The Noble Family of Mompalao.
This family is listed as a noble family in “Descrittione di Malta” (1647).
Moreover this family was later to be granted the titles of Barone di Frigenuini (1737) and Marchese della Taflia (1783). One of the members of this family was later to be granted the titles of Illustrissimo e Nobile (1732).

Last Update: 19-08-2024.
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“In quell’ isola in una publica iscrittione posto sopra la gran Fontana si fa’ memoria di Pietro Mompalau’ allora uno de’ Giurati regnando il Cattolico Re’ Ferdinando; Se ne passo’ doppo in Malta dove parimente ha’ goduti I primi gradi della Citta, e fatti parentadi eziandio in Sicilia, con alter famiglie nobili, & in Siracusa dal 1400. In 1500 ha’ esercitati officij che si davano solo a’ nobili, come si legge nell’ archivio di quella Citta’. Nel 1503 leggiamo Giurato Francesco Mompalau’, & Antonio nel 1542. Continuo’ pero’ nel Gozo la sua stanza il ramo quivi rimasta, fino quasi a’ I tempi, che quel Castello fu devastato da Turchi nel 1551, essendosi stato prima Tesoriere, e poscia Capitano Calcerano nel 1542, questo fu figlio del sudetto Pietro, e Padre di Garzia, che fu’ Giurato della nostra Citta’ nel 1586, & 1596. Ne’ tempi piu’ rimoti, leggiamo in un privilegio spedito l’anno 1374, nell’ assedio di Catania, a favour di Artale Alagona, che d’ordine del Re’ Martino Emmanuele di Mompalau’ regio COnsigliere espressamente delegate, investessa la seconda volta l’Alagona dello stato, e Contea di Malta, benche’ da indi a’ poco ne fusse di nuovo privato, come altrove n’habbiamo discorso.” (From Abela’s “Della Descrittione di Malta del Commendatore Abela” (1647))
Nobile Francesco Mompalao, Giurato (c.1503)., married to Nobile Francesca Falsone, with issue.
1. Antonio Mompalao. Giurato (c.1542), married to Dona Elizabetta Falsone, nee Inguanez., dsp.
2. Pietro Mompalao., .., (“In quell’ isola in una publica iscrittione posto sopra la gran Fontana si fa’ memoria di Pietro Mompalau’ allora uno de’ Giurati regnando il Cattolico Re’ Ferdinando”), married to Isabella sives Elizabetta.., with issue.
2.1. Calcerano Mompalao. Governor of Gozo (r 1542-43), (essendosi stato prima Tesoriere, e poscia Capitano Calcerano nel 1542), married 1529 (Notary Giuseppe Saliba) to Paola dei Baroni Navarra., with issue.
