Titles of Noble Patrician of Messina (Testaferrata)


The title Noble Patrician of Messina was originally granted to Mariano Testaferrata in 1553 and reconfirmed in 1792 in favour of the Testaferrata family.

The title is claimed by many of Malta’s noble families who descend from the Testaferratas. In the 19th Century a Royal Commission concluded that this is a mere municipal honour. However, this title is in fact a valid Italian title of nobility (a “Patriziato”).

Since 1975, titles of nobility are no longer recognized in the Republic of Malta by Act 29 of 1975 dated 17 October 1975.

Origin and Nature of title By means of a personal privilegium conferred on the nobleman Mariano Testaferrata on the 20th December 1553, by the Jurats of the city or municipality of Messina, Mariano obtained the citizenship of Messina, and he became thereby entitled to all the rights of a Messinese citizen, and to the exemption from certain taxes which were payable by strangers. By another privilegium of the Senate of Messina, bearing date the 28th August 1792, stating, with reference to that of 1553, that Mariano Testaferrata had been elected into the ‘Senatorium Messinensium Ordinem inter que Nobiles Cives Mamertinos’ the Marchese Don Mario Testaferrata Castelletti, Don Daniele and Don Pandolfo Testaferrata De Noto  , and the Barone P.P. Testaferrata Abela, all descendents of the said Mariano, were recognized as noble citizens and patricians of Messina, and their nobility was traced so far back as the year in which the Privilegium was granted to Mariano, being thus reinstated in the possession of that dignity, together with their children and descendants. This instrument was recorded in the Acts of Notary Vincenzo Farrugiia, on the 20th February 1877 and reads as follows: In senatorium Messanensium Ordinem, interque Nobilis Cives et Patricios Mamertinos, ab anno Millesimo quingentesimo, quinquegesimo tertio de die vigesimo Decembris, duodecimae Indicationis (ut melius in officio Nostro apparet e nobilitatis privilegio in Registro dicti anni existente), Majores Nostri jure merito adscribendum esse judicarunt Nobilem Marianum Testaferrata, Jacobi filium et Angarai Nepotem, tum ob eximium splendorem suae gentis,quaevetustissimae Capiferuorum familiae, inter Romanos Patriciae, inclytum est germen, tum ob singularem ejus fidem et observantiam erga Urbem nostram et Regnum. Exinde idem Nobilis Marianus Testaferrata sive de Capiferreo, patricius origine Romanus, et allectione Messanensis, e nostra descendens provincia, alibi familiam generose propagavit, quae in duos precipue divisa est lineas; quarum prima spectabilibus, sibique aegualibus juncta nuptiis inter Nobiles Sacri Romani Imperii Equites Tornearias et Capitulares cooptata est illi addita in gentilitio stemmate rubro Capiferuorum Tauro, Aguila nigra, aliisque Caesareis ornamentis, et inde, praeter alios honorum titolos, Marchionatus Sti Vincentii Ferreri, tessera in Regno Naepolitano decorata, alioque etiam Marchionatus titolo insignita a Victorio Amadeo Sabaudo, tum Rege Nostro gloriosissimo. Altera vero linea pari item decore fulgens Patriciatui Almae Romanae Urbis, quo ex immemorabiti aetate illustris Capiferuorum Gens, Testaferratarum parens gaudebat, iterum admunerata fuit ab anno Millesimo quingentesimo nonagesimo et post modum Dynastiam Castri Cicciani in eodem Regno Neapolis decorata, praeter Gomerini Baroniam in Insula Melitensi, aliasque Ecclesiasticas et Saeculares dignitates. In utraque linea Testaferratarum a prelaudato Patricio Viro Mariano descendentium, Mamertiua Nobilitatis memoria, pluribus, variis publicisque monumentis