Maltese Surname origins.
Collection of Surnames based on research so far found, though updates will occur if new information does come to hand. Some surnames with de or d’ are either listed in D or otherwise.
Please note, that updates will happen if or when a surname research has updates.
This is one long page covering A to Z. So go to Edit and press Search if you find it difficult to locate a name.
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Online: 14-02-2025. © Copyright
Aber | This surname was shorten from Haber when two brothers, Francesco Saverio married 1747 at Gharb, Gozo to Anna Cassar and Giovanni, marrying 1747 Valletta to Margarita Garsin. |
Adami | First recorded in Malta in 1682 at Senglea when Gio Battista Adamo married to Anna de Candia. Gio Battista was Northern Italian origin. |
Agius | Siculo Arabic origin, closely related to the Abeyer family. Direct descent of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. |
Alamango | Greek origin, first recorded in Malta in 1804 at Valletta. |
Albanese | * Several origins from a Manumesso or Neofito (former slave and African). Another early marriage of Matteo Albanese from Italy, marrying 1700 Valletta to Anna Vassallo |
Alessandro | • Calcedonio Alessandro of Naples, married to Caterina Spiteri in 1783 Senglea. • Casimiro d’Alessandro dei Baroni di Persolanciano, marrying to Elena Gimach, son of the 2nd Barone di Persolanciano 1594. |
Alfonso | * Alfonso de Alfonso, married to Bernarda Magro in 1593 Cospicua. May be of Spanish or Neapolitan origin. |
Aloisio | • Giuseppe Aloisio, married 1812 to Anna Rizzo at Valletta. • Aloisio is of Italian origin. |
Amaira | * Mro Ferdinando Amaira, married 1560 Matrice Gozo to Vennera Bezzina, A small family in Malta, may be Jewish origin. |
Amato | * Vincenzo d’Amato of Sicily, married 1775 Senglea to Caterina Gatt. * Gio Battista de Amato, a Former slave (Manumesso), married 1687 Gharb, Gozo to Grazia Gatt, then 1698 at Rabat Gozo to Domenica Attard. |
Ambrogio | * Francesco de Ambrogio of Italy, married 1633 Valletta to Margarita N, their son, Antonio d’Ambrogio, marrying 1677 Valletta to Maddalena Scarpello. |
Anastasi | * Paolo Anastasi of Naples and formerly of Roumania, arrived with the Knights of Malta c. 1530, marrying Desiata Sanctu, an illegitimate daughter of a Former Ethopian Princess, later slave. |
Ancilleri | * Vincenzo married 1826 Vittoriosa to Caterina Borg, he is of Italian origin, and son of Pasquale and Vincenza Marino of Palermo.. |
Annati | * Domenico Agnati sives Annati, of Italy, married 1646 Senglea to Antonia N. He is the son of Antonio and Geronima. |
Antonelli | * Leonardo married 1648 Valletta to Maddalena Bonviani and is of Napolitano origin. |
Apap | * Milite Lancia de Apapis, married c. 1460 to the Nobile Chiusa de Caro., Founder of the Apap family. |
Aquilina | * Capitano Filippo Aquilina, a testament 1548 by Notary Brandino Caxaro was from Siggiewi. |
Arcidiacono | * Mariano of Sicily, married 1812 Valletta to Vincenca Piapra. * Francesco of Castagna, married 1813 Valletta to Maria Anna Orsi. |
Arena | * Has been in Malta for many centuries and all from Sicily and not interconnected from the same family. * Battista d’Arena, married 1599 Vittoriosa to Vincenza de Fiore. |
Arnaud | *A few difference members all from France, marrying in Malta. * A Bernardo married 1605 Senglea to Argenta Costa. |
Arpa | * Sebastiano married 1690 Vittoriosa to Margherita Carcagno from Italy. |
Arrigo | * Gio Battista Paolo Aluigi, later known as Arrigo, married 1734 Mdina to Paola Fenech. From Messina, Sicily. |
Axac | * Siculo Arabic Origin. * Milite Lenzu Axac 1320-1350, married to Nobile Sibylla de la Barba. His eldest son, Bartolomeo, was Vicar-General of Malta 1372., and the other son was created “Familiare of the Royal Family 1375” by King Frederick II of Sicily. * Direct descendant of the Hakims of Malta and the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. |
Athansasio | * Mariano of Neopolitiano, married 1805 Senglea to Teresa Taliana, his brother, * Gaetano married 1808 Vittoriosa to Maria Teresa Camilleri. |
Attard | * Milite Francesco Attardo was granted a nobile fiefdom 1360-1366 of Ginelfar e miqulup and the privilege of Royal familiarites in 1372 by the King of Sicily. Attard was of Jewish origin and came from Sicily and in the service of the Aragona royal family. |
Avallone | * Vincenzo married 1867 Vittoriosa to Teresa Grima. He came from Italy. |
Avellino | * Giacobo, married 1748 Senglea to Modesta Zerafa of Italy. |
Azzopardi | * Siculo Arabic Origin. * Milite Petru bin Azzo Pardu, the origin of the * Descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. | © Copyright
Bajada | * Siculo Arabic Origin. * Closely related to the Abeyer/Ebejjer family. *Descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. A branch went to Sicily and were ennobled as Marquises. |
Bajona | * Siculo Arabic Origin. • Formerly Bajada. * Descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. First used by Carlo Bajona 1839-1909, a Poet. |
Balbi | * Genonese origin, including Dodges of Genea. Maltese branch came from the Counts of Villavilla, Patrizio Genovese. Antonio Balbi was a Merchant, who set up base in Malta c. 1700, married 1715 Valletta to Modesta Tramblett. |
Baldacchino | * First mention in the Militia list of Malta 1417-1418. * Of Italian origin but in Malta for many centuries. |
Balzan | * Several branches in Malta. * Francesco Balzan, adopted by Mro Salvatore Balzano, married 1660 at Qormi to Maria Bellia. * Mro Francesco Balzano came from France, arrived around 1600’s. His descendant was granted the Hereditary Knighthood of the Holy Roman Empire for himself and male descendants. * Tomaso Balzan, married 1525 to Francesca Bezzina, noted by Notary Consalvo Cansciur. |
Barbara | * Barbara origin still poses some questions till this day and possible related to the della Barba. * Though many separate families exist without a common ancestor at this stage in Malta. Also a branch moved to Southern Italy and setup a family there. * A Tommaso Barbara, fought under Emperor Rudolf II of the Holy Roman Empire and upon his retirement was granted the Hereditary Noble of Hungary to himself and all of his descendants. * Andrea Barbara, married to Paola N, with son, Berto, married 1535 to Isabella Gatto, their son, Mro Niccolo Pietro, married 1582 to Domenica Cassar. A stem of Barbara line. * Mro Nicolo Barbara, married to Lucia N, their sons, Giuseppe, married 1566 to Paolina Dingli and Mro Michele, maried 1568 to Caterina Dingli. * Gioannello Barbara, married 1573 to Lucrezia Baldacchino. * Ferdinando Barbara, married 1588 Cospicua to Gioannella Alunna. * Milite Giovanni Maria Barbara, married 1540 to Caterina de Cantore. * Pietro Barbari sives Barbara, married 1558 Birgu to Bernarda Cascun. |
Barbaro | * First Barbaro in Malta was in the 17th century with Pietro Barbaro, Patrizio Veneta, fleeing the Aegina islands from the Turks. He married 1631 at Valletta to Marietta Mancini. The Barbaro family were quite illustrious in origin, dating back to the 10th century and also were Doges of Venice. In Malta, was granted the title of Marchese di San Giorgio, in the 18th century which is today held by the St George family in the male line. |
Bardon | * Carlo Bardon from Picardie, France, married 1699 Valletta to Elizabetta Gristi. |
Barone | * Many various families of Barone or Baron from Italy and France. * Earliest known was Domenico Barone, married 1594 Birkirkara to Margherita Attard. * Another, Antonio Barone, a foreigner, married 1656 Vittoriosa to Angelica Cap. * Another, Antonio Barone of Augusta, Sicily, married 1685 at Matrice Gozo and Senglea to Evangelista Fasci. |
Barthet | * First noted was Francois Barthet of France, married 1651 Cospicua to a Teresa Meterco. |
Bartolo | * Siculo Arabic origin. * First noted was Gaddu Bartolu, c. 1300. * A descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. * Antonio Pasquale Bartolo, married to Agnese Axac. His Testament in 1444, recorded by Notary Luca Sillato. |
Beck | * A William Beck from Ireland, a Roman Catholic, married 1814 Valletta to a Maria Anna Gaiberti, a former wife of Marcantonio Mancetti from Genoa. |
Bellia | * Paolo di Bellia of Catania, Sicily, married 1490 to Zuna Zumahac. * Another, Domenico Bellia dei Baroni di Capopassero e Cameni of Sicily, married 1596 Vittoriosa to Agnese Saura. |
Belizzi | * Antonio Giuseppe Belli, also known as Bellizzi, married 1676 Valletta to a Marianna Wizzini. * Came from Italy. |
Bernard | * Joseph Bernard from Oppido Beuset, Toulon, Marseille, France, married 1720 Valletta to Caterina Pelluchin. *Another was a Bernardo branch, Michele de Bernardo, Jurat 1434, created Barone di Barberi in 1375, Barone di Majmuni, married to Chiusa di Asti. From Italy and his family fizzled out by the 17th century. |
Bezzina | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Main branch were descendants of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. * Another branch, a former slave, Giuseppe de Bezzina and his slave wife, Gioannella de Bartolo around 1570. Their descendants are from Gharghur, Mgarr, Mosta and Naxxar. Giuseppe de Bezzina was from Sudan, North Africa. |
Bianchi | * Tomaso Bianchi of Imola, Italy, married to Maria Fabbi set up in Malta around the 18th century. From a long line, that were Sovereigns Counts of Lavagna from the 12th century. |
Bianco | * Surname is Bianco also some descendants known as Bianchi. * A Giuseppe Biancho, married 1595 Cospicua to Filippa Sagona. Giuseppe was from Naples, Italy. His descendants were created Papal Counts and held high positions in the Order of St John of Malta. |
Bigeni | * Some notarial acts suggest surname was Bugini and Gioeni, then later become Bigeni. Origin illegitimately to the Nobile family of Gioeni of Sicily. |
Bilocca | Giovanni Bilocca of Spain, married 1747 Valletta to Maria Psaila. |
Binet | Salvatore Bonett, changed his surname to Binet around 1800’s. Married 1808 Valletta to Maria Zammit. |
Bisazza | Siculo Arabic origin, a small family that existed in Malta and Sicily. *Santi Bisazza, from Messina, Sicily, married to Alice Casolani. |
Boffa | Gio Agostino Boffa of Massa del Carrarra, Italy, married 1716 Senglea to Maddalena di Giovanni. |
Bologna | Shorten surname from Beccadelli di Bologna, though the Maltese branch used Bologna. The family are very noble in Sicily and Naples, with titles of Princes and Dukes. Their origins are well noted from Bologna, Italy. |
Bonaci | Andrea Bonaci from Abruzzo, Italy, married 1810Valletta to Maria, Alunna della Spedale (Orphelin child). |
Bonaso | Gaetano Bonaso of Italy, married 1758 Valletta to Maria Buhagiar, then later changed his surname to Bonnici. |
Bonanno | * Origins from Pisa, Italy, family settled in Sicily and Naples and were ennobled around 1507 and later raised to Dukedoms and Princely titles. * A branch to Malta were a junior branch of this family that settled around the 14th century. They were also mentioned in the Militia list of 1419-1420. |
Bonavia | *A Paolo Bonavia originally known as de Bernardo, married 1553 to Francesca Albano. * A descendant of the noble family of de Bernardo, who were Venetian origin. |
Bonavita | Geronimo Bonavita from Rome, Italy, married 1651 Valletta to Petruzza Consiglio. Their descendants held high positions in Malta and were created Counts in the Kingdom of Two-Sicilies in the 19th century. |
Bondi | * Lancia de Bondino, created Barone in 1398 and 1400. Also can be of English origin, as many English knights came through during the times of the Crusades and Merchant businesses, as Bond. |
Bonello | * Family first recorded with Paolo Bonello, a Viceportolano in 1452, by Notary Luca Sillato and was married to Caterina Caruana, son of Tomaso Bonello. His brother, Manfredo, was married to a Laura Callus Allegritto. * May be of Siculo Grecian origin. |
Bongiovanni | * Salvatore Bongiovanni of Sicily, married 1813 Valletta to a Giovanna Pulis. |
Bonnici | Giacomo Bonici of Firenze, Italy, moved to Gozo with his wife, Selvasgia Doria 1356. Their son, Giovanni became a Judge in 1401, 1407, his grandson, Giacomo, was Jurat in 1449, then moved to Malta and settled there. |
Borda | Guglio Borda, married 1602 Zejtun to Domenica Mallia, may be a Catalan in Origin as Bourda. |
Borg | First arrived in Sicily under the Aragonese in the 14th century and later to Malta. Very much descendants of the de Borja and Borgia family. They held high position, when during Pope Alessandro Borgia reign, as he entrusted his illegitimate children throughout strategic marriages and sovereignty which many can claim as ancestors. Though the Maltese branch were well settled from as early as the 14th century. |
Brancaleone | Francesco Brancaleone of Syracusa, Italy, married 1707 Valletta to a Maddalena Giammurro. |
Briffa | * First recorded around 1480 at Luqa, and maybe Siculo Grecian origin. * Giovanni Briffa, married 1576 to Imperia Schembri. |
Brignone | Giuseppe Brignone of Pantelleria Islands, married 1693 Cospicua to Clara Zerafa. |
Brincat /Debrincat | *A Thomeo Brancati, noted in the Militia List of 1417. The de Brancato family were medieval nobiles in Sicily and likely to be of Norman descent arriving around the 11th century. |
von Brockdorff | *First recorded in Malta with Baron Cai Frederick von Brockdorff, 1775-1850 with his wife and family. The family can trace their origins back to Holstein, Germany or Denmark. First granted hereditary Nobiles, then Barons, which the Maltese branch descent from, then later as Counts. Many Royal families can claim descent to this family. |
Bruno | Giacomo Bruno, married 1669 Vittoriosa to Teresa Garroni and was from Syracusa, Italy. A brother, Giovanni, married 1657 Mdina to Angelica Xicluna. |
Brun | * Several branches unrelated. * Guglielmo Brun of England, married 1645 Senglea to Margherita Bardon. * Antonio Brun of France, married 1641 Cospicua to Maddalena Vidano. * Jacques le Brun, from France, married 1628 Cospicua to Elena de Candia. |
Bugeja | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Caliste Bugeja, listed in 1418 in the Militia list. * Masi Bugejja noted in 1290. * A descendants of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. |
Bugelli | * Salvatore Bugelli, married 1746 Cospicua to Anna Xicluna and he was from Italy. |
Buhagiar | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Albano Buahaiar noted in 1270. * A descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. |
Buontempo | Bartolomeo Buontempo of Piemont, Italy, married 1645 Valletta to a Maria, former wife of Giovanni Cornelio. |
Burlo | * Mro Antonio Burlo married c. 1400 to a Angelica Chilona and he was from Palermo, Sicily. * May be of Siculo Grecian origin. |
Busietta | * Giovanni Busietta of Pantalleria Islands, married 1675 Valletta to Ceclia Mamo. * Was not of Bourbon Busiet family or from France. |