2.1.1. Margarita Mompalao., married 1554 to Nobile Fulvio Piccinino of Spoleto, Italy.
2.1.2. Petruzza Mompalao., married 1557 to Antonio Mazzara e Celestri.
2.1.3. Garzia Mompalao., married 1582 (Notary Giuliano Muscat) to Nobile Margarita Xerri., married (2) 1581 Mdina to Margherita Bartolo, dsp. Dr Pietro Mompalao JUD., married 1605 Mdina to Claudia Castelletti., with issue. Dr Francesco Mompalao JUD., dunm. 1637. Geronima Mompalao., married Dr Giacomo Falsone JUD. Alessandro Mompalao., married (1) 1661 Vittoriosa to Margarita Busuttil, married (2) 1690 Valletta to Natalizia Briffa., married (3) 1702 Mdina to Aloisia Chetcuti, with issue. (Second Marriage) Geronima Mompalao., married 1684 Mdina to Pietro Paolo Vella. Pietro Mompalao., married 1657 Matrice Gozo to Caterina de Lorenzo, with issue. Calcerano Mompalao., married (1) 1682 Valletta to Agata Balzano., married (2) 1687 Valletta to Anna Perdicomati Bologna., with issue. (First Marriage) Pietro Mompalao, Hereditary Knight of the Holy Roman Empire, thru his Balzano grandfather., married 1732 Matrice Gozo to Rosa Cuzkeri., with issue. Fra. Saverio Mompalao, dunm. Giuseppe Mompalao, Monk, dunm. Paolo Mompalao, dunm. Alessandro Mompalao, Created, 17 September 1737 Barone di Frigenuini (Ref: Vol. 541, ff. 197r-197v The grant of Barone di Frigenuini granted to Alessandro Mompalao on the 17 September 1737 by Grand Master Despuig (later granted to Gaetano Pisani on the 17 June 1773 by Grand Master Ximenes) does not appear to have been considered by the 1878 Commissioners.), married 1732 Valletta to Adeodata Cuzkeri., dsp.l. (illegitimate from Diane de Beauclerk Lenox, illegitimate daughter of the 2nd Duke of St Albans and Renee de Lenox) Mary Davis, (1742 London – 1825 Paris), later known as Mary Nesbitt, married 1768 St Martin-in-the-Field, London to Alexander Nesbitt, (d. 1772), later Mistress to Hon Augustus Hervey, 3rd Earl of Bristol, (d. 1779), later to Henry Luttrell, 2nd Earl of Carhampton, with issue. (by Henry Luttrell, 2nd Earl of Carhampton) Henry Luttrell, MP, (1765-1851). (illegitimate from Diane de Beauclerk Lenox, illegitimate daughter of the 2nd Duke of St Albans and Renee de Lenox) Rosalea Mompalao ( 1743-85), [Story] grew up with her Mompalao family, and Styled Baroness di Friguenuni. Was Mistress to the Marquis Diegio Moscati di Xrobb il Ghagin, and Virissimo de Lancastre, Knight of Malta and the Future 3rd Earl of Orford. (By the Marquis Diegio Moscati) Nobile Saveria Moscati, (3rd) Baroness di Frigenuni ( 1760-97), [Story] grew up with her mother in Valetta, Malta . Travelled to London and lived there between 1783 and 1795, returning with her children to Malta before dying in 1797. Had two main lovers with children from. They were Marquis Antonio de Piro and the Lord Archibald Douglas-Hamilton. Likely to have had other lovers though none noted as the father of any of her children. (By Marchese Antonio de Piro) Senatore Nobile Alexandre Moscati ( 1774-1826). [Story] Grew up in Valletta, Malta. Was forced to flee Malta, due to raping the Noble Maria Teresa Testaferrata, which sired a daughter. Alexandre, was a Senator in Messina, Sicily .. He married firstly to a British Girl called Louisa Campbell, and sired several children from her. She died in 1802. He married secondly to the Noble Rosa d’Alessandro and sired several more children. Alexander was also the de jure 3rd Marquis di Xrobb-il-Ghajn, (4th) Baron di Frigenuni. (By Maria Teresa Testaferrata) Nobile Anna Moscati (1792-1853), (5th) Baroness di Frigenuni, [Story] grew up in a convent and adopted by Giacomo Muscat in Malta . Took up cleaning duties for the Government houses. In the beginning of the year 1808, a French Prince, took an interest in her while in Palermo, and asked if she could have her service with