The Family of Gay Le Brun.

Reference: Charles A. Gauci. “An Illustrated Collection of the Coats of Arms of Maltese Families – Stemmi Maltesi” Publishers Enterprises Group (PEG) Ltd, Malta 1989.
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1. Jean Francois Vincenzo Lebrun of France, married 1752 Valletta to Teresa Scerri, with issue.
1.1. (Second Marriage) Donato Giuseppe Lebrun, married 1781 Valletta to Angela Gatt, formerly married to Charles Gay of France, with issue.
1.1.1. Gio Battista Lebrun Gay, married 1811 Valletta to Rosa Micallef.
1.1.2. Francesco Lebrun Gay, married 1810 Valletta (first cousin) to Ferdinanda Lebrun Gay, with issue. Angelica Lebrun Gay married 1855 Senglea to Gioacchino Gai Le Brun, (See Above). Rosalia Lebrun Gay, married 1854 Senglea to Dr Gio Francesco Baldacchino MD. Teresa Lebrun Gay, married 1840 Valletta to Salvatore Falzon. Giuseppe Lebrun Gay, married 1841 Valletta to Serafina Bonnici, with issue. Antonia Lebrun Gay, married 1869 Floriana to Giuseppe Resceni of Sicily.
1.1.3. Giovanna Gai Lebrun, married 1807 Valletta to Nobile Isidore Farrugia Dodsworth, Hereditary Noble of Hungary.
1.2. Gioacchino Gai Lebrun, married (1) 1796 Valletta to Rosa Muscat, married (2) 1804 Valletta to Rosa Vella, with issue.
1.2.1. Giovanni Lebrun Gay, married (1) 1832 Valletta to Marietta Amore, married (2) 1838 Valletta to Virginia Baccharini, with issue. (First marriage) Gioacchino Lebrun Gay, married 1855 Senglea to Angelica Le Brun Gay, (Cousin), with issue. Maria Antonia Lebrun Gay, married 1910 Sliema to Salvatore Zammit.
1.2.2. Ferdinanda Lebrun Gay, married 1810 Valletta to Francesco Lebrun Gay, (First cousin).
1.3. Maria Lebrun, married 1775 Valletta to Louis Michele Chartier of Nogent sur Seine, France.
1.4. Anna Lebrun, married 1804 Valletta to Claude Nicolas Theodore Perret of FranceChevalier of the Order of the Royal and Miliary of St Louis.