Baron’s di Gomerino (1317); (1318); (1320); (1398); (1481), (1710).
Last Update: 16-04-2023.
“Guglielmo di Ragusa compra da Guglielmo Surdo il feudo, o’ sia giardino del Gomerino, nel qual contratto viene egli appellato Maltese, come in atti di Ruggiero d’Alemanno sotto ku 8 do Maggio 1318. Questa vendita fu’ poscia confermata da; Re Federico II per gl’eredo anco del Ragusa in perpetuo, con obligo del servigio militare iure Francorum, come apparisce nel real privilegio spedito in Messina a’ 17 di Giugno 1320. Morto Guglielmo succedette nel feudo Illagia sua figliuola, moglie ch’era stata di Tomaso di S. Sofia; Indi la continuatione segui, come si narra nel capo di essa famiglia” (From Abela’s “Della Descrittione di Malta del Commendatore Abela” (1647))
Last Update: 16-04-2023.
Granted to: Milite Guglielmo Surdo, from Avola, Sicily.
By: Frederick II, King of Sicily and Malta
On: 1317 in Messina
With Remainder to: His descendants by feudal tenure (Jure Francorum) in perpetuity.
List of Title holders:
1. Milite Guglielmo Surdo, from Avola, Sicily., Barone, sold the fiefdom to his father-in-law 1318.
Granted to: Milite Guglielmo di Ragusa.
By: Frederick II, King of Sicily and Malta
On: 1318 in Messina
With Remainder to: His descendants by feudal tenure (Jure Francorum) in perpetuity.
List of Title holders:
1. Milite Guglielmo di Ragusa, Barone, sold fiefdom to his grand-daughter’s husband.
2. Guglielmo di Ragusa, reverted the fiefdom back to his family, 2nd Barone, and sold fiefdom to the Santa Sofia family 1398.
Granted to: Milite Arnaldo di Solimella.
By: Frederick II, King of Sicily and Malta
On: 1320 in Messina
With Remainder to: His descendants by feudal tenure (Jure Francorum) in perpetuity.
List of Title holders:
1. Milite Arnaldo di Solimella, Barone, died without legitimate issue and reverted back to the di Ragusa family
Granted to: Milite Tomaso di Santa Sofia.
By: Martin I and Maria I, King and Queen of Sicily and Malta
On: 1398 in Messina
With Remainder to: His descendants by feudal tenure (Jure Francorum) in perpetuity.
List of Title holders:
1. Milite Tomaso di Santa Sofia, 1st Barone, succeeded by his eldest son.
2. Milite Antonio di Santa Sofia, 2nd Barone, succeeded by his eldest son.
3. Milite Guglielmo di Santa Sofia, 3rd Barone, succeeded by his eldest son.
4. Milite Antonino di Santa Sofia, 4th Barone, sold fiefdom to the de Perrollo family.
Granted to: Milite Johannes de Perrollo.
By: Ferdinando II, King of Sicily and Malta.
On: 1481 in Messina
With Remainder to: His descendants by feudal tenure (Jure Francorum) in perpetuity.
List of Title holders:
1. Johannes de Perrollo, 1st Barone, (d. 1504), 1st Barone, succeeded by eldest son.
2. Cologero de Perrollo, 2nd Barone, succeeded by his brother.
3. Vincenzo de Perrollo, 3rd Barone, (d. 1508), succeeded by his son.
4. Gio Filippo de Perrollo, 4th Barone, (d. 1527), succeeded by his son.
5. Vincenzo de Perrollo, 5th Barone, succeeded by his son.
6. Carlos de Perrollo, 6th Barone, sold all interests in Malta to the Knights of St John of Malta c. 1560.
Granted to: Nobile Paolo Testaferrata and Nobile Beatrice Cassia, 9th Baronessa di Castel Cicciano.
By: Ramon Perrellos y Rocaful, Grand Master of Malta.
On: 1710 in Valletta.
British Crown recognition: 1878.
With Remainder to: Tribuentes iisdem Paulo et Beatrice omnibusque ac singulis aliis qui omni futuro tempore ac in perpetuum titulo ac prerogativa Baronis Gomerini fruentur, facoltatem nominandi et eligendi unum ex dictis eorum descendentibus sive marem sive foeminanam, ad ipsorumet libitum et beneplacitum, pro hujusmodi titulo Baronis Gomerini consequendo et adipiscendo, dictaque nominatione et electione minime facta, ex tunc censeatur per eosdem eorumque singulos barones, nominatus et electus ipsorum Primogenitus, nisi eri ad Sacros Ordines promotus et in Religione professus et in defectu marium foemina primogenita.
List of Title holders:
1. Nobile Paolo Testaferrata, (d. 1713), 1st Barone, and Nobile Beatrice Cassia, 9th Baronessa di Castel Cicciano, 1st Baronessa, (d. 1737), succeeded by their eldest son.
2. Nobile Fabrizio Testaferrata, 10th Barone di Castel Cicciano, 2nd Barone, (d.1744), succeeded by his brother in an act of nomination 1744.
3. Nobile Ercole Testaferrata, 3rd Barone, (d. 1748), succeeded by his son.
4. Nobile Paolo Testaferrata Abela, 4th Barone, (d. 1760), succeeded by his son.
5. Nobile Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela, (d. 1827), 5th Barone, succeeded by his younger son by nomination.
6. Nobile Francesco Testaferrata Abela, (d. 1860), 6th Barone, succeeded by his younger brother by nomination.
7. Nobile Augusto Testaferrata Abela, (d. 1885), 7th Barone, succeeeded by his son.
8. Nobile Ugo Testaferrata Abela, (d. 1914), 8th Barone, succeeded by his son.
9. Nobile Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela, (d. 1959), 9th Barone, succeeded by his eldest sister.
10. Nobile Adriana Maria Testaferrata Abela, (d. 2002), 10th Baroness, succeeded by her niece.
11. Nobile Myriam Callus Testaferrata Abela, (1943-, 11th Baroness.
Heir: Nobile Elizabeth Chemel Manche Testaferrata Abela, (1973-, Baronessina di Gomerino.
Heir General: Nobile Francesco Manche Testaferrata Abela, (2007-.
Claimants: (Senior line).
6. Nobile Giuseppe Testaferrata Abela, (d. 1869), 6th deJure Barone, succeeded by his son.
7. Nobile Dr Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela Moroni LLD, (d. 1882), 7th deJure Barone, succeeded by his eldest son.