him, while in Malta.. The affair only lasted a short time due to his sickness, though joined them on board to Malta, as the Prince became more sickly and then died. Anna was pregnant by him, and was later married to a Michele Gauci in Mosta in 1810. (By Prince Louis-Charles d’Orleans, Comte de Beaujolais) Nobile Teresa Gauci-Beaujolais (1808/09- 1874). (6th) Baroness di Frigenuni, “Styled Comtesse de Beajolais”, though unsuccessfully through the Bourbon Orleans family to inherit, married in 1838 to Nobile Andrea dei Baroni Abela, with issue. (By the first marriage). Antonio Moscati (1796-Messina to 1861 Naples ). de jure 4th Marquis di Xrobb-il-Ghajn, Grew up in Messina and went into the Royal Two Sicilies Army, and retired as Captain. Married in Naples 1832 to Marianna Lombardo dei Duchi di Cumia, with issue. Alexandro Moscati, (1836 – 1878), de Jure 5th Marchese di Xrobb il-Ghajn, dunm. Carmelo Moscati, (1840-1879), de Jure 6th Marchese di Xrobb il-Ghajn, dunm. Louisa Moscati, (1838-1881), married 1857 to Rosario Moscati, (See below). Anna Maria Moscati, (1842-1902), Nun, dunm. Louise Moscati (1798-1849 Messina)., married (1) 1817 Palermo to Raimondo Musmeci dei Baroni della Torre., married (2) 1848 to Cesare Averna dei Baroni di Centineo. Stefanie Moscati 1799-1891 Messina), married 1822 Messina to Girolamo Rospigliosi-Gioeni dei Signore di Trappeto. (From the Second Marriage) Rosario Moscati (1807-91 Messina). de Jure 7th Marchese di Xrobb il-Ghajn, Served as a local authority in Messina, married to Anna d’Alessandro and with issue. Rosario Moscati, (1831-1894), de Jure 8th Marchese di Xrobb il-Ghajn, married 1857 to Louisa Moscati, (See above), with issue. Antonio Moscati, (1864-1914), de Jure 9th Marchese di Xrobb il-Ghagin, married 1890 to Alexandra Moscati, (See below), with issue. Rosario III Moscati, (1894-1945), de Jure 10th Marchese di Xrobb il-Ghajn, married 1930 to Cristina de Pembroke, (See below), with issue. Antonio Moscati, (1932-1945), de Jure 11th Marchese di Xrobb il-Ghajn, dunm. Alexandra Moscati, (1933-2001), married 1959 to Ronaldo Moscati, (See below). Tommaso Moscati (1842-85) A Magistrate in Messina, married in 1871 to Isabella d’Aragona, with issue. Rosario Moscati, (1873 Messina -1942), married 1902 Messina to Elizabetta de Pembroke, (grand daughter of Robert Herbert, 12th Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery), with issue. Tommaso Roberto Moscati de Pembroke, (1905 Messina -1985)., de Jure 12th Marchese di Xrobb il-Ghajn, married 1940 to Marchesa Alexandra Alessi Fontani, with issue. Yolanda Moscati de Pembroke, (1942-. Carolina Moscati de Pembroke, (1945-. Isabella Moscati de Pembroke, (1907 Messina -1987)., married 1931 to Nobile Giuseppe Delicata. Eloise Moscati de Pembroke, (1910 Messina -1953)., marired 1939 to Don Louis dei Principe Said. Enrico Moscati de Pembroke, (1911 Messina -1992)., de Jure 13th Marchese di Xrobb il-Ghajn, married 1930 to Donna Bianca Maria dei Principe Said, with issue. Patricia Moscati, (1932-. Christina Moscati, (1936-. Ronaldo Moscati de Pembroke, (1938-, de Jure 14th Marchese di Xrobb il-Ghajn, married 1959 to Alexandra Moscati, (see above), with issue. Enrico Rosario Moscati de Pembroke, (1962-), married 1985 to Alda Moscati de Pembroke, (See below), with issue. Enrico Beniamino Moscati de Pembroke, (1988-), married 2003 to Melissa Cawood, with issue. Ronaldo Moscati de Pembroke, (2004-. Carla Moscati de Pembroke, (2008-. Georgette Moscati de Pembroke, (1990-. Christina Moscati de Pembroke, (1965-. Frederico Moscati de Pembroke, (1968-, married 1990 to Edwina de Pembroke, (See below), with issue. Davide Moscati de Pembroke, (1994-. Zenaide Moscati de Pembroke, (1998-. Patrizio Moscati de Pembroke, (1972-, married 1993 to Fiametta de Pembroke, with issue. Filiberto