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Last Update: 24-05-2024.

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King Augustus II the Strong, (1670-1733), Elector of Saxony r. 1694-1733; King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania r.1697-1706, married 1693 to Christiane Eberhardine von Brandenburg-Bayreuth, with issue.

1. Friedrich August II, Elector of Saxony, King of Poland, (1696-1763), r. 1733-1763, married 1719 to Archduchess Maria Josepha of Austria, with issue.

1.1. Friedrich Christian, Elector of Saxony, r. 1763-, (1722-1763), married 1747 to Princess Maria Antonia of Bavaria, with issue.

1.1.1. Friedrich August III, Elector of Saxony, r.1763-1806, King of Saxony, r.1806-1827, (1750-1827), married 1769 to Amalie von Zweibrucken-Birkenfeld, with issue. Princess Maria Augusta of Saxony, (1782-1863), dunm. (illegitimate with Anna Abela) Casimiro de Zahra, per inconnus, married 1822 Valletta to Concetta Serra, with issue. Maria Anna Zahra, married 1841 Valletta to Giovanni Vella. (illegitimate with Jewish) Bibiana Alunna, married 1821 Siggiewi to Nicola Gatt. (illegitimate with Anna Abela) Carmela de Abela, pere inconnus, married 1823 Zejtun to Gio Maria Piscopo. (illegitimate with Margherita Gori) Guglielmo de Gori, pere inconnus, married 1825 Valletta to Teresa Grima, with issue. Paolo Gori, married 1853 Vittoriosa to Clara Camilleri. Margarita Gori, (1838-1909), married to Nobile Giuseppe Abela. (illegitimate with Jewish) Teresa Alunna, married 1831 Siggiewi to Nicola Bartolo. (illegitimate with Teresa Sultana) Maria de Sultana, married 1826 Nadur Gozo to Giuseppe Muscat.

1.1.2. Prince Karl Maximilian of Saxony, (1752-1781), dunm.

1.1.3. Prince Joseph Maria of Saxony, (1754-1763), dunm.

1.1.4. Anton, King of Saxony, r.1827-1836, married (1) 1781 to Princess Maria Carolina of Savoy, married (2) 1787 to Archduchess Therese of Austria, with issue. (Second marriage) Princess Maria Ludovica of Saxony, (1795-1796), d.inf. Prince Friedrich August of Saxony, (1796-), d.inf. Princess Maria Johanna of Saxony, (1798-1799), d.inf. Princess Maria Theresia of Saxony, (1799-), d.inf.

1.1.5. Princess Maria Amelia of Saxony, (1757-1831), married 1774 to Karl III, Duke of Zeibrucken.

1.1.6. Prince Maximilian Maria of Saxony, (1759-1838), renounce his rights to the throne 1830, married (1) 1792 to Princess Carolina of Bourbon Parma, married (2) 1825 to Princess Maria Luisa of Bourbon Parma, with issue. (First marriage) Princess Maria Amelia of Saxony, (1794-1870), dunm. Princess Maria Ferdinanda of Saxony, (1796-1865), married 1821 to Ferdinando III, Grand Duke of Tuscany. Friedrich August II, King of Saxony, r.1836-1854, (1797-1854), married (1) 1819 to Archduchess Caroline of Austria, married 92) 1833 to Princess Marie of Bavaria, dsp. Prince Clemens of Saxony, (1798-1822), dunm. Princess Maria Anna of Saxony, (1799-1832), married 1817 to Leopoldo II, Grand Duke of Tuscany. Johann, King of Saxony, r.1854-1873, (1801-1873), married 1822 to Princess Amelia of Bavaria, with issue. Princess Maria Auguste of Saxony, (1827-1857), dunm. Albert, King of Saxony, r.1873-1902, (1828-1902), married 1853 to Princess Carola Vasa of Sweden, dsp. Princess Maria Elisabeth of Saxony, (1830-1912), married (1) 1850 to Prince Ferdinando of Savoy, Duke of Genoa, married (2) 1856 to Marchese Niccolo Rapallo. Prince Friedrich August Ernest of Saxony, (1831-1847), dunm. George, King of Saxony, r.1902-1904, (1832-1904), married 1859 to Infanta Maria Anna of Portugal, with issue. Princess Maria Johanna of Saxony, (1860-1861), d.inf. Princess Elisabeth of Saxony, (1862-1863), d.inf. Princess Mathilde of Saxony, (1863-1933), dunm. Friedrich August III, King of Saxony, r.1904-1918, (1865-1932), married 1891 (Div 1903) to Archduchess Luisa of Austria, with issue. Princess Maria Josepha of Saxony, (1867-1944), married 1886 to Archduke Otto of Austria. Prince Johann George of Saxony, (1869-1938), married (1) 1894 to Duchess Isabella of Wurtehmberg, married (2) 1906 to Princess Maria Immacolata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, dsp. Prince Maximilian of Saxony, (1870-1951), dunm. Prince Albert Karl of Saxony, (1875-1900), dunm. Princess Maria Sidonia of Saxony, (1834-1862), dunm. Princess Anna Maria of Saxony, (1836-1859), married 1856 to Ferdinando IV, Grand Duke of Tuscany. Princess Margaretha of Saxony, (1840-1858), married 1856 to Archduchess Karl Ludwig of Austria. Princess Sophia of Saxony, (1845-1867), married 1865 to Karl Theodor, Duke in Bavaria. Princess Maria Josepha of Saxony, (1803-1829), married 1819 to Fernando VII, King of Spain.

1.1.7. Princess Maria Anna of Saxony, (1761-1820), dunm.

2. (illegitimate with Fatima, Turkish lady) Graf Friedrich August Rutowsky, (1702-1764), married 1739 to Princess Ludovika Amelie Lubomorska, with issue.

2.1. Graf August Joseph Rutowsky, (1741-1755), dunm.

2.2. (illegitimate with Housemaid) Giuseppe de Rutowsky sives Podeca, sent to Malta as a child, married 1764 Qormi to Maria Alunna di Pier’Antonio Testaferrata, with issue.

2.2.1. Alessandro Podeca, married 1787 Valletta to Maria Callus, with issue.

2.2.2. Rosa Maria Podeca, married 1786 Valletta to Angelo Debono.

2.2.3. Giuseppa Podeca, married 1804 Mdina to Felice Farrugia.

3. (illegitimate with Fatima, Turkish lady) Grafin Katherina Rutowska, (1706-1750), married 1728 to Graf Michal Bielinski, married (2) 1732 to Comte Claude Marie de Bellegarde.

4. (illegitimate by Grafin Marie Aurore von Konigsmarck) Graf Maurice de Saxe, Governor of Flanders, married 1714 (Div 1721) to Johanna Viktoria Tugendreich von Loeben.

4.1. (illegitimate with Marie Rinteau de Verrieres) Marie Aurore de Saxe, (1748-1821), married (1) 1766 to Graf Antoine de Horses, married (2) to Claude Dupin de Franceuil.

5. (illegitimate by Ursula Katherina von Altenbockum, later Princess von Teschen) Johann George von Saxe, Governor of Dresden, (1704-1774), dunm.l.