8. Nobile Salvatore Testaferrata Moroni Viani, (d. 1911), 8th deJure Barone, succeeded by his son.
9. Nobile Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Moroni Viani, (d. 1954), 9th deJure Barone, succeeded by his son.
10. Nobile Salvatore sives Salvino Testaferrata Moroni Viani, (d. 2017), 10th deJure Barone, succeeded by his son.
11. Nobile Christopher Testaferrata Moroni Viani, (1964-, 11th deJure Barone di Gomerino.
Heir: Nobile Stephen Testaferrata Moroni Viani, (1994-, deJure Baroncino di Gomerino.
Footnote: The title of “Barone di Gomerino” was originally conferred jointly on Paolo Testaferrata, together with his wife Beatrice, by Grand Master Perellos, by a diploma of the 24th December 1710.
This title is remarkable not only because of the considerations made hereafter but especially because it was granted jointly to two persons, one of whom being a woman.
Some published sources maintain that this title is related to the ownership of the Gomerino property. Unfortunately, this is was never the case as seen below. The title of Gomerino is purely nominal and does not have any property attached to it. In their general observations, the Royal Commissioners observed that most of the titles granted by the Grandmasters were merely honorary and had no relevance on property tenure “although it appears that those titles (granted by the Grand Masters) have derived their different denominations from several feudal lands existing in these islands, this annexation, however, is in most cases purely nominal, for those lands were never in reality conveyed to the grantees, but they remained as they are still Government Property.” The Commissioners also identified the only three exceptions to this purely nominal phenomenon, where tenure of property was a prerequisite namely Bahria, delle Catene, and Senia, the last being a divisible property. See:- “Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility”, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 82).
In the case of Gomerino the property was Beatrice’s own allodial property.
The faculty to nominate a successor is discussed hereunder. Altogether the Grand Masters created six titles which are disposable by nomination, namely Gomerino (Perellos), Budack (Perellos), San Marciano (Vilhena); Tabria(Vilhena), Culeja (Despuig) and Benuarrat (Despuig).
At the time the Royal Commission was formed, this title was attributed to both Pietro Paolo Testaferrata AbelaMoroni and Augusto Testaferrata Abela. It is to be remarked that according to the list of “Titled Heads of the Maltese Nobility” originally presented to the Commissioners, there is no reference to any dispute. At that time the only title indicated as being in dspute was that of Catena (See:- “Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility”, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.), pages 54-55))
The Royal Commissioners decided not to express any opinion on this title saying that the title was contested and that it would be prudent not to hear the claimants. The Commissioners did however go as far as outlining the history of this title and the validity of the 1710 grant. “Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility”, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Paras. 24-26).
The actual report says the following:
“Among the titles conferred by the Grand Masters and now inquired into, the most ancient is the barony of Gomerino, created by Grand Master Perellos, by a patent dated 24th December 1710, and granted to Paolo Testaferrata and Beatrice Cassia, his wife, with succession to one of their legitimate and natural descendents for ever. Gomerino is the name of certain lands situated in this island: they were granted originally as a noble fee by Frederick King of Sicily to GuglielmoSurdo, and after having been purchased by Grand Master Fr. Giovanni La Valette, they were again conferred in allodium by Grand Master Fr. Alosio Wignacourt on Gio. Maria Cassia.
By the said diploma of the 24th December 1710, the Grand Master in creating the barony of Gomerino gave to the said Paolo and Beatrice Testaferrata Cassia, and to all and each of the holders of the title of “Barone di Gomerino” in perpetuum, the power of nominating to the succession of the title one of their male descendents at their will and pleasure, and on failure of such nomination it was provided that the title should descend to their first-born child. The subjoined is an extract from the original diploma registered in the Government Cancelleria.: Praefeatos Paulum et Beatricem et post eosdem, omni futuro tempore et in perpetuum, unum ex omnibus et singulis eorumdem successoribus de suis corporibuslegitime et naturaliter descendentibus, semper Baronis Gomerini titulo decoarus et insignimus, et barones creamus et constituimus……Tribuentes iisdem Paulo et Beatrice omnibusque ac singulis aliis qui omni futuro tempore ax in perpetuumtitulo ac prerogativa Baronis Gomerini fruentur, facoltatem nominandi et eligendi unum ex dictis eorum descendentibussive marem sive foeminanam, ad ipsorumet libitum et beneplacitum, pro hujusmodi titulo Baronis Gomerini consequendo et adipiscendo, dictaque nominatione et electione minime facta, ex tunc censeatur per eosdem eorumque singulos barones, nominatus et electus ipsorum Primogenitus, nisi eri ad Sacros Ordines promotus et in Religione professus et in defectumarium foemina primogenita.”
This title is claimed by Dr. Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela Moroni and Augusto Testaferrata Abela, both of whom are descendents of the said Paolo and Beatrice Testaferrata, and each of whom demands the title to the exclusion of the other.
Augusto contends that he is the possessor of the garden and lands of Gomerino, and that he was appointed to the title by Francesco his brother, the last holder of it, by a testament published on the 12th January 1861.
Dr. Pietro Paolo asserts that the title belongs to him as the first-born son in the primogenial line of the said Paolo and Beatrice, and as the holder of a primogenitura (Anglice entailed estate) descendible from the first born to the first-born child) to which Beatrice had annexed the baronial title.”
Both these gentlemen have produced documents and genealogical trees, in order to substantiate their respective claims. In the year 1861 a suit to the succession to the lands of Gomerino was instituted in the civil courts of these islands by EttoreTestaferrata against Augusto his brother, after the death of the last possessor of those lands, Francesco, their common brother. The court gave judgment in favour of Augusto, who was thereby put in possession of the lands of Gomerino, but no decision was delivered as to the title, which was claimed by Ettore as annexed to the lands of Gomerino.
Whilst the cause between the two brothers was pending, Giuseppe Testaferrata, father of the present claimant Dr. PietroPaolo, in a protesto, which he presented on the 21st April 1862 against the two contending parties, asserted that the title belonged to him, for he contended, it was not annexed to the lands of Gomerino, but to the primogenitura founded by Beatrice Testaferrata and her predeceased husband Pietro Paolo (should read Paolo) Testaferrata, on the 7th March 1714, in the acts of Notary Benedetto Vassallo, of which primogenitura he was the possessor. Beatrice in fact, in a public instrument bearing date 5th November 1734, and received by Notary Tomaso Gatt, availing herself of the power given her by the sovereign, named to the succession of the title of Barone di Gomerino, her son Ercole Martino Testaferrata and his legitimate and natural children and descendents and annexed the present title to the possession of the primogenitura, in the following terms:- “Cum hac tamen conditione, quod praedictus titulus Baroniae Gomerini, ut supra, praedicto Don ErculiMartino ejus filio, suisque filiis et descendentibus datus et relaxatus, sit et esse debeat, cunctis futuris temporibus et in perpetuum, adjunctus datus et concessus ili filio seu filiae et descendenti, qui vel quae consequutus vel consequuta fueritPrimogenituram fundatam per praedictos dominos jugales De Testaferrata, in quodam donationis instrumento rogato in actis quondam Magnifici Benedicti Vassalli, sub die septima Martii Millesimi Septingentesimi decimi quarti.”