longissima annorum serie jugiter conservata est, eaque maxime ex nostra quoque parte enituit, cum illustris Canonicus D. Ioseph Jacobus Testaferrata Castelletti, Vir clarissimus de Urbe Nostra, totaque Siciliae Regno benemeritissimus a Predecessoribus Nostris, ultimis hisce annis tamquam Patricius Messanensis salutatus est, publico etiam edito Diplomate, in quo praevia judiciali senatus deliberatione, tota ejus, nempe Testaferratorum familia satis nota et ullustris pristino Nostri Patriciatus honori, a quo numquam declinaverat, cuique imo splendide semper adhaeserat solemniter reintegrata est. Licet vero omnia haec publice, nobisque optime et judice sint comperta; cum nihilominus a primaeva Nobilis Mariani Testaferratae Patricatui Nostro aggregatione elapsi sint anni biscentum et triginta novem, nec non, mox dictum reintegrationis Diploma Ecclesiasticae Personae, videlicit laudato Canonico D. Josepho Jacobo directum fuerit, Vos propterea, illustres Marchiones D. Mari Testaferrata Castelletti, D. Daniel et D. Pandulphe Testaferrata de Noto, germani fratres, Sacri Romani Imperii Equites, nec non Baro D. Petre Paule Testaferrata Abela bene e re vestra, vestrorumque descendentium esse putavistis pro communi progenie vestra Romae in nostro alliisque Regnis illustri, novam vestro nomine postulare solemnioremque Patriciatus nostri a stipite reintegrationem. Nos inde, perpendentes petionem vestram juri factoque consonam esse et rationabilem, visis, beneque per Nos et Syndacum et Assessorem Nostros consideratis tum vestra a praedicto Nobili Mariano per directam lineam legittimumque tramitem descendentia, tum constati per singolos gradus generosae claritatis continuatione, tum denique Nostri Patriciatus apud vos, et majores vestros, licet abhinc absentes pacifica possessione, praevia supradicti Assessoris sententia, cujus tenor inferius refertur; ed sedulo quoque animadversis Majorum vestrorum meritis erga Sicilae Regnum Nostrosque Augustissimos Reges, quae merita resultant ex Actis legitime exhibitis ex historiarum fide, ex publica fama, atque ab ipisismet Regiis Diplomatibus: Vos praedictos illustres Marchiones D. Marium Testaferrata Castelletti, D. Danielem et D. Pandulphum Testaferrata de Noto, germanos fratres, et Baronem D. Petrum Paulum Testaferrata Abela, propria avitaque virtute praeclaros, antiquo Nobilique tum Romano tum Messanensi genere procreatos, in veros et indubitatos Nobiles Cives, Patriciosque Nostros ex prisca origine recognoscimus, acceptamus, recipimus et amplectimur, atque tales esse a saepius memorato stipite et usque ab anno millesimo quincentesimo quinquagesimo tertio super expresso declaramus, definimus et pronunciamus, proindeque in primaevam vestram nobilinatem Messanensem a praedicto Nobili Mariano Testaferrata remotiore vestrum Avo acquisitam, qua hactenus laudabiliter usi estis, quatenus opus foret reponimus, restituimus, atque plenissime Ordini Messaneasium Senatorio Alboque gradui distincto et dignitati Patriciorum vivorum reintegramus et confirmamus, una cum omnibus successoribus vestis, et e vestro vestrorumque sanguinae legitime in aevum descendentibus, cum omnibus et singulis illis honoribus, titulis, dignitatibus et aliis quibuscumque, quibus natae in hac Urbe vel ab ea oriundae qualitercumque et quomodocumque fruunter, potiuatur et gaudent tam hic, quam alibi; ita ut vos, illustres Marchiones D. Mari, D. Daniel et Pandulphe ac Baro Petre Paule, una cum omnibus legitimis successoribus vestris in perpetum adscribi debeatis; et describamini in Albo Nobilium, et tamquam naturales Cives Nostri Nobiles at Patritii obtinere, gerere et concurrere