Riccardo Moscati de Pembroke, (1996-. Vincenzo Moscati de Pembroke, (1999-. Alberto Moscati de Pembroke, (1940-, married 1963 to Maria Scilla de Pembroke, (See below), with issue. Alda Moscati de Pembroke, (1966-, married 1985 to Enrico Rosario Moscati de Pembroke, (See above). Octavia Moscati, (1875 Messina – 1908)., married 1902 Messina to Don Henri de Pembroke e Montgomery, (grand son of Robert Herbert, 12th Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery),with issue. Enrico de Pembroke, (1903 – 1915), dunm. Roberto de Pembroke, (1905-1944), Served for the Italian Navy, married 1941 to Marchesa Porsia Fontani, with issue. Maria Scilla de Pembroke, (1943-, married 1985 to Alberto Moscati de Pembroke, (See above). Enrico de Pembroke, (1944-2021), married 1965 to Marchesa Leonilda Fontani, with issue. Maria Scilla de Pembroke, (1966-. Edwina de Pembroke, (1969 -, married 1990 to Federico Moscati de Pembroke, (See above). Fiametta de Pembroke, (1973-, married 1993 to Patrizio Moscati de Pembroke, (See above). Cristina de Pembroke, (1908-1953), married to Rosario III Moscati, (See above). Alexandra Moscati, (1874-), married 1890 to Antonio Moscati, de Jure Marchese di Xrobb il-Ghajin, (See above). Carlo Moscat, (1845-1906), moved to Egypt, was a lawyer, married 1879 to Fiamatta Cilia (see below), with issue. Alexandre Moscati (1846-1931), A Priest in Messina, then Egypt, dunm. Rosa Moscati (1841-, married to Giovanni Azzopardi. Antonia Moscati ( 1844-, married in Messina to Vincenzo Militello dei Baroni di Castagna. Maria Moscati ( 1847-, married in Messina to Enrico Chianello di Maria Zappino dei Baroni di Carcaci. Sylvia Moscati ( 1849-, married to Enrico Delicata. Diegio Moscati (1776-1801) Malta, Deacon of the Cathedral of Mdina. Had sired several children. (By Louise Stilon) Antonio Moscati (1795-99), d.inf. Alexandre Moscati (1796-1818), Monk., dunm. Louisa Moscati ( 1797-1840) a Nun. Capt Carmelo Moscati de Piro ( 1778, Valetta- 1798 Frankfurt, Grand Duchy of Hesse ). Served in several armies , though killed in battle in Frankfurt . Had sired one child by Princess Henrietta Sophie von Bentheim zu Steinfurt., (Princess married later to a German Prince), with issue. (Only child) Antonia Moscati de Piro (1796 Steinfurt, to 1878, Malta ) [Story] – note the child was automatically styled Nobile, Brought to Malta upon her birth and looked after by the Moscati family. She was a cleaner to the Testaferrata de Noto Family, when she was raped by then teenager, Marchese Sir Giuseppe Vincenzo Testaferrata de Noto , and sired a child by him. Antonia was married 1820 Mdina Malta to a Domenico Sammut of Rabat , Malta . Marchese Giuseppe Testaferrata de Noto – adopted by Gaetano and Caterina Sammut) Maria Sammut ( 1820-72) [Story] Brought up in the Sammut name , and married 1840 Naxxar to a Giuseppe Cilia of Rabat, Malta. ( By Lord Archibald Douglas Hamilton) Archibald Moscati (1785 London -1843 Salerno), lived in Palermo as a court Official, married in 1801 to a Donna Antonia de Stefano, daughter and Heiress of a Sicilian Baron. Archibald changed his name to DE STEFANO upon marriage. Antonia Moscati ( 1786 London -, married to Don. Claudio Fabre, with issue. Rosalea Moscati ( 1787 London -, adopted by the GALEA family, and married in 1804 to Giuseppe Moscati. (illegitimate from George Walpole, 3rd Earl of Orford, 16th Baron Clinton) Bartolomeo Walpole Attard ‘Alunno‘, (1766 Livorio, Italy- 1837 Malta), married 1794 Birkirkara to Anna Xiberras, with issue. Aloisio Giorgio Walpole Attard, (1796-, married 1824 Valletta to Agata Gatt. Maria Margarita Walpole Attard, (1797-, married 1819 Valletta to Giuseppe Suda. Marcella Saveria Walpole Attard, (1799-, married 1815 Zurrieq to Giuseppe Chetcuti. Emmanuele Guglielmo Walpole Attard, (1802-, married 