As the controversy between the two claimants may lead to litigation in our local courts, and as in our capacity of two of Her Majesty’s judges we may at some future time, be called upon to take cognizance of, and decide, the disputed claims of the aforesaid two gentlemen, we think it advisable not to express any opinion on their respective claims.
“Moreover, in order to deal properly with this question, it is necessary that the matter in dispute should be more or less minutely investigated before a Court of Judicature. It is for the foregoing reason that we did not ask the claimants to appear before us, to furnish necessary information. Consequently, in the list of titled gentlemen, which agreeably to the instructions we have received, will be appended to our present Report, no mention will be made of the claimants names; and in withholding our decision on their respective claims, we must add that the title of ‘Barone di Gomerino’ lawfully exists.”
It is unclear, at this stage, why the Commissioners excluded the possibility of any female being nominated to succeed to the title when the text cited by them allows for a succession by a female. Perhaps more remarkable is that elsewhere in their report the same Commissioners observed that at the time of the 1878 Commission, the primogenial descendent of Paolo and Beatrice Testaferrata was Alessandro Sceberras Testaferrata Damico Inguanezdescribed as “first-born descendent in the primogenial line of Paolo Testaferrata and Beatrice Cassia Baronessa diCastel Cicciano his wife, who by a deed of donation stipulated before notary Benedetto Vassallo, on the 8th February 1695, granted to Fabrizio Testaferrata their first-born son”.. (See:- “Correspondence and Report of the Commission appointed to enquire into the claims and grievances of the Maltese Nobility”, May 1878, presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (C.-2033.) (See Report Para. 106).
It appears, however that although the Commissioners actually acknowledged Alessandro Sceberras’s primogenialdescent from Paolo and Beatrice, they did not think this relevant in terms of the Gomerino grant.
Published sources show this title as having been conferred on Paolo and Beatrice with power given to them and their descendants of nominating a successor, and in failure of such nomination with automatic transmission to the first born descendant of the grantees. Moreover, the same published sources show succession to this title as commencing immediately after the death of Paolo Testaferrata, in favour of his eldest son Fabrizio Testaferrata who in turn nominated in 1744 his brother Ercole Martino from whom the claimants to this title descend. Unfortunately these publishes sources are incorrect.
What the published sources fail to mention is that Ercole Martino was invested in this title on the 1st May 1737 as Baron of Gomerino (National Library of Malta Collections. Archives of the Order Volume 541, f. 184-185) that is to say a full seven years before the published nomination by Fabrizio in favour of Ercole Martino.
The said investiture makes specific reference to the fact that it was being done in accordance with the 1710 grant and consequent to a deed made in the acts of Notary Thomaso Gatt of the 5th November 1734 (“Baronissa D. Beatrice ad hoc huoi Barones Titulum consequendum in actio Egregj Notarij Thoma Gatt miletenani, sub die v. novembris anni 1734, nominator, et electus, Nos, et Ordinem nostrum, sicut ). This implies that the grant of 1710 was affected by the terms of the 1734 deed. This deed found at the Archives of the Malta Notary to Government and Notarial Archives, in turn refers to a primogenitura founded on the 7th March 1714 by Paolo and Beatrice Tetaferrata in favour of Ercole Martino regarding certain properties. It appears that this would explain the Commissioners” ignoring the primogenial descent of said Alessandro Sceberras.
Nonetheless, this state of affairs poses a problem in determining succession from Paolo who was already dead by 1734. “Once the title was granted to both Paolo AND Beatrice, it would have been Fabritio’s right to succeed Paolo on the latter’s death. On the other hand, the surviving grantee Beatrice had made a deed with the younger son Ercole Martino. This deed would have been invalid had it not received the Sovereign’s sanction, it being a settled point of feudal law that titles of nobility cannot be alienated and conveyed to other persons by deed of transaction between private parties, and without the Sovereign’s sanction. Such sanction was, however, achieved in 1737.
It therefore follows that as at 1 May 1737, there were two valid Barons of Gomerino, one claiming under the 1710 grant, the other claiming under the 1737 investiture with reference to the 1734 and 1714 deeds. The same conclusion is arrived at when one considered that one barone was claiming under the joint grantee Paolo Testaferrata, whilst the other barone was claiming under the joint grantee Beatrice.
Thus Augusto Testaferrata Abela was validly claiming under the 1710 grant by a series of nominations commencing from Fabritio’s nomination made in 1744, whilst Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela Moroni was claiming under the 1734 grant by virtue of his primogenial descent from Ercole Martino. Both cases exclude Alessandro Sceberras from making any claim to the title(s) of Gomerino, therefore explaining why the Royal Commissioners did not think it fit to consider the latters position in regard to the title of 1710.
In any event and as predicted by the Commissioners, Augusto Testaferrata Abela (the plaintiff/attore) filed a court case against Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela Moroni (the defendant/convenuto), claiming that he was the rightful holder of the Gomerino title on the basis that he possessed the Gomerino property and that his rights stemmed from various nominations.
The Corte Civile di Sua Maesta Prim Aula 9 gennajo 1882 decided as follows (See Testaferrata Abela vs TestaferrataAbela Moroni (4 January 1882)):
1. That Paolo and Beatrice Testaferrata assigned the property of Gomerino to Fabrizio by means of a deed dated 1713 subjecting it to an earlier deed dated 1695 by which a primogenitura was set up in favour of Fabrizio con facolta di nominare trai figli maschi di ciascun possessore and that in 1714 the same parents set up a separate primogenituraof the lands Xbiex, Fauara and Landriet in favour of Ercole Martino. (The reference to the 1695 deed probably explains why the Royal Commissioners went on to say that no female may be nominated in this title.)