possitis ad omnia munera publica Nobilibus tantum et privative spectantia, praevio tamen quod vos, vestrique descendentes legitimi, omnesque ex saepius laudato vestro stipite Nobile Patricio Mariano Testaferrata provenientes, tamquam in numerum, coetam et consortium Nobilium Civium, sive Patriciorum Messaneusium recogniti, acceptati, iterumque allecti ex certa nostra scientia, maturoque Senatus consultu, jurejurando polliceamini ad D.O.M. Beataeque Mariae Virginis a Sacris Literis gloriam, Invictissimi Regis nostri Ferdinandi IV. obsequium Urbisque Nostrae felicitatem propagandam promptos vos, expeditosque inveniri. In quorum omnium futuram memoriam plenumque testimonium, hoc praesens privilegium fieri jussimus, Urbis sigillo in pede munituim. Tenor vero voti et sententiae est sequens: – Ratio decidendi – Nobiles Viros Marchionem D. Marium, Marchionem D. Danielem, Marchionem D. Pandulphum et Baronem D. Petrum Paulum Testaferrata, petentes ortum traxisse a Mariano Testaferrata Millesimo quincentesimo, quinquagesimo tertio in Nobilium Messanensium Albo omnium suffragiis tum cooptato; visis attenteque perlectis documentis in praesente sutius, haud ambigere sumus suasi pariterque nullum superesse dubium, quin Marianum eumdem ab Alphio Capo di Ferro, ides Testaferrata, Patricios Romano discendere: ideo sic justitiae locum dare sumus innixi. Jesus – Isti di Testaferrata suique declarentur nobiles Cives et Patritii Messanenses a praedicto Nobili Mariano eorum ascendente, quodque olim, illi praeeminentiis concessa fuere, congaudeant iterum isti petentes, cum omnibus honoribus, exemptionibus, muneribus, officiis et aliis quibus caeteri Nobiles Nostri Messanenses Patritii nunc potiuntur; et expiatur Privilegium in forma – Longo, Assessor Ordinarius – Datum Messanae in Aedibus Senatoriis, die vigesima octava mensis Augusti, Millesimo Septingentisimo nonagesimo secundo. The effect of this instrument is to attest the creation of 1553 and to rehabilitate the Testaferrata family as nobles and Patricians of Messina, also entitling them to those privileges and exemptions enjoyed by other Noble Patricians of Messina. According to the 1878 Royal Commission appointed to enquire into the claims of the Maltese Nobility, the Commissioners held that this dignity was a mere municipal honour and not one emanating from a foreign sovereign, or fons honorum. This is a patently wrong conclusion, as the title of “Patrizio” granted by the City of Messina is an established title of nobility enjoyed by the oldest of families. See also http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrizio_%28titolo%29 In 1553, Messina enjoyed privileges of autonomy it since the Roman times. These privileges were only abolished as an effect of the Treaties of Nijmegen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace_of_Nijmegenduring the Franco-Dutch War (1672-1678. In 1792, Sicily was ruled by Ferdinand III of Sicily http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferdinand_I_of_the_Two_Sicilies For more information on the history of Patrizio see http://www.ddev.it/public/md1_dir/r17.pdf Registration of title required in 1739 and 1795 by the Government of the Order of Saint John As the title originated in Messina, Sicily, it could not be held to form part of the Maltese Nobility. In 1739, the then Grand Master Depuig enacted a law introducing the concept of extending a form of precedence to even holders of foreign titles. The relative law is reproduced hereunder:- Hosplis Mgr et Hierlem Sti. Sepulchri. – Per togliere le differenze di precedenze tra le persone che saranno promosse alla giurazie dell’ Universita’ della Notabile e della Valletta, vogliamo, ordiniamo e comandiamo che tutte siano precedue dagli infrascritti, e che fra queti si regoli la precedena call’ ordine seguente cioe’: Primieramente, chi fu Capitano della Verga della Sudetta Citta’ Notabile e nostra Isola di Malta.; Secondo. Il Titolato che ha un titolo fondato sopra un feudo in realta’ esistente qui, benche’ non lo possegga.; Terzo. Il titolato che non ha un titolo fondato sopra fondo realmenteesistente nel nostro Dominio, registrato che sia il titolo nella Cancelleria nella nostra Religione e nella Gran Corte della nostra Castellania, e pagato per i rispettivi registramenti il diritto di scudi cento sedici di questa moneta, da dividersi per meta’ tra la Cancelleria e la Castellania sudetta.; Quarto. Il discendente per linea mascolina da chi fu Capitano della Verga, se vive colle proprie rendite, e se i di lui ascendente intermedie vissero pure colle proprie rendite.; Quinto. Il discendente per linea mascolina da un titolo con titolo fondato sopra un feudo qui realmente esistente, se vive colle proprierendite, e se i suoi ascendenti intermedie cosi vissero; Sesto. Chi fu primo Giurato della Notabile; Settimo. Chi fu primo Giurato della Valletta; Ottavo. Il piu’ anziani di Giurazia di quella Universita’ dellaquale sara’ creato giurato.; Nono. Chi fu Giudice d’Appello Criminale o Civile della Gran Corte della Castellania e della Corte Capitanale e Governatoriale; Diecimo. Il Dottore di Leggi ed il Dottore di Medicina.: – Dichiariamo che fra le persone d’un stesso grado si deve attendere l’anzianita’ del titolo primordiale e che chiunque fu Giurato, se sara’ fatto Console di Mare, fra i quali s’attendera l’anzianitad’ufficio. Dat. In Palatio, die xvi. Septembris 1739 (f. Despuig) The latter enactment was amended in 1795 by the then Grand Master Rohan as follows: Hosplis Magr. Hierlem. Sti. Sepulchri, et Ordinis Sti Antonii, Viennensis Essendo una massima universalmente ricevuto, che il maggior lustro della Nobilta’ principalmente dipende dalla sua maggiore antichita’, niente che il piu’ giusto e ragionevole che il piu’ antico Nobile preceda il piu’ moderno. Siamo pertanto venuti nella determinazione di Ordinare che nel regolarsi la precedenza tra le persone Nobile di questo nostro Dominio, cosi’ primogeniti che cadetti indistintamente, si abbioa ad avere unicamente riguardo alla maggiore o minore antichita’ del titolo che nobilito le loro famiglie, e cio tanto se il titolo sara’ stato concesso da Noi o Nostri predecessori, che se lo avessero ottenuto da Principi esteri, purche’ pero sara’ stato questo debitamente registrato nella Nostra Cancelleria e Gran Corte della Castellania; nel consorso pero’ di ugual data quello nella di cui persona concorreranno piu’ titoli dovra’ essere preferito, all’ altro che ne avesse meno, secondo la graduazione stabilita nel Chirografo Magisteriale del Nostro Predecessore Gran Maestro Despuig di Gl. Em. Del 16 Sept 1739, quale in quelle parti che non contradicono la questa nostra disposizione intendiamo di pienamente confermare.Datum in Palatio die xvii Martii 1795 (f.) Rohan It follows therefore that on the basis of the aforesaid enactments, the title of Patrizio Messina as granted in 1553 and reconfirmed in 1792 should have been registered. The 1878 Commissioners reported that the neither grant was ever registered, nor was there any proof of this title ever being recognized by the Grand Masters of the Order of Malta. THE ROYAL COMMISSION APPOINTED TO ENQUIRE INTO THE CLAIMS OF THE MALTESE NOBILITY After the Capitulation of the Order of Saint John the new French Rulers formally abolished all titles of nobility. (General Napoleon Bonaparte issued two orders dated 13 and 16 June 1798 prohibiting the use of any title “ORDRE (1) QUARTIER GENERAL DE MALTE, LE 25 PRAIRAL, AN VI (13 JUIN 1798): Le General en Chef ordonne……(ARTICLE 2.)