1829 Valletta to Barbara Pisani. Maria Francesca Walpole Attard, (1804-, married 1827 Birkirkara to Francesco Peralta, (s/o Giorgio and Giovanna Grech). Angela Rosaria Walpole Attard, (1805-, married 1825 Zurrieq to Andrea Farrugia. (illegitimate from Virissimo de Lancastre, Knight of Malta) Philippa de Lancastre (Cushieri) (1769-, married 1784 Vittoriosa to Pietro Caruana, with issue. Alessandro Caruana, (1785-., dunm. Pietro Caruana, (1787-., dunm. Antonia Caruana, (1789-., married 1816 to Carlo de Carlo (see below). Ferdinando Caruana, (1791-., dunm. (illegitimate from Virissimo de Lancastre, Knight of Malta.) Antonia de Lancastre ( Cushieri) (1772-, married to Giorgi Magro Sant. (illegitimate from Virissimo de Lancastre, Knight of Malta.) Elizabetta de Lancastre (Cushieri) (1775-, married to Paulo de Caro, with issue. Carlo de Carlo, (1789-., married 1816 to Antonia Caruana (see above), with issue. Vincenza de Carlo, (1791-., married 1815 to Giacomo Preziosi. Maria de Carlo, (1794-., dunm. Edgardo de Carlo, (1796-., married 1819 to Maddalena Mariani, with issue. Pietro Paolo de Carlo, (1821 -. Angelica de Carlo, ( 1824 -. Carlina de Carlo, (1828 -. Pietro de Carlo, (1799-., married 1823 to Angelica Mariani., with issue. Enrico de Carlo, (1826 -. Henrietta de Carlo, (1831 -. Virginia de Carlo, (1835 -. Tommaso de Carlo, (1837 -. Leonardo de Carlo, (1838 -. Gio Batta Mompalao., married 1761 to Anna Dingli, dsp. Flavia Mompalao., married Paolo Ignazio Gauci. Modesta Mompalao., married Ercole Mamo. Giovanna Mompalao., married 1761 to Chco Antonio Rizzo. (Second Marriage) Antonia Mompalao., married Ferdinando Castelletti, Barone of Marsa. Gio Batta Mompalao, 1st (and last) Marquis della Taflia (Cr. 1783), Created, 25 October 1783 Marchese della Taflia (Ref: Archives of the Order, National Library, Malta Vol. 587, ff, 294v, 299r See Footnote below), d.unm.l. 1787. The title granted to Gio Batta Mompalao is mentioned in passing (but as a title of ‘Barone’ instead of ‘Marchese’), by the 1878 Commissioners when these were describing the three classes of titles granted by Grand Master Rohan: the Commissioners described the title as belonging to the class of ‘personal grants’, thus: On this point we must observe that the numerous grants of titles made by Grand Master Rohan may be classed under three different heads; some patents expressly providing for the perpetuity of the title specifically include the children and descendents in infinitum of the person first ennobled; such are the titles we have hitherto considered, and others which will be hereinafter inquired into. Other grants, like that the Commissioners presently considered, only designated the grantees’ names without proceeding further. The patents of the Marchese Barbaro (#58), of the Conte Gatt (#62), of the Marchese Mallia Tabone (#67), and that which conferred on the 23rd October 1783, the title (now extinct) of Barone to Signor Mompalao, fall under this class. Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (illegitimate) Margarita Alunna en enfant trovuee de l’Hosptial, married 1762 Siggiewi to Pietro Zammit. (illegitimate) Rosario de Camilleri, enfant de l’Hospital, married 1769 Siggiewi to Vittoria Gatt. Marcella Mompalao., married 1645 to Dr Angelo Mangion JUD. Calcerano Mompalao., married 1629 to Dona Fiorenza Inguanez dei Baroni di Djar il-Bniet e Buqana., dsp. Eugenio Mompalao., dunm. 1637.
2.1.4. Consalvo Mompalao., dunm.
2.1.5. Antonio Mompalao, married 1560 Mdina to Nobile Agata Vassallo, (d/o Michele).
- MELITENSIA BOOK CLUB, Issue 1, Abela Commendatore Fra Gian. Francesco, Della Descrittione di Malta isola nel mare siciliano con le sue antichita’, ed altre notizie. Libr Quattro Facsimile edition. Malta, 1984.
- Adami collection, Vol 72.
- Biography of Pandolfo Falcone;