2. That the title of Gomerino was not annexed to the property of Gomerino: Che non fa quindi, che un manifesto errore quello di Francesco Testaferrata Abela, il quale, nell’atto di nomina dell’attore Augusto di lui fratello nel 1861, qualicava il titolo di Barone come annesso al giardino del Gomerino quello di Pietro Paolo Testaferrata, il quale, nell’attodi nomina del detto Francesco suo figlio nel 1829, qualicava nello stesso modo la concessione e, cio, che e piu strano, l’errore di Don Fabrizio Testaferrata, figlio primogenito diBeatrice, il quale nel suo testamento del 1744, fatto soli trentaquattro anni dopo che fu spedita la Bolla di concessione, aveva asserito, che sul giardino del Gomerino era imposto iltitolo baroniale.
3. That the investiture of 1737 did not tantamount o a change to the 1710 grant: Che il convenuto ha tentato di fare la prova che la condizione imposta da Beatrice nellanomina di Ercole sia stata approvata e confermata dall’ assenso Sovrano, il quale avrebbe sanata la nullita producendo copia di una Bolla del 1mo maggio 1737, a fol. 45, data del Gran Maestro Despuig, successore del Gran Maestro Perellos. Questo documento non e altro, che il solito atto di investitura, simile ad altri, che trovansi registrati nella Cancelleria, e che ogni nuovo titolato era obbligato di ottenere per mantenersi nel possesso del feudo. E siccome Ercole Martino succedeva nel titolo, non con dritto di primogenitor, ma come nominato dalla madre Beatrice, era necessario che si rendesse noto al Principe, l’atto di nomina, onde fosse attenuta da lui l’investitura; ma la menzione fatta nell’investitura delloatto del 5 novembre 1734, presso Notar Tommaso Gatt, non aveva altro oggetto che di dimostrare il titolo di dettoErcole, utpote a memorata Baronissa Beatrice ad hoc hujusmodi Baronis titulum consequendum nominatuset electus; Che e di regola, che l’allusione, che in un documento si fa ad un altro precedente, s’intende fatta per l’oggetto soltanto, per cui il primo sara emanato; e siccome la menzione del contratto in atti Gatt e stata fatta per dimostrare al Principe, che Ercole Martino era stato effettivamente nominato, e quindi intotolato all’investituraper il suo interesse personale soltanto; e non risultando che sia stata intenzione sua di chiedere ed ottenere la conferma e l’approvazzione della altra parti dell’ atto, la pretesa conferma del Sovrano manca di qualunque base
4. That there was no proof that Augusto Testaferrata Abela or his predecessors ever assented to the deed of 1734: Che daltronde non si e fatta alcuna prova, che l’attore e ilsuo nominante Francesco, benche’ eredi mediate di Beatrice abbiano mai approvato la condizione imposta dalla stess nel contratto del 1734
5. That the reckoning of eligible successors of the title is made not with reference to the possessor of such title, but with reference to the descent from the original grantees:Che nella parte principale della Bolla il titolo e’ accordato a Paolo e Beatrice, et uni ex omnibus et singulis eorumdem successoribus, de suis corporibus legittime et naturaliterdescendendentibus; e nella facolta’ di nominare ad ogni possessore in persona terza, tribuentes, vi si dice, unum ex dictis eorum descendentibus. Ora non essendosinella Bolla adoperato il prenome possessive suis, il quale si riferisce ad una persona, che appartiene al soggettodel verbo, ma il dimostrativo eorum, il quale non si puo’ riferire al detto soggetto, perche in tale caso si sarebbedetto unum ex descendentibus suis, necessariamente il vocabole descendentibus dovra ritenersi ad altrepersone, che non potevano essere, che i primi acquirenti.
6. That the nomination of Augusto Testaferrata Abela stemming from Fabrizio Testaferrata was valid: Chenon e’ diffettosa la nomina nel titolo, per parte di Pietro Paolo Testaferrata e di Francesco, perche’ nella stessa si e’ ritenuto essere il detto titolo annesso al giardino del Gomerino, e la nomina e’ stata fatta nel giardino coll’annessovi titolo baronale, siccome risulta bastantamente della intenzione dei detti Pietro Paolo e Francesco di nominare la stessa persona, e nel possesso del Giardino, e nel titolo; molto piu’ che questa era la volonta’ di Fabrizio Testaferrata, primogenito di Paolo e Beatrice, espressa nel di lui testamento del 12 agosto 1744, nelquale diceva che anche questa era la volonta’ dei detti di lui genitori, primi acquirenti del titolo
7. In conclusion, the court decided that: Che premessi i motivi nella presente enunciate, ne consegue che Pietro Paolo Testaferrata, il quale posssedeva insieme e la primogenitura, fondata da Beatrice di lui ascendente, ed insieme il titolo di Barone del Gomerino, accordato dal Principe alla detta Beatrice, poteva legittimamente, come ha fatto,nominare nell primogenitura l’unico figlio di secondo matrimonio, Giuseppe, padre del convenuto, e nel titolo uno dei figli di terzo letto, Francesco, e che questi poteva nominarel’attore, di lui fratello, per le facolta accordate dal Sovrano nell’atto di concessione del titolo, nonostante il possesso del titolo dal possesso della primogenitura
Although this judgment clarified the above issues, it did not consider what the position was during the seven year period 1737-1744 when there were 2 barones, namely a barone of Gomerino (Fabrizio) and a barone who was invested pursuant to the Testaferrata Primogenitura of 1714 (Ercole Martino).
Moreover, if Ercole Martino was already invested in 1737, there was no need for his brother to nominate him in 1744. It is therefore strange why Mr. Justice Filippo Pullicino justified the nominations leading to Augusto with reference to Fabrizio’s will of 1744 when the court was aware that said Ercole Martino was already in possession of the title. This consideration appears to permit the possessor of the latter primogenitura to stake a valid claim to a title of barone being distinct from that granted in 1710.
In any event, the outcome of the said judgment concerns the validity of the nominations leading up to the plaintiff. It cannot be said that the judgment has any bearing on the general remainder of the (main) title granted in 1710.
Today it is no longer possible to effect any nomination. In the Gieh ir-Repubblika Act (ACT XXIX of 1975), the lawdictates that it is “the duty of every public officer or authority, and of every body established or recognised by law and of every member thereof, to refrain from recognising in any way, and from doing anything which could imply recognition of, any title of nobility”. A similar duty is imposed in regard to other foreign honours which have not obtained approval by the local authorities. By reason of this ACT, it is therefore legally impossible (an offence?) for any notary to receive an instrument by which somebody can be “nominated” to succeed a title simply because such nomination would be made contrary to law. It therefore reasonable to assert that it is impossible for any “possessor” of the aforesaid title to make use of the faculty to nominate a successor.