… Toutes les armoires seront abbatues dans l’ espace de 24 heures. Il est defendu de porter dest livrees, ni aucune marque et titre distinctif de noblesse. ORDRE (2) AU QUARTIER GENERAL DE MALTE, LE 28 PRAIRAL, AN VI (16 JUIN 1798): Bonaparte Membre de l’Istitut National, General-en-Chef ordonne…(ARTICLE CINQUIEME)….Dix jours apres la publication du present ordre, il est defendu d’avoir des armoires soit dans l’interieur, soit a l’exterieur des maisons, de cacheter des lettres avec des armoires, ou de prendre des titres feodaux. ……(ARTICLE DOUZIEME)….Tous les contrevenants aux articles cidessous, seront condamnes pour la premier fois, a une amende du tiers de leurs revenus; pour la seconde fois, a trois mois de prison; pour la troisieme fois a un an de prison; pour la quatrieme fois, a la deportation de l’ile de Malte, et a la confiscation de la moitie de leurs biens. Il devra toujours y avoir 10 jours d’intervalle entre la recidive.”  Another Order was issued by Bosredon Ransijat, President of the Commission du Gouvernement dated 18 Messidor Year 6 (6 July 1798), where it was enacted that all honorary titles should be burnt on the 14th of that month and that every holder of a title should carry his patent at the Arbre de la Liberté. The French in turn lost Malta in 1800 to a contingent raised by Captain Ball and Admiral Nelson. Malta later became a British Protectorate after the Treaty of Paris of 1814. In time, the use of nobiliary titles was resumed. However, it appears that this use was unregulated. Eventually, the British Secretary of State for the Colonies commissioned a report in 1876, on those titles alleged to have been conferred to Maltese families before the annexation of Malta to the British Dominions, namely 1800. The Commissioners’ Report and Supplemental Report were published in 1878 together with relative correspondence. NO DECISION BY ROYAL COMMISSION ON CLAIM OF TESTAFERRATA FAMILY TO THE TITLE OF “PATRICIAN OF MESSINA” CREATED IN 1553 AS CONFIRMED IN 1792 In 1878, this dignity was claimed by the Barone Pietro Paolo Testaferrata-Abela-Moroni, the Barone Augusto Testaferrata Abela, the Marchese Lorenzo Antonio Testaferrata, the Marchese Gio.Paolo Testaferrata-Olivier de Puget, the Marchese Lorenzo Antonio Cassar-Desain, ne’ Testaferrata and the Marchese Ignazio Testaferrata Bonici. All of these claimants were male-to-male descendants of Mariano Testaferrata. However although the Royal Commission states that all the claimants presented various documents in proof of their claims, the Royal Commissioners dismissed all the claims because the claimants did not provide proof of the dignity ever being registered or recognized by the local sovereign. In addition the Royal Commission held this dignity was a mere municipal honour and not one emanating from a foreign sovereign, or fons honorum. As far as the Commissioners were concerned, once they regarded this dignity as a municipal honour, it did not fall within the remit of the Commission because the Commissioners were of the opinion that once it is a municipal honour it does not qualify to be registered in accordance with the rules of 1739 and 1795 as enacted by Grand Masters Despuig and Rohan. The Royal Commissioners therefore refrained from making any inquiry in order to ascertain whether the claimants descend or not from the said grantees.” ITALIAN LAW

