be reconsidered.See:Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (Para. 188) .
Footnote#6: It should be recalled that at Maltese Law this title ‘granted’ in 1776 would only qualify as a foreign title and, as such, it can be considered for the purposes of precedence in Malta only if registration or Magistral recognition has been achieved in accordance with the rules of 1739 and 1795 as enacted by Grand Masters Despuig and Rohan. In this case, this title supposedly granted or extended in favour of Salvatore Manduca was never registered in Malta, nor does it appear to have received direct recognition for the Grand Masters who ruled Malta. (See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.). This consideration does not render the title invalid (assuming the claim is substantiated) but in accordance with the rule cited above, it does not enjoy precedence in Malta.
Footnote#7: it appears Monsignor Manduca managed to substantiate his claim sometime between 1878 and 1883 because his name appears as one of the five titolati who were appointed to form a Committee in 1883 as results from the document Report of the Committee of Privileges of the Maltese Nobility on the claims of certain members of that body with the Secretary of State’s Reply, August 1883, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C-3812).
Footnote#8: In any event the 1776 grant could not have been issued by a Duke Farnese of Parma as the last Duke Antonio, who succeeded the Duke Francis/Francesco (grantor of the extinct 1720 title), died without issue on 20 June 1731 and that Duchy was in accordance with the Treaty of London of 1718 succeeded by the descendants of their aunt Elisabetta (Carlos Borbone). In the acts relative to the 1744 registration Felice Manduca, describing himself as “humble servant and vassal” applied to the Grand Master to register the succession of the title of Count of Mont’ Alto. The applicant explained that he had succeeded Bernardo in the antique comital fief of Mont’ Alto in the State of Parma, and that this succession had been accepted by an act of the year 1739 by the Duke of Parma and another of the year 1741 by the King of Hungary, who was the actual sovereign of the said State of Parma. He went on to explain that he was desirous to register the documents in the Cancellaria where the original patent was already registered. The applicant undertook to meet all the usual obligations necessary to register similar successions. The applicant therefore requested the Grand Master to allow the registration of the documents in the Cancellaria, ordering that the originals be returned. On the 14th July 1744 Grand Master Pinto ordered that the documents be registered.
Footnote#9: it appears Monsignor Manduca managed to substantiate his claim sometime between 1878 and 1883 because his name appears as one of the five titolati who were appointed to form a Committee in 1883 as results from the document Report of the Committee of Privileges of the Maltese Nobility on the claims of certain members of that body with the Secretary of State’s Reply, August 1883, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C-3812). However, this in itself does not satisfactorily indicate the enumeration of the holders of this title nor does it shed any light on the relative remainder. The only clue of a remainder was the Monsignor’s claim that it extended to his grandfather’s ‘male issue’ (See footnote above)
Footnote#10: The grant of 1535 in favour of Antonio Manduca predates the other two known grants of Knights of the Holy Roman Empire, viz. Testaferrata (1637) and Balzano (1698). Although these titles received direct recognition from the Grandmasters of the Order of Saint John during its Government of the Maltese Islands, its use was denied by only the British Secretary of State for the Colonies. See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.)
MELITENSIA BOOK CLUB, Issue 1, Abela Commendatore Fra Gian. Francesco, Della Descrittione di Malta isola nel mare siciliano con le sue antichita’, ed altre notizie. Libr Quattro Facsimile edition. Malta, 1984.
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