“The Nobile family of Perdicomati”.
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Note: Not all descendants are listed.
Giovannetto Perdicomati of Rhodes Is, married 1576 to Leonora Cagliola, with issue.
1. Lucrezia Perdicomati, married 1613 Valletta to Giuseppe Giansolem, with issue.
1.1. Maddalena Giansolem, married (1) 1632 Valletta to Agostino Borg, married (2) 1649 Valletta to Nobile Giacomo de Modica, with issue.
1.1.1. (First marriage) Marianna Borg, married 1656 Valletta to Dr Gio Filippo Micallef JUD, with issue. Diana Micallef, married 1676 Valletta to Nobile Michele Angelo Crispo.
1.1.2. Argenta Borg, married 1661 Valletta to Ignazio d’Amico.
1.1.3. Anna Borg, married 1655 Valletta to Diego d’Amico.
1.1.4. Eugenio Borg, married 1660 Valletta Giacobina Gauci, married 1677 Valletta to Maria Mizzi, with issue.. Orsola Borg, married 1718 Valletta to Giovanni Quirico Suria, with issue. Eugenio Suria, married 1737 Valletta to Rosa Micallef, with issue. Maddalena Suria, married 1771 Valletta to Angelo Grech.
1.2. Francesco Perdicomati, married (1) to Antonia Xerri, married (2) 1635 to Vincenza Bologna, with issue.
1.2.1. (First marriage) Gio Antonio Perdicomati, married 1652 to Maruzza Castelletti, dsp.
1.2.2. (Second Marriage) Leonara Perdicomati Bologna, married 1657 to Gio Antonio de Lorenzo.
1.2.3. Pietro Perdicomati Bologna, married 1662 to Eugenia Mangion, with issue. Martino Perdicomati-Bologna, married 1692 to Anna Marie Muscat, with issue. Pietro Gaetano Perdicomati Bologna, 1st Count of Catena, (Cr:1745), Unlike the great majority of titles conferred by the Grand Masters, the title of Conte delle Catene, or delli Mori conferred by Grand Master Pinto, by a patent of the 20th January 1745, upon Pietro Gaetano Perdicomati Bologna was specifically conferred so as to further enhance a property already held in entail by the grantee. This title was granted on the 20th January 1745, upon Pietro Gaetano Perdicomati Bologna and his sons, born and to be born, as well as on his heirs and successors, whether relations or strangers. The entail referred to in the relative grant was the agnatial entail founded by Don Alessandro Perdicomati Bologna with a faculty to nominate amongst the male descendants. The following is an extract from the deed of grant:- “Te supradictum Dominum Petrum Cajetanum Perdicomati Bologna tuosque filios jam natos vel nascituros, haeredes et successores primogenitos et etiam extraneos, Comitem et Comites Territorii seu Tenutae delle Catene hodie vero delli Mori appellati, positi in hac Nostra Insula a te et antecesoribus possessi jure pleni dominii et proprietatis, nec non Primogenitura masculinae ordinatae per bon mem canonicum Don Alessandro Perdicomati Bologna…..in feudum nobilem sub titulo comitis erigimus atque extollimus.”. The entail is described in the footnote below was subject of court litigation. It is to be especially remarked that the terms of ennoblement extend to Perdicomati’s sons, as well as on his heirs and successors, whether relations or strangers and that this title follows the tenure of the territory known as Catene. That is to say, unlike other titles which provide for a remainder in favour of descendants of the relative grantee, succession to this title is to be reckoned according to the possessor of the land who must be a male. This effectively means that the title may be succeeded to by strangers in blood of Pietro Gaetano Perdicomato Bologna. Moreover, the Report observes that the remainder of the above extract favours not only the one of the grantee’s descendants, but the grantees sons (born and to be born) heirs, AND successors (tuosque filios jam natos vel nascituros, haeredes et successores primogenitos et etiam extraneos), meaning that grant may allow to a plurality of claims being founded on the grant dated 1745. This view appears to be reinforced by the grant’s use of the term comitem et comites. See:- Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (Paras. 35-36). On the other hand, the entail referred to above was an indivisible primogenitura and that ulterior succession was to be limited according to a primogenitura favouring males. Therefore although the grant envisages the possibility of a plurality of sons of the grantee, the remainder is effectively restricted only by reason of the indivisible nature of the entail restricted in favour of males. It appears that Pietro Gaetano had only one son, apart from a daughter married to the barone Paolo Testaferrata., married 1717 to Giovanna Fortunata Testaferrata dei Baroni di Gomerino, with issue. Nicolo Perdicomati Bologna, 2nd Count of Catena, married 1745 Valletta to Maria Teresa Grech, with issue. Johanna Perdicomati Bologna, (3rd) Countess of Catena, married 1783 to Pietro Paolo Bonici Platamone, and dsp. Maria Angelica Perdicomati Bologna, (4th) Countess of Catena, married 1791 to Paolo Sceberras Testaferrata. Nobile Vincenza Perdicomati Bologna, married 1752 to Barone Paolo Testaferrata Abela. Nobile Anna Marie Perdicomati-Bologna, married 1687 to Dr. Calcerano Mompalao, (Note: See Frigenuini for First Marriage issues). Gio Batta Mompalao, Marquis of Taflia, (Cr: 1783), dunm.l 1787. (illegitimate with Housekeeper) Elizabetta Alunna di Mompalao, married 1730 Valletta to Paolo, Neofito, converti. (illegitimate with Housekeeper) Teresa Alunna di Mompalao, married 1730 Vittoriosa to Michele Debono. (illegitimate with Housekeeper) Nicola di Giovanni, Alunno di Mompalao, married 1730 Valletta to Maria Orpheline di Don Giulio Cesare Isimbardi dei Marchesi della Pieve di Cairo 1698-1754, Knight of Malta, with issue. Grazia di Giovanni, married (1) 1761 Valletta to Antonio Magro, married (2) 1795 Valletta to Gio Maria Fabri. (illegitimate with Housekeeper) Margherita Orpheline di Mompalao, married 1730 Birkirkara to Giuseppe Portelli, with issue. Maria Portelli, married 1750 Birkirkara to Giuseppe Sammut. (illegitimate with Housekeeper) Matteola Orpheline di Mompalao, married 1730 Mosta to Antonio Muscat. (illegitimate with Housekeeper) Caterina Giovanna Orpheline di Mompalao, married 1730 Valletta to Angelo Gilestri. Claudia Antonia Mompalao, (died 1768) married Ferdinando Castelletti, Baron di Marsa, and dsp.
1.3. Giovanni Perdicomati, married Leonora Zammit, with issue.
1.3.1. Agostina Perdicomati, married 1679 to Pietro Ciambanin, with issue. Maria Teresa Ciambanin, mistress to Fra Louis-Alphone de Lorraine-d’Armagnac.
1.4. Gioannella Perdicomati, married 1597 Valletta to Mgco Giacomo Tholossenti.
2. Caterina Cagliola, married to Nobile Giovanni Rapa.
3. Francesco Cagliola, married to Nobile Aloisea Cumbo, with issue.