It follows that one may disregard any “nomination” purportedly made at any time after 1975, and instead follow the general remainder of the grant.
According to the Code de Rohan of 1783, a primogeniture is a regular individual entail consisting of chattels which devolved from first-born to first-born in the descendental line. It can pass on to collaterals, the determining criteria operating in the following order: line (the first line excluding all the others), degree (the closer degree of relationship excluding the remoter) sex (the male sex being preferred to the female), and age (the elder being preferred to the younger). Accordingly, it follows that regardless of any nominations that may have been made in the meantime, in terms of the grant made out to Paolo Testaferrata and Beatrice Testaferrata, any succession happening after 1975 should be reckoned in accordance with primogeniture. However, given the complexities of the 1734 investiture, it is unclear at this stage the primogenial descendant is that person descending as the primogenial descendant from the original grantees or the barone who holds the Testaferrata 1714 primogenitura.
Who is the rightful Baron of Gomerino? .
Who is the rightful Baron of Gomerino? The title of Baron of Gomerino was granted by Grand Master Perellos, by patent, jointly to Paolo and Beatrice Testaferrata on the 24 December 1710, and to one of their male or female descendents, with power to each holder of the title to name his successor:
They were invested in that title on the 10 January 1711. Reference A.O.M. 514, ff. 129v-134v. Succession to the title was not complete until the successor was invested.
1st May 1737 saw the installment of Ercole Martino Testaferrata as second holder of the title of originally created in favour of his parents. The formal act of investiture reads that this was done after a contract was made before Notary Tommaso Gatt of the 5 November 1734 when the original cograntee Beatrice attached the title of Baron of Gomerino to the Testaferrata primogenitura. Morti li di Paolo, Testaferrata e Beatrice Cassia Coniugi, il Nobe D. Ercole Martino Testaferrata come figlio legmo e naturale di essi, e percio discendente dalla med. Beatrice, nominato a questa Baronia in atti del Notaro Tommaso Gatt sotto li 5 9bre 1734 prese l’investitura e presto’ il giuramo di fedelta Sotto il primo Maggio 1737. f. 184p
This investiture is not even mentioned in Debrett’s and Burke’s. Instead they indicate Ercole Martino only as the third holder, and say that he “succeeded” his elder brother Fabritio by nomination in this title in 1744. Debrett’s and Burke’s also wrongly indicate Fabritio as the second holder of this title.
This confusion can easily be explained. In 1713 Beatrice and Paolo passed the Gomerino property onto their eldest son Fabritio. However, Fabritio was never invested in the title of Gomerino and in 1744 Ercole Martino the property of Gomerino by virtue of Fabritio’s will. Debrett’s and Burke’s overlook the fact that by 1744 Ercole Martino had already been installed as Baron since 1737.
The Testaferrata primogenitura and the property of Gomerino eventually went their separate ways in 1827.
In time the owners of the property of Gomerino were enumerated as the barons, but as explained above their claim is not backed by the 1737 investiture. For this reason, they can no longer be considered as valid successors of the title of Barone di Gomerino.
* Titles of Baron of Gomerino (Baron Testaferrata and Baronial fief of Gomerino)
The title Barone di Gomerino is a title of Nobility in Malta. Having been granted in 1710, it is the premier extant title of “Barone” which was conferred by the Grandmasters of the Order of Saint John during their rule over the Maltese Islands. It is remarkable especially because it was granted jointly to two persons, one of whom being a woman namely Paolo and Beatrice Testaferrata.
A barony is a title of nobility which is created by a King or Fons Honorum. On the other hand, a fief consists of property granted at the pleasure of the King. In Malta some fiefs were regarded as noble fiefs and the holder of such a noble fief would therefore be called a “Baron” in accordance with local custom.
This title was affected by the 19th century controversy regarding the 1737 investiture in favour of Ercole Martino Testaferrata. The 1737 investiture is documented in the archives of the Order, but is not acknowledged by the publications approved by the Committee of Privileges of the Maltese Nobility (today a private body). Instead of the 1737 investiture, that Committee publishes a succession of 1713 and a testamentary nomination of 1744. Paolo died in 1714 and Beatrice circa 1734-1737.
Since 1975, titles of nobility are no longer recognized in the Republic of Malta by Act 29 of 1975 dated 17 October 1975.
In considering the competing claims made in regard to the title of Barone di Gomerino, a 19th century Commission found that it was created by Grand Master Perellos, by a patent dated 24th December 1710, and granted to Paolo Testaferrata and Beatrice Cassia, his wife, with succession to one of their legitimate and natural descendents for ever and that . the Grand Master gave to the said Paolo and Beatrice Testaferrata Cassia, and to all and each of the holders of the title of “Barone di Gomerino” in perpetuum, the power of nominating to the succession of the title one of their male descendents at their will and pleasure, and on failure of such nomination it was provided that the title should descend to their first-born child. The subjoined is an extract from the original diploma registered in the Government Cancelleria.: Praefeatos Paulum et Beatricem et post eosdem, omni futuro tempore et in perpetuum, unum ex omnibus et singulis eorumdem successoribus de suis corporibus legitime et naturaliter descendentibus, semper Baronis Gomerini titulo decoarus et insignimus, et barones creamus et constituimus……Tribuentes iisdem Paulo et Beatrice omnibusque ac singulis aliis qui omni futuro tempore ax in perpetuum titulo ac prerogativa Baronis Gomerini fruentur, facoltatem nominandi et eligendi unum ex dictis eorum descendentibus sive marem sive foeminanam, ad ipsorumet libitum et beneplacitum, pro hujusmodi titulo Baronis Gomerini consequendo et adipiscendo, dictaque nominatione et electione minime facta, ex tunc censeatur per eosdem eorumque singulos barones, nominatus et electus ipsorum Primogenitus, nisi eri ad Sacros Ordines promotus et in Religione professus et in defectu marium foemina primogenita.”
Gomerino is the name of certain lands situated in Malta: they were granted originally as a noble fief by Frederick King of Sicily to Guglielmo Surdo, and after having been purchased by Grand Master Fr. Giovanni La Valette, they were again conferred in allodium by Grand Master Fr. Alosio Wignacourt on Gio. Maria Cassia. This allodial property eventually came to be held by Gio Maria’s grand daughter Beatrice. In 1713, Beatrice passed the property onto her eldest son Fabrizio who had already succeeded his mother in the title of Barone di Castel Cicciano by means of a private transaction which received Royal assentin 1695.
By means of 2 decrees dated 1725, Fabrizio and his widowed mother were allowed the titles of Illustrissimo and Nobile.