Busuttil | * Siculo Arabic origin and closely related to the Frendo family. * Were noted initially as Busitimi bin Busitinmu around 1255. * Descendants of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. |
Buttigieg | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Antonio bin Buttigieeg c. 1290. * Descendants of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. | © Copyright
Cacciatolo | Michele Cacciatolo married 1810 Vittoriosa to Eleanora Eposito and he was from Italy. |
Cachia | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Pietro Cacia, a soldier in Mdina, 1520, married to Nobile Isabella de Nasis. * Also Cakia was another form of the surname. |
Caffari | * Gio Battista Caffari married 1827 Senglea to Anna Maria Scotto. * From Italy. |
Calafato | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Jacobo bin Calafat, c. 1260. * Direct descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. |
Calamatta | * Giovanni Calamatta of Greece, married 1618 Senglea to Caterina, the ex-wife of Paolo di Nicola. * Francesco Calamatta of Cefalonia, Greece, married 1639 Vittoriosa to Caterina de Albano, a former slave. |
Calascione | Cesare Calascione of Italy, married 1610 Valletta to Caterina d’Argumento. |
Cali | * Andrea Cali of Palermo, Sicily, married 1695 Valletta to Teresa d’Avela. * Gugliemo de Calo, enfant de l’Hospital, Alunno di Dudley Ward, married 1723 Qormi to Geronima Galea, their son, Gio Maria Calo sives Cali, married 1747 Qormi to Anna Maria Schembri. |
Calleja | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Luca Calleja, 1487 by Notary Bartolo Sillato, married to Lucrezia Azzopardi. |
Callus | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Matteo Callus, by the Notary Matteo Vassallo, married 1488 to Caterina Tonna, son of Antonio and Chiusa of Zurrieq. |
Camenzuli | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Milite Perio Camenzuli, married c.1460 to Nobile Giacoma Cusburella. |
Camilleri | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Jacobu Camilleri of Mdina, listed in the Militia listings 1419-1420. * Salvu bin Camilleer, c. 1280. * Descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. |
Cannataci | * Giovanni Cannataci, married 1750 Valletta to Saveria Callus. * From Italy. |
Cappello | • Bernardo Cappello, c. 1550, a Hereditary Conte Palatine de Lavagna, migrated from Genoa and of the same family as Bianchi and Flesco. |
Carabott | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Mariano Carbon, married 1582 Zejtun to Nobile Antoinella Hellul, later changed his surname to Carbott. |
Carachi | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Alessandro Carachi of Sicily, married 1841 Vittoriosa to Marianna Cachia. |
Carbonaro | * Luca Cesare Carbonaro, married 1680 Valletta to Maria Celi, His brother, Giuseppe Carbonaro, married 1691 Valletta to Genioba Camilleri. * Hails from Italy. |
Carbone | * Natale Carbone, Patrizio Napoletano, married 1612 Valletta to Caterina Grech. From a noble family of naples. * Can trace back to Pietro Carbone 1260-1295, Knight to King Manfred of Sicily. * Suggest to be of Siculo Norman ancestry. |
Cardona | * Don Manfredo di Cardona, Signore e Barone di Bamino e Varmina 1335, Aragonese, married to Vinuta Conti. Another, Leonardo Gambino, married 1540 to an heiress, Margherita Cardona, 6th Signoringa di la Guardia and their descendants used the Cardona surname. |
Caruana | * A legend claims a Prince Muley Karuan, Principe de Caruan, a son of the Ruler of Afrikica is the ancestor to the Caruana family of Malta and Sicily. Source: Los Maltese en Valencia notas Heraldico-genealogicas de los apellidos de familias Valencianans, 1911, Valencia, Spain. * Siculo Arabic origin and quite prominent in Sicily. Piero Giovanni Caruana, created Nobile by King Ferdinando of Sicily in 1514 to him and his male descendants. Married to Francesca Paula Caxaro. Not all Caruana can style Nobile., Only those that are descendants of Piero Giovanni Caruana. The first Karuan / Caruana’s in the 15th century were great supporters of the Jews in Malta and sponsored several whom were baptised and took on the surname of Caruana. |
Cascun | * Domenico Gascon from Rhodes Island, married 1618 Valletta to Caterina Psaila. Likely to be from Gascony, France, hence the surname use. |
Casha | * Siculo Arabic origin. * First noted was Milite Niccolo Diasio Casha, married c. 1440 to Martina Ruffo Romano. * May be closely associated to the Cassia family. |
Casingena | * Giacomo Casingena, married 1824 Cospicia to Francesca Mangano. * Tomaso Casingena, married 1826 Senglea to Amata Muscatelli. * All from Italy. |
Casolani | Antonio Casolani of Bologna, Italy, married 1784 Valletta to Geronima Agius. |
Cassano | * Bartolomeo Cassano of Italy, married 1614 Valletta to Petruzza di Messina. * Domenico Cassano, son of Agostino Cassar and Gioalla Bonnici, married 1629 Rabat Gozo to Grazia Debono. |
Cassar | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Closely associated to Caxxaro and de Cantore. * Direct descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. |
Cassia | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Closely associated to Caxaro. * Direct descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. *15th century, the purchase of the Maltese nobility fiefdom of Ghariexem e Tabia from the Inguanez family. |
Cassola | Battista Cassola, of Genoa, Italy, married 1588 Senglea to Barbara Galati. |
Castagna | * Rocco de Castagna, married 1619 Salerno to Isabella Castriota. * Castagna is quite famed in Sicily during Medieval times. |
Castaldo | Don Guglielmo Castaldo of Sicily, married c. 1760 to Teresa Schembri. |
Castillo | * Giuseppe Castillo, married 1776 Valletta to Generosa Vella, son of Gioacchino Castillo and Maria !. * May be of Spanish or Sicilian origin. |
Catania | * Luca Catania, married 1559 Naxxar to Caterina Sammut. • Likely of Siculo Grecian origin from Catania. * May also be of “Jewish origin” as many were granted such priviledge in the medieval ages of using the surname of Catania. |
Cauchi | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Andrea Cauchi, married 1460 to Johanna Vennera d’Aulesa. * Also the ancestral name for Gauci or Cauci. * Listed in the Militia list 1418 for Paolo Cauki. |
Cavarra | Ignazio Cavarra of Syracusa, Sicily, married 1763 Valletta to Grazia la Colla. |
Cecy | Giuseppe Pamuzio Ceci of Parma, Italy, married 1718 Valletta to Modesta Debono. |
Cefai | * Siculo Grecian Origin, also known as Cifai and Chimai. * Antonio Cifai, married 1582 Matrice Gozo to Lucrezia Ordop. |
Celeste | * From Sicily and also known as Celestri. * Held a number of Sicilian fiefdoms and intermarried with much of the nobile families in Lower Italy. |
Cesal | * Pietro Cesart of France, married 1686 Valletta to Elena Bonavia. |
Cesare | * Pietro Paolo Decesare of Naples, married 1833 Senglea to Laura Giacomo of Sorrento. |
Cesareo | Giuseppe Cesareo, of Italy, married 1824 Valletta to Maddalena Tellus. |
Chapelle | Giuseppe Chapelle, changed his surname to Chapelle while studying in France from the place he was in, de la Chapelle. He was born Giuseppe Psaila., married 1762 Valletta to Anna Zammit. |
Chetcuti | * Siculo Arabic origin and intially known as Chattut. * Descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. |
Chircop | * Siculo Arabic origin and initially known as Kerchcop and Corcop. * Descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. |
Ciancio | Andrea Ciancio of Catania, Sicily, married 1786 Valletta to Vincenza Attard. |
Ciangura | Originally de Caopena with Pasquale Congura, married 1573 Qormi to Lucia Cashia. |
Ciantar | * Siculo Arabic origin and originally known as de Cantore and Chiantar. * Descendants of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. Later granted the title of Count in the 18th century by the Papacy, France and Portugal. |
Ciappara | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Milite Cataldo Ciappara, married c. 1550’s to Maruccia Sanctu. |
Ciarlo | * Bartolomeo Ciarlo of France, married 1692 Vittoriosa to Flaminea Fleri. * From Provence, France. |
Ciccalo | * Lorenzo Ciucalo’s parents married in Malta to foreigners as well, though Lorenzo married 1641 Valletta to Paolina Xicluna. His brother, Pietro, married 1638 Valletta to Lucrezia Xicluna. Later generations changed surname to Ciccalo. |
Cilia | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Agostino Chilona, married to Nera Parisi. * Lanza Chilia, purchase the fief of Buscaglia in Sicily 1340. • Descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. * Giovanni Battista Erasmo Cilio of Syracusa, Sicily, moved to Valletta and married 1718 Vittoriosa to Margherita Caterina de Benedetto. His descendants are known as Cilia. |
Cini | * Andrea Luciano de Chimi, married 1594 Valletta to Andrianna Maddalena Sommaripa dei Signori di Andros. * His father, Salvatore Chius, married 1563 Matrice Gozo to Agata Stivala. * Grecian origin. |
Cioffi | * Michele Cioffi of Naples, married 1801 Cospicua to Caterina Falzon. * Vincenzo Cioffi of Naples, married 1855 Cospicua to Gaetana Spagnolo. |
Cipriott | Pietrio Xiotto of Nicosia, Cyprus, later known as Cipriott, married 1566 Vittoriosa to Leonora Borg. |
Civelli | * Giacomo Civello, of Marsala, Sicily, married 1855 Vittoriosa to Andreanna Carabolis. * Giuseppe Civielli, married 1894 Vittoriosa to Antonia Micallef. His brother, Alfonso, married 1894 Vittoriosa to Martha Micallef. From Como, Italy. |
Cohen | * Stefano Coen, a Jew, married 1774 Valletta to Saveria Tagliaferro, also from a Jewish family. * From Smyrne, Turkey. |
Coleiro | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Mario Coleiro, married 1520 to Richilde Zayro. |
Colombo | * Several families. * Guglielmo Colombo of France, married 1595 Vittoriosa to Isabella Gandolfo. * Georgio Guglielmo Colombo of Venice, married 1756 Senglea to Maria Cassano. * Vincenzo Colombo of Nice, France, married 1808 Cospicua to Barbara Farini. |
Compagno | Nicola Compagno of Pisa, Italy, married 1654 Valletta to Grazia, former wife of Giovanni Schiro. |
Consiglio | * Francesco Consiglio of Vietri, Naples, married 1793 Senglea to Antonia Venaglio. * Bonavenatura Consiglio, of Vietri, Naples, married 1808 Senglea to Teresa Venaglio. |
Conti | * From one of the most Illustrious noble families of Italy, with Roman origin. * Francesco Conti, married 1587 Vittoriosa to Gioannella Callus. |
Coppini | Aloisio Cupino, of Terra Lauia, Italy, married 1781 Zejtun to Caterina Cassar. |
Cordina | Mario, the adopted son of Milite Francesco Cardona, took the surname of Cordina, married 1652 Rabat, Gozo to Margherita Borg. |
Coreschi | * Giovanni Coreschi of Locania, Poland, married 1719 Valletta to Maria Farrugia. |
Corrado | Giuseppe de Corrado, former slave of the Magnificient Fra Don Commandore Giulio Corrardo, Knight of the Order of St John of Malta, married 1694 Zurrieq to Paolina Farrugia. |
Cortis | • Matteo de Cortez, married 1566 Zebbug to Margherite de Mangion/ Magiuni, was the illegitimate son of Pedro, Bastard de Navarra, himself a illegitimate son of Pedro III de Cortez, Vicomte de Murazabel, (1439-1566 Toledo, Spain), from the royal line of the Kings of Navarre. * Matteo Cortisi of Syracusa, married 1626 Qormi to Paolina Borg. * Giuseppe Giovanni de Cortis, esclave libere Manumesso de Fra Christopher de Baiaoncelli Giavon, married 1698 Zurrieq to Anna Maria Cutajar. * Gio Battista de Cortis, illegitimate son of Don Giuseppe de Inguanez, Signore di San Giorgio.. adopted by Domenico and Domenica Cortis, married 1689 Mdina to Fiorenza Cachia. |
Cost | * Tomaso Cost or Curt, married 1844 Valletta to Carmela Agius-Bajada. He was the son of Ricardo and Maria Teresa Casha, who married around 1820’s. * Likely to be of French origin. |
Costa | * Giov Francesco de Costa, Nobile of Alberge, Italy, married 1580’s to Principessa Teresa de Sayd of the Ottoman Imperia family of Djem line. * Other Costa came from Messina, Liguria, Genoa, Trapani, Palermo, Naples and France. Enrico alunna l’Hopital, (bastardo of a Knight), married 1746 Birkirkara to Rosa Gatt. |
Costanzo | * Ducal family of Naples. * Other branches like Matteo Costanzo of France, married 1640 Vittoriosa to Maddalena Cleveo. Aloisio Costanzo of Sorrento, Italy, married 1810 Senglea to Maria Anna Vella. |
Cousin | Gio Battista Cousin of France, married 1690 Valletta to Fortunata Arnaud. |
Cremona | Geronimo Cremona, a Cremonese, married 1570 Birgu to Barbara Spataro. |
Critien | * Carlo Enrico Critien or Cretien, married 1789 Valletta to Marianna de Farrugia von Hompesch, (her mother was the famed Natalia Farrugia, styled Princess of Comino and mistress to the Grand Master Fra Ferdinando von Hompesch zu Bolheim. * Remigio Christiano of Toulon, France, married 1811 Valletta to Rosolea Metropoli. * Carlo Christiano of Toulon, France, married 1723 Valletta to Maria Portelli. |
Cruci | – Giovanni dello Croce, of Sicily, married 1585 Vittoriosa to Laura Magro. – Battista Croce of Genoa, married 1623 Vittoriosa to Imperia, formerwife of Giuseppe Firiolo. – Michele della Croce of Spain, married 1645 Valletta to Natalizia former wife of Gio Maria Testa. |
Cucciardi | * Formerly Gucciardi. Giovanni Gucciardi of Palermo, Sicily, married 1674 Cospicua to Natalizia Barbara, 11th Baroness di Bucelli in Sicily. |
Cumbo | Fabrizio de Cumbis, a Knight of Aragon, Spain, came with the Royal family to claim Sicily c. 1350. |
Curmi | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Also known as Qormi. |
Cuschieri | Milite Federico de Cuzkeri of Messina, a Siculo Grecian origin, married to Antonia d’Aragona. Their son, Gaddo Cuzkeri was given the Sicilian fiefdom of Frigenuini in 1373 by King Federick III of Sicily. |
Custo | Giovanni Custo of Sicily, married 1654 Senglea to Anna Gliante. |
Cutajar | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. * Nuze Gutaje, c. 1315, son of Cutaje bin Said Kalbid, Hakim of Gozo 1300-1330. |
Cutagno | * Carlo Cutagno, married 1802 Valletta to Maria Grima. * Also known as Cutagno of Sicily. * Pasquale Cutagno of Naples, married 1816 Cospicua to Maria Anna Cassar. | © Copyright
d’Agostino | * Various families. * Francesco d’Agostino of Naples, married 1651 Valletta to Marietta Paparone. * Emmanuele d’Agostino of Barcelonia, married 1766 Vittoriosa to Margherita Valentino. |
Dalli | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Listed on the Militia list 1419-1420, a Benedittu Dalli. |
Dalmas | * Various families. * Michele Dalmas, married 1605 Valletta to Aloisetta Massa. * Stefano Dalmas of Majorica, Spain, married 1614 Cospicua to Lucrezia Francavilla. * Francesco Dalmas of Marseille, France, married 1716 Vittoriosa to Rosa Maria Zammit. * Francesco Dalmas of France, married 1786 Valletta to Elizabetta Lombardo. |
Damato | * Various families. * Ambroglio d’Amato of Corsicia, married 1590 Vittoriosa to Grazia Napolitano. * Giuseppe d’Amato of Messina, Sicily, married 1647 Cospicua to Maria Portelli. * Gio Battista d’Amato, a former slave, married 1698 Rabat Gozo to Domenica Attard. * Calogero Amato of Agrigento, Sicily, married 1814 Vittoriosa to Maddalena Gellul. |
