Signors or Barone di Jurihaudo (Djar il-Chandul), (cr: 1399); Barone Falsone, 1493, 1521, 1561.

Freiherr von Schwartzbach und Kirchentiffenback of the Holy Roman Empire.

Antonio, come marito di Caterina, si era’ succeduta nel feudo d’oncie dodeci sopra la regia Secrezia a’ Pietro Vaccaro suo padre figluol d’Angelo, che n’hebbe l’investitura, a 21 d’Agosto 1408 possede’ il detto feudo per alcuni anno, poscia lo diede in dote a’ Lorenzo suo figliuolo”.

Last update: 19-08-2023.

Granted to: Milite Antonio Falsone.

Title: Signore/ Barone di Djar il-Chandul.

By: Martin I and Maria I, King and Queen of Sicily and Malta

On: 1399 in Palermo.

With Remainder to: His descendants by feudal tenure (Jure Francorum) in perpetuity.

List of Title holders: 

1. Milite Antonio Falsone, 1st Barone, succeeded by his son.

2. Nobile Lorenzo de Falsone, 2nd Barone, succeeded by his son.

3. Nobile Marchesino Falsone, 3rd Barone, succeeded by his nephew.

4. Nobile Pietro Falsone, 4th Barone, succeeded by his son.

5. Nobile Fra Leonardo Falsone, 5th Barone, succeeded his brother.

6. Nobile Antonio Falsone, 6th Barone, Barone Falsone 1493, (c. 1500), succeeded by his son.

7. Nobile Pietro Falsone, 7th Barone, 2nd Barone Falsone, succeeded by his son.

8. Nobile Vincenzo Falsone, 8th Barone, 3rd Barone Falson, succeeded by his daughters (equally).

9. Nobile Agata Falsone, 9th Baroness jointly.

9. Nobile Delicata Falsone, 9th Baroness jointly.

9. Nobile Franca Falsone, 9th Baroness jointly.

9. Nobile Erasmo Falsone, 9th Baroness jointly.

9. Nobile Isabella Falsone, 9th Baroness jointly.

9. Nobile Margarita Falsone, 9th Baroness jointly, succeeded eventually by their cousin.

10. Nobile Antonello Falsone, 10th Barone, (c. 1530), succeeded by his son.

11. Nobile Salvo Falsone, 11th Barone, (1561), succeeded by his son.

12. Nobile Gio Domenico Falsone, 12th Barone, (1582), succeeded by his eldest daughter.

13. Nobile Valenza Falsone Zammit, 13th Baroness, (1617), succeeded by her daughter.

14. Nobile Argentina Zammit Cachia, 14th Baronessa, (1647), succeeded by her daughter.

15. Nobile Girolama Cachia Pace, 15th Baroness, (1677), succeeded by her cousin.

16. Nobile Graziulla Cassar Crisati, 16th Baroness, (1701), sold to the Knights of St John of Malta.


Granted to: Nobile Antonio Falsone.

Title: Barone Falsone.

By: Ferdinando II, King of Sicily and Malta.

On: 1493 in Palermo.

With Remainder to: His male descendants by feudal tenure (Jure Francorum) in perpetuity.

List of Title holders: 


1. Nobile Antonio Falsone, 6th Barone di Djar il-Chandul, Barone Falsone 1493, (c. 1500), succeeded by his son.

2. Nobile Pietro Falsone, 7th Barone di Djar il-Chandul, 2nd Barone Falsone, succeeded by his son.

3. Nobile Vincenzo Falsone, 8th Barone di Djar il-Chandul, 3rd Barone Falson, extinct.


Granted to: Milite Dr Matteo Falsone JUD.

Title: Barone Falsone

By: Charles I, King of Sicily and Malta, V of the Holy Roman Empire.

On: 1521 in Palermo.

With Remainder to: His male descendants by feudal tenure (Jure Francorum) in perpetuity.

List of Title holders: 


1. Nobile Dr Matteo Falsone JUD, 1st Barone, succeeded by his son.

2. Nobile Matteo Falsone, 2nd Barone, (c. 1536), succeeded by his son.

3. Nobile Dr Matteo Falsone JUD, 3rd Barone, (1594), succeeded by his son.

4. Nobile Dr Giacomo Falsone JUD, 4th Barone, (1625), succeeded by his son.

5. Nobile Pietro Paolo Falsone, 5th Barone, (1654), extinct.

Granted to: Milite Antonio Falsone, Military Engineer.

Title: Knight of the Holy Roman Empire (Noble Tornearius and Armiger of the Holy Roman Empire).

By: Charles I, King of Sicily and Malta, V of the Holy Roman Empire.

On: 1535 at Mdina, Malta (during Emperor Charles V visit).

With Remainder to: His male descendants.

List of Title holders: 

1. Nobile Antonello Falsone, 10th Barone di Djar il-Chandul. (Also during his time in Italy and in the Holy Roman Empire, granted other honours, which are not known at this stage).

Granted to: Nobile Matteo Falsone, 2nd Barone Falsone.

Title: Barone Falsone

By: Jean de la Vallette, Grand Master of Malta.

On: 1561 at Vittoriosa.

With Remainder to: His male descendants by feudal tenure (Jure Francorum) in perpetuity.

List of Title holders: 

1. Nobile Matteo Falsone, 1st Barone, (c. 1536), succeeded by his son.

2. Nobile Dr Matteo Falsone JUD, 2nd Barone, (1594), succeeded by his son.

3. Nobile Dr Giacomo Falsone JUD, 3rd Barone, (1625), succeeded by his son.

4. Nobile Pietro Paolo Falsone, 4th Barone, (1654), extinct.


Granted to: Nobile Antonello Falsone sives Fazuni, Military Engineer, 10th Barone di Djar il-Chandul..

Title: Freiherr von Schwartzbach und Kirchentiffenback in the Holy Roman Empire, Hereditary Knight of the Holy Roman Empire.

By: Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor.

On: 1535 Mdina, Malta during Charles V visit.

With Remainder to: His male descendants by feudal tenure (Jure Francorum) in perpetuity.

List of Title holders: 

  1. Nobile Antonello Falsone sives Fazuni, died 1555 in Malta, 1st Freiherr, 10th Barone di Djar il-Chandul, succeeded by his son.
  2. Nobile Salvo Falzone, 11th Barone di Djar il-Chandul, 2nd Freiherr, Hereditary Knight of the Holy Roman Empire, succeeded by his son.
  3. Nobile Gio Domenico Falzone, 12th Barone di Djar il-Chandul, 3rd Freiherr, Hereditary Knight of the Holy Roman EmpireTitle dormant c. 1630.

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