The first enactment reads as follows:-
Per I Titoli – Prammatica – S.A. Srma Padrone in virtu’ della presente Prammatica, perpetuo valitura, volendo rimediare agli abusi, et inconvenienti da qualche tempo a questa parte introdotti in materia di Titoli, ordina e comanda che da oggi in avanti nessun Avvocato, Notaro, et Attuario di questo nostro dominio, ardisca dare il Titolo di Illustrissimo, ne’ di Nobile, nelle scritture, contratti, ed atti pubblici, a veruno dei nostri Vassalli, eccettuato il Capitano della Verga pro tempore, e li due Magistrati delle nostre Citta’ Notabile e Valletta, et il Milite Barone Marc Antonio Inguanez nostro Feudatorio, con la Baronessa sua consorte, e loro discendenti, sotto pena, in caso di contravvenzione, in quant’ alli Avvocati di sospensione, ed in quanto alli Notari et Attuarj della prescrizione dell’ officio, et altre pene arbitrarie a detta A. Serma. Die XXX mensis Aprilis 1725, data et pubta. fuit, et ego pns Prammatica in locis pubblicis, solitis et consuentis, Has Civitates Vallette Victoriose Sengle et Burmule sono Tubi, Populi parte congregata audiente, et intelligente, Actuario Hujus Mag. Cur Castelle legente, et Jose Vella Precone, alta et intelligibile voce preconizante, unde:-
The second enactment reads as follows:-
S.A. Sema Padrone, ordine e commanda che nella suddetta Prammatica s’intendono pure eccetuati il Barone di Cicciano, D. Fabrizio Testaferrata e la Baronessa del Gomerino D. Beatrice Cassia Testaferrata sua madre, e tutti i suoi figli maschi e femmine, con loro mariti e legittimi discendenti. Oggi li 11 Maggio 1725. Ita referent. – F.N. Nalvanus de Vajus, AUD
Thus although in 1725 Fabrizio was already in possession of the Gomerino property, the Grand Master did not regard him as being the holder of the title of “Barone di Gomerino”. Conversely as the title was merely honorific, it did not give rise to any right of possession of the fief called Gomerino. In fact, neither Grand Master Vilhena nor Grand Master Depuig regarded Fabrizio as the titleholder.
The Commissioners did not reach any decision on the competing claims to this title. However, in his summation of the Commissioners’ Report, the British Secretary of State wrote that each of the titles considered is either personal to the holder of a fief, or descends in order of primogeniture so as to be held only by the eldest male descendant. This would mean that in the case of Baron of Gomerino the title descends in order of primogeniture so as to be held only by the eldest male descendant.
In 1734, the widowed Beatrice in a public instrument bearing date 5th November 1734, and received by Notary Tomaso Gatt, availing herself of the power given her by the sovereign, named to the succession of the title of Barone di Gomerino, her son Ercole Martino Testaferrata and his legitimate and natural children and descendents and annexed the present title to the possession of the primogenitura, in the following terms:- “Cum hac tamen conditione, quod praedictus titulus Baroniae Gomerini, ut supra, praedicto Don Erculi Martino ejus filio, suisque filiis et descendentibus datus et relaxatus, sit et esse debeat, cunctis futuris temporibus et in perpetuum, adjunctus datus et concessus ili filio seu filiae et descendenti, qui vel quae consequutus vel consequuta fuerit Primogenituram fundatam per praedictos dominos jugales De Testaferrata, in quodam donationis instrumento rogato in actis quondam Magnifici Benedicti Vassalli, sub die septima Martii Millesimi Septingentesimi decimi quarti.” The deed dated 7 March 1714 refers to the Testaferrata Ta’ Xbiex primogenitura.
In fact Ercole Martino was by Royal Assent of Grand Master Despuig invested in the title of Gomerino on the 1 May 1737. The said investiture makes specific reference to the fact that it was being done in accordance with the 1710 grant and consequent to a deed made in the acts of Notary Thomaso Gatt of the 5th November 1734 (“Baronissa D. Beatrice ad hoc huoi Barones Titulum consequendum in actio Egregj Notarij Thoma Gatt miletenani, sub die v. novembris anni 1734, nominator, et electus, Nos, et Ordinem nostrum, sicut ). This is the first time a Magistral title was made subjected to a private entail. A similar position obtained in 1745 when the then Grand Master Pinto subjected the succession of the title of Conte della Catena to a private entail.
As seen above, notwithstanding the private nomination made by Notarized deed in 1734, Ercole Martino had to be later formally invested in the title in order to succeed the title. It follows that although a power of nomination is contemplated by the 1710 grant, the use of this power is ineffective unless it receives Royal Assent. In the context of the Commissioners’ Report, the title of Gomerino is the only Magistral title created with a power of nomination, where such power was actually made use of during the Government of the Order of Saint John.
In terms of the general 1739 legislation (Despuig), it follows that all of Ercole Martino’s male-to-male descendants (“Il discendente per linea mascolina”) were made automatically entitled to a precedence.
By virtue of the later general legislation of 1795 (Rohan) the Barone di Gomerino and his agnate descendants were to rank before the holder of any title created after 1710 and respective descendants. Therefore, it follows that the Barone di Gomerinoranks before the Conte della Bahria(created in 1743), Marchese di Scriop el Hagin(1776) and the Marchese di Ghajn Kajet (1796) even though all the latter titles purport a higher rank. The same position holds in regard to the respective male-to-male descendants.
Grand Master Rohan is also credited with codifying various laws in Malta. Amongst these, we find in the Code enacted in 1783 which states that the determining criteria of primogeniture in Malta operate in the following order:- Line (the first line excluding all the others), Degree (the closer degree of relationship excluding the remoter) Sex (the male sex being preferred to the female), and Age (the elder being preferred to the younger).
After the Capitulation of the Order of Saint John the new French Rulers formally abolished all titles of nobility. A total of 3 general orders were made to this effect. The French in turn lost Malta in 1800 when the Commander in Chief Vaubois surrendered to His Britannic Majesty. On the 30 May 1814 (Treaty of Paris) it was stipulated that the island of Malta and its dependencies belong in full right and sovereignty to his Britannic majesty.
In time, the use of nobiliary titles was resumed. However, it appears that the unregulated and improper use of titles of nobility and other honours was tolerated by the local authorities who were themselves found to be at fault for encouraging such improper use. Throughout this period, a group known as the Assembly of Maltese Nobles is known to have functioned at this time but it did not enjoy any official role.