d’Ambroglio | * Various families. * Geronimo d’Ambroglio, of Italy, married 1624 Vittoriosa to Leonora Cassar, married 1640 Vittoriosa to Geronima, former wife of Daniel Besson. * Gio Battista d’Ambroglio, married 1737 Senglea to Anna Stopparelli. |
d’Amico | * Various families. * Pasquale d’Amico, son of Donna Lucrezia d’Amico of Palermo, and her lover, Don Marco Antonio III Colonna, dying 1595, 4th Duca di Paliano, 1st Principe di Paliano, Viceroyal of Sicily 1585. * Matteo d’Amico of Palermo, married 1717 Senglea to Caterina Felici. *Giuseppe d’Amico of Genoa, married 1717 Senglea to Maria Delicata. *Antonio d’Amico of Catania, married 1814 Valletta to Rosaria Bezzina. |
Dandria | * Francesco d’Andria of Greece, married 1811 Birkirkara to Maria Anna Cristiano. |
Darmenia | * Two branches of the same family. * Etienne de Armenia, Knight of Sic, illegitimate son of the last King of Armenia, King Leo and settled in Malta, a Corsair 1405, married to Eleanora Gatto. * Prince Etienne Matteo d’Armenia, 1466-1536, illegitimate son of King James II of Cyprus and N. Flatro. Settled in Malta and granted the Maltese fiefdom of Baccari. |
Dato | * Lorenzo Dato, married 1769 Mdina to Maria Anna Sammut. *Aloisio Dati/Dato of Marseille, France, married 1617 Vittoriosa to Domenica Gurgura. |
Debarro | * Sebastiano de Barro of France, married 1615 Cospicua to Maria Gerardo. * Pietro Darro, married 1669 Naxxar to Domenica Micallef. |
Debattista | * Antonio di Battista of Venice, married 1614 Valletta to Giovanna Bonavia. * Giovanni di Battista sives de Battiste of France, married 1654 Vittoriosa to Francesca Tabone. * Giuseppe de Battista, illegitimate son of Battista Lucchese dei Baroni di Suttafara and Isabella de Cortez, married 1612 Mdina to Maria Agatucca Bartolomea Siciliano. |
Debono | * Milite Petruzzo del Bono of Parma, Italy, son of Notary Francesco del Bono, married 1497 to Nobile Miriam Catalano. * Giovanni de Bono, former slave, married 1589 Qormi to Gioannella Vella. |
Decarlo | * Gio Battista de Carlo, of Venice, married 1663 Senglea to Clara Mizzi. * Felice de Carlo, married 1677 Senglea to Paolina Chiumi. |
Decelis | Pietro de Celis of Messina, Sicily, married 1577 Vittoriosa to Giovanna Portughes. |
De Domenico | * Various families. * Nicola de Domenico of Venice, married 1638 Cospicua to Silva Grech. * Angelo de Domenico of Pisachio, Italy, married 1623 Vittoriosa to Antonia Saliba. * Francesco de Domenico of Venice, married 1709 Vittoriosa to Galizia Pistuni. * Giuseppe de Domenico of Trapani of Sicily, married 1787 Senglea to Antonia Ruic. |
Degaetano | * Various families. * Francesco de Gaetano, former slave, married 1658 Vittoriosa to Franceschitta Bonaro. * De Gaetano family are from an ancient family of Southern Italy also known as Caetani, which still exist today in the nobility of Italy. Floris de Gaetano, married 1576 Vittoriosa to Antonia Imbroll. |
Degiorgio | * Various families. * Giovanni de Giorgio, the titular Marchese di Bodonitia, Greece, married 1680 Rabat Gozo to Margherita Xiberras. * Lorenzo di Giorgio, of Venice, married 1582 Vittoriosa to Anna Porsella. *Giovanni di Giorgio of Ragusa, Sicily, married 1638 Senglea to Marietta, former wife of Nicola Rubera. * Cosimo de Giorgio of Ancona, married 1659 Valletta to Valenza, orphelin d’l Hospital, married (2) 1664 Valletta to Giovannella Vassallo. *Stefano de Giorgio, former slave, married 1755 Valletta to Natala Camilleri. * Francesco Giorgio of Milan, Italy, married 1773 Valletta to Celidonia Messina. |
De Giovanni | * Various families. * Demetrio de Giovanni of Crete, married 1574 Vittoriosa to Isabella Zupardo. * Alonso de Giovanni of Venice, married 1616 Senglea to Giovanna Crini. *Michele di Giovanni of Russia, married 1620 Valletta to Angelica Ciantar. *Michele Angelo di Giovanni, former slave, married 1767 Valletta to Giovanna de Fournier, former slave. |
Deguara | Giulio Deguara, illegitimate son of Don Pietro de Guevara, Jurat of Malta, whose grand father was Don Ruy Lopez d’Avalos, Conde di Ribades, Constable of Castile, 1357-1421. The de Guevara family and d’Avolas families are high ranking nobility in Italy with Ducal and Princely titles. Also in Spain were closely associated to the Kingdom of Castile. |
Deidun | * Giovanni Deidun, married 1676 Valletta to Grazia Grech. He was the son of Emileo and Grazia Maruzza, former wife of Aloisio Galibaldo, married 1651 Cospicua. * From Marseille, France. |
de Lazzaro | * Agostino de Lazzaro, Enfant (Alunno) du Sacre Hospital de Senglea, Alunno di Principe Don Carlo Albano, Knight of Malta, Bali of Armenia, married 1777 Vittoriosa to Rosa Fenech. |
del Ceppo | Matteo del Ceppo of Genoa, married 1649 Senglea to Vittoria Trini. |
Delia | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Milite Matteo de Lia II granted the priviledgi dell’Isola 1433. Married 1440 to Nobile Eva Cagege, his cousin. |
Delicata | * Giovanni de Licata, created Signore di Vicari 1271 in Sicily, married to Nobile Mansueta de Landolina. * Siculo Grecian origin. |
Delmar | * Teodoro del Mar, a Negro, given freedom, married 1609 Cospicua to Isabella de Milo. * Stefano Del Mar, married 1769 Cospicua to Regina Marruni, his brother Giovanni del Mar, married 1770 Cospicua to Maddalena Farrugia, his younger brother was Francesco del Mar, married 1773 Valletta to Rosa Saverino, their parents were Ludovico and Teresa of Italy. |
Delorenzo | * Milite Pietro Luca de Lorenzo c. 1570, married to Nobile Agnese Storiale. The de Lorenzo / de Laurenzo came with the Normans to Sicily and was the heir to Prince Edgar Aetheling of England, 1051-1130 of the English Saxon Royal house. * Descendants in Sicily and Malta. |
Delucca | * Ludovico de Lucia, married 1615 to Caterina Ramozotta, he was the son of Andrea and Donna Angela Platamone from Naples |
Demanuele | * Of the old Sicilian nobility dating back to 1284. * Of Siculo Norman ancestry. * Ridolfo di Manuel of Trapani, granted the style of Miles and his son received the fief of Burgetto in 1347. |
Demarco | * Matteo di Marco of Venice, married 1639 Cospicua to Maria Vassallo. *Giacomo di Marco of Ragusa, married 1614 Valletta to Anna Castilli. *Antonio Giacomo di Marco of Rome, married 1645 Valletta to Maria Cutajar. |
Demaria | * Several families. * Nicola di Maria of Ragusa, Italy, married 1618 Senglea to Vincenza Catavarino. * Francesco de Maria, former slave, married 1717 Senglea to Rosa Xicluna. * Giuseppe di Maria, former slave, married 1727 Valletta to Paolina, former wife of Gio Domenico Vassallo. |
Demicoli | * Several families. * Aloisio de Micoli, married 1569 Vittoriosa to Petruzza Bonello. * Giacomo di Micoli, former slave, married 1741 Valletta to Teodora Cacciatore. |
Denaro | Giuseppe de Naro of Catania, married 1845 Valletta to Maria Cauchi. |
Depares | Angelo de Pares of Greece, married 1587 Senglea to Pellegrima Costantino. |
Depasquale | * Antonino De Pasquale of Messina, married 1645 Vittoriosa to Barbara Mifsud. |
Depiro | * Cosimo de Pyrrho arrived in Malta around 1530 with the Knights of St John from Rhodes Island, as the personal slave of the Grand Master Villiers de l’Isle Adam and granted freedom and received favours from the Grand Master such as positions within Government in Malta. The family were successful over several generations with good marriages and were ennobled by the Grand Master in the 18th century with the fiefdom of Budaq and a Marquisate in the Kingdom of Spain. |
Desain | Luis de Sayn, Seigneur de Sayn in Frejus, France, married c. 1620 to Caterina Cuzkeri and setup a family legacy of Desain over the generations, which went through the Cassar family, then its heiress married into the Testaferrata family, whom changed their surname to Cassar Desain and exist today. |
Desira | Giorgio Crispo de Syra, an official of the Order of St John c. 1550 and arrived in Malta and his descendants styled their surname of de Syra and later Desira. Giorgio was the member of the Ducal sovereign family of Crispo, who reigned over the Naxos Islands, the Aegina Sea for several centuries, till the Ottomans took over. |
Despott | Stefano Despost of Ragusa, Sicily, married 1748 Birgu to Gaetana Vella. |
Diacono | Descendants of the noble family of lo Jacomo in Sicily and intermarried with much landed gentry in Malta. The family later altered their surname to Diacono. Interestingly today, the present Duc de la Rochefoucauld of France is a descendant. |
Dimech | * Listed in the Milita List of 1419 with Lemu Dimaq of Zebbug, Malta William Dymoke of England, Merchant in the Mediterranean, and settled in Malta and known as Lemu Zimech/Dimaq, Listed in the Militia List 1418-19, married with issue. |
Dingli | * Two branches. * Antoine de Dinkiville, Knight of Anjou, Crusader, c.1400 employed to look after a fiefdom for his brother -in-law and left descendants there. * Venerable Sir Thomas Dingley, Knight of Malta, executed in London 1539 by the orders of King Henry VIII of England, has lived in Malta for some time and left legitimate issue with his mistress, Antonina de la Pole Vassallo. |
Doneo | * Formerly known as Idoneo and arrived with the Knights of St John of Rhodes. * Mro Francesco Idoneo, married 1602 Birgu to Marietta Vagnolo. |
Doublesin | * Known as Duplesin or Duplusin from France. * Michele Angelo Duplesin, married 1741 Valletta to Ubaldesca Zammit. * Son of Giacomo and Onofria. |
Doublet | Donato Giovanni Alonso Doublet of Orleans, France, married 1784 Valletta to Elizabetta Magri. |
Drago | * Several branches. * Niccolo Drago of Greece, married 1654 Lija to Angelica Vassallo. * Andrea dei Baroni Drago, married 1755 Valletta to Francesca Cumbo, he was the younger son of the 1st Marchese Drago, excluded from the style of Marchesi. |
Duca | * Stamati Duca of del Zante, Greece, married 1631 Vittoriosa to Catinuzza, former wife of Giorgio Negroponte |
Eastop | * Thomas Eastop (s/o Thomas and Giovanna McAnlay) of London, England, married 1880 Floriana to Filomena Zammit. |
Ebejer | * Siculo Arabic origin. Direct descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. * Also known as Ebejjer and Abejer. * A Ludovico Ebejer sives Abejer married 1631 to Angelica Deguara. |
Ellis | * Guglielmo Giuseppe Ellis, of England, married 1842 Valletta to Maria Stivala. |
Ellul | * Siculo Arabic origin and known as Hellul. * Direct descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. |
Eminyar | 19th century family from Armenia also known as Armeni. |
Engerer | * Giuseppe Francesco Engerer of Trieste, Italy, married 1811 Valletta to Giovanna Rosa Schembri. |
England | William (Guglielmo) England of Bristol, England, married 1790 Valletta to Celidonia Mamo. |
Enriques | Matteo Enriquez of Spain, married 1682 Valletta to Antonia Seychel. |
Esposito | * Several families. * Carmine Esposito of Naples, married 1723 Vittoriosa to Anna Gauci. * Antonio, Orphelin d’Hopital, married 1803 Senglea to Rosa Caruana. * Francesco, Orphelin, married 1805 Senglea to Margherita Bonett. * Raphael, Orphelin, married 1807 Senglea to Graziulla Pace. *Antonio, Orphelin, married 1808 Senglea to Gertrude Micallef. * Joseph Esposito of Naples, married 1857 Cospicua to Carmela Micallef. |
Eynaud | * Stefano Hyacinto Eynaud of Brest, France, married 1777 Valletta to Saveria Gonzi. |
Fabri | * Several families. * Pierre Fabri of France, married 1586 Zebbug to Marietta Bartolo. * Pierre Fabri of France, married 1624 Zejtun to Angelica Coleivo. * Giovanni Fabre sives Favre of France, married 1671 Zebbug to Margarita Barrua. |
Facciol | * Mario Facciol of Sicily, married 1600 Valletta to Speranza d’Amellis, later married 1624 Valletta to Nobile Giacoma Vagnolo. |
Faenza | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Very little information, though the family was small and exist till the 20th century. |
Falzon | * Originally known as de Falcone and Falzone. Patrizio di Messina 1322. Created Signore di Cerami, di Comiso, Asaro, di Lamotta by the King of Sicily. * One of the greatest nobile families that existed in Malta and Sicily and has descendants covering the bulk of the Royal and noble families in Europe. * One family in Malta that consistently received money and feudal properties by the Kings of Sicily and the Grand Master of Malta, last being the fiefdom of Bahria. |
Farrugia | * Siculo Arabic origin, originally known as bin Farrug. * Direct descendants of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. * Listed in the Militia list of 1418-1420. |
Faure | * Agostino Faure of Piemont, Italy, married 1810 Valletta to Anna Debono. |
Fava | * Originally known as Bava and held a Maltese fiefdom in the 14th century. * Other Fava’s arrived from Italy over the centuries. Andrea Fava of Palermo, Sicily, married 1652 Luqa to Caterina N. * Nicolo de Fava, former slave, married 1678 Qormi to Giovanna Magro. |
Felice | * Originally known as Felici in the 14th /15th century. Damiano Felice of Genoa, Italy, married 1578 Gudja to Antonia Busuttil. * Giuseppe de Felici, former slave, married 1766 Valletta to Paola Fenech. |
Fenech | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Maruc Fenec, (1290), a direct descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. Later a Dr Baldassare Fenech Bonici JUD, was created Conte in 1748 by the Papal and was married to the Contessa Bellamina Ciantar Paleologo. |
Fernandez | * Several branches. * Don Gabriele Fernandez of Spain, married 1720 Valletta to a Contessa Caterina Castiglione. * Don Matteo Fernandez, of Spain, married 1681 Zebbug to Eufemia Camilleri. * Giuseppe Fernandes, of Portugal, married 1696 Valletta to Giovanna Vella. * Leonardo de Fernandes, former slave, married 1729 Valletta to Rosalba Grech. |
Ferrando | Raymond Ferrando of France, married 1657 Valletta to Speranza Baldacchino. |
Ferrante | * Charles Ferrante of Normandy, France, married 1710 Zurrieq to Agnese Debono. |
Ferriggi | * Felice Ferriggi of Italy, married 1747 Cospicua to Maddalena Caruana. |
Ferris | * Bernardo sives Mario Ferri of Genoa, married 1677 Vittoriosa to Margherita Grech. |
Ferro | * Several families. * Giovanni Ferro of Italy, married 1691 Senglea to Anna Maria Seychel. * Francesco Ferro of Vorgine, France, married (1) 1742 Senglea to Anna Cassar, married (2) 1748 Senglea to Teresa Surdo. * Fortunato Ferro of Italy, married 1775 Senglea to Fortunata Cutrovo. Matteo Ferro of Genoa, married 1794 Senglea to Regina Ieraci. * Ignazio Ferro of Genoa, married 1807 Valletta to Rosa Montani. Rocco Ferro of Sicily, married 1822 Valletta to Paola Griscti. * Rafaele Ferro of Sicily, married 1825 Valletta to Grafin Antoina von Kern of Austria. |
Filletti | Antonio Filetti of Italy, married 1864 Matrice Gozo to Carmela Debono. |