The title, albeit not registered in Malta remained subject to the laws of Messina, Sicily. This view is especially reinforced by the terms of the 1792 instrument reproduced above.

In 1516 Ferdinand’s son Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor became the first King of Spain, and Naples and Sicily were under direct Spanish rule. It was during this era in 1530, that Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor enfeoffed the Maltese Islands to the homeless Knights Hospitaller. The period of direct Spanish rule as Kings of Spain, under the same line of Hapsburg kings lasted until 1713. 

Later, Philip V of Spain was the first Bourbon to control both territories .

By the terms of the Treaty of Utrecht  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Utrecht Spain ceded Sicily to the Duchy of Savoy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duchy_of_Savoy. The Spaniards invaded Sicily in 1718 during the War of the Quadruple Alliance resulting in the Duke of Savoy ceding the Kingdom of Sicilyto Austria in 1720 by the Treaty of The Hague.

Conquered by the Spanish during the War of the Polish Succession the kingdom was ceded together with Naples to a younger son of the King of Spain.  A Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was established in the Edict of Bayonne in 1808, under Bonapartist king Joachim Murat; he was officially titled “King of the two Sicilies”, despite the fact that physically he only controlled the kingdom commonly known as Naples. However in 1816 the Kingdom of Naples and the Kingdom of Sicily were merged into the new Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Between 1816 and 1848 the island of Sicily experienced no less than three popular revolts against Bourbon rule, including the revolution of independence of 1848. The then king Ferdinand, conceded and granted Sicily a constitution. Disquiet spread to Naples, where the Neapolitan liberals successfully demanded that they should also be granted a constitution. All this, however, did not contain the ever-growing support for a united Italy. In 1860, Giuseppe Garibaldi and his cadre of about a thousand Italian volunteers (called I Mille), steamed from Quarto near Genoa, and landed near Marsala on the west coast of Sicily. Garibaldi’s army attracted scattered bands of rebels, and the combined forces defeated the opposing army at Calatafimi. On May 14, Garibaldi proclaimed himself dictator of Sicily, in the name of Vittorio Emanuele II.

Six weeks after the surrender of Palermo, Garibaldi attacked Messina. Within a week its citadel surrendered. Having conquered Sicily, Garibaldi proceeded to the mainland, crossing the Straits of Messina. Progressing northward, towards Naples the populace everywhere hailed him and military resistance faded. Meanwhile, the King of Naples retreated, leaving Garibaldi take possession. 

Victor Emmanuel subsequently met with Garibaldi at Teano, receiving from him the control of southern Italy. Another series of plebiscites in the occupied lands resulted in the proclamation of Victor Emmanuel as the first King of Italy by the new Parliament of unified Italy, on March 171861. A uniform nobiliary law under the House of Savoy was enacted in 1926 by Royal Decree no. 1489 dated 16 August 1926 and again in 1943 by Royal Decree no. 651, dated 7 June 1943. The Lateran Treaty of 1929 acknowledged all Papal titles created before that date and undertook to give automatic recognition to titles conferred by the Holy See on Italian citizens in the future. In 1946 Italy was proclaimed a republic. PRESENT DAY Since 1975, titles of nobility are no longer recognized in the Republic of Malta by Act 29 of 1975 dated 17 October 1975. GENEALOGY The genealogy of the Testaferrata family, Patricians of Messina, is as follows: 1st creation (1553) 

·         Mariano Testaferrata

2nd creation (1792) 

·         Marchese Don Mario Testaferrata, Don Daniele Testaferrata De Noto, Don Pandolfo Testaferrata De Noto, Barone Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela, all descendants of Mariano Testaferrata

For full Genealogy please see:

(Marchese Don Mario Testaferrata Castelletti),

(Don Daniele Testaferrata De Noto)

(Don Pandolfo Testaferrata De Noto ),

(Barone P.P. Testaferrata Abela),



(1)         Privilegium conferred on the nobleman Mariano Testaferrata on the 20th December 1553, by the Jurats of the city or municipality of Messina, Mariano obtained the citizenship of Messina, and he became thereby entitled to all the rights of a Messinese citizen, and to the exemption from certain taxes which were payable by strangers. (Official Archives of Messina) 

(2)         Privilegium of the Senate of Messina, bearing date the 28th August 1792, stating, with reference to that of 1553, that the Marchese Don Mario Testaferrata Castelletti, Don Daniele and Don Pandolfo Testaferrata De Noto , and the Barone P.P. Testaferrata Abela, all descendents of the said Mariano who had been elected into the ‘Senatorium Messinensium Ordinem inter que Nobiles Cives Mamertinos’, were were recognized as noble citizens and patricians of Messina. (Official Archives of Messina).


(1)         Deed recorded in the Acts of Notary Vincenzo Farrugia, on the 20th February 1877:



(4)         Copies or Extracts of Correspondence with reference to the Maltese Nobility (In continuation of C3812, August 1883), presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty May 1886 (C-4628a) 

(5)         John Montalto, “The Nobles of Malta 1530-1800” (Midsea Books, Malta, 1980)

(6)         Cassar Desain, Marchese L.A., ” Genealogia della famiglia Testaferrata di Malta.” Malta, 1880