In 1876, the British Secretary of State for the Colonies commissioned a report on those titles alleged to have been conferred to Maltese families before the annexation of Malta to the British Dominions, namely 1800. The Commissioners’ Report and Supplemental Report were published in 1878 together with relative correspondence.
To facilitate the preparation of the report, an “ad hoc” Committee of Nobles was requested to provide a list of claimants. In that list, two individuals are named as holding the same title of “Barone di Gomerino”, namely Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela Moroni and Augusto Testaferrata Abela. This listing which does not indicate any competition between the two, is at variance with that published in 1870 by the Marchese Giorgio Crispo Barbaro in his “Maltese Nobility and the Maltese Gentry holding Foreign Titles” where only Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela Moroni is described as the holder of the title of Barone di Gomerino.
In the committee list, Pietro Paolo only claimed under the creation dated 1710, whilst Augusto claimed under a creation dated 1317 and another dated 1710.
The Commissioners did not interview either claimant but described the bases of the respective claims.
In the first place, Pietro Paolo’s was the first born son in the primogenial line of Paolo and Beatrice Testaferrata. Secondly that the title belonged to him also because he was the holder of the entail to which Beatrice had annexed the baronial title.
Augusto’s claim was that he was the possessor of the garden and lands of Gomerino. Secondly because he was appointed to the title by Francesco by a testament published on the 12 January 1861.
It resulted that this issue first arose in 1861. In that year 1861 a suit to the succession to the lands of Gomerino was instituted in the civil courts of these islands by Ettore Testaferrata against Augusto his brother, after the death of the last possessor of those lands, Francesco, their common brother. The court gave judgment in favour of Augusto, who was thereby put in possession of the lands of Gomerino, but no decision was delivered as to the title, which was claimed by Ettore as annexed to the lands of Gomerino. Whilst the cause between the two brothers was pending, Giuseppe Testaferrata, father of Pietro Paolo, in a protesto, which he presented on the 21st April 1862 against the two contending parties, asserted that the title belonged to him, for he contended, it was not annexed to the lands of Gomerino, but to the primogenitura founded by Beatrice Testaferrata and her predeceased husband Paolo Testaferrata, on the 7th March 1714, in the acts of Notary Benedetto Vassallo, of which primogenitura he was the possessor.
Presented with these different claims, the Commissioners thought that the matter will reach the courts. They therefore thought it fit not to ask the claimants to appear before them. Consequently neither Pietro Paolo nor Augusto appeared on the list of approved title holders.
As predicted by the Commissioners the matter was taken to Court. In fact Augusto Testaferrata Abela filed a case against Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela Moroni claiming that he was the rightful holder of the Gomerino title on the basis that he possessed the Gomerino property and that his rights stemmed from various nominations.
A decision of the Corte Civile di Sua Maesta Prim Aula on the 9 January 1882 upheld Augusto’s claim to the title of Baron of Gomerino in the sense that it upheld a series of private nominations of the lands of Gomerino, stemming from the aforesaid Fabrizio Testaferrata to Ercole Martino in 1744 down to Augusto Testaferrata Abela in 1861. Effectively the Court upheld the argument that a title could be willed away. Moreover, the court dismissed the 1737 investiture as irrelevant.
As a result of this decision, genealogies published after 1882 started enumerating Fabrizio Testaferrata as the 2nd Barone, without any reference whatsoever to the 1737 investiture and its circumstances. With the exception of Montalto’s publication, it appears that published histories of the title repeat the same omission but there is good reason to omitting it because had the 1737 investiture been published, the supposed 1713 succession and subsequent 1744 nominaton would be ‘Non sequitur’. In his publication 20 years later, Ruvigny appears unaware of the 1737 transmission. However, in principle he would have criticized the court’s decision because he maintained that whereas land could come into possession of illegitimate children or be willed away, on the other hand the right to title of Nobility could only descend by primogeniture.
The first controversy is that the 1882 judgment is historically inaccurate. Fabrizio was not regarded by two contemporary Grand Masters, or even his mother, as the holder of the title of Barone di Gomerino created in 1710. This results from the 1725 decree, the deed of 1734 and the investiture of 1737.
The second controversy is that the 1737 investiture was never annulled. In the case of Barone di Buleben the Royal Commissioners found that the formula of the oath for the 25 April 1778 investiture of Calcedonio Azzopardi in that title after succeeding the entail described in that decree, was afterwards, together with the petition, the decree, and the document, therein inserted, cancelled, as appears from the original records in the Cancelleria. On the other hand, in the case of Barone di Gomerino there is no such cancellation of the record of the 1 May 1737 investiture of Ercole Martino Testaferrata in that title after succeeding the entail described in that decree. Therefore the 1737 transmission remains historically valid and relevant.
The third controversy is that there are two titles, not one. Although the judgment was adverse to Pietro Paolo Testaferrata Abela Moroni in 1882, it is equally true that the title was succeeded by Ercole Martino in 1737. It follows therefore that there are in effect two titles of the same name, one (or “Barone Testaferrata”) which was held by Ercole Martino in 1737 as successor to his mother and another (or “Baronial fief of Gomerino”) which was held by the same Ercole Martino in 1744 as nominated successor to his brother Fabrizio in the lands of Gomerino. In effect, the 1744 transmission would not be referring to the 1710 title but to the original allodial fief originally granted Gio. Maria Cassia by Grand Master La Valette.
The fourth controversy stems from the argument that the title of Barone di Gomerino may be willed away. The Royal Commission did not make any specific pronouncements or conclusions about the validity of certain 19th century nominations claimed before them but did make a general observation that private transactions cannot have the effect of explaining, construing or extending a title of nobility, and that the power can only proceed from the Crown. This view was shared by the British administration which ruled that no public officer, not even a Secretary of State, had the power of conferring titles of honour, for which the personal sanction of the sovereign in each case is necessary; and even assuming such acts to have been done by British officials with full knowledge that the titles were non-existent, their want of power would prevent these acts of supposed recognition from having the slightest effect. Moreover, in his summation of the Commissioners’ Report, the British Secretary of State only considered two modalities of succession and nomination was not one of these. This view is shared by Ruvigny who maintained that whereas land could come into possession of illegitimate children or be willed away, on the other hand the right to title of Nobility could only descend by primogeniture.