Fiorentino | * Several families. * Claudio Fiorentino of Italy, married 1629 Valletta to Caterina Barberi of Sicily. * Andrea Fiorentino of Naples, married 1642 Valletta to Veronica de Mari. * Gio Battista Fiorentino of Corsica, married 1727 Valletta to Clara Garsin. * Andrea Fiorentino of Procida, Italy, married 1810 Vittoriosa to Giovanna Rosa Cuschieri. |
Fiorini | * Serafino Fiorini, son of Agostino de Loredove, Eslave Libere of the Order of St John of Malta and Maria Maddalena di Gregorio, Afranchi di Gabriele di Gregorio, married 1719 Cospicua to Pasqua Abdilla. * Nicolas Fiorini of France, married 1749 Senglea to Giovanna Lacour. * Giacomo Fiorini of Ancona, Italy, married 1790 Valletta to Maria Anna Pappadopolo. * Antonio Lorini Fiorini of Italy, married 1808 Valletta to Philippa Leonarda de Hamilton. |
Fiott | * Several families. * Giacomo de Piott sives Fiott, former slave of Dr Gio Francesco Piott, married 1714 Valletta to Caterina Agius. His descendants used Piot / Phiott and Fiott as surnames. * Dr Giacomo Giuliano Farrugia JUD was sponsored as a child by the Knight Fr de Fiott and took his surname later in life to honour his memory. He married (1) 1597 Valletta to Nobile Angelica Falson, (2) 1609 Valletta to Nobile Angelica Cuschieri. His descendants used either Farrugia Fiott or Fiott. |
Fiteni | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Nobile Galeazzo Fitien, c. 1280. * Gio Antonio Fiteni, had purchased the fiefdom of Budaq in the 17th century and was married in 1592 to the Nobile Imperia Testaferrata. Their son, Silvestrino was later invested by the Grand Master of Malta as Baron. Sadly became extinct within a generation. |
Fleri | Michele Freri / Freti of Italy, married to a Angioletta and their son Salvatore, married 1656 Senglea to Aloisetta Azzopardi. |
Flores | Giuseppe Mario Flores of Barletta, Italy, married 1769 Valletta to Rosa Anna Tinosia. |
Floriani | * Georgio Floriani of Naples originally from Romania, married 1727 Vittoriosa to Francesca Madiona. * Lorenzo Floriani of Thessalonique, Greece, married 1748 Senglea to Caterina Manfry. |
Forace | * Vincenzo Forace of Italy, married 1610 Valletta to Andrianne Turbino. |
Formosa | * Siculo Grecian origin. *Listed in the Militia list of 1417 as Eduardu Farmusa. * In the 18th century, a Formosa de Negropont Fremaux was created in the Principality of Orange, Comte de Santa Sofia. |
Forte | * Several families. * Giovanni Fort of England, married 1634 Valletta to Domenica Coleiro. * Giuseppe Forte of Sicily, married 1809 Cospicua to Margherita Attard. * Nicola Forte of Procida, Sicily, married 1809 Vittoriosa to Elizabetta Axiaq. |
Fournier | * Antonio Geronimo de Fournier, Comte de Fournier from Southern France and from the same family as the Pope Benedict XII, born Jacques Fournier (1285-1342)., married 1672 Valletta to Maddalena Preziosi Poussieghes from Trapani. Their descendant was created Graf de Fournier in the 18th century by Empress Maria Theresia of Austria and today the legacy contines under the Sant Fournier family. |
Francalanza | * Gaetano Francalanza of Catania, Sicily, married 1796 Valletta to Anna Maria Re, later married 1831 Birkirkara to Concetta Xiberras. * Gaetano Francalanza of Reggio di Calabria, Italy, married 1815 Rabat Gozo to Giuseppa Galea. |
Francica | * Antonio Francica of Gibrator, married 1875 Vittoriosa to Filomena Farrugia. |
Frendo | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Alessandro bin Frendu, c. 1265. * Descendants of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. • Listed in the Milita list of 1418-1420. |
Friggieri | * Bartolomeo Frigieri of Tuscany, Italy, married 1664 Vittoriosa to Caterina Azzopardi, married (2) 1679 Zabbar to Angelica Fiteni. |
Fsadni | * Siculo Grecian origin also known as Fsatini. |
Gabaretta | * Antonio Gabaretta also known as Cassabria of Sicily, married 1639 Valletta to Angelica Psaila. |
Gafa | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Michele Cafor, married 1557 to Isabella Cassar. |
Gaffiero | * Lorenzo Gaffiero of Sorrento, Italy, married 1770 Senglea to Eufemia Andirvetti. * Giuseppe Gaffiero, married 1755 Valletta to Maria Imbrol. |
Galdes |
Galea | Milite Pietro Galie of Aragon, Spain, arrived in Malta during the Spanish rule in Sicily. Married c. 1370 to Donna Imperia di Peralta, a member of the Aragona family. His descendant, later granted the Maltese fiefdom of San Marciano in the 18th century, which is still in use today as a Barony. |
Galizia | * Giuseppe Galizia of Galicia, Spain, married 1574 Birkirkara to Marietta Debono. |
Gallo | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Marco Gallo, married 1538 to Nobile Imperia de Laimo. |
Gambin | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Listed in the Militia list with Agostino Gambino 1419. |
Ganado | * Stefano Ganado de Sanado of Greece, married 1691 Cospicua to Evangelista de Brincat. |
Garroni | * Niccolo Garrone of Sicily, married 1630 to Imperia Abela. * Olivier Niccolo Garrone of France, married 1624 Cospicua to Natalia Randon. |
Garzia | * Giovanni Garsia of Spain, married 1559 Vittoriosa to Giovanna Angelica Bottaro. * Cristoforo Garzia of Spain, married 1563 Birkirkara to Caterina Buhagiar. |
Gasan | * Giuseppe Gasan of Sicily, married 1755 Cospicua to Maria Roubert. |
Gatt | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Milite Lanza Gatto of Palermo, Sicily, married to Eleanora di Solimella c.1320. His son was granted the Maltese fiefdom of Djar il-Bniet in the 14th century amongst other fiefdoms and held high positions in Malta as Capitano della Verga of Malta (Governor of Malta). Don Francesco Dequanechs sives Inguanez added Gatto to his surname upon inheriting fiefdoms from his mother and his grandson left illegitimate issue whom took the surname of Gatt, which became the second branch of the Gatt family. |
Gauci | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Initially confused with Cauchi, as some Notaries used Cauci and the same with Gauchi, so two surnames were formed. * In the end of the Grand Masters rule in Malta, a Capitano della Verga, a Dr Gauci was created a Barone for life. His descendants intermarried with the bulk of the Maltese nobility and still exist today as Formosa Gauci in name. |
Gelfo | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Mco Gio Paolo Gelfo of Sicily, married 1662 Valletta to Elena Mistri. • Nobile Carlo Gelfo, married 1663 Senglea to Evangelista Seichel. |
Gellul | * Michele Giorgio Gellul, a Maronite from Beirut, married 1760 to Margherita Gilibert. * Vincenzo Gellul, also a Maronite from Beirut, married 1737 Valletta to Maria Domenica Delatra. |
Genovese | * Several families. * Vincenzo Genuis, of Genoa, married 1587 Attard to Antonia Attard. * Michele Genuisi of Genoa, married 1557 Naxxar to Agata Xiberras. * During the 19th century the surname evolved into Genovese. |
Gera | * Several families. * Paolo Gera of Italy, married 1641 Qormi to Marietta Veruti. * Antonio Gera of Italy, married 1774 Valletta to Maria Francesca Rossini. * Giuseppe Gera of Italy, married 1807 Cospicua to Rosa Zammit. * Notary Salvatore Gera of Italy, married 1799 Valletta to Francesca Attard. |
Gerada | * Siculo Normani origin. * Teramo Girada, married 1592 Zejtun to Paolina Schembri. * Mario Girada, married 1618 Gudja to Maria Mallia. * Ferdinando Girada, married 1627 Ghaxaq to Agata Busuttil. |
German | * Various families. * Antonio German of Piemont, Italy, married 1614 Cospicua to Aloisia Riccardo. * Salvatore German of Italy, married 1552 Naxxar to Margherita Camilleri. * Gio Battista German of Italy, married 1745 Valletta to Antonia Minuta. |
Ghigo | * Various families. * Enrico Gilio of France, married 1640 Vittoriosa to Anna, former wife of Francois Aris. * Mro Francesco Gilio of Palermo, married 1598 Valletta to Marietta Muscat. * Giovanni Giglio of Palermo, married 1697 Valletta to Marcella Caruana. |
Ghio | * Bernardo Ghio of France, married 1625 Valletta to Marietta Grensa. |
Ghirlando | * Francesco Ghirlando of Catania, Sicily, married 1802 Cospicua to Rosa Maria Meli. |
Ghirxi | *Antonio Garsi/Ghersci, of Genoa, Italy, married (1) 1811 Senglea to Rosa Said, married (2) 1848 Cospicua to Concetta Calleja. |
Giacomotto | * Antonio Georgio of Penthone, maybe Sicily or Italy, married 1714 Cospicua to Teresa Xampagna. |
Gialanze | * Georgio Gialanze of Italy, married 1705 Vittoriosa to Anna Catalana. * Ludovico Gialanze of Italy, (brother of Georgio), married 1709 Vittoriosa to Vittoria Magro. |
Giappone | * Saverio Gippone of Milan, Italy, married 1709 Senglea to Benedetta Desira. |
Giardina | * Carlo Giardina of Messina, Sicily, married 1686 Cospicua to Maddalena Serra, married secondly 1714 Cospicua to Giovannella Schembri. |
Gilibert | * Crispino Gilibert of France, married 1595 Vittoriosa to Lucrezia Basili. * Claudio Gilibert of France, married 1654 Valletta to Teresa Moneglia. * Lorenzo Gilibert of France, married 1680 Senglea to Caterina Farrugia. |
Gili | * Mro Ursilo Gili of France, married 1600 Valletta to Bernarda Cilia. * Aloisio Gili of France, married 1612 Valletta to Petruzza de Prevost, former slave. * Alvaro Gili of France, married 1629 Vittoriosa to Lucrezia Abela. |
Giordano | * Various families. * Giuseppe Giordano of France, married 1628 Attard to Grazia Lipach. * Guglielmo Giordan of Marseille, France, married 1634 Valletta to Lazzarina Xicluna. * Baldassare Giordano of Catania, Italy, married 1639 Valletta to Nobile Veronica Caxaro. * Giuseppe Giordano of Syracusa, Italy, married 1713 Vittoriosa to Anna Silvestra Abela. * Domenico Giordano of Naples, married 1730 Vittoriosa to Maddalena Zammit. |
Giordmaina | * Baldassare Niccolo Jourdain sives Giordano of France, settled back in France. Married 1638 Valletta to Veronica Teodora Caxaro. A branch of the family were Jourdon, another that were based in Attard then Mosta perhaps by spelling mistake became Giordamano later Giordimana. |
Giudice | * Deodato Gio Maria Giudice of Caprenovo, Italy, married 1803 Valletta to Margarita Zarb., Previously married to Caterina Stati. * Gaetano Guidice of Naples, married 1808 Senglea to Carmela Valenti, also from Naples |
Giusti | * Antonio Francesco Giusti of Florence, Italy, married 1697 Cospicua to Anna Ellul. |
Gollcher | * Olof Fredrich Gollcher of Sweden, (1829-1889), Vice Consul of Netherlands 1858 and Consul of Sweden 1874, married to the Nobile Vincenza Bruno Olivier. |
Gomez | * Lanza Gomez of Aragona, granted Maltese fiefdoms of il-Scardo e Scajscach in 1374. Married to the Noble Isabella Milieto. |
Gonzi | * Gio Battista Gonzio of Nizza, Genoa,. Italy, married 1710 Valletta to Anna Cousin. |
Gouder | * Giovanni Goude / Guder / Goder, of Austria, married 1802 Vittoriosa to Maria Gatt. His father was Vincenzo Goder, married 1780 Valletta to Anna Bilocca. |
Gove | * Nicola Gove of France, married 1642 Cospicua to Austina, former wife of Francesco la Lonza. |
Grasso | * Various families. * Listed in the Militia list 1417 as Franzoy Grasu. * Gio Domenico Grasso, married 1591 Gudja to Bartolomea Grech. * Barthelelemy Grasso of France, married 1636 Valletta to Angelica Solima. * Barone Ignazio Grasso of Sicily, married 1742 Valletta to Anna Troisi. * Baldassare de Grasso, former slave, married 1750 Valletta to Carmine de Borg, former slave. * Michele Grasso of Monaco, married 1768 Valletta to Vincenza Buttigieg. *Mario Grasso of Catania, Sicily, married 1796 Valletta to Rosa Fenech. |
Gravino | * Antonio Gravino of Genoa, Italy, married 1764 Zejtun to Maria Marmara. |
Grech | * Various families. * Grecian in origin and can be found as early as the Militia list of 1419-1420. Many arrived with the Knights of Malta c. 1530 and up to the 18th century. * Also various slaves. * Saverio Greco, former slave, married 1751 Valletta to Anna Galea. * Francesco Grech, Orphelin d’lHopital, married 1743 Cospicua to Eufemia Parsotto. * Gio Nicola Greco of San Maura, Italy, married 1710 Valletta to Domenica Bezzina. * Lorenzo Greco, former slave, married 1708 Cospicua to Caterina Calleja. Domenico Greco, former slave, married 1706 Vittoriosa to Rosolea de Giovanni. * Pietro de Grech, infante abandone in Valletta, married 1705 Qormi to Grazia Borg. |
Gregory | * Francesco Gregorio of Rome, married 1662 Valletta to Margherita, former wife if Alessandro Cassia. * George Gregory of England, married 1853 Cospicua to Caroline Hatfield. His brother, Edwin Maria Gregory, married 1856 Cospicua to Lorenza Sullivan. |
Grillo | * Antonio Grillovich of Slovenia, shorten to Grillo, then later generations to Ullo. Antonio married 1724 Cospicua to Maria Spiteri. |
Grima | * Origins from Genoa from the same family as Grimaldi and iun Malta as early as the Militia list of 1418-1420. Members from different branches arrived in Malta and shorten their names to Grima. * Giovanni Grimoli of Greece, married 1625 Kirkop to Caterina Hellul, his descendants took the surname of Grima. |
Grimaud | * Simeone Grimaud, of Marseille, France, married 1696 Cospicua to Natala Spiteri. * Pietro Grimaud of Marseille, France, married 1731 Zabbar to Rosa Azzopardi. |
Grioli | * Giovanni Grioli of Italy, married 1631 Cospicua to Grazia Balzan. * Fabrizio Grioli of Italy, married 1633 Vittoriosa to Domenica Payas. |
Griscti | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Giorgio Gristi, married 1569 Zurrieq to Scolastica Kili. |
Grungo | * Barone Francesco Grungo, Falconiere and Massaro regio, granted the Maltese fief of Pietra Longa 1513 and married 1450 to Nobile Imperia de Guevara. |
Guillaumier | * Gio Francesco or John Francois of de la Ciotat, France, married 1772 Valletta to Giuseppa Assenza. |
Gulia | * Francesco Gulia of Italy, married 1672 Senglea to Clemenza Canulcanti. |
Gusman | * In Malta since the time of Aragona rule of Sicily in the 14th century. * Listed in the Militia list 1419. |
Haber | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Listed in the Militia list of 1419-1420. * Giacomo Chaber, married 1556 to Agnese d’Armenia. |
Hili | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Direct descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. * Listed in the Militia list of 1419-1420. Giuseppe Kili, married 1500 to Isabella de Manuele. |
Huber | * Bartolomeo Uber from Caisson of Bavaria, married 1746 Valletta to Caterina Grech. |
Hyzler | * Gio Federico Risler of Germany, married 1720 Valletta to Aloisia Barbara, their son, Giovanni Leizer, married 1752 Valletta to Bartolomea Ligato, their son, Domenico Hyzler, married 1801 Luqa to Maria Dalli. |
Imbroll | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Salvatore Imbroglio, created Signofre di Chalka, Duemis, and Chamire in1372, a Sarjeant of Malta, dying 1398. |
Inglott | * Anglais (English) in origin. * Gio Battista (John Baptist) Inglott sives Ingloise, married 1726 Senglea to Maria Sciapparelli. |
Inguanez | * Don Angeraldo Desguanches, 2nd Signor di Ortigoes, Panades, Spain invited to Malta to become the Capitano della Verga 1400-1403, had married to Geratina d’Alagona, and his ancestor, Don Inigo Iniguez y Menora 1220-1275, the Conqueror of Jaen, created Senor di Biedma 1246. His was born an Arabic Prince of Menorca, as his father later became a Christian. His father was Abu Said Utman, King (Emir) of Menorica 1228-1281. His male descendants are also known as Gatt, Desguanches and various forms of Inguanez spellings used in Malta and Italy. |
Izzo | * Gaetano Izzo of Sicily, married 1801 Valletta to Annunziata Galea. |
Jaccardini | * Salvatore Jaccardini of Sorrento, married 1808 Senglea to Vittoria Aquilina. |
La Corte | Nobile Pierre de la Corte of Parthemay, France, married 1602 Valletta to Aurella de Grillon, illegitimate daughter of the Provence de Grillon and Fra Pietro de Medici, Knight of Malta. |
Laferla | * Giuseppe la Ferla of France, married 1656 Valletta to Graziella Baccionei Pisani. * Henri la Ferla of France, married 1628 Valletta to Violante Delia. |
Laiviera | * Bartolomeo Rivera of Palermo, married to Isabella, their son, Bartolomeo Laiviera, married 1745 Cospicua to Rosa Xara, his son Gaetano Laiviera, married 1769 Vittoriosa to Maria Barsia. * Pietro Laiviera, married 1710 Valletta to Vincenza Baldacchino. |
Lanfranco | * Padron Bernardo Lanfranco of France, married c. 1600 to Barbarica Castelletti. |
Lanzon | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Battista Lanzun, married 1596 Senglea to Angelica Vella, their son, Giovanni, married 1621 Senglea to Giulia Grech. * Bartolomeo Lonzuh and Maria, had a son, Gio Maria, married 1636 Gudja to Grazia Calleja. |
Lapira | * Salvatore Pira of Italy (son of Georgio and Clara), married 1792 Valletta to Angela Pisani, their son, Georgio la Pira, married 1827 Valletta to Marianna Zahra. * Gio Battista Lapira of Sardinia, married 1760 Valletta to Caterina del Ceppo. |
La Rosa | * Michele la Rosa of Palermo, married 1554 Vittoriosa to Antonia Micallef. * Francesco la Rosa of Catania, Italy, married 1624 Senglea to Domenica Borg. |
La Spina | * Gio Vincenzo Caspina sives Laspina, married 1624 Vittoriosa to Mariua Laurdon. * Nobile Gio Battista Laspina, of Italy, married 1622 Valletta to Maria di Stefani. |
Laudi | * Olivierio Lauda of France, married 1666 Senglea to Imperia Callibert. |
Lauria | * Siculo Normanni origin. * Francesco Laureri, married c. 1450 to Stefania Axac. * Francesco Laurier, Jurat of Mdina 1475, 1478, 1479, died 1501, married to Granita Sagona. |
Lautier | * Andrea Lautier of France, married 1631 Valletta to Grazia Portelli. *Marc Antoine Lautier, married 1654 Cospicua to Margherita Faillon. * Giovanni Lautier of France, married 1659 Valletta to Maruzza Bugeja, married (2) 1667 Senglea to Marianna Pellegrin. |
Lebrun | * Jean Francis le Brun of France, married 1752 Qormi to Teresa Xerri. |
Lentini | * Ignazio Lentini of Sicily, married 1694 Vittoriosa to Teresa Manin. |
Leone | * Ambrosio Leone of France, married 1578 Gudja to Flora Grech. Antonio Leone of France, married 1635 Vittoriosa to Isabella, former wife of Onorato Briotti. * Giovanni Leone of Trento, married 1718 Valletta to Caterina Maria, former slave of Onorato Muscat. * Filippo Leone of Naples, married 1730 Valletta to Maria Masgana. Rosario Leone, a jew converted, married 1770 Vittoriosa to Maria Colonna. * Francesco Leone of San Pietro, Sardinia, married 1813 Valletta to Aloisia Micallef. |
Lepre | * Luca Lepre of San Gregorio, Salerno, married 1802 Valletta to Fortunata Xerri. |
Lia | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Listed in the Militia list 1419-1420. |
Libreri | * Cosimo Iberi of Messina, Sicily, married 1676 Zurrieq to Angelica Muscat. |
Licari | * Georgio Liganto of Greece, married 1659 Cospicua to Domenichella Vella, former wife of Giovanni Cassar. * Antonino Ligari of Messina, Sicily, married 1699 Vittoriosa to Paola Cassar. |
Livori | * Matteo de Livori of Italy, married 1780 Senglea to Carmela di Lauro. |
Lofreda | * Giovanni Lofreda of Naples, married 1677 Valletta to Orsola, former wife of Andrea Camilleri. * Giuseppe Lofreda of Naples, married 1653 Valletta to Orsola Bacci. |
Lombardo | * Various families. * Nobile Gio Vincenzo Lombardo di Baroni di Castelluccio de Saura, married 1500s to Nobile Agnese Hachem. * Vito Giovanni Lombardo of France, married 1645 Senglea to Ciasia Jane Savona. * Antonello Lombardo of Northern Italy, married 1553 Naxxar to Giovanna Bezzina. |
Lopez | * Various families. * Giovanni Lopez of Spain, married 1566 Vittoriosa to Margherita Grech. * Pietro Lopez of Spain, married 1617 Valletta to Giovanna Bonavia. * Pietro Lopez of Murcia, Spain, married 1724 Valletta to Teresa Azzopardi. * Giovanni Lopez of Pantellaria, married 1806 Senglea to Rosa Pappalardo. |
Losco | * Ambrosio Losco of Naples, married (1) 1776 Valletta to Fortunata Psaila, married (2) 1788 Valletta to Maria Teresa Vella. * Giovanni Losco of Palermo, Sicily, married 1806 Valletta to Francesca Vella. |
Lowell | * Arthur Lowell of England, married 1800’s to Camilla Tabone. |
Lubrano | * Vincenzo Salvatore Lubrano, of Procida, married 1746 Senglea to Maria Fournier. |
Lungaro | * Michele Ungaro of Hungarian origin, married 1603 Zejtun to Caterina Bonavia. |
Lupi | * Antonio Matteo Lupi of San Pietro de Campo, Calabria, Sicily, married 1772 Valletta to Giuseppa la Rosa. Antonio Matteo is a descendants of the Marchesi Lupi di Soraja family and style dei Marchesi Lupi di Soraja. |
Magro | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Vincenzo Magri, married 1570 Gudja to Domenica Spiteri. * Mco Leonardo Magro, married c. 1540 to Donna Francia Inguanez. * A Captain Giorgio Magro, (1681-1749 Rome), created a Knight of St Gregory and created Conte by the Pope in 1730. Married in 1725 to Caterina di Savoie di Susa. |
Magrin | * Cristoforo di Macri of Greece, married 1661 Vittoriosa to Maruzza Agius and later used Magrin as a surname. |
Maistre | * Stefano Maistre of France, married 1678 Valletta to Aloisia d’Anastasio. |
Mallia | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Nobile Abdullah bin Mohammad Kalbi, converted to Christianity c. 1260 with the surname of Malliua. * Descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. |
Mamo | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Giuliano Mamo, married 1350 to Nobile Antonia Bava. |
Mannara | * Martino Mannara of Catania, Sicily, married 1550 Naxxar to Luna Spiteri. * Antonio de Mannara, former slave, married 1720 Valletta to Teresa Bonavia. |
Manche | * Pietro Manchamin of Troyes, Champagne, France, married 1751 Valletta to Elizabetta Galea. |
Mandes or de Mandes | * Giovanni de Mandes, esclave, married 1656 Porto Salvo, Valletta to Girolama, esclave. * Giuseppe de Mandes, esclave affranchi, married (1) 1659 Porto Salvo to Vittoria Fiteni, married (2) 1672 Senglea to Teresa Morga, married (3) 1677 Zabbar to Speranzica Camilleri. * Andrea de Mandes, nouveas Converti, married 1659 Porto Salvo to Domenica Fenech. * Michele de Mandes, neofito, married 1661 San Paolo, Valletta to Angelica Micallef. |
Manduca | * Siculo Grecian origin. Judge Antonio Manduca, married c.1405 to Nobile N. Guantis. * Later, a descendants was created a Hereditary Knight of the Holy Roman Empire. |
Mangani | * Mco Angelo Mangani of Sicily, married 1611 Valletta to Alessandra di Ricca. * Vincenzo Mangani of Augusta, Sicily, married 1692 Mdina to Evangelista Gambin. * Salvatore de Mangani, former slave, married (1) 1705 Valletta to Anna Maria de Pandova, former slave, married (2) 1710 Senglea to Teresa Borda, a hereditary Nobile of Hungary. |
Mangion | * Milite Blasco de Mangione of Naples, married 1441 to Nobile Maria Unginat, 3rd Signorina di Nigret. * Domenico Mangine, later Mangion of France, married 1670 Senglea to Anna Barbara. |
Manicaro | * Giacomo Magnicaro of Augusta, Sicily, married 1618 Zejtun to Florenza Xuereb, married (2) 1666 Zejtun to Antonia Saliba. |
Manicolo | * Giovanni Mannicoli of Sicily, married 1646 Vittoriosa to Dorotea Tabone. |
Maniscalao | * Various families. * Giuseppe Maniscalao of France, married 1619 Valletta to Veronica Risbe. * Claudio Maniscalao of France, married 1654 Valletta to Clemenza N. * Giuseppe Maniscalao of Palermo, Sicily, married 1655 Senglea to Modesta Glianti. * Marcello Maniscalao of Marseille, France, married 1694 Valletta to Caterina Buchedo. |
Mansueto | * Michele Mansuet of France, son of Agostino and Domenico, married 1665 Birkirkara to Matteola Borg. |
Marchett | * Antonio Maria Marchetti of Verona, Italy, married 1638 Valletta to Olivia Parisi. * Giuseppe Marchetti of Genoa, married (1) 1661 Senglea to Domenica Rossi, married (2) 1679 Cospicua to Generosa Mangion. |
Marquerat | * Paolo Marquet of France, married 1647 Cospicua to Vincenza Marchical. * Pierre Marquet of Marseille, France, married 1751 Valletta to Maria Grillet. |
Marich | * Antonio Marich / Mairich of France, married 1807 Valletta to Maddalena Attard. |
Marmara | * Antonio di Marmara of Greece, married 1628 Cospicua to Domenica Ciantar. * Cosmano Hamairan of Siculo Grecian, married 1615 Zurrieq to Mattea Caruana. |
Martin | * Various families. * Pierre Martin of France, married (1) 1560 Vittoriosa to Lucrezia Corso, married (2) 1586 Vittoriosa to Vennera Serra. * Gabrielle Martin of France, married 1599 Senglea to Nina Frances. * Baldassare Martin of France, married 1600 Vittoriosa to Grazia Cira. * Aloisio Martin of Spain, married 1602 Qormi to Antonia Seichel. * Giacomo Martin of Germany, married 1602 Senglea to Laura Scavo. |
Mascari | * Andrea Mascari of Venice, married 1659 Valletta to Maruzza Metalo. |
Masini | * Antonio Massai, of France, married 1671 Valletta to Giuliana de Grima, former slave of Isabella Grima, their son, Andrea, married (1) 1721 Valletta to Teresa de Durel, former slave of Anna Durel, married (2) 1746 Cospicua to Caterina Guicciardi. |
Massa | * Mro Antonio Massa of France, married 1597 Valletta to Speranza Prevost. |
Matrenza | * Mro Matteo Matrenza of Syracusa, Sicily, married 1638 Valletta to Giovanna, former wife of Tomaso Verne. |
Mattei | * Several families. * Pietro Mattei of Marseille, France, married 1618 Senglea to Battista Precura. * Angelo Francesco Mattei of Corsica, married (1) 1650 Cospicua to Grazia Orsola Garsia, married (2) 1681 Senglea to Evangelista Cornelio. * Giovanni Mattei of Lucca, Italy, married 1743 Valletta to Giovanna Seracini. |
Maurin | * Several families. * Giovanni Maurin, married 1670 Cospicua to Giovanna Clara Veneziano. * Vito Maurin of Marseille, France, married 1619 Vittoriosa to Silvia di Michele. * Gio Battista Maurin of Marseille, France, married 1636 Vittoriosa to Angelica Micallef. |
Medati | * Giacomo Modesti later Medati of Trieste, Italy, married 1814 Valletta to Grazia Stellini. |
Medini | * Nicola Medini of Dubrovick, Croatia, married 1810 Senglea to Margherita Spiteri. |
Maempel | * Charles Maempel, Baron in the Sovereign Duchy of Saxe Coburg and Gotha, Germany, married 1839 Valletta to Giovanna Calleja. |
Medici | * Francesco de Medici, illegitimate descendant of Alessandro de Medici 1510-1537, Duke of Florence, married 1649 Cospicua to Petronilla di Modica, their son, Cosimo Giuseppe Maria de Medici, married 1691 Valletta to Ubaldesca Cachia. |
Meilaq | * Tomaso Meilac of Terranova, Sicily, married 1581 Vittoriosa to Bernarda Coruna. |
Meli | * Shorten surname of Meilac and also various other families. * Giuseppe Meli of Sicily, married 1598 Gudja to Giovanna Ellul. * Domenico Meli of Sicily, married 1780 Senglea to Rosa Felice. |
Mercieca | * Ferdinando Bernardo de Merchic of France, illegitimate son of Milite Blasco Michola, Jurat of Malta 1476, 1480 and Ludovica Tomasina Ricciardi. Blasco’s father was Bertuccio Michola, (testament 1444), married to Nobile Perna Serrano. |
Messina | * Bernardo Messina, Nobile of Castiglione, Sicily 1321. * Though other branches of the same Messina family came to Malta. |
Micallef | * Siculo Arabic origin. Arsuf bin Mahallif, 1265-. * Direct descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. |
Miceli | *Various families. * Claudio Miceli, sives Mixeli of France, married 1620 Vittoriosa to Grazia Bonnici. * Giovanni Miceli of Sicily, married 1822 Valletta to Vincenza Cremona. * Barnabe Miceli of Sicily, married 1846 Cospicua to Antonia Zammit. * Don Antonino Miceli of Sicily, married 1848 Senglea to Suzanne Consiglio. |
Mifsud | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Federico bin Mifsudu, 1260-1300. * Direct descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. |
Miggiani | * Antonio Meliotto of France, son of Matteo and Caterina, married 1732 Senglea to Margherita Celestri, their son Emmanuele Miggiani, married 1765 Valletta to Flora Azzopardi. |
Mintoff | * Michele sives de Manuele, later Mintoff, married 1561 Matrice Gozo to Vincenza Muctara. |
Mirabella | * Bartolomeo Mirabella of Sicily, married 1606 Zurrieq to Giovanna Farrugia. |
Mizzi | * Lorenzo Micci of Italy, marrid 1540 to Nobile Lucrezia Xara. |
Mompalao | * Nobile Francesco Mompalao of Aragon, Sicily, Jurat 1503, married to Nobile Francesca Falsone. |
Monsigneur | * Enrico Monsanier of Toulon, France, married 1705 Laurica Indiano. |
Monreale | * Don Gaspare de Monreale, married 1604 Valletta to Agata Baldacchino. Son of Don Michele de Monreale, 2nd Barone di Castrofilippo and Margherita Platamone. |
Montalto | * Riccardo Montalto, created Barone di Buccheri 1305, married to Dona Maria d’Aragona. * Montaldo stems from the Montalto family from the 18th century. * The Montalto family are from Syracusa and later created Duke of Fragnito 1612 in Sicily and inherited the Principe di Lequile title by marriage in the 18th century. |
Montanaro | * Francesco Montanaro of Turin, Italy, married 1610 Attard to Isabella Missenisi, their son, Gio Maria Montanaro, married 1655 Valletta to Caterina Borg. |
Montebello | * Guglielmo Beniabino, found of the legacy of San Dnica ta Xilendi in Ghajn Tuta 1442, married to Perna Lancia, their descendants used a variety of surnames of Monigibello, Bongibello, Montibello and Montebello. |
Montfort | * Paolo de Montfort, former slaver of Fr Commander Signore Bernardo de Montefort de Cambrillian and his wife, Anna, former slave of Geronima Tui. Their son Luciano Montefort, married 1737 Valletta to Anna Xiberras. |
Montesin | * Martin Monthesin of Marseille, France, married 1702 Vittoriosa to Maria Borg. * Antonio Monthesin of Marseille, France, married 1715 Vittoriosa to Marcella Rizzo. |
Morales | * Various families. * Francesco Morales of Italy, married 1588 Vittoriosa to Giacoma Calabro. * Giuseppe Morales of Syracusa, Italy, married 1635 Valletta to Vincenza Chircop. * Mro Battista Morales of Majorica, Spain, married 1681 Zejtun to Anna Attard. * Mattias Morales of Majorica, Spain, married 1715 Zejtun to Caterina Buttigieg. |
Musu | * Matteo Muxi, married 1561 Siggiewi to Giovanna Gauchi. * Gio Antonio Musci / Muxi, married 1606 Vittoriosa to Clerica Gusman. * Mco Pierre Muxi of France, married 1616 Valletta to Giacobina de Fiore. * Nicola Muxi /Mox of France, married 1687 Cospicua to Caterina Vincenza Murista. * Giuseppe Muxi of France, married to Giovanna Rosa N, their son Michele Musu, married 1741 Cospicua to Donna Maria Anna Imperiale. |
Mugliett | * Stefano Muglia of France, married 1602 Senglea to Imperia Prat. * Bernardino Mugliet of France, married 1637 Valletta to Speranza Fighiera. |
Mula | * Siculo Arabic origin. Frankin Mulea, c.1330. * Direct descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. |
Muscat | * Milite Beringerius Muscati / Moscati, 1320, a Soldier from Catania, Sicily, moved to Qormi, Malta. * A descendant was created Marchese di Xrobb il-Ghagin in the 18th century and another created Conte di Bahria also in the 18th century. |
Musumeci | * Giuseppe Musumeci of Sicily, married 1852 Senglea to Rosaria Barbara. |
Nani | * Angelino Nani of Venice, Italy, a musician, married 1768 Valletta to Ninfa Schembri. |
Naudi | * Antonio Naudi of France, married 1626 Senglea to Angeluccia Saracino, with issue, their son, Desiderio Naudi, married 1656 Valletta to Anna Maria Bezzina. |
Navarra | * Don Andrea Navarra, illegitimate son of Prince Louis of Navarra, Comte de Beaumont le-Roger, 1341-1372, married to Donna Isabella Ventimiglia. |
Navarro | * Vincenzo Navarro of Spain, married 1638 Valletta to Veronica Teodora Caxaro. |
Nuzzo | * Giuseppe Vannucci, son of Giuseppe and Maria Angela, married 1746 Valletta to Rosalba Ghiun, his son Michele Angelo later changed the surname to Nuzzo. * Placidio Nuzzo of Sicily, married in Catania, Sicily to Elena Laferla and settled in Malta. |
Oliva | * Gio Lorenzo Oliva of Messina, Sicily, married 1567 Zurrieq to Maddalena Gristi. * Magi Oliva of Catalonia, Spain, married 1635 Valletta to Lorenza Cassar. |
Olivier | * Various families. * Giovanni Olivier de Puget of France, married 1661 to Persia Meysionat. * Giovanni Olivier of France, married 1572 Gudja to Barbarica Castelletti. Antonio Olivier of France, married 1603 Vittoriosa to Caterina Bonnici. * Filippo Olivieri of Trapani, Sicily, married 1647 Vittoriosa to Evangelista di Giovanni. |
Orlando | * Various families. * Giacomo Orlando of Corsica, married 1646 Vittoriosa to Giuseppa, formerwife of Andrea Napolitano. * Antonio Giuseppe Orlando of Grenade, France, married 1721 Valletta to Filippa Cannaletto. * Gio Tomaso d’Orlandes de Rinaldo of Northern Italy, married to Contessa Giovanna di Cristoforo, with issue, Mauro d’Orlandes Rinaldo who married 1572 Mdina to Giovanna Muscat. |
Orsini | * Ancient Roman nobile family connected to various families in Italy including Capodiferro and Colonna families, both of Roman origin. It’s believed they stem from the Imperia Roman empire descent. The Orsini family rose to great heights with several Popes and many Cardinals and held many nobility titles of Prince, Duke, Marquis and Count. |
Pace | * Milite Bernardo Pache of Messina granted the Maltese fief of Culeja 1372 and the status of “Royal familiaritas” by the King of Sicily and married 1362 to the Nobile Elvira de Falsone. |
Padovani | * Aloisio Padovani, married 1804 Valletta to Vincenza Genies, likely from Northern Italy. |
Palma | * Antonio Palma, married 1566 Gudja to Giovanna Caruana. * Giuseppe Palma of Epidauro, Ragusa, married 1763 Cospicua to Regina Balzan. |
Pandolfino | * Georgio Pandolfino of Venice, married 1623 Valletta to Margherita Cavalleri. * Antonio Pandolfino of Catania, Sicily, married 1805 Valletta to Geronima Guido, married (2) 1814 Valletta to Maria Antonio Camenzuli. |
Palmier | * Various families. * Vincenzo Palmieri of Palermo, Sicily, married 1622 Vittoriosa to Marica N. * Antonio Palmieri of Sicily, married 1660 Valletta to Domenicuzza, ex-wife of Giusto Positano. * Pietro Palmieri of Majorica, Spain, married 1657 Vittoriosa to Francesca Xiriha. * Domenico Palmieri of France, married 1712 Valletta to Maria Maddena Arnaud. |
Panzavecchia | * Brothers, Carlo Pantalleresco of Pantelleria, married 1762 Senglea to Teresa Busuttul, and Liberio Pantalleresco, married 1765 Senglea to Anna Maria Ragusa. |
Pantalleresco | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Antonio Pantallaris, married 1562 Birkirkara to Agata Bonnici. |
Pagagiorcopolo | * Various families. * Georgio Papaxinopulo of Greece, married 1588 Senglea to Imperia Pace. * Giovanni Papadopolo of Crete, Capra, married 1713 Cospicua to Giacobina Randun. * Giovanni Padadopoulo of Damascene, Greece, married 1706 Vittoriosa to Rosa Portier. |
Paregin | * Various families. * Antonio Parascandalo of Naples, married 1628 Valletta to Caterina Farrugia. * Antonio Parascandalo of Procida, married 1793 Senglea to Rosa Palma Schiano. * Angelo Parascandalo of Sicily, married 1807 Cospicua to Rosa Maria Grima. * Giuseppe de Prodofila, Manumesso of Giorgio Prodofila, later known as Paregin, married 1712 Porto Salvo, Valletta to Rosa Zabbara. |
Paris | * Various families. * Agostino Paris of France, married 1598 Valletta to Marietta Camilleri. * Pierre Paris of France, married 1602 Valletta to Caterina Mizzi. *Andrea Paris of France, married 1653 Cospicua to Aloisia di Pietro. |
Parisi | * Various families. * Domenico de Parisi of Sicily, married 1581 Vittoriosa to Speranza Falsone. * Simone de Pares of Greece, married 1631 Cospicua ton Andreanna Paris. |
Parlato | * Giuseppe Parlato of Sicily, married 1857 Senglea to Giovanna Rizzo. |
Parnis | * Siculo Grecian Origin. * Don Stefano Parnis, married 1530’s to Nobile Antonia Bell’Huomo di Conti di Augusta. |
Parteca | * The earliest ancestor was Alessandro Podesca or Podeca, whose parents were both illegitimates. Alessandro parents were Giuseppe de Rutowsky sives Podeca, and Maria Alunna di Pier’Antonio Testaferrata. |
Patignott | * Siculo Grecian Origin. * Niccolo Giorgio Patignott of Parmos, Greece, married 1699 Cospicua to Margherita Anna Maria Massarella. |
Pavia | * Several families. * Matteo Pavia of Pantelleria, married 1709 Senglea to Appolonia Liparotto. * Mro Andrea Pantelleria of Sicily, married 1631 Valletta to Grazia Vasconcellos. |
Pelliciano | * Mro Antonio Palidino of Sicily, married 1608 Zurrieq to Vennera Scicluna. |
Pellegrini | * Various families. * Jean Pellegrini of France, married 1631 Valletta to Andrianna d’Argumento. * Bartolomeo Pellegrini of France, married 1637 Cospicua to Caterina Ciappisa. * Giuseppe Pellegrino of Catania, Sicily, married 1730 Valletta to Carmina del Ceppo. * Valentino Pellegrino of Corsica, married 1747 Valletta to Anna Pace. * Giuseppe Pellegrino of Milan, Italy, married 1790 Valletta to Maria Vidal. |
Penza | * Tomaso Penza of Piemont, Italy, married 1588 Gudja to Beatirce Rodriches. |
Pepe | * Rafaele Pepi of Palermo, married 1796 Valletta to Partemia Dimech. |
Peralta | * Dr Agostino Alfieri Peralta JUD, illegitimate son of Don Fr Clement Altieri, Knight of the Order of St John and Donna Graziella Peralta, married 1660 Valletta to Generosa Vincella di Santoro. The Altieri family are a very noble Roman family that became Princes. The Peralta family arrived with the Aragon’s to Sicily and held many high positions in Sicily and Naples. |
Peresso | * Stefano Berisso of Genoa, Italy, married 1812 Vittoriosa to Angela Gatt. |
Perez | * Various various. * Vincenzo Peres of Spain, married 1603 Valletta to Lorenza Armaelu. * Georgio Giovanni Peres of Sicily, married 1617 Valletta to Marianna Maldonato. * Alfonso Perez of Spain, married 1665 Cospicua to Paolica Bisen. * Tomaso Perez of Palermo, married 1714 Valletta to Rosa Dalli. |
Perici | * Gio Angelo Pericci of Greece, married 1738 Cospicua to Maria Peres. |
Perotti | * Georgio Perotti of Tino, Greece, married 1711 Vittoriosa to Teodora Caponetto. * Gio Pietro Perotta of Lucca, married 1718 Vittoriosa to Maddalena Muscat. * Some descendants of Pirotta used Perotti surname. |
Petrococchino | * Estratius Petrococchino of Greece, married to Rosa Miller in the 19th century. |
Petroni | * Carlo Filippo Petroni of Sicily, married 1711 Cospicua to Maria Stellini. |
Piccinino | * Mco Gio Battista Pissineni / Pasionei of Pisa, Italy, married 1624 to Giovanna Buja. * Giuseppe Piccinino of Pisa, Italy, married 1660 Cospicua to Speranza, exwife of Giovanni di Nicola. |
Pirotta | * Gio Luca Brutta sives Perotta, married 1655 Naxxar to Grazia Tonna, married (2) 1689 Mosta to Caterina Pace. Gio Luca’s parents were Giulio Brutta of Sicily, married to Margherita Cauchi. |
Pisano | * Giovanni Pisano of Venice, elected Duke /Doge of Crete for a year in 1480. He married to Maria Barozzi. Their descendant fled Crete due to Ottoman conquest and arrived in Malta around 1520 with Nicola and his wife, Margherita Paleologo, styled Princess of Byzantine. |
Piscopo | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Nunda bin Percopu., c. 1270. * Direct descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. |
Pizzuto | * Tomaso Pizzuto of Messina, Sicily, married 1656 Senglea to Anna Teuma. |
Podesta | * Aloisio Podesta of Genoa, Italy, married 1815 Valletta to Maddalena Gatt. |
Poggi | * Antonio Maria Poggio of Venacci, Italy, married 1716 Valletta to Domenica, former slave of Bonamico family. |
Pollacco | * Similar to Polidano but different family. * Giovanni Pollacco of Crete, married 1624 Cospicua to Grazia Riccardo. * Simone Polladi of Crete, married 1626 Valletta to Graziulla Zorba. * Matteo Polacco of Poland, married 1661 Vittoriosa to Anna Vella. |
Portainer | * Joseph Portanier of France, married 1672 Valletta to Anna Maria Cimarullo. |
Portelli | * Leonardo Bertelli of Italy, noted around 1489 in Malta. |
Portughese | * Pierre Portughese of France, married 1567 Gudja to Maddalena Grech. |
Preca | * Michele Angelo de Preca /Luri, son of a Knight of St John of Malta and Caterina de Luri, married 1743 Mdina to Antonia Debono. |
Preziosi | * Captaino Giuseppe Preziosi of Corsica, married 1620 Corfu to Noble Antonia Venier, a Merchant. His descendants setup a base in Malta between Corsica and the Black sea. During the Merchant business involved in a battle helping the Sicilian navy. For their effort, the King of Sicily in the 18thcentury was ennobled to Count. The descendants to this day style the title of Count in the Male line. |
Privitelli | * Giacobo Preve, son of Gio Andrea Preve, married 1830 Senglea to Maddalena Paseinto. |
Psaila | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Listed in the Milita list 1418-1420. * Mro Ugolino Bisayle, married c. 1480 to Imperia N of Casal Luca. * Leonardo Bizula, (testament 1651 by Notary Brandino Caxaro), married 1560 to Agata de Camilleri. |
Puglisevich | * Andrija Puljizevic of Ragusa, Croatia, married 1803 Zurrieq to Regina Bonnici. |
Pule | * Leonardo Pulejo of Messina, Sicily, married 1748 Valletta to Maria Anna Amato. * Leonardo Pulejo of Messina, married 1810 Vittoriosa to Vincenza Galea. |
Pulis | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Mario Pulis, married 1516 (Notary Cansciur) to Tissa Zahra. * Michele Pulis, married 1620 Zababr to Noble Antonia la Barba. |
Pullicino | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Milite Salvatore Pullichino, created 1487 Signore di la Guardia in Malta, married to Maria de Bandino. |
Pulo | * Panaitto Pulo of Greece and his wife, Melacra, from Cio, Greece, and their son Michele Pulo, married 1705 Birkirkara to Caterina Zrenzo. |
Quintano | * Brothers, Giovanni Quintano, married 1827 Valletta to Maria Anna Schranz and Salvatore Quintano, married 1838 Zabbar to Maria Carbonese. Both arrived from Italy. |
Quattromani | * Mro Valerio Quattromani of Sicily, married 1624 Zebbug to Antonia de Brincat. |
Radmilli | * Pietro Radmilli of Dalmati, Croatia, married 1791 Valletta to Gulia d’Andria . |
Randon | * Various families. * French origin from Avignon Kingdom of Naples. * Giovanni Randun, married 1541 (Notary Giorgio Buttigieg) to Giovanna Cutajar, Son of Francesco Randun, who married 1510 to Barsola Fava. |
Raniolo | * Francesco Rainaldo of France, married 1640 Vittoriosa to Antonia, former wife of Piero Rossino. |
Rapa | * Siculo Grecian Origin. * Notary Leonardo Rapa, married c. 1500 to Gugliarda Calabaccho. |
Rapinett | * Claudio Rapinett, married 1613 Vittoriosa to Maria Columbo. * Lancelot Rapinett, married 1628 Valletta to Maria Suarez (Inguanez). * Both from French origin. |
Rausi | * Serafino Rausa of Dalmatia, Croatia, married 1696 Senglea to Antonia Psinga. |
Refalo | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Milite Giovanni Refale, married c. 1500’s to Nobile Violante Corrales. * Giuseppe de Rafalo, former slave of his master later father-in-law, married 1630 in Gozo to Rosa Refalo. |
Restall | * Cataldo Resta of Caghi, Naples, married 1777 Valletta to Rosa Caruana. |
Riolo | * Pierre Riole of Marseille, France, married 1619 Senglea to Isabella Zammit. * Domenico Riolo of Sicily, married c. 1800 to Maria Zammit. |
Rizzo | * Various families. * Giovanni Rizzo of Naples, married 1550 (Notary Niccolo de Apatus) to Crispina Fatrus. * Natale Rizzo of Modica, married 1595 (Notary Giorgio Zlivo) to Marietta Xiberras. * Paolo Rizzo of Rome, married 1601 Attard to Nobile Domenicadella Barba, married (2) 1614 Attard to Margherita Fenech. * Giacomo Rizzo of Palermo, married 1643 Zebbug to Evangelista Schiavione. * Nicola Rizzo of Trapani, Sicily, married 1662 Vittoriosa to Margherita de Natal. * Francesco Rizzo of Syracusa, Sicily, married 1694 Vittoriosa to Generosa Azzopardi. * Carlo Rizzo of Pantellera, married 1699 Senglea to Evangelista la Rosa. * Caolgero Rizzo of Girgenti, Sicily, married 1715 Mdina to Lorenza Caruana. * Michele Rizzo of Modica, married 1721 Vittoriosa to Maddalena de Candia. |
Rocco | * Various families. * Prospero Rocco of Naples, married 1605 Valletta to Petruzza Bonnici. * Cristoforo Rocco of France, married 1657 Valletta to Maddalena Laurea. * Pietro Rocco of Sicily, married 1798 Birkirkara to Carmela Bugeja. * Baldassare Rocca of Sorrento, married 1810 Vittoriosa to Maria Vittoria Mangion. * Giuseppe Rocca of Italy, married 1821 Senglea to Nobile Anna Maria Inguanez. |
Rodo | * Manoli Rodo of Rhodes Island, married 1610 Valletta to Grazia Orpheline de l’Hopital. * Michele Rodioto of Rhodes Island, married 1568 Vittoriosa to Margherita Morchino. |
Romano | * Various families with Rome as their origin. * Pietro Romano, married 1555 Gudja to Giovanna Vella. * Felice Romano of Naples, married 1587 Senglea to Lena Sciotto. * Luca Romano of Rome, married 1589 Attard to Giovanna Attard. * Giuseppe Romano of Messina, married 1593 Vittoriosa to Costanza Micallef. * Surname of Roman and Romain are from France. |
Rossignaud | * Andrea de Lusignan, former slave, married 1708 Valletta to Caterina Sammut, his son Emmanuele Rusignan, married 1736 Valletta to Saveria Farrugia, their son, Francesco Rossignaud, married 1764 Valletta to Clotilde Vella. * Another brother of Andrea, Matteo de Lusignan, former slave, married 1706 Valletta to Maria Teresa de Torrensi, a former slave. |
Rosso | * Various families. Rosso are direct descendants of the de Hauteville (Altavilla) and Barones delli Martini 1130. * Ros /Rossi are also of the same descendant. * A Gio Maria Rosso of Genoa, married 1585 Vittoriosa to Carmela Palumbo. * Ciarle Rossi of France, married 1591 Senglea to Barbarica Carbott. * Giovanni Rossi of Venice, married 1616 Vittoriosa to Speranza Rossetti. * Demetrio Rosseo of Russia, married 1642 Cospicua to Grazia , former wife of Giovanni Binaloiti. |
Rota/Rotin | * Giuseppe Roti, married 1696 Senglea to Anna Vella, son of Francesco Rodi of Rhodes Island, married 1670 Senglea to Vincenza, former wife of Michele Caruana. |
Ruggier | * Various families. * Costantino Ruggier of Sicily, married 1600 Valletta to Nobile Isabella Trigona. * Pompeo Giuseppe Ruggiero of Rome, married 1705 Valletta to Vittoriosa Axisa. * Ignazio Ruggier of Piazze, Catania, Sicily, married 1718 Vittoriosa to Teresa Vella. * Marco Antonio Ruggier of Sicily, married 1660 Senglea to Maria Ellul. * Bernardo Ruggier of Sicily, married c. 1600 to Isabella Critelli. |
Russo | * Various families. * Pietro Rosso of Palermo, married 1567 Zurrieq to Marietta Cassar. * Simone Russia of Russia, married 1575 Gudja to Agnese Murena. * Fabrizio Russo of Syracusa, married 1604 Vittoriosa to Caterina Mallia. * Georgio Russo of Greece, married 1649 Senglea to Caterina Fiorenza. * Giovanni Russo of Genoa, married 1650 Cospicua to Onorata, former wife of Grazio Pscinga. * Giovanni Russo of France, married 1650 Senglea to Aloisetta Brun. |
Rutter | * Tommaso Vuiter sives Rutter, Consul of England in Malta, 1706-1714, married 1702 Valletta to Rosa Risbe. |
Ricca | * Stefano Riccau of France, married 1616 Valletta to Maria d’Agostino. * Giuseppe Ruccia of Sicily, married 1647 Valletta to Maria de Muria. |
Ricci | * Francesco Ricci of Naples, married 1645 Valletta to Angelica, former wife of Guglielmo Berton. |
Sacco | * Various families. * Cavalier Giacomo da Sacco of Verona, son of Daniele da Sacco, Signore di Bellinzono, married 1362 to Nobile Porzia del Tufo. Their descendants settled in Malta. * Gaetano Sacco of Verona, married 1682 Valletta to Pasquala Spagnolo. * Giuseppe de Sacco, former slave., married 1755 Cospicua to Rosa Traina. * Giuseppe de Sacco, Spurio, married 1881 Kirkop to Cristina Tabone. * Michele Angelo de Sacco, (1777-1840), illegitimate son of Don Gio Maria Sayd Xiriha di * Cristoforo and a Black slave, married 1796 Valletta to Colombia de Delicata, a former slave. |
Sagona | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Matteo Sagona, married 1450 to Isolda Caxaro and their descendants are Savona, Sagona, Seguna and Sultana. Sultana was by adoption of a heiress. (Read more in Sultana). |
Saia /Sajan | * Giuseppe Saia, brought from Sicily and adopted though used the surname of Saia, he was the illegitimate son of Fr Piero Sayd, (1599-1682), the illegitimate son of Prince Cem Sayd, the 8th and last Principe de Sayd (Romano). |
Said | • Siculo Arabic origin. * Two branches which interconnected by marriage. * Albano Sa’id, 1350-1420, married to Richilde Parisi. * Direct descendants of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. * Direct descendants of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. The Ottoman line, which has confused many assuming they were descendants started with Sultan Djem, who lost his battle for the throne with Bayezid II and fled to Rhodes Island, then eventually settled in Rome and left Christian descendants, whom were granted the title of Principe Romano. The male line died out in 1679 in Palermo. Though two heiresses marrying father and son, whom acquired the style of Principe Romano (de Sayd) and Bibino Magno of Sicily. * Another branch of the Sayd family is Sanctu, through a slave-Princess of Ethopia, whose children were granted some lands upon Nicola Sayd’s death around Gharghur. They took on the surname of Santi or Sancti, the grounds of the former Palazzo Said. |
Salerno | * Various families. * Giovanni of Salerno, married 1610 Senglea to Domenica Calleja. * Giovanni of Salerno, married 1693 Vittoriosa to Caterina Borg. Agostino Salerno of Naples, married 1728 Senglea to Palma Xicluna. * Camillo Salerno of Naples, married 1807 Valletta to Maria Barberi. * Giuseppe Salerno, of Augusta, Sicily, married 1814 Valletta to Francesca Doublesin. |
Saliba | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Giovanni Salibba, 1395-, listed in the Milita list of 1419-1420., married to Margherita Caxaro. * Also of the same family is the famed Artist, Antonio da Saliba 1466-1535. * Descendants of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. |
Salnitro | * Lucio Salanitro, of Sicily, married 1687 Vittoriosa to Maria Buttigieg. |
Salomone | * Cosimo Salomone of Jewish faith from Syracusa, married 1705 Valletta to Camilla Pagnini. * Benedetto Salomon of Jewish faith from Venice, married 1810 Senglea to Elizabetta Mallia. |
Sammut | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Direct descendants of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. * Milite Enrico Samud, dying 1370. * Listed in the Milita list of 1419-1420. |
Sansone | * Giovanni Sansone of Sicily, married 1559 Vittoriosa to Elizabetta Guglarda. * Mariano Sansone of Sicily, married 1567 Birkirkara to Domenica Agius. * Vincenzo Sansone of Castromanis, Naples, married 1807 Senglea to Antonia Bonet. * Paolo Sansoni of Ancona, married 1835 Zurrieq to Caterina Caruana. |
Sant | * Two families of the same main family. * Siculo Arabic origin. * Nicolettino Assant, 1265, direct descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. *An Ethiopian Princess, Antonia Sanctu, 1508-1568, mistress to master, Corsair Nicola Sayd, also of the same family of Emirs of Sicily and Malta. They had a few children using the surname of Sanctu and given land by Nicola’s will in and around Gharghur. Their descendant rose up in the Order of St John of Malta’s government from Notary to the title of Count created in the Empire of Austria and by the Pope. Bulk of the Maltese nobility can claim the Count Sants are in their ancestry. |
Santoro | * Grecian origin. * Various families. * Andrea Santoro, married 1579 Vittoriosa to Elizabetta Grima. * Matteo Santoro, married 1587 Vittoriosa to Bartolomea Buttaro. *Domenico Santoro of Naples, married 1587 Naxxar to Agata German. *Giacomo de Santoro of Sicily, married 1653 Senglea to Caterina Mallia. |
Santucci | * Brothers, parents were Pietro Santucci and Maruccia. Emmanuele Santucci of Italy, married 1776 Valletta to Saveria Apap and Feliciano Santucci, married 1788 Valletta to Giuseppa Vella. |
Sapiano | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Berto Sapian, married 1504 (Notary Consalvo Cansciur) to Elena Grech. * Angelo Sapian of Attard, listed in the Militia list 1419. |
Sapienza | * Gaetano Sapienza of Italy, married 1808 Valletta to Maria Cordina. |
Satariano | * Gio Battista Satariano of Italy, married 1720 Valletta to Margherita Negroponte de Fremaux. |
Scalpello | * Various families. * Bartolomeo Scalpello, married 1595 Senglea to Veronica Caruana. * Valerio Scarpello, married 1599 Zejtun to Cornelia Bonavia. * Nicola Scarpello, married to Nobile Eleanora de Bordino, their son Francesco, married 1541 (Notary Girolamo Cumbo) to Agata Buhagiar. * All of Italian origin. |
Scerri | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Benardo bin Xerri, c. 1270. * Descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. * Xerri family, purchased the Italian fiefdom of Castel Cicciano in 1580 from the Mego family and holds it amongst its descendant. |
Schembri | * Mastro Giacomo Skembri of Rhine, Germany settled in Messina under the German Emperor rule of Sicily in the 14th century. They were Vineogist and brought vineyards to Sicily and Malta. His descendants settled in Malta thereafter. Giacomo had married to Sybilla Gatto of the Nobile family. |
Schiavone | * Filippo Schiavone, son of Vincenzo and Diamata, married 1581 Vittoriosa to Eleanora Schiavone, both from Italy and may be of the same family. |
Schranz | * Giovanni Schranz, (1794-1882) of Germany, married 1833 Valletta to Concetta Scolaro. |
Sciberras | * Siculo Arabic origin. Fangio Xebirasi, c.1290. * Direct descendants of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. * A branch of this family held the lands of Valletta and sold it to the Knights of St John of Malta to establish the new Capital city of Malta – Valletta. They received a yearly ground rent from the Grand Master till the end of the 18th century. This same family intermarried with the bulk of the Nobile families of Malta and intermarried with the Trigona family of Sicily. |
Scicluna | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Pontius bin Xiklune, c. 1300. * Direct descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. * In the 19th century, a Giuseppe Scicluna was created a Papal Marchese in 1878 with his uncle, Emmanuele. The descendants of Giuseppe Scicluna still carry this title of Marchese. |
Scifo | * Mario Scifo of Italian origin, likely to be Siclo Grecian origin, married 1606 Zejtun to Caterina Bonavia. |
Sciortino | * Italian origin, descendants of the de Modica family known as de Sortino and around since the 14th century. * Maruzzo Sciortino, married 1672 Valletta to Evangelista Agius, his brother, Rocco Sciortino, married 1682 Attard to Agostino Fenech. * Mario Xiortino, married 1609 Valletta to Massilla Garofalo. |
Sciriha | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Direct descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. * Zulfhar Xeriha, c. 1270. * Also known as Xiriha. |
Scolano | * Leonardo Scolano of Italy, married 1592 Cospicua to Lucrezia de Baglio, former slave. * Giovanni Scolano of France, married 1671 Cospicua to Maria Gauci. * Francesco Baldassare Scolano of France, married 1682 Cospicua to Grazia de Bouchier. |
Scotto | * Descendants of the Scotti Douglas family of Piacenta, Italy, originally from Scotland. * Milite Alessandro Sciotto, married 1569 Vittoriosa to Battista Mengian. |
Seisun | * Domenico Sciacchattano of Palermo, married to Grazia Gali, their son, Giovanni Scuiscun, married 1689 Birkirkara to Grazia Micallef. |
Selvaggi | * Niccolo Salvagi of Rhodes, employed at the Magisterial Palace 1530 in Malta. * Giuseppe Selvagi of Taranto, Italy, married 1814 Valletta to Maria Anna Galofaro. |
Serge | * Baldassare Sergi of France, married 1678 Valletta to Maria Vassallo. * Rocco Sergi of France, married 1702 Valletta to Maria Capello. |
Serra | * Giovanni Serra., married 1572 Gudja to Antonia Casha. * Vincenzo Serra of France, married 1619 Senglea to Maria Ciappara. * Pierre Serra of France, married 1619 Senglea to Grazia Gallo. * Giulio Serra of Genoa, married 1649 Tarxiem to Lucrezia Lubert. * Giacomo Serra of Catalina, Spain, married 1721 Vittoriosa to Anna Delfina. * Antonio Serra of Cosenzia, Italy, married 1763 Cospicua to Fortunata Portelli. |
Serracino | * Nicola Saracino of France, married 1589 Zabbar to Costanza Laurina. * Giuseppe Carolo Saracino of France, married 1685 Matrice Gozo to Anna Vella. |
Seychell | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Marinu Seykil, c. 1280. * Direct descendants of the Emir of Sicily and Malta. * Giorgio Seychel, married 1536 to Elvira Quirini. * Also known as Seichel. |
Sghendo | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Pasquale Sighendo, married 1560 Mdina to Antonia Mellechi. * Also known as Zghendo. |
Sillato | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Milite Giovanni Sillato, married c. 1430 to Nobile Isabella Merlo. |
Simiano | * Francesco Simano of Otrante, married 1601 Vittoriosa to Argenta, former wife of Antonio Cipriotto. |
Simler | * Giuseppe Simler of Trieste, Italy, married 1805 Valletta to Annunziata Pace. |
Sinagra | * Lorenzo Sinagra of Sicily, married 1605 Cospicua to Grazia Boffi. |
Siracusa | * Various families. * Francesco Siracusano of Syracusa, married 1568 Vittoriosa to Giovanna Fleri Scifnor. * Nicola Siracusa of Pantelleria, married 1658 Valletta to Giovanni Orina Scarsa. * Nicola Antonio Syracusa, married 1689 Senglea to Domenica La Rosa. |
Soler | * Giovanni Antonio Soler of Majorica, Spain, married 1577 Vittoriosa to Lorenza Bellia. * Orlando Soler of Spain, married 1618 Valletta to Marianna Pace. |
Somerville | * James Somerville of Scotland, married 1839 Valletta to Donna Agata Monreale. |
Spadaro | * Antonio Spadaro of Sicily, married 1685 Valletta to Lucrezia Bottaro. * Alessandro Niccolo Spataro of Sicily, married 1659 Valletta to Elena Francesca Agius. * Magco Claudio Spataro of Sicily, married 1540 to Donna Aloisia Platamone. * Guglielmo Spataro of Sicily, married 1740 Vittoriosa to Anna Testa. |
Speranza | * Francesco Speranza of Sicily, married 1639 Vittoriosa to Domenica, former wife of Giovanni Casha. * Michele Speranza of Greece, married 1640 Valletta to Maddalena Bonello. * Antonio La Speranza of France, married 1682 Valletta to Domitilla di Bernardo. |
Spiteri | * Various families. * Some are of Siculo Arabic origin. * Christopher Spetere, created Signore di Santa Maria Magdalena in 1439 in Malta. * Many illegitimate connections where Spiteri surname was used. |
Stafrach | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Guillielmus bin Staferaggi, c. 1280. * Descendants of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. * Filippo Staffragi, married 1582 to Princess Maria Paleologo. * Also known as Stafrace. |
Stellini | * Bartolomeo Stellini of Italian origin, married 1691 Rabat Gozo to Grazia Gatt. * Mro Vittoria Stellini of Genoa, married 1597 Matrice Gozo to Isabella Bugeja. |
Stilon | * Dr Joseph Stilon MD of Italy, an Italian Refugee, married in the early 19th century, married to Hariett Bradford. |
Stivala | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Paolo Stivala, married 1544 (Notary Brandino Caxaro) to Gioannella Sammit. * Giuliano Stivala, married 1550 Naxxar to Noble Caterina Cumbo. * Giuseppe Stivala, married 1632 Mdina to Donna Andrianna Inguanez. |
St John | * Henry St John of England, married to Caterina Leigh, had two sons, Bartolomeo William St John, married 1832 Valletta to Concetta Vidal, and William St John, married 1840 Valletta to Saveria Vidal. |
Storace | * Baldassare Storaci of Sicily, married 1747 Senglea to Veneranda di Lauda. |
Suban | * Andrea Suban of Italy, married 1849 Vittoriosa to Maria Rosaria Saliba. |
Suda | * Giovanni della Suda of Italy, (son of Georgio and Margherita), married 1761 Valletta to Felicita Bonanno. |
Sultana | * Solimano bin Musa, alias Saverio Soltana 1507-1559, a Prince of Karaman, Turkey, exiled to Egypt and enslaved ending up in Malta with his wife. Given freedom eventually and granted land in Gozo and hiss grand daughter, heiress of the lands, Giulia Soltana Micallef married in 1587 Rabat Gozo to Nicola Sagona. Their children took on the surname of Soltana /Sultana. Majority of Soltana’s come from this union. * The family of Saverio Soltana was large and some members went to Sicily, though dying by the 19th century in the male line. There are descendants of the female issue. |
Swain | * Charles Swain of England, married 1841 Vittoriosa to Loreta Cataldo. |
Spagnol | * Various families. * Giovanni Spagnol of Spain, married 1559 Vittoriosa to Giovanni Angela Buttaro. * Giovanni Spagnol of Italy, married 1633 Cospicua to Maruzza Vella. * Aloiso Spagnol of Spain, married 1636 Valletta to Teresa Mallia. * Fabrice Spagnol of France, married 1645 Valletta to Grazia Camilleri. |
Stagno | * Sicilian of Spanish origin. * Bernardo Stagno, a courtier of Federick II, King of Sicily, Governor of Neopatria and Athens in 1313. Antonio Stagno, Patrizio Messina, 4th Count of Cassandola, married 1757 Syracusa to Maria Teresa Muscat Navarra, Countess of Bahria, their children became Stagno Navarra. |
Tabone | * Milite Pietro Tabone was of Siculo Norman origin c. 1094 (suggested in “Les Normands en Sicile aux XIC et XIIe siecles” by Alberto Varvaro, that Rannulfus Tabanus arrived with the Normans in Sicily in 1094, married c. 1405 to the Nobile Elvira Bellera. |
Tagliaferro | * Several branches. * Paolo Tagliaferro of Genoa, a Merchant, married 1561 Birkirkara to Elizabetta Seychel, their descendants resettled in Malta around 1800’s as their business in the Black sea had increase. Malta became the base, rather then Genoa. In 1892, a Papal Count was granted by Pope Leo XII, which now is presently used by a descendant of the 1st Count in Malta. * Domenico de Tagliaferro, a Jew, married 1755 Valletta to Girolama Magro. May have been associated to the Merchant Tagliaferro family and sponsored their baptism into the Christian faith. |
Taliana | * Siculo Grecian origin. * Salvatore Taliana, married 1590’s to Dona Marietta de Torres. |
Tanti | * Arabic origin. * Earliest known ancestor is Francesco de Tanti, married 1455 to Richilde Sayd. * May have been a descendant though unsure at this stage, if of male to male descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta, later found that Francesco de Tanti was formerly Prince Yusuf of Granada, who fled from Granada after a battle royal. He fled to Malta and Sicily and became a Christian and settled around c. 1455.. |
Tedesco | * Vincenzo Tudisco of Terranova, Sicily, married 1713 Valletta to Maddalena Bonini, also a Foreigner. * Salvatore Tedesco of Messina, married 1725 Valletta to Anna Maria d’Arena. * Brother to Salvatore, Nicola Tedesco, married 1725 Valletta to Anna Turriglia. |
Tellus | * Pietro Chellus of Bouge, Angion, France, married 1710 Valletta to Maddalena Ansle. |
Terreni | * Lorenzo Terenzio of Italy, married 1735 Cospicua to Maria Bonavita. |
Terrible | * Francesco Terrible of Rome, (son of Lorenzo and Saveria Baldassari), married 1809 Vittoriosa to Carmela Sammut. |
Testa | * Chevalier Gio Battista Testaferrata, may have had his surname shorten to Testa, married 1642 Valletta to Orsola Sereni San Filippo. |
Testaferrata | * First used in Malta by “El Magnifico” Giacomo Capo di Ferro created around 1503. His Father, Milite Angaraldo Capo di Ferro and grandfather, Arfio Niccolo held the Commandership of the Garrison of Fort St Angelo since 1479 by the royal command of King Ferdinand II of Spain, Sicily and Malta. The surname of Testaferrata was used from 1503 in Malta and in Syracusa, Sicily, where properties through marriages to the Montalto marriages. Arfio Niccolo Capo di Ferro sives Capodiferro, was the fourth son of Battista Capoccio sives Capodiferro, a Guerriero and Ambasciatore of Pope Eugene IV. His origin stems back to Giovanni Capocci, who died 1225. A senator of Rome and closely related to the Orsini, Colonna, Altieri and Massimo families, who were regarded the font of all honours in Italy especially in the Papal city. Legend tells us that this lineage can be traced back to Ancient Roman times and maybe Emperor Cesare or from his imperial house. As descendant, rose to prominents acquiring the Patricanships of Messina (16th century), Hereditary Knighthood of the Holy Roman Empire, (17th Century) and Patricanship of Rome (18th century), with nobility titles of Barone di Gomerino, Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri and Marchese Testaferrata to all male descendants from Mario Testaferrata de Robertis. Majority of the Maltese nobility can claim a Testaferrata link and if one can locate a Testaferrata as an ancestor, would even rank HIGHER then the medieval family of Inguanez or de Nava. There are a handful of Testaferrata’s that were given to former slaves though none of them have survived to the 20th century. |
Teuma | * Milite Franquino de Theuma, (testament 1447), married to Francesca de Chiaramonte, son of Marco de Vassallo and Maria Vassallo. His surname was his nickname, which stuck as his surname differencing himself from his family. His descendants rose to the Maltese title of Count of Ghajn Tuffieha in 1792 and a cousin married to the French Marshall Louis Davout, who was created in the French Empire as the Duc d’Averstedt in 1808 and Prince d’Eckmuhl in 1809. The Counts of Ghajn Tuffieha still exist today in Canada to only child and heiress, who married a Canadian. * Also known as Theuma. |
Tirchett | * Rosario Turchett, son of Michele and Anna Musu of Sicily, married 1811 Valletta to Maria Formosa. |
Toledo | * Enrico Toledo of Spain, son of Marco and Vincenza, married 1875 Naxxar to Maria Mifsud. |
Tong | * Henry George Tong, of Portsmouth, England, married 1890’s to Anna Glanville. |
Tonna | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Principe Muhammad bin Tunne, died 1209, Hakim of Gozo 1180-1200. * Direct descendant of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. |
Torpiano | * Battista Torrou sives Torpiano, of France, married 1683 Tarxiem to Maria Bianco. His grand father, Gio Battista Torreu, arrived from France, married 1632 Senglea to Domenica Leon. |
Torreggiani | * Francesco Maria Torreggiani of Livorno, Italy, married 1774 Valletta to Maria Paolino. |
Tortell | * Onorato Torteo of Villafranca, Spain, married (1) 1722 Valletta to Maddalena Carbone, married (2)1755 Valletta to Maria Arnaud. |
Trapani | * Several families. * Domenico de Trapani of Sicily, married 1693 Senglea to Anna Gameo. * Ottavio di Trapani, of Sicily, married 1597 to Paolina N. * Giovanni Trapani, son of Bartolomeo and Rosa (Unknown origin, likely from Sicily), married 1751 Valletta to Generosa di Dimitri. * Aloisio Trapani of Naples, married 1813 Cospicua to Maria de Georgio. |
Trevisan | * Domenico Tranisa, son of Giovanni and Rosa, from France, married 1720 Senglea to Anna Barbara. |
Triganza | * Francesco Trigance of Toulon, France and his wife Maria settled in Malta. |
Trigona | * Giacomo Trigona, Signore di Mistretta in Sicily, married c. 1300’s to Dona Margherita d’Aragona. Their descendants rose to the height of Princes of San Elia in the Kingdom of Two-Siciles. Also a large family with many baronies, which intermarried with the Sceberras Testaferrata family. |
Troisi | * Carlo Troese of France, married 1684 Valletta to Ninfa Bidonti. |
Tua | * Professor Teodoro Tua of Torino, Italy, married c. 19th century to Concetta Borg. |
Tufigno | * Giovanni Tufigno of Catania, Sicily, married to Michelina Bordieri, arrived in Malta early 1900’s. |
Ungaro | * Martino de Longhis of Hungary, later known as Longaro or Ungaro depending on the branch of the family. He married to Pasquala d’Orpheline di Alunna di Prince Giacomo Antonio Angelo Flavio Comneno, Knight of Malta. |
Urpani | * Alfonso Urpani of Bakar, Croatia, married Antonia Borg around 1850-1860s. |
Vadala | *A Paolo Vadala of Messina, Sicily, married 1858 Cospicua to Rosa Abela and set up a Company called Vadala Co Ltd in 1874. |
Valente | * Bartolomeo Valente of Genoa, married 1582 Vittoriosa to Margherita Chisamiti. * Francesco Valente of Venice, married 1665 Senglea to Antonella, former wife of Pietro Morin. * Giovanni Valentia of Pantelleria, married 1692 Senglea to Giovanna Negroponte. |
Valentino | * Various families. * Domenico Valentino of Genoa, married 1619 Mdina to Speranza Fenech. * Gio Maria Valentino of Greece, married 1659 Vittoriosa to Maria de Candia. * Gioacchino Valentino of Greece, married 1681 Valletta to Maria Azzopardi. * Alessandro Valentino of Greece, married 1688 Valletta to Clara de Bro. * Michele Valentino of Palamos, Catalogne, Spain, married 1735 to Margherita Derasein. * Giovanni Valentino of Corfu, married 1762 Valletta to Maria de Angelis. * Mario Valentini of Venice, married 1809 Senglea to Francesca Medici. |
Valenzia | * Various families. * Sebastiano Valenzia of Venice, married 1641 Qormi to Domenica Sacco. * Angelo Valenzia of Licari Islands, married 1734 Cospicua to Margherita Bosco. * Errigo Valenza of Agosta, Sicily, married 1737 Mdina to Maria Debono. * Salvatore Valenzi of Castro Reale, married 1760 Valletta to Maria Xicluna. |
Valletta | * Grand Master Jean Parisot de la Valletta, (1495-1568), of France, left illegitimate issues with the surname of Valletta and also family members who came to Malta as Knights also left illegitimate issues with the surname of Valletta. |
Vancell | * Milite Giovanni de Fancell, sives Fancello, of Catalan, Spain, married 1500 to Angelica de Laimo and descendants later changed their surname to Vancel. |
Vassallo | * Origins to the Vassallo family was from Milan, after the river where the name came from, though they were descendants of the Counts of Vercelli, who were descendants of the Medieval Kings of Lombardy. The first Vassallo’s arrived in Sicily around 1235, also similar time as a sibling went to Constantinople. In 1269, a Sicilian creation of nobility and extinct in 1818 in the direct line. It was tried to be revived in Malta but ever only as de Jure. The Vassallo’s arrived in Malta around 1320 and held key positions in Malta. Also released many slaves over the centuries whom took on the surname of Vassallo upon baptism. * Giuseppe de Vassallo, former slave, married 1699 Zebbug to Grazia Tabone. * Gennero Vassallo of Naples, married 1716 Vittoriosa to Clara Abela. * Carlo Orazio de Vassallo, married 1672 Birkirkara to Maria Margherita Abela. * The Grecian branch ended up settling in Sicily then also in Malta during the 17th century with the surname of Vassallo Paleologo. |
Vella | * Don Pontio la Valle of Castile, Jurat of Malta c. 1451, married to Maria La Rocco, founder of the House of Vella. * Pietro Paolo de Vella, former slave, married 1706 Valletta to Elizabetta Borg. * Nicola de Vella, adopted by Ignazio Vella of Rabat, Malta, married 1723 Mdina to Grazia Grima. * Giuseppe de Vella, former slave, married 1674 Valletta to Antonia Sant. *Jean de Villars of France, married 1660 Valletta to Gioannella Micallef, their great grandson, Dr Giuseppe Vila JUD, changed his surname to Vella. |
Veneziano | * All of Venetian origin. * Demetrio Veneziano, married 1635 Valletta to Dona Geronima de Torres, 6th Baroness of Fiddien. * Vincenzo Veneziano, married 1600 Zejtun to Lorenza Cachia. * Zanetto Veneziano, married 1620 Senglea to Florenzica Pace. * Domenico Veneziano, married 1559 Vittoriosa to Aloisia Ricard. |
Vento | * Giuseppe Vento of Italy, married 1638 Cospicua to Diana Vriden, Giuseppe was the son of Padron Michele Vento and Francesca. |
Ventura | * Stamatello Ventura of Venice, married 1640 Valletta to Ursola de Cassia. |
Verzin | * Vincenzo Versin sives Vancel, married 1676 Senglea to Teresa Randon Testaferrata. (See Vancel for Origin). |
Vidal | * Various families. * Andrea Vidau of France, married 1602 Vittoriosa to Geronima Cachia. * Giovanni Vidal, of France, married 1607 Valletta to Geronima Sguro. * Antonio Vidal of Majorique, Spain, married 1727 Valletta to Francesca Tosa. * Gaspare Vidal of France, married 1755 Valletta to Toscana Cuschieri. * Pietro Vidal of Languedoc, France, married 1712 to Rosa Maria Vassallo. |
Vincenti | * Domenico Vincenti of Piazze, Sicily, married 1710 Vittoriosa to Maria de Bono. |
Viani | * Pietro Viano of Nizzardo, Italy, married 1571 Gudja to Margherita Barbara. His descendants rose to a Maltese Barone in the early 18th century as Barone di Tabria. |
Vinci | * Nobile Mariano Viani dei Baroni di Moschetta of Marsala, Sicily, married c.1870 to Serafina Chiaramonti |
Visanich | * Enrico Andrea Visinch of Ragusa, Croatia, married 1651 Senglea to Grazia Martin. |
Vitale | * Various families. * Francesco Vitale, Nobile of Cava, Italy, married 1594 Cospicua to Speranza Sayd, descendants later created Barone di Trecchina, Tortora in Calabria 1700, Marchese di Tortora 1728. * Salvatore Vitali of Messina, married 1647 Qormi to Vittoria Casha. * Giovanni Vitali of France, married 1672 Valletta to Anna Revers. * Paolo Antonio Vitale of Genoa, married 1693 Valletta to Giovanna Viva Vitan. |
Warrington | * William Warrington of Depford, Kent, United Kingdom, married 1848 Church of England in Valletta to Carmela Fugallo. |
Wettinger | * Professor Giuseppe Wottinger, of Sicily and prior from Switzerland, married 1844 Valletta to Carmela Hyzler. |
Wirth | * Giuseppe Wirth of Switzerland, married 1797 Valletta to Maddalena Bugeja. |
Wismayer | * Federico Wismayer, married 1784 Valletta to Giuseppa Grima, he was the son of Carl Ludovic of Magteburge, Germany, who married 1750 Valletta to Barbara Bondi. |
Xerri | * Siculo Arabic Origin. * Bernardo bin Xerru, c. 1270. * Descendants of the Emirs of Sicily and Malta. * This branch, later in the 16th century purchased the 1580 the fief of Castel Cicciano of Naples from the Mego family. * Giovanni Xerri, former slave, married 1827 Valletta to Orsola de Briffa, a former slave. |
Xuereb | * Siculo Arabic Origin. * Nobile Tomaso Xuerib c. 1265. * Descendants of Emirs of Sicily and Malta. * Gio Maria de Xuereb, an illegitimate son of Fra Roger de Lorraine 1624-1653, Knight of St John of Malta and Gio Maria married 1653 Mdina to Teresa Curmi. |
Xiriha | * Siculo Arabic Origin. * Nobile Walid bin Xerif, c.1250. * Direct Descendant of Emirs of Sicily and Malta. * See also Schirha. |
Zaffarese | * Vincenzo Zafafana of Italy, married 1647 Senglea to Bernarda, former wife of Bernardo Vella. * Tomaso Zaffarese of Rome, married 1711 Senglea to Anna Maria de Santadire, former slave. * Constantino Zavarese of Naples, married 1812 Senglea to Margherita Montalto. |
Zahra | * Siculo Arabic origins. * Nobile Federico bin Zayro, c. 1265. * Descendants of Emirs of Sicily and Malta. |
Zammit | * Siculo Arabic origins. * Descendants of Emirs of Sicily and Malta. * Nobile Milite Franquino Zamit, c.1340. |
Zampa | * Giuseppe Zampa of Rome, married 1804 Valletta to Benuventa Cordina. |
Zarb | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Descendants of Emirs of Sicily and Malta. * Elvirino bin Zarbu, c.1240. |
Zerafa | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Descendants of Emirs of Sicily and Malta. * Albano Zurage c.1325. |
Zrinzo | * Siculo Arabic origin. * Descendants of Emirs of Sicily and Malta. * Laurenzu Zirenzo c.1280. * Also known as Zirenzo. |