The fifth controversy would arise if it is established that the property held by Fabrizio in 1713 was in fact a noble fief which would therefore entitle the holder to the personal title of Baron. Since 1969, the holding of properties in fief in Malta has been revoked by law. However, provision is made in that law in the sense that nothing therein ‘affects any title of nobility’, thereby ensuring a statutory exception to the automatic extinction of a nobiliary title in the event of an extinction of the fief to which the title refers. Thus although the fief of “Gomerino” was extinguished in 1969 and thereafter held like any other property, the title (on the assumption that the fief was in fact a noble fief) remained protected. An examination of the genealogy shows that in 1969 the then holder of the fief was Adriana Maria Testaferrata Abela, (1907-2002), who therefore remained in possession of the personal title by reason of that legal provision. However, this consideration alone does not render a personal title transmissible to future possessors of the erstwhile fief.The resolution of this question would give rise to another; If the title is deemed transmissible, should descend according to the rule of primogeniture, or should it “follow” the ownership of the property.
For the purposes of precedence amongst the Nobility in Malta, in terms of the the 1739 and 1795 legislations combined, the holder of the title of Barone di Gomerinowould rank according to antiquity of creation. This title being the first of those created by the Grand Masters would outrank all other titles. However in view of the fact that the Commissioners ante-dated the titles of Barone di Djar il-Bniet et Bucana and Barone di Ghariescem et Tabiato the year 1350 and 1638 respectively it follows that the holder of the title of Barone di Gomerinoranks after these.
The limited use of the title “The Most Illustrious and Noble” was first regulated in Malta in 1725 and was extended by the Grand Masters to only some families, not necessarily titled-families. However, this title was considered unacceptable to the British authorities who opined it could only be borne by Princes of the blood Royal. A compromise was reached allowing the introduction of the style “The Most Noble” on the premise that all title holders were entitled to the title. Thus, as from the year 1886, the holder of the title of Barone di Gomerino became entitled to be styled “The Most Noble”. On the one hand, this was unnecessary in regard to Gomerino because the Baronessa di Gomerino Beatrice Testaferrata’s descendants were already entitled to the title of “The Most Illustrious and Noble” by reason of the aforesaid decree dated 1725.
The British Colonial administration also allowed presumed successors of titles of nobility, the diminutive style of the respective titles, in this case Baroncino di Gomerino. But the Colonial administration did not allow any legal right to the use of these styles.
Other descendants of the various holders of this title are by custom entitled to be styled dei Baroni di Gomerino. Again, the Colonial administration did not allow any legal right to the use of this style.
Since 1950, succession by entail was abolished in Malta by Act 12 of 1950 dated 5 May 1950.
Since 1969, succession by fief was abolished in Malta by Act 30 of 1969 dated 21 November, 1969. Provision is made in that law that nothing shall affect any title of nobility, and the laws in force concerning any such titles shall continue to have effect.
Since 1975, a general duty is imposed in the Republic of Malta not to recognize any title of nobility. (Act 29 of 1975 dated 17 October 1975). However, in his 1992 publication Gauci reproduces a Presidential instrument dated 1989 indicating that the title of the head of the Gomerino line was in fact acknowledged by the Republic.
1. Grant of title of Barone di Gomerino by Grand Master Perellos to Paolo Testaferrata and his wife Beatrice Cassia on the 24 December 1710 (Recorded in the Archives of the Order, National Library, Malta Ref. AOM 514, ff. 129v-134v,)
2. Investiture of Ercole Martino Testaferrata in the title of Barone di Gomerino by Grand Master Despuig on the 1st May 1737 (Recorded in the Archives of the Order, National Library, Malta Ref. AOM 541, f. 184r) with reference to a deed received by Notary Tomaso Gatt dated 5th November 1734;
3. Deed dated 5th November 1734 received by Notary Tomaso Gatt
4. Donation in favour of Fabrizio Testaferrata dated 1713
5. Will of Fabrizio Testaferrata dated 1744;
6. Judgment of the Civil Court, 9 January 1882
* The Barons Testaferrata (1710 and 1737)
This gateway in Gzira, Malta, marks the primogenial lands of the Baron Testaferrata. Another gate in the vicinity was demolished in the last quarter of the 20thcentury.
On the 1 May 1737, Grand Master Despuig invested Ercole Martino Testaferrata in the honorific barony of Gomerino originally created in favour of his parents Paolo and Beatrice Testaferrata, jointly, by Grand Master Perellos on the 24 December 1710. The investiture took place after Ercole Martino received the lands of Gzira and Ta’ Xbiex. (See National Library of Malta Collections – Archives of the Order Volume 541, f. 184r).
The investiture was made with reference to a private deed dated 1734 between Beatrice and Ercole Martino, which in turn refers to a primogenitura established in 1714.
However, many publications state that Ercole Martino only succeeded the title of Gomerino seven years later in 1744, following the death of his elder brother Fabrizio who died without any male issue. It appears that the reason why other publications show Fabrizio as having succeeded the aforesaid title in 1713 is because he did receive the property of Gomerino in that year and subsequently passed that property on to his younger brother in 1744.
In the 19th century the Gomerino property was passed on to the junior line of the family.
There are therefore two lines of succession of this honorific title: The primogenial male line (the “Barons Testaferrata”) which holds the primogenial property and claims succession from Paolo and Beatrice to Ercole Martino; and the junior line (the “Barons of Gomerino”) which holds the property of Gomerino and claims succession from Paolo and Beatrice to Fabrizio to Ercole Martino.
The Testaferrata family, which claims descent from the Longobard Prince Pandulph the Iron Head (Capodiferro) of Benevento, received foreign grants of untitled nobility (patriciates) in Messina and Rome in 1553 and 1590, long before other Maltese families first received any patents or “recognitions”. Most of the Maltese nobility who descend through female lines from the Testaferratas have claimed these Testaferrata patriciates.
In addition, Beatrice had also brought into this family the foreign barony of Castel Cicciano (Naples) which she had relinquished, by Royal Assent, in favour of her son Fabrizio in 1695.
In 1725, Beatrice and her son Fabrizio and their descendants were granted by Grand Master Vilhena the right of “Most Illustrious and Noble”. In that grant, Beatrice is described as the Baroness of Gomerino whilst Fabrizio was only referred to as the Baron of Castel Cicciano. There are no contemporary records of Fabrizio ever succeeding the title of Baron of Gomerino.
Ercole Martino’s other brother Pier Giacomo Testaferrata was a member of the Order of Saint John and held a Commandery within the German Langue. In 1739, he also received the untitled nobility of Citta’ del Castello.
Another line of the Testaferrata family received the foreign titles of Marchese di San Vincenzo Ferreri in 1716 (Kingdom of Naples) and Marchese Testaferrata in 1717 (Kingdom of Sicily). And in 1637, the untitled nobility of the